

HeimHeim / Blog / Podcast-Netzwerk

Sep 23, 2023


In einer Zeit, in der Bildschirme unsere Zeit dominieren, geht es darum, Ihre persönliche Identität zu finden

In an era where screens dominate our time, finding your personal identity becomes a challenge. Our generation is shaping itself based on an increasingly virtual world, often losing touch with the inner self. In fact, a recent study suggests that we could end up spending at least ten years of our life in front of […]

In an era where screens dominate our time, finding your personal identity becomes a challenge. Our generation is shaping itself based on an increasingly virtual world, often losing touch with the inner self. In fact, a recent study suggests that we could end up spending at least ten years of our life in front of […]

Shoptalk Europe 2023 brought the technologies and channels driving the future of retail into a clear perspective. This year's annual event from May 9-11 in Barcelona allowed Retail Refined's Melissa Gonzalez to sit down with key stakeholders making a difference in the market. COS (Collection of Style) is a European fashion brand doing innovative things […]

Within the world of business aviation, accessing the cloud in the clouds, Are We There Yet? To answer this question, Host Grant Harrell looks to SmartSky Networks, an industry-leading organization that has established a next-generation air-to-ground (ATG) network that provides an unmatched connected experience inflight for both cabin and crew. SmartSky Networks’ patented beam-forming […]

Consumers have multiple choices in spending their dollars, and today's consumers invest in companies and brands that align with their values and needs. Buying into Better™ is more than a concept or a trend; it's the way of the present in how consumers channel their purchasing behavior. Brands don't get judged on their quality alone. […]

Inflation continues to be something consumers have to deal with on a very regular basis. In addition, debt is burden that people from all walks of life have to contend with. So, when it comes to both of these issues, how can debt recovery agencies manage collections, their interactions with consumers, and work within new […]

Join ISA Certified Arborist Wesley from TreeNewal as he provides a quick insight into the appearance and impact of bagworms on trees. In this informative video, Wesley showcases an eastern red cedar, which is highly attractive to these pests. Bagworms create camouflaged cocoons using materials from the tree itself, such as berries and foliage. […]

Shoptalk Europe 2023 brought the technologies and channels driving the future of retail into a clear perspective. This year's annual event from May 9-11 in Barcelona allowed Retail Refined's Melissa Gonzalez to sit down with key stakeholders making a difference in the market. COS (Collection of Style) is a European fashion brand doing innovative things […]

The PGA Tour, LIV Golf, and DP World Tour have announced their merger, putting an end to the conflict that has dominated sports business news for the past 18 months. This merger is expected to bring more financial opportunities, increased accessibility for fans, and a variety of golf events. It is seen as a […]

Within the world of business aviation, accessing the cloud in the clouds, Are We There Yet? To answer this question, Host Grant Harrell looks to SmartSky Networks, an industry-leading organization that has established a next-generation air-to-ground (ATG) network that provides an unmatched connected experience inflight for both cabin and crew. SmartSky Networks’ patented beam-forming […]

Ensuring good air quality for your building can be quite a task. In recent years, indoor air quality, or IAQ, has been a priority for building management. But with the proper tools and knowledge one can discover the best ways to improve IAQ, and save money while still investing in modern and effective implementations. What […]

On this episode of 10 Minutes to a Better Building, host Michelle Dawn Mooney talks with Katie Kimmel, Account Executive at Boland, and Matt Hinkle, Controls Technician at Boland. The topic at hand are open controls systems, which allow building owners more choice and options when it comes to maintenance and assistance. Katie describes open […]

Educating service shops, building owners, engineers, salespersons, and other people in the industry is a point of pride for Boland. Their professional development classes give folks knowledge and training on the equipment they work on or have in their buildings. Del Johnson, Special Project Leader at Boland, spoke with Tyler Kern about the program's many […]

Educating service shops, building owners, engineers, salespersons, and other people in the industry is a point of pride for Boland. Their professional development classes give folks knowledge and training on the equipment they work on or have in their buildings. Del Johnson, Special Project Leader at Boland, spoke with Tyler Kern about the program's many […]

Educating service shops, building owners, engineers, salespersons, and other people in the industry is a point of pride for Boland. Their professional development classes give folks knowledge and training on the equipment they work on or have in their buildings. Del Johnson, Special Project Leader at Boland, spoke with Tyler Kern about the program's many […]

Building owners and property managers may be familiar with the various rebates and programs associated with equipment within the scope of their buildings. Still, there are other utility incentives available that aren't as known. Emily Herchenroeder, Energy Solutions Team Leader at Boland, joined Tyler Kern to shed more light on some of those other utility […]

Facilities managers know that contingency planning is necessary for any effective building operation. Part of those contingencies is access to rental services. John Finucan, Senior Rental Project Executive at Boland, joined host 10 Minutes to a Better Building host Tyler Kern to talk about the importance of rental services. Finucan is the ideal expert to […]

Living, working, and recreational environments can make all the difference when it comes to your health, mood, and wellbeing. Host Tyler Kern spoke with Tom Lattomus, Controls Account Executive at Boland, about the WELL Building Certification, which affords business owners the opportunity to positively impact these environments to improve health. The WELL Building Certification […]

Living, working, and recreational environments can make all the difference when it comes to your health, mood, and wellbeing. Host Tyler Kern spoke with Tom Lattomus, Controls Account Executive at Boland, about the WELL Building Certification, which affords business owners the opportunity to positively impact these environments to improve health. The WELL Building Certification […]

Brad Snodgrass, global account manager at Boland Trane, explained to Host Tyler Kern about modular chillers’ benefits and how Boland works with customers to ensure an upgrade is the right move for them. Instead of the traditional physically separated chillers, modular chillers have one point of electrical connection with a factory control component—this means a […]

"The HVAC industry right now is dealing with the same issues that virtually every other industry is facing at the moment," Alexis said. Over the past year and a half, the pandemic caused numerous issues to the supply chain. The Biden Administration is pushing for relief, but it looks like problems will exist through […]

On this episode of 10 Minutes To A Better Building, Host Tyler Kern talked with Jason Lawrence, Ductless Technical Specialist at Boland Trane, which provides HVAC solutions and a network of more than 360 locations throughout the United States and Canada. They dove into VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow), the ins and outs, and when VRF […]

"Through the ability to do analytics and, as well as demographic identification through surveillance systems, leveraging security systems to help retail organizations identify customers, identify patterns of purchases, traffic cloves of people are really powerful solutions," Leiponis said. Security systems have many applications for retail beyond their initial use case. A Bit About, a Parabit Systems […]

"Capturing good facial images is important, especially when you’re dealing with customer-facing environments," Joseph said. On this episode of A Bit About, a podcast by Parabit Systems, Host Hilary Kennedy talked with Rob Leiponis, CEO and President of Parabit Systems, and Stephen Joseph, Segment Development Manager of Banking and Finance at Axis Communications. Axis offers […]

Let the Journey Take Flight is the motto of the new terminal at Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport in Brownsville, Texas. Open since January; this state-of-the-art facility is ready to take business and leisure passengers wherever their journeys lie. And to ensure this terminal can handle the needs of both today and tomorrow, […]

Alec Baldwin immortalized the salesman's mantra in the film Glengarry Glen Ross when he said: "Always Be Closing." That task is made simple when you’re selling a cool product like a night vision camera. On today's Jobcast, Dan Cui, vice president of sales & marketing at SiOnyx, revealed the type of person he's looking […]

On today's podcast, I chat with Dan Cui from SiOnyx. We discuss the advancements in the concept of wearables, the benefits of being able to have superhuman vision at night, and the future of cellphone. For the latest news, videos, and podcasts in the Software & Technology Industry, be sure to subscribe to our […]

The risk of cross-contamination and mass infections in healthcare settings has always been an issue, but in the midst of a raging pandemic, that problem has been exacerbated even further. However, with many hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities already stretched thin, an affordable solution that requires minimal time and effort to use is […]

During the early days of the pandemic, one of the healthcare community's challenges was a critical lack of PPE to fight the coronavirus. Ryan Madewell, Director of Environmental Services at Hunt Regional Healthcare for Vanguard Resources, spoke about this problem and how Surfacide's UV-C solutions helped keep front-line workers and patients safe. Even before […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has strained healthcare systems and those who work in them all over the world. But, with more patients and more work, there cannot be a reduction in standards or compliance. Rich Feczko, National Director of Standards & Innovation for Compass One Healthcare, is one of many mourning the recent loss of […]

Multidrug-resistant pathogens are an increasing concern in healthcare. Finding new ways and technologies to fight these pathogens is what led Gunner Lyslo to create Surfacide UV-C, an infection prevention solution. Lyslo, Founder and CEO of Surfacide, spoke to Tyler Kern about the technology's ability to play a role in fighting COVID-19. Lyslo developed Surfacide […]

Multidrug-resistant pathogens are an increasing concern in healthcare. Finding new ways and technologies to fight these pathogens is what led Gunner Lyslo to create Surfacide UV-C, an infection prevention solution. Lyslo, Founder and CEO of Surfacide, spoke to Tyler Kern about the technology's ability to play a role in fighting COVID-19. Lyslo developed Surfacide […]

Roy Kittrell, Regional Geologist (Asia Pacific) at Bell Geospace, is a veteran in the oil & gas space. After fifteen years in the industry, Kittrell said he's worked on everything from core analysis centimeter-scale geology to field scales with geological modeling. So, how did this dual national American/British Geologist find himself working for Bell Geospace […]

A Propensity to Talk Density tapped three "rock stars" in the geophysical and geology space to discuss the importance of carbonates. Lending their thoughts and expertise were Colm Murphy, Chief Geoscientist at Bell Geospace, Graham Banks, Founder of Route to Reserves, and Jean Hsieh, Geoscientist for Sedimentary Geologist Consultants. "Modelling carbonate rocks, or ‘reservoirs’ of […]

Gravity and density are both critical to mineral explorers. The art of measuring variations in it, called gravity gradiometry, is of key importance to the oil and gas and mining industries. To glean some expert insights, A Propensity to Talk Density host Tyler Kern spoke with experts Dr. Tim Wright, Director and Principal Geoscientist at […]

Geothermal energy is a hot topic in the energy space. However, locating geothermal energy requires complex surveys. There are many options, but innovative companies are taking to the skies. Discussing how these surveys work with FTG (Full Tensor Gradiometry), Bell Geospace Lead Geophysicist Alan Morgan joined host Hilary Kennedy on the company's podcast. Morgan is […]

Geothermal energy is a hot topic in the energy space. However, locating geothermal energy requires complex surveys. There are many options, but innovative companies are taking to the skies. Discussing how these surveys work with FTG (Full Tensor Gradiometry), Bell Geospace Lead Geophysicist Alan Morgan joined host Hilary Kennedy on the company's podcast. Morgan is […]

To kick off its first episode, host of K12 Summit's new Educator Series podcast, JW Marshall, spoke with Dr. Liz Garza Garcia, president of BEAM with 16 years in education. While "Lizzie," as nicknamed in college, would have never been associated with teaching, Garcia began mentoring and tutoring students in junior college. The experience […]

Host of K12 Summit's Educator Series podcast, JW Marshall, sat down with David Nungaray, the public relations chair for the Texas Association of Bilingual Education (TABE) and bilingual consulting partner with The New Teacher Project. Growing up as a bilingual student himself, Nungaray has a mission of elevating the importance of multilingual education. For his […]

Roni Burren, President of TCTELA, is a self-professed lover of books, children, and justice. She is a longtime K12 educator and current adjunct professor at the University of Houston. She spoke with JW Marshall about her role as president of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts and its focus on supporting ELA […]

For twenty-seven years, Jen Meyer, President of Science Teachers Associations of Texas (STAT) and educator, has been well-versed in education ranging from elementary to special education. Meyer, the coordinator for elementary science, describes her career as an "Interesting and exciting educational career."Meyer shares that fellow educators she has known have amazed her with the community's […]

For twenty-seven years, Jen Meyer, President of Science Teachers Associations of Texas (STAT) and educator, has been well-versed in education ranging from elementary to special education. Meyer, the coordinator for elementary science, describes her career as an "Interesting and exciting educational career."Meyer shares that fellow educators she has known have amazed her with the community's […]

The core foundation of every successful movement in cultivating change and growth is education. Former district superintendent and current Executive Director of The Texas School Alliance, Dr. Curtis Culwell, joined host J.W. Marshall to speak about educational policy, innovation, and student experience. Dr. Culwell realizes that not every student starts at the same place; wherein […]

In this episode of Accelerating Texas K12 Education, host, JW Marshall, of Summit K12, is joined by Doug Roberts, Founder/CEO of, the Institute for Education Innovation. The two discussed what dive into what it is that Robert's organization does at both a local and national level. Robert's also offereds insights on into the past, present, […]

Liz Garza-Garcia, BEAM (Bilingual/ESL Education Association of the Metroplex for the North Central Texas Region) President, began her education journey with a simple goal in mind: to become an educator. During her University Studies, a professor changed Garza-Garcia's direction, instilling in her the idea that if she possessed the ability to speak or learn another […]

Liz Garza-Garcia, BEAM (Bilingual/ESL Education Association of the Metroplex for the North Central Texas Region) President, began her education journey with a simple goal in mind: to become an educator. During her University Studies, a professor changed Garza-Garcia's direction, instilling in her the idea that if she possessed the ability to speak or learn another […]

Podcast host JW Marshall welcomed guest Dr. Melana Silvia, former curriculum Director of Pre-K through 12 Math and Science program for the Calallen Independent School District, Corpus Christi, TX to discuss the past, present, and future state of education on the popular podcast Accelerating Texas K12 Education. Dr. Silvia spent 33 years in education with […]

With the education sector completely disrupted from the pandemic, school administration and students alike are feeling anxiety and pressure from the uncertainty and instability of the world. What does the ‘new normal’ look like for educating students? How are schools handling staff burnout? Answering these questions and more on Accelerating Texas K12 Education is Kevin […]

Summit K12's vision is "Creating a digital platform that differences and accelerates learning for every student." John Kresky, Founder and CEO of Summit K12, joined Host Tyler Kern to discuss how this vision came to fruition and how Summit K12 is growing into this Kresky began his career working at Study Island, an online test […]

In February of 2021, Texas went through an energy crisis, with many residents experiencing rolling blackouts. PanTech Design CEO Troy Morgan joined host Tyler Kern to talk about this phenomenon, what rolling blackouts are, why they occur and how solutions like microgrids and energy automation can help reduce them. "You’ll find rolling blackouts happening throughout […]

How do you design a perfect product? Although the idea of perfection is a subjective one, when Troy Morgan and Alex Teague envisioned their ideal Adapt Energy system, they knew they wanted it to be a reliable one above all else. Morgan and Teague, who are PanTech Design's CEO and COO respectively, then began designing […]

Companies like PanTech Design rely on marketing agencies such as One Firefly to help them bring their solutions in home automation and energy management to a market that's gaining momentum every day. Ron Callis, Founder and CEO of One Firefly, joined Troy Morgan, Founder and CEO of PanTech Design, to discuss today's home […]

PanTech Design sees the future, and it is one of energy monitoring, load control and ensuring clean and constant power flow for commercial and home consumption. Troy Morgan, Founder and CEO of PanTech Design, and Joe Piccirilli, Managing Director and CEO of Rosewater Energy Group, popped by Adapt Energy to discuss the importance […]

PanTech Design sees the future, and it is one of energy monitoring, load control and ensuring clean and constant power flow for commercial and home consumption. Troy Morgan, Founder and CEO of PanTech Design, and Joe Piccirilli, Managing Director and CEO of Rosewater Energy Group, popped by Adapt Energy to discuss the importance […]

Troy Morgan, CEO, PanTech Design and Blake Richetta, CEO, Sonnen USA kicked off the first episode of Adapt Energy with a discussion on the rise of home energy storage and why the viability of solar depends on it. A few years ago, PanTech Design began developing energy automation systems to work within the […]

John Cotton, Tech Support and Project Coordinator at Field Controls, spoke on this episode of AirIQ about the benefits of installing an indoor steam humidifier. Indoor heating systems draw moisture out of the air and adds personal discomfort, drying of the skin, and static build-up that can cause damage to electronics. Cotton recommended the […]

Whether it's in the heat of July, or the chill of January, residential and commercial heating and cooling systems are necessary assets to the operation of our daily lives. On this episode of AirIQ, we dove into how to make HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) systems more efficient, environmentally friendly, and fool-proof with John […]

It's not the heat, it's the humidity, right? Living in the south comes with knowing how to handle humidity inside and out, but even facility managers might not realize the lasting impact humidity has on a building and its occupants. On this episode of AirIQ with Field Controls, host Daniel Litwin sat down with […]

When it comes to keeping cool this summer, many people will reluctantly turn on a costly A/C unit. But smart homeowners will activate their whole house fan, designed to lower temperatures within a living space at a fraction of the cost of mechanical cooling. On today's episode of AirIQ, Tim Barton, director of ventilation […]

When it comes to keeping cool this summer, many people will reluctantly turn on a costly A/C unit. But smart homeowners will activate their whole house fan, designed to lower temperatures within a living space at a fraction of the cost of mechanical cooling. On today's episode of AirIQ, Tim Barton, director of ventilation […]

Residential air quality affects more than your family's health; it costs time, money, and resources. On this episode of AirIQ brought to you by Field Controls, host Tyler Kern sits down with Ed Reynolds, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Field Controls, to discuss concerning facts about indoor air quality. Indoor air quality […]

When patients are undergoing surgery, nurses work to ensure their patients are in the safest, proper position whether they’re lying on their back supine, face down prone, or even inverted in Trendelenburg position. To do this, healthcare providers use foam, gel, or bean bag positioners to properly support their patients, but some hospitals are […]

Speech Pathologists, once thought of as merely consultants for those with a stutter, are essential medical professionals that treat much more than a stammer. Today, speech pathologists are in high demand as conditions like dementia and brain injury are on the rise. The world is awakening to the indispensable need for speech pathologists as […]

It seems healthcare professionals at care facilities are trying to do more with less time and resources: more patients, fewer nurses, less reimbursement from Medicare, and rising demands from health insurance companies. But at a time when some patients — an estimated 650,000 annually — are coming out of hospitals sicker than they were before […]

Manufacturers may only just be coming to terms with artificial intelligence (AI) and seeking to assess its potential value and impact but hold on: it is reported that some existing technologies, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) will be more disruptive, more quickly. Some technologies are born disruptive, some […]

The continuous modernization of industrial processes is dizzying and exciting. All Systems Go is a show that intends to demystify the varying technologies—from UAVs and robotics to supply chain software and virtual reality sims—and how they will advance everything from logistics to manufacturing across the globe. Senseye's recently-launched report, "The True Cost of Downtime," found that […]

The continuous modernization of industrial processes is dizzying and exciting. All Systems Go is a show that intends to demystify the varying technologies—from UAVs and robotics to supply chain software and virtual reality sims—and how they will advance everything from logistics to manufacturing across the globe. The Ventilator Challenge UK, led by Dick Elsy, recently […]

The continuous modernization of industrial processes is dizzying and exciting. All Systems Go is a show that intends to demystify the varying technologies—from UAVs and robotics to supply chain software and virtual reality sims—and how they will advance everything from logistics to manufacturing across the globe. AI has transformational potential, but the technology isn't […]

The continuous modernization of industrial processes is dizzying and exciting. All Systems Go is a show that intends to demystify the varying technologies—from UAVs and robotics to supply chain software and virtual reality sims—and how they will advance everything from logistics to manufacturing across the globe. AI has transformational potential, but the technology isn't […]

The continuous modernization of industrial processes is dizzying and exciting. All Systems Go is a show that intends to demystify the varying technologies—from UAVs and robotics to supply chain software and virtual reality sims—and how they will advance everything from logistics to manufacturing across the globe. Productivity is a critical metric for any manufacturing […]

The continuous modernization of industrial processes is dizzying and exciting. All Systems Go is a show that intends to demystify the varying technologies—from UAVs and robotics to supply chain software and virtual reality sims—and how they will advance everything from logistics to manufacturing across the globe. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) have been talked of […]

The 2023 Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo attracted over 12,000 visitors, 2,700+ fleet operators, 275+ sponsors, exhibitors and industry partners, 200+ speakers, and featured over 145+ advanced vehicles on display. And, it presented the perfect opportunity to ask leaders in commercial transportation: Advanced clean transportation within commercial transportation, are we there yet? In this episode […]

Catching up with Czinger Vehicles to ask the Are We There Yet? video podcast series question wasn't easy as their 21C model will do 0 -60 in 1.9 seconds, can hit over 250 mph, and now holds records at both Laguna Seca and Circuit of the Americas. And maybe I didn't need to ask them […]

There is a revolution happening in transportation; the fluid power revolution! To better understand this revolution, Are We There Yet? series Host, Grant Harrell, speaks with Zach Lindsley, National Sales Manager at Terzo Power Systems, a company at the forefront of this important revolution. What does the fluid power revolution look like? Terzo explains that […]

With technological advancements permeating every corner of business and leisure, even the domain of extreme sports is part of that equation. Surfing, a popular water sport, is evolving to provide a unique, adrenaline-pumping experience – the eFoil. eFoils, or electric hydrofoil surfboards, are turning heads in the industry and beyond. Lift Foils, a brand dominating […]

With technological advancements permeating every corner of business and leisure, even the domain of extreme sports is part of that equation. Surfing, a popular water sport, is evolving to provide a unique, adrenaline-pumping experience – the eFoil. eFoils, or electric hydrofoil surfboards, are turning heads in the industry and beyond. Lift Foils, a brand dominating […]

Back in 1418, Italian Engineer, Giovanni Fontana, created what's believed to be the first bicycle. More than four hundred years later, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach built the first gas-powered motorcycle in 1885. Centuries later, bicycles have become electrical vehicles (EVs). This may be the natural progression of technology as e-bikes and electric scooters rise […]

According to a study by National Geographic, more than 80% of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans! Compare this with how in fact we’ve explored a greater percentage of the moon! Many people are now seeing the light, or perhaps more accurately, going away from the light and underwater, […]

Every year there is one place to find all of the cutting-edge technology leading the business aviation space: The NBAA BACE Conference. This annual event, hosted this year in Orlando, Florida, is truly the epicenter of exciting things happening in business aviation. Every company and industry leader were at this year's premier event, showcasing new […]

Every year there is one place to find all of the cutting-edge technology leading the business aviation space: The NBAA BACE Conference. This annual event, hosted this year in Orlando, Florida, is truly the epicenter of exciting things happening in business aviation. Every company and industry leader were at this year's premier event, showcasing new […]

Mobility is the thread woven into every industry and every way of life. And, by extension, the vehicle is part of that identity. Challenges arise through that mobility evolution, and space is an issue today. No sugar coating on this one; there are a lot of cars on the road being driven at any given […]

Small satellites are categorized by weight, under 500 kg or 1100lb, developed for navigation, communication, earth observation, and other activities. Fortune Business Insights projects the market to reach 10.75 B in 2028. Vaya Space is poised to take its fair share of the market in small satellite launches in the future. Vaya delivers safer launches […]

The railroad industry has been plagued by disturbing derailments in recent months. Some companies are working to fix this – including Holland LP, a rail solutions provider that focuses on switching out traditional track building methods for more innovative solutions. But what kind of solutions have they come up with and why are they important […]

Dennis Wendt, Technical Service Manager for Antunes, knows when a customer's foodservice equipment goes down, every moment spent waiting for a repair is money lost. As a service manager, Wendt's goal is to address the issue as fast as possible either through technical assistance on the phone or on that very first service visit. […]

In the age of technology, convenience reigns king. In the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry, where convenience and speed are part of the product, technology is a natural business partner. "Around the Table," explores how automation has made its way into franchises all over the country, with the full extent of its capabilities still untapped. […]

Welcome to Around the Table by Antunes. This podcast, designed for the foodservice industry, takes an inside look at the products and solutions that benefit providers and customers around the world. On this premiere episode, Melissa Neckopulos, GM of Water for Antunes, discussed the importance and benefits of a water ultrafiltration system for food […]

Paul Harris, the CEO of Aurora Multimedia, joins the latest episode of Cutting Through to tease what listeners can expect from InfoComm 2023. In this episode, we will be delving into two major upcoming events, InfoComm and the 25th Anniversary of Aurora as a company. Join us as we explore these topics and gain insights […]

This week on Lessons From an Audio Guy, host Chuck Espinoza walks through how audio engineers need to start thinking like system admins to consider network challenges. The audio industry has undergone tremendous change in recent years, and this shift has presented challenges to audio engineers. One of the biggest challenges faced by audio […]

On this installment of "Lessons from an Audio Guy", Chuck Espinoza goes over how Core Studio and Dash are designed to be easy to use. What everyone should keep in mind about Core Studio and Dash is the ease of use. It really is. I know we always say that it's easy to use, […]

As the audio industry continues to evolve, it is essential that companies remain adaptive and creative, particularly in light of the current supply chain issues that many producers face. Aurora Multimedia's response to this challenge with their new VPX series and Dante software-based solution is highly encouraging. Dante is a widely-used audio networking technology that […]

As the audio industry continues to evolve, it is essential that companies remain adaptive and creative, particularly in light of the current supply chain issues that many producers face. Aurora Multimedia's response to this challenge with their new VPX series and Dante software-based solution is highly encouraging. Dante is a widely-used audio networking technology that […]

On this Cutting Through soundbite, Paul Harris discusses the world of AV over IP standards. Discover what defines the ultimate standard as Paul discusses its key attributes, spanning from 10-100 all the way to over 100 gig. The standard must not only address single streams but also accommodate multi-streams for low and high bandwidth […]

This week Aurora's Chuck Espinoza sits down with Marcus Yarborough to chat through their experience at ISE 2023. Returning to ISE was an incredible feeling, reconnecting with familiar faces and engaging with new attendees at our booth. We introduced exciting technologies to our distributors, fostering valuable partnerships. As a manufacturer with international distribution, ISE […]

Aurora Multimedia is bringing essential knowledge about AV network engineering to audio professionals. Aurora engineers have been exploring the implications of using a network switch to transport audio/visual content and what this means for broadcast quality and latency. They have been uncovering details about IGMP snooping, flooding, jumbo packets, and frame rates that can […]

Aurora Multimedia is bringing essential knowledge about AV network engineering to audio professionals. Aurora engineers have been exploring the implications of using a network switch to transport audio/visual content and what this means for broadcast quality and latency. They have been uncovering details about IGMP snooping, flooding, jumbo packets, and frame rates that can […]

At some point, you have likely tried to "do it yourself" without an expert, whether building furniture from instructions, installing equipment in your house, or fixing your car. But wouldn't it have been nice to speak to an expert ahead of time so they could guide you through the processes and use of the tools […]

In this "Cutting Through" soundbite, Paul Harris explores the strategic choices made by Aurora to address the ongoing chip shortage. With a commitment to collaboration and a willingness to beta and even alpha test semiconductor manufacturers’ products, Aurora gains a unique advantage by being involved from the very beginning. This approach allows them to develop […]

Just a decade ago, the first customizable eight-button controller was introduced to the market with interactive technology. Flash-forward to today, controllers are becoming more accessible within corporate and educational settings, and more. "You either see either of the two extremes. You’ll either see your standard button panel or a seven-inch touch screen on the wall […]

Some significant news in the cryptocurrency was finally made official recently, as theater juggernaut AMC announced that it would begin accepting Bitcoin by the end of 2021. The theater chain will also begin accepting Apple Pay and Google Pay, though the Bitcoin announcement was obviously the star of the show when CEO Adam Aron hopped […]

Extreme temperatures have impacted the nation's power grid from both ends of the spectrum, with states like Texas experiencing both severe outages during an unprecedented freeze and drastic sags during the hot summer months. In California, though, things have taken an even more disruptive turn. The state recently shut down a major hydroelectric plant at […]

Even with parts of the country being hit hard by a wave of the Delta variant of COVID-19, the outlook for the jobs market appears to be on an upward swing. In July, nonfarm payrolls skyrocketed, increasing by more than 940,000 as the unemployment rate dipped to just under 5.5%, according to a recent report […]

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, content creation has emerged as a vital aspect for companies to promote their brands and connect with their target audiences. Despite this recognition, a lingering misconception exists that only younger professionals can create authentic content. The recent episode of B2B Weekly aims to dismantle this stereotype and empower […]

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, content creation has emerged as a vital aspect for companies to promote their brands and connect with their target audiences. Despite this recognition, a lingering misconception exists that only younger professionals can create authentic content. The recent episode of B2B Weekly aims to dismantle this stereotype and empower […]

The power of "Drive to Survive" Since the popular hit series "Drive to Survive" launched in March of 2019, Formula 1 quickly became the fastest-growing sport in the US, prompting additional F1 circuits to open in Las Vegas and Miami due to the fanbase's growing popularity. But how did this series launch such sudden engagement […]

January is a big month for trade shows, pro audio, and event tech industries. That includes NAMM, the National Association of Music Merchants Trade Show. Ben MacKinney, Audio Services Manager for Alford Media, was Alford's boots on the ground for the event. He joins host Daniel Litwin on this episode of Backstage Pass to […]

The audiovisual industry is bursting with new technologies and innovations. These new developments debuted at LDI 2019 , the leading conference and tradeshow for live design professionals from all over the world. Backstage Pass has the first scoop on what AV professionals are saying about the show with guests Blake Taylor, Lighting Services Manager, and […]

In this episode of Backstage Pass, Ali McMahan, Marketing & Communications Manager, and Dave Pooser, Director of Product Innovation, both from Alford Media, joined host Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, to discuss the recent XLIVE Conference & Expo held in Las Vegas held Nov 17-19, 2019. McMahan and Pooser both attended the annual […]

One of the oft-overlooked aspects of producing largescale business events is lighting design. As brands look to find creative ways to capture tradeshow audiences with content, audio, and visuals, the right lighting can enhance an immersive experience like no other. In this new episode of Backstage Pass by Alford Media, host Daniel Litwin sat […]

One of the oft-overlooked aspects of producing largescale business events is lighting design. As brands look to find creative ways to capture tradeshow audiences with content, audio, and visuals, the right lighting can enhance an immersive experience like no other. In this new episode of Backstage Pass by Alford Media, host Daniel Litwin sat […]

In the past, event technology specialists at AV companies had to manually scan each item of gear making its way out the warehouse. Some still manually scan to this day; it's an antiquated system that takes days, or even weeks, and is prone to human error. But as Alford Media can attest to, that […]

On today's episode of Backstage Pass, MarketScale is joined by with Dan Thompson, Senior Account Manager, who gives us a look at Alford Media through his eyes, as someone who's been with the company for more 23 years. Alford Media was founded in 1984, and much has changed since then in terms of technology. […]

Backstage Pass is back with another engaging episode featuring Eric Hagström, Senior Project Manager for Alford Media. Today, we chatted with Hagström about the exciting possibilities, unique challenges and best practices for putting together an international event. It is, both literally and figuratively, a new world with different rules, languages, and infrastructure when crafting […]

Backstage Pass is back with another engaging episode featuring Eric Hagström, Senior Project Manager for Alford Media. Today, we chatted with Hagström about the exciting possibilities, unique challenges and best practices for putting together an international event. It is, both literally and figuratively, a new world with different rules, languages, and infrastructure when crafting […]

The nature of the end-user experience at live events is changing and it is up to companies to get creative about how they digitize live events to get maximum impact. On today's Backstage Pass with Alford Media, Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B chats with Dan Thompson, Senior Account Manager for Alford Media about […]

Running a live AV event seamlessly is the bare minimum in today's event technology world, and nothing is making that a more confusing mix of simple and complicated than digital audio networks. It may be easy to think that these types of live event configurations are second nature to professionals who live and breath […]

Communicating with your AV team during a live event is crucial for success. Communicating effectively with your clients during the development of an install often makes or breaks client retention. In essence, communication is critical for the AV industry. However, does the platform for that communication always get the love and attention it deserves? […]

Do large project bids exclude those office furniture dealers not aligned with a national distributor? Not according to Robert Cotton and Maurele Lehman. Cotton, the owner of Logical Office Furniture in Austin, Texas, and Maurele Lehman, President of Innerspace Systems in Valencia, California, dropped by Be Enabled to share their experiences as independent dealers. They […]

In early July 2022, nearly a quarter of the Canadian population was disconnected after a significant network went down. The outage impacted emergency services, banks, hospitals, and nearly every other industry (BBC). "Connectivity is at the heart of all businesses of all sizes," said Steve Higgins, President of MobileWare. From residences to businesses, more outputs […]

There is some exciting news to share from Clearfield, and they could not wait to spread the word: they just completed a new 100K square foot facility for warehouse and logistics space in Brooklyn Park just down the road from their headquarters. This facility will support multi-state regional telco providers and operators. To shed light […]

We know broadband is expanding, even in rural areas. It can be difficult, however, to know exactly how much it's expanding and how customers are getting access. The NRTC commissioned a Broadband Benchmarking Report to learn just that. Among other things, they found that consumers certainly are eager to buy broadband services, especially in rural […]

Delivering broadband to rural areas may not be an easy task, but it's an important one – and one that broadband companies are increasingly eager to tackle. Those companies may be accustomed to planning on their own, but, working hand-in-hand with electric companies, especially those like co-ops that thrive in rural markets, can lead to […]

Delivering broadband to rural areas may not be an easy task, but it's an important one – and one that broadband companies are increasingly eager to tackle. Those companies may be accustomed to planning on their own, but, working hand-in-hand with electric companies, especially those like co-ops that thrive in rural markets, can lead to […]

While broadband fiber may not be something the average consumer thinks much about, it has a great impact on all of our day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, high-speed internet is something many of us take for granted. No one knows this more than Kevin Morgan, Chief Marketing Officer for Clearfield. Host Shelby Skrhak had the opportunity to […]

The need for well-trained aviation technicians becomes increasingly crucial as the aviation industry continues to grow and evolve. However, training new technicians comes with several challenges, from a shortage of skilled trainers to a lack of hands-on training opportunities. The shortage of skilled technicians is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed by the industry. What […]

CINCINNATI, OH – After an iconic history, the last Boeing 747-8 Freighter has rolled out of the Boeing plant in Everett, Washington. This marks the end of an era for the aviation giant, as the Boeing 747 played an integral part in the development of commercial aviation since its introduction in 1969. The iconic humpback design […]

Fresh off the conclusion of the MRO Americas 2022 Aviation week, host Grant Harrell of the podcast "Are We There Yet?" sat down with Cam Murphy, the president of FEAM Aero — an aircraft maintenance company. The pair discussed the aviation industry, and how the global pandemic greatly affected various aspects of the field. But […]

On the second part of a two-part episode of To the Edge and Beyond by Intel with Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin is Maria Meow, APAC Hospitality Vertical Marketing Manager for Intel's Internet of Things Group, and Ankur Jain, Founder, and CEO of UdyogYantra Technologies, a company focused on bringing Industry 4.0 and its […]

Self-checkout solutions are gaining validation for their mass deployment across retail, QSR and hospitality verticals. As industries change and adapt, so too SCO processes, technology, and offerings. Beyond Technology reached out to Craig Bevan, VP Sales Commercial Director for Acrelec Group, for his perspective on the self-checkout & self-service kiosk landscape. "To the purist, a […]

To survive in today's challenging retail environment, businesses need to get creative. BOPIS, or buy online pick up in-store, offers are no longer a differentiator in the retail space; they are a necessity. How are retailers making their BOPIS services stand out as more and more in the industry turn to this option to […]

No matter the location or region a business is located, a partnership is the cornerstone of success. Markku Nopanen, Managing Director for Acrelec Nordics & Baltics, understands the importance of forging long-lasting relationships. Nopanen provided his unique perspective on partnership in bringing technology solutions to the Nordics and Baltics. One essential mission for Nopanen […]

No matter the location or region a business is located, a partnership is the cornerstone of success. Markku Nopanen, Managing Director for Acrelec Nordics & Baltics, understands the importance of forging long-lasting relationships. Nopanen provided his unique perspective on partnership in bringing technology solutions to the Nordics and Baltics. One essential mission for Nopanen […]

For many, drive-thrus are an essential way to get a meal outside of their home due to the pandemic. Making drive-thrus more efficient is on the mind of many in the QSR industry, and Acrelec is no exception. Andrew Nosal, Innovation Product Manager at Acrelec, brought Beyond Technology's host, Tyler Kern, up to speed […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a crisis for restaurants, but, as they begin to reopen, there are some interesting lessons being learned. In places like the United Kingdom, restaurants are only being allowed to open with table service to prevent crowding at a bar or counter for orders as may have occurred in the past. […]

Host Daniel Litwin is joined by guests Peter Seltenright, sales director for Artificial Solutions, and Austin Curry, product manager for Acrelec, to discuss the future of self-ordering kiosks. These self-powered experiences, including potential, conversational voice-powered ordering, are a critical component of powering up customer experiences – according to Tillster, 65% of customers would be […]

Host Daniel Litwin is joined by guests Peter Seltenright, sales director for Artificial Solutions, and Austin Curry, product manager for Acrelec, to discuss the future of self-ordering kiosks. These self-powered experiences, including potential, conversational voice-powered ordering, are a critical component of powering up customer experiences – according to Tillster, 65% of customers would be […]

The wave of technology sweeping the globe is leaving no stone unturned, including in the restaurant and dining industry. In fact, technology has transformed the way we order, dine out and hit the drive-thru. On this episode of Beyond Technology: The Experience Podcast we unpack how new tech can leverage the dining experience or, alternatively, […]

On this episode of Beyond Technology: The Experience Podcast brought to you by Acrelec, Clément Pévrier, head of digital projects for Udvise, joined Tyler Kern for a discussion focused on Udvise, founded by Acrelec to be the expert agency in digital solutions for the QSR industry. Ordering Kiosk's were a main focus of the discussion. […]

On this episode of Beyond Technology: The Experience Podcast by Acrelec, Vincent Attia, Data Processing Manager for Acrelec, spoke with host Daniel Litwin, The Voice of B2B, about utilizing AI in the QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) industry. Attia began the conversation with a brief explanation of what AI is in the food service industry; […]

Dr. James Smith is the 23rd President of East Michigan University. Dr. Smith's education focus is on EMU students’ futures, not the past, because what they do in life with that education experience will make the world a better place. He joined host Tom Watkins to talk about his efforts and the education landscape as […]

In terms of the COVID-19 pandemic, an often-discussed notion is getting things back to normal. But in children's education, what if normal was never good enough? What if, along with this pandemic, comes an opportunity to create a better normal? Technology and other learning tools could provide an accelerated and personalized learning experience for students. […]

Although no one can argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has set back education and student learning for months, if not years, there is still some good that has come out of our current situation. Now, educators better understand how to implement new technology into their lessons and how to better help students that may require […]

There has been a mantra of sort that has pushed leaders in all industries forward during the difficult moments of the COVID-19 pandemic: Back to normal. That has extended to the field of education, where getting kids back into the classroom and having things feel like they did at the end of 2019 has been […]

There has been a mantra of sort that has pushed leaders in all industries forward during the difficult moments of the COVID-19 pandemic: Back to normal. That has extended to the field of education, where getting kids back into the classroom and having things feel like they did at the end of 2019 has been […]

As the world continues to wage a war against the coronavirus, American students struggle to keep up with their lessons and maintain a quality education. Although there are many teachers putting in their utmost effort to uplift their students, the fact is that there are still some that fall through the cracks of our educational […]

Facilities can ill afford to have equipment go down with today's supply chain challenges. Lost hours could quickly become lost days if a replacement is unavailable. Sam Cafferata, Principal Engineer at Concept Systems, spoke with Tyler Kern about this all-too-real issue and what facilities can do to ensure their equipment is up-to-date and in good […]

After a momentous twenty-three years, Michael Helm has stepped down in his role as CEO with Concept Systems. Helm passed the torch down to Steve Strong, who chatted with host Tyler Kern about his future-forward visions for Concept Systems. After spending almost 15 years at the Boeing Company, Strong knows a thing or two about […]

Steve Strong, Regional Engineering Manager, Seattle, at Concept Systems, spoke with Tyler Kern about some of the automation challenges in the airline and aerospace industries. Something both markets have in common: they each have expensive and complex products to manufacture and automate. Strong said because of these complexities, the proposals Concept Systems does and […]

Michael Maas, Senior Engineer, and Sergei Furduy, Principal Engineer at Concept Systems, Inc., joined Beyond the Concept's Tyler Kern to discuss all things crane retrofits. There are several instances where crane retrofits might come into play. Older cranes with aging parts are one example Maas offered. "Also, if you want to gain more functionality […]

Michael Maas, Senior Engineer, and Sergei Furduy, Principal Engineer at Concept Systems, Inc., joined Beyond the Concept's Tyler Kern to discuss all things crane retrofits. There are several instances where crane retrofits might come into play. Older cranes with aging parts are one example Maas offered. "Also, if you want to gain more functionality […]

Donavan Moore, the Electrical Design Department Manager at Concept Systems, educated host Tyler Kern on the considerations and selection process for UL 508A components. UL 508A is the standard for the construction of industrial control panels with the first edition coming out in 2001. "It's been the go-to standard for industrial control panel design," Moore […]

Whether it's peeling potatoes or managing a city's water supply, optimizing production is an important component of any manufacturing business. In the past, automation systems were difficult to fine-tune without a significant disruption, but with things becoming increasingly digital and more and more products being designed with things like Rockwell Automation's PlantPAx distrusted control […]

It may not be Rosie from the Jetsons, but robots are certainly here to stay in American life. It just turns out robots are a lot better at manufacturing than they are around the house. Advances in robotics in recent years are changing the manufacturing industry, said Eric Potter, Director of Engineering at FANUC […]

It may not be Rosie from the Jetsons, but robots are certainly here to stay in American life. It just turns out robots are a lot better at manufacturing than they are around the house. Advances in robotics in recent years are changing the manufacturing industry, said Eric Potter, Director of Engineering at FANUC […]

Robots and automation may seem like an expensive idea for many business owners, but automation be more within reach than previously thought and can produce excellent return on investment. Whether painting a factory or removing waste in a facility's process, the ROI for automation can often be measured in months. "Automation in and of […]

Great for both background and foreground audio applications, DesignMax loudspeakers offer rich lows, clear highs, and premium aesthetics. Complete any commercial sound installation with 16 loudspeakers to choose from. This includes in-ceiling, surface-mount, and pendant form factors, subwoofers, high-SPL compression-driver models, compact low-profile models, and outdoor-rated options — all of which deliver instantly impressive sound […]

In this webinar we will be joined by Tazergy who will be speaking about senior living industry and how the audio experience delivers a distinctive and memorable experience for residents. They will share their experience in the senior living space, the range of different applications, and a few recent projects.

In this webinar you will learn about our Bose Videobar family that make it easy to bring a simplified, crystal-clear meeting experience to your conference rooms. In addition, we will discuss the benefits of having an agnostic system that all users are comfortable using and share some project references.

Learn from thought leaders in a panel discussion on Technology & Hybrid Work during this webinar.

Learn from thought leaders in a panel discussion on Technology & Hybrid Work during this webinar.

Established in the 1860s, the Cathedral of St Michael and St John in Bathurst is Australia's second oldest Catholic Cathedral. As a part of their 10-year-long restoration project, they desired a new audio system to blend in visually and better manage the Cathedral's range of liturgical requirements. Watch how Bose professional and Clare Communications Co. […]

Learn how First Baptist Church of Merritt Island partnered with Bose Professional and Pro Sound & Video to create the perfect audio solutions for their worship center's new additions and renovations, ensuring their members are fully engaged in the worship and community experience. "We are so pleased with our partnership with Bose Professional. Their products […]

What Olympic-level coaching strategies can we incorporate to increase motivation virtually? First, identify what motivates you and the people around you, then explore how to implement these in a virtual environment. Michael Johnson — Olympic gold medalist, World Champion and the founder of Michael Johnson Performance — shares his recipe on how to be […]

What Olympic-level coaching strategies can we incorporate to increase motivation virtually? First, identify what motivates you and the people around you, then explore how to implement these in a virtual environment. Michael Johnson — Olympic gold medalist, World Champion and the founder of Michael Johnson Performance — shares his recipe on how to be […]

What enables important conversations? First, it's the people willing to have them, then, the technology used to facilitate them. Join Dianna Cowern — YouTube influencer "Physics Girl" —as she shares with Bose how "Connecting with Virtual Audiences" is key in our increasingly virtual world. In this episode, Connecting with Virtual Audiences, Dianna Cowern — […]

How does one successfully communicate and be productive in the unpredictable, remote situations? It requires a commitment to clear communication and using technology that enables superior collaboration. Join Retired NASA Astronaut, U.S. Navy Captain and test pilot Scott Kelly as he shares his secrets to being Better Connected in today's virtual world. In this second […]

Watch as our friend, Garrett Dutton AKA "G.Love" shares how he pivoted during the pandemic to connect with fans and provide music that uplifts their souls. The Bose L1 Pro32 played a crucial role in creating an atmosphere where the worries of the world could melt away. Are you a singer-songwriter? What creative approaches have […]

Modular office buildings are built with speed and efficiency, saving you money with lease and sale options. For temporary office space we have portable office buildings. Our custom prefab office buildings will meet your long-term space needs. Modular office buildings are unique because they are not built at your site. Building prefabrication happens at an […]

Portable classrooms and modular buildings are cost-effective building solutions to accommodate long-term and temporary classroom overcrowding problems. Expansion of conventional school buildings can be costly and time-consuming. Temporary portable classrooms can be installed on-site in just a few weeks, and permanent modular classroom buildings can be installed on-site up to 50% quicker than conventionally built […]

Today, Indigenous people are dependent on funding and grants to run various programs within their communities. For Black Diamond Group (BDG) in Canada, their focus is on helping the Indigenous prosper through mutual partnership. So, why is it important to keep Indigenous groups at top of mind? As exclusion was formerly the norm, Canada now […]

Although natural disasters are not a daily occurrence for everyone, an event such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or fire is a situation that it's important to be prepared for. MPA Systems modular construction by BOXX Modular is set up to quickly and efficiently provide secure buildings in the event of a disaster. Host […]

Although natural disasters are not a daily occurrence for everyone, an event such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or fire is a situation that it's important to be prepared for. MPA Systems modular construction by BOXX Modular is set up to quickly and efficiently provide secure buildings in the event of a disaster. Host […]

The process of procurement is often a lengthy, confusing, and full-time job. To help ease this process, TIPS-USA acts as a cooperative to help net procurement. Jensen Mabe, VP of Sales for TIPS-USA, sat down with host Tyler Kern to discuss the cooperative purchasing process and how they remain a nationally leading co-op in […]

Mark Meyers, General Manager of Marketing Services at Vanguard Modular, joined host Daniel Litwin for a deep dive into the world of modular construction with a focus on designing, developing and delivering the individual modules that make up a complete building solution. From the decisions that impact the quality and feasibility of a modular building […]

The idea of using modular materials for quick construction dates back centuries. On this episode of Built Modular, host Daniel Litwin welcomes Carl Bennett, General Manager of Contract Services for Vanguard Modular for an in-depth discussion of the history of modular construction and how it's evolved in the modern era. Carl Bennet has been in […]

The idea of using modular materials for quick construction dates back centuries. On this episode of Built Modular, host Daniel Litwin welcomes Carl Bennett, General Manager of Contract Services for Vanguard Modular for an in-depth discussion of the history of modular construction and how it's evolved in the modern era. Carl Bennet has been in […]

Manufacturers around the world are searching for ways to lower costs, add efficiency and produce more consistent parts the first time – and digital twins might be the ideal solution. The creation of a digital twin to a real-world part allows for effective digital twin modeling that empowers manufacturers to, in a virtual space, see […]

Modular buildings have many applications. They can be an excellent temporary solution, including for school districts. Mark Meyers, General Manager of Marketing Services for Vanguard, shared insights from his many years of modular experience on how schools can use portable classrooms. Why do school districts need these solutions? "There are four primary reasons," Meyers said. […]

A potential Vanguard Modular customer may know they need a modular building but not what the process will entail. When Vanguard constructs a modular building, it runs through these steps in the construction process: design and engineering, permitting, manufacturing, delivery, set, seam and utility connections, power up and turn on water, installation of decks, steps, […]

The pandemic has disproportionately affected women in the workplace. Activists nationwide are concerned for the progress that's been made once statistics were released, showing that 2.4M women dropped out of the workforce within the first year of the pandemic totaling $800 billion of lost income. Additionally, 38% of women surveyed in the tech industry said […]

What is the digital metaverse, and what role will this play for our society as we become more and more integrated with the technology we use every day? On this episode of the Breaking New Ground podcast, host Joel Pennington has brought in two guests – Samuel Arsenault-Brassard and Johan Hanegraaf – to answer […]

There's no denying that the environmental movement has grown exponentially in the last decade. But, unlike other movements, sustainability isn't something we can easily measure or notice a palpable change with. That doesn't mean that it's any less important, however. So, for the inaugural episode of the podcast, Joel Pennington, podcast host and the Head […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. All companies rely on content to get their message to the world. It comes in many shapes in forms: blogs, emails, Instagram, Twitter, web pages. But, what exactly is content, SEO and how do you make yours […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Email marketing continues to be one of the best channels for ROI, with each $1 spent generating $38 in revenue. It can be a great tool to reach a variety of goals, so why not just dive in […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Host Jennifer Ruscin shares her insights on how to make an impact in retail buyer meetings without an actual product. Ruscin has extensive knowledge of the process. She's successfully helped companies sell millions of dollars of products […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Here's a shocking fact—humans make over 35,000 choices a day! While some are mundane, others are complex and impact every area of life. Bricks and Clicks host Jennifer Ruscin spoke with Melissa Bauknight about making aligned choices. […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Here's a shocking fact—humans make over 35,000 choices a day! While some are mundane, others are complex and impact every area of life. Bricks and Clicks host Jennifer Ruscin spoke with Melissa Bauknight about making aligned choices. […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Did you know that Pinterest is more than just pins and aspiration content? It can drive website traffic and sales with the right approach. Bricks and Clicks is tackling everything Pinterest as host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin welcomes expert Jennifer Priest, owner […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Influencers and entrepreneurs like Gary Vee often tout a singular strategy — hustle until you make it. If you think you’re working hard, you’re not. If you don't think you can work any harder, you can. […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. As a new year begins and we put 2020 behind us, many of us are searching for ways to get back to contentment, peace and growth. I’ve been able to successfully manifest exactly what I want […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. As a new year begins and we put 2020 behind us, many of us are searching for ways to get back to contentment, peace and growth. I’ve been able to successfully manifest exactly what I want […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Bricks and Clicks lives on the cutting edge of retail, and host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin shared some insights on the latest episode about getting price increases accepted and avoiding dreaded store counts with easy-to-avoid stumbles. Kaylo […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Today I’m joined by my husband Derek, and I’m so excited to have him on the show! By day he hosts a 3 hour sports talk radio show called The Ruscin & Zach Show, all about […]

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline. COVID-19 continues to reshape how people shop, and in turn, it's sure to reshape traditions this holiday season. Let's Talk Thanksgiving and Holiday Celebrations According to Butterball, the number of consumers who plan to host extended […]

Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design. Built for Impact provides a new angle on the relationship between humans and the Earth—the spiritual one. Host Daniel Huard spoke with Tim Yearington, an […]

Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design. Wellness matters. Yoga sessions and meditation are great, but wellness can expand far past fitness and self-care routines. How we work affects our wellness […]

Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design. What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place? Well, according to living-future.org, the Living Building Challenge […]

Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design. Sustainability is a topic that is becoming more and more a part of our daily conversations at home and in the workplace. Daniel […]

Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design. Sustainability is a topic that is becoming more and more a part of our daily conversations at home and in the workplace. Daniel […]

Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design. The realm of green building has evolved dramatically in the past 20 years. While sustainability has been a term that dates back further, […]

On this episode of Build for Impact, Daniel A. Huard invited Jennifer Berthelot-Jelovic to explore the four pillars of green building – sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency – and to focus on wellness, in particular. Berthelot-Jelovic is the President and CEO of A SustainAble Production (ASAP). ASAP is a women-owned, full-service, global sustainability and […]

A proponent of lifelong learning, Daniel A. Huard is a sought‐after green building expert also recognized as the Godfather of sustainability. Huard is launching Build For Impact, aiming to build a platform to allow for collaboration with some of the best minds in the world who focus on green design and sustainability. Building has long been a part […]

A proponent of lifelong learning, Daniel A. Huard is a sought‐after green building expert also recognized as the Godfather of sustainability. Huard is launching Build For Impact, aiming to build a platform to allow for collaboration with some of the best minds in the world who focus on green design and sustainability. Building has long been a part […]

Build for Impact host, Daniel Huard, was joined by Mick Schwedler for a discussion on sustainability, resilience, material transparency, and wellness in building design. Schwedler is a Senior Applications Engineer with Trane and President of ASHRAE. He has been actively involved in the development, training, and support of energy efficient systems since 1982. Huard […]

Ramie Vagal, Senior Sustainability Manager at Mohawk Industries, joined Build for Impact host, Daniel Huard, for a discussion on sustainability, equity, material transparency, and wellness. Vagal also serves as a member of the LEED Materials and Resources Technology Advisory Group. "I think any organization should not look at sustainability from just one aspect," […]

There's no debating the fact that clean air and clean water are essential to human life. But these resources are becoming increasingly scarce, particularly in impoverished areas of the world. As America begins to feel the effects of climate change, people-focused solutions arise, like sustainable building design. "Build For Impact," explores how the sector […]

Disney theme parks are becoming a small world after all as the company announces a massive round of layoffs to its part-time employees. According to the BBC, Disney lost 4.7 billion dollars in revenue in just three months of being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The layoffs apply to Disney's US based parks in […]

The pandemic has drastically changed the way we shop, but Walmart already had plans to make changes before COVID-19. According to USA Today, the big-box store plans to roll out a brand new store design and app integration to over 200 locations. Inspired by airport wayfinding, the changes aim to manage large groups of people […]

The Amazon-owned security camera, Ring, is going airborne with a surprising new offering for homeowners. The recently announced Always Home Cam is a small drone that flies around an owner's house, providing real-time visuals of any mapped room. With a price point targeted at $250, the Always Home Cam will integrate with Ring devices’ existing […]

In this Business Casual segment, Daniel Litwin and Tyler Kern weigh in on some updates to the public battle between Epic Games & Apple over the latter's app store prices and practices. In retaliation to Apple's app store fees, Epic Games and other high profile app developers like Tinder's Match Group & Spotify formed […]

In this Business Casual segment, Daniel Litwin and Tyler Kern weigh in on some updates to the public battle between Epic Games & Apple over the latter's app store prices and practices. In retaliation to Apple's app store fees, Epic Games and other high profile app developers like Tinder's Match Group & Spotify formed […]

When Tuesday's announcement by Echelon Fitness that their $500 exercise bike, dubbed the ‘Prime Bike,’ would be an Amazon Prime customer exclusive, Peloton's stock fell as much as 6.7%. Was the at-home fitness market perhaps too early to react? In a bit of a twist, Amazon quickly denied association with the bike, and ordered any […]

According to CNN Business, General Electric announced Monday it would not buy nor build any more coal power plants. The company's announcement comes as a shock just 5 short years after it acquired Alstom's power business for over 9 billion dollars. GE Power CEO, Russel Stokes, said the company is shifting focus to power generation […]

For well over a quarter of the US labor force, working from home is a semi-permanent reality. That means Zoom meetings aren't just a passing phenomenon. Microsoft is meeting the needs of many remote workers with their product, "Microsoft Teams." Engadget recently reported a sweeping update of Teams’ functionality and services. The developments include virtual meeting […]

For well over a quarter of the US labor force, working from home is a semi-permanent reality. That means Zoom meetings aren't just a passing phenomenon. Microsoft is meeting the needs of many remote workers with their product, "Microsoft Teams." Engadget recently reported a sweeping update of Teams’ functionality and services. The developments include virtual meeting […]

Amazon is no stranger to scrutiny over its business practices. The online marketplace already has a stronghold over fast delivery of consumer goods. But CNBC reported on a recent investigation by Wall Street Journal, revealing the ecommerce giant may be taking their power a step further. Amazon appears to be blocking competitor ads that compete […]

Small business restaurants have been particularly hard hit by COVID's lockdown measures. In NYC, a COVID hotspot, restaurants have only recently reopened to limited capacity. As the weather cools and outdoor dining becomes more difficult, restaurants face continued revenue obstacles. According to Food & Wine, the city aims to combat this economic hardship by allowing […]

Everyone has their own definition of "dream job," but for fans of all-American food, there's no better job than "Cheeseburger Tester." According to CNN, the casino review site, BonusFinder, announced the paid "job," to coincide with National Cheeseburger Day, September 18. The marketing strategy is not new. Ambassadorships, competitions, and payouts have been used to […]

Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Commissioner Carl Bentzel discusses MTDI and OSRA with Weston Labar, host of the People on the Move podcast by Cargomatic. Bentzel explains that during the pandemic, the FMC saw just how crucial cargo transportation is to the national economy and realized they needed to take a more aggressive posture and work […]

Key Insights: The supply chain begins and ends with drivers A driver shortage would be felt by people and businesses across the globe People's idea of a trucker does not always reflect the reality of the workforce On this episode of "People on the Move," host Michelle Dawn Mooney celebrates the impact of truckers and […]

June is Pride Month, making it the perfect time to catch up with the state of the LGBTQ community in the trucking industry. People on the Move's Tyler Kern caught up with Shelle Lichti, the Founder and Executive Director of LGBT Truckers, Inc., for an enlightening discussion on the industry's past, present, and future regarding […]

The rise of women within previously male-dominated industries continues to grow. People on the Move podcast host Michelle Mooney met with Mahsa Pan, Senior Civil Engineer and Construction Manager for the Port of Los Angeles, and WTS Vice President of Professional Development and Student Outreach to discuss her career path and how she helps women […]

The rise of women within previously male-dominated industries continues to grow. People on the Move podcast host Michelle Mooney met with Mahsa Pan, Senior Civil Engineer and Construction Manager for the Port of Los Angeles, and WTS Vice President of Professional Development and Student Outreach to discuss her career path and how she helps women […]

"The supply chain is an ecosystem, only as strong as its weakest link. Solutions need to benefit everyone, and that's where technology and data come into play." The supply chain story of 2021 was, unfortunately, a sequel to 2020. The weaknesses linger, but the future can be different by applying data and modernizing the framework. […]

"What I enjoy is bringing folks together to work collaboratively on solutions, including our members and partners like Cargomatic." While the supply chain is featured daily in the media now, it's not something most people thought about before. That's not the case for the latest guest on Careers on the Move. Jon Gold, Vice President of […]

"The work that I do in my sports world is about that impact and finding a deeper level of impact, which has contributed to here at Eye 2 Eye, where we’re trying to focus on access, ownership, and quality for communities of color," Heyward said. On this episode of Careers on the Move, Host […]

"The work that I do in my sports world is about that impact and finding a deeper level of impact, which has contributed to here at Eye 2 Eye, where we’re trying to focus on access, ownership, and quality for communities of color," Heyward said. On this episode of Careers on the Move, Host […]

"As I PT, I’m sitting there saying ‘For a lot of these drivers, poor health was really the underlying reason why they were in the clinic in the first place,’" Manera said. "As I got to learn more and more about their lifestyle and the struggles they go through on a day-to-day basis out on […]

AI is no mere buzzword; it's popping up in practical applications in all industries. The supply chain is no exception, and, in an industry with a focus on process efficiency, enlisting AI's possibilities makes perfect sense. Warren Kucker, CEO of Shelly.AI, joined Careers on the Move to talk with host Tyler Kern about his company's […]

Worker shortages, geopolitical forces and the lingering impacts to the supply chain due to a global pandemic; that's a lot of challenges for any industry to bear, but one could easily argue its impact on the trucking and logistics industry is by far the most prominent. The situation today will make for lasting changes in […]

The pandemic accelerated a lot of growth and change, especially when it came to cash-free and digital payment options. Cashless stadiums create unique and pleasurable experiences for guests, as they can pay quickly and easily in the parking lot all the way to the hotdog stand. On this episode of Cashing-In with Tidel, Host Tyler […]

When consumers think of ecommerce payment methods, debit and credit cards are the most prevalent forms of plastic they’ll pull out of their wallets to make a purchase. But a recent report finds as many as 6.5 percent of American households do not have a bank account. Retailers are beginning to realize these cashless, […]

On this episode of the MarketScale Software & Technology Podcast, David Barclay, VP of Marketing at Tidel, joined host Geoffrey Short to discuss how Tidel can provide car dealerships with solutions that help dealerships secure and automate their cash operations. People may not think of car dealerships as the type of establishment that traditionally handles […]

We may live in the age of plastic, but 50% of transactions under $10 are still done in cash. There is more cash in circulation than ever before. In short, cash isn't going anywhere. But, retailers know all too well that cash is fluid and hard to keep track of throughout the day as […]

We may live in the age of plastic, but 50% of transactions under $10 are still done in cash. There is more cash in circulation than ever before. In short, cash isn't going anywhere. But, retailers know all too well that cash is fluid and hard to keep track of throughout the day as […]

Some say cash is on its way out. However, according to a Health of Cash study, cash remains the most commonly used payment method, used by nine out of 10 consumers in the past six months, and by 80% on a monthly basis. With a substantial portion of consumers still using cash, the need […]

While other transaction methods, including mobile payments and the increasingly popular cryptocurrencies are making press headlines, cash is still the most popular form of payment method. However, if not managed appropriately, the costs of handling cash can have a measurable impact on a store's operations and bottom line. In business for almost 40 years, […]

One thing that's very important but doesn't take a prominent role in healthcare settings is furniture. It plays a significant role in patient care when it comes to looks, comfort, and functionality. An efficient and welcoming space makes for a better care experience for everyone. On this episode of Champions of Care, Host Daniel […]

Brant Satterwhite, Director of Operations at Chair-A-Medics, and Michael Coombs Jr., Operations Manager at Chair-A-Medics, joined Champions of Care to discuss the maintenance and service of medical seating, as well as a walk-thru of a typical pre-service visit. Chair-A-Medics is the nation's largest provider of dialysis chair maintenance and service; however, they also assist with […]

Bill Willis, Ambulatory Surgery Center Director for Vance Thompson Vision, joined Courtney Echerd to discuss the importance of eye safety and preventing injuries. Willis, a nurse for more than ten years, joined Vance Thompson Vision seven years ago, and his experiences exposed him to the many injuries that can damage an eye. Willis now works […]

A complex healthcare system already full of challenges didn't need a pandemic to come along and challenge it further, but it did. Terry Zysk, CEO of LiveProcess, discussed those challenges and how the coordination of care in a hospital setting and management of various levels of staff, resources and supplies have changed since the start […]

A complex healthcare system already full of challenges didn't need a pandemic to come along and challenge it further, but it did. Terry Zysk, CEO of LiveProcess, discussed those challenges and how the coordination of care in a hospital setting and management of various levels of staff, resources and supplies have changed since the start […]

On this episode of Champions of Care, a Champion Chair podcast and your leading source for industry-leading insights and thought leadership about medical seating and more, BSA LifeStructures’ Jen Worley and Karen Tobin joined host Daniel Litwin to outline how access to more informative and actionable data has elevated the way healthcare design promotes […]

In part two of the podcast, Daniel Litwin, Jen Worley and Karen Tobin dove into how certain design elements can help patients return to medical facilities and re-engage with routine healthcare, even in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's about crafting a space that supports peace of mind and a sense of safety, […]

Healthcare systems find themselves needing to maximize operational efficiencies to remain viable in a period when the COVID-19 pandemic makes everything a heightened challenge. Even before the pandemic struck, estimates projected that 50% of the healthcare industry in the U.S. will be part of the top 50 IDNs due to the need to […]

Healthcare systems find themselves needing to maximize operational efficiencies to remain viable in a period when the COVID-19 pandemic makes everything a heightened challenge. Even before the pandemic struck, estimates projected that 50% of the healthcare industry in the U.S. will be part of the top 50 IDNs due to the need to […]

Today's episode of Champions of Care explores the quality and standards of care in infusion therapy centers and in the practice of infusion nursing. Until very recently, these centers, critical for chronic diseases that require intravenous medications, had no set standards. This lack of cohesive oversight was observed day in and day out […]

On this episode of Champions of Care, a Champion Chair podcast, host Daniel Litwin and Champion Manufacturing Product Support Manager Melissa Hirth sat down for a discussion on the importance of proper sanitization and disinfection of medical equipment in the wake of the spread of COVID-19. These practices extend to chairs and medical […]

On this episode of Champions of Care, a Champion Chair podcast, host Daniel Litwin was joined by Jonathan Massey, CCRN Regional Account Manager, Champion Manufacturing. After sharing a bit about his own journey toward becoming a registered nurse, Massey and Litwin focused in on the challenges nurses face not only during "normal" operation, […]

In an era where students are grappling with uncertainties and challenges presented by the pandemic, the question arises: how do we prepare students for life, not just college? The stakes are high and the need for reimagining education is urgent. Now more than ever, the discussion must shift towards a comprehensive approach that caters not […]

With the ever-increasing pressure to perform on standardized tests, many educators are looking for ways to help their students learn more effectively. Dr. Janell Blunt, an associate professor of psychology and learning at a Midwestern university, is on a mission to do just that. In this episode, Dr. Blunt discusses her research on the science […]

Students and teachers are trying to achieve a "new normal" after the COVID-19 pandemic. And it seems like they’re on track to reaching this goal. According to a July 2022 report from The Collaborative for Student Growth, students in K to 8th grades are showing signs of rebounding in key areas like math and science. […]

From digital health services in healthcare, and drone delivery services in technology, to creating a biliteracy instructional framework in education, innovators, change-makers, disruptors, and idea people create the solutions that make a difference in the world today. Is there ever an idea that's too crazy? Not in Kobi Yamada's book, it's not. Embracing crazy ideas […]

From digital health services in healthcare, and drone delivery services in technology, to creating a biliteracy instructional framework in education, innovators, change-makers, disruptors, and idea people create the solutions that make a difference in the world today. Is there ever an idea that's too crazy? Not in Kobi Yamada's book, it's not. Embracing crazy ideas […]

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." – C.S. Lewis. It's hard to believe, but another school year is approaching the finish line. There's always a desire amongst teachers and students alike to coast to the final school bell. A word of advice: […]

Being a teacher can be immensely rewarding just as much as it can be overwhelming. Some people who are inspired to teach later find other ways of utilizing the skills they learned in teaching to help out others outside just their classroom. So what kind of effect can children's books aimed at classrooms have on […]

The word trust is synonymous with many things. For some, trust means having confidence in something, believing in something, or having faith. For others, trust means having responsibility and accountability. No matter how you define trust, it remains an integral part of our everyday lives. Not only does trust help build connections and deepen relationships, […]

The word trust is synonymous with many things. For some, trust means having confidence in something, believing in something, or having faith. For others, trust means having responsibility and accountability. No matter how you define trust, it remains an integral part of our everyday lives. Not only does trust help build connections and deepen relationships, […]

We are creatures of habit, always have been and probably always will be. We are now also, thanks to the success and efficiency of technology, creatures of comfort. Unwinding after a hard day's work is something everyone deserves, yet it is this very unwinding that can lead to an uncoupling of our surroundings, our intentions, […]

In a post-pandemic world, students are playing catchup with their education, with additional needs for those in underserved communities. Educational disparities exist in all areas of education, especially in the STEM curriculum, where gaps can hurt students looking to take their careers in those directions. How can educators get students back on track? Extended learning […]

Great education requires transformational leaders. What it also requires are great school boards. The Center for Public Education outlines eight characteristics encompassing an effective school board, from accountability and unification to team development and defining a vision for high expectations for student achievement and quality instruction. So, how does a school board become a […]

Assistant Editors’ Bootcamp, a post-production training and education program for industry novices, was born as a way to combat the incredible Catch 22 that green candidates face in getting their first job. For the two founders Noah Chamow and Conor Burke, the struggle was all too real. In this second in a three-part series […]

Noah Chamow and Conor Burke, founders of Assistant Editor's Bootcamp, attended some of the best film schools in California, and yet their best learning experience was creating their own. On this first in a three part series on careers in post production for CineCast, powered by Cinedeck, host Shelby Skrhak sat down with Chamow […]

Taking Cinedeck from the hardware world to the software world impacted leaders’ outlook on the company business model and shaped the company in an unexpected way, COO Jane Sung [contributor page] said in this third of a three-part conversation on CineCast, a Cinedeck podcast. "When we first launched the software, we launched with our same […]

Cinedeck COO Jane Sung says there were huge barriers when it came to entering the software technology market with cineXtools. "Especially when you’re bootstrapping that new product," Sung said in this second of three-part discussion on CineCast, a Cinedeck podcast. "Basically it felt like we were starting as a brand new startup." Like a startup, […]

Cinedeck COO Jane Sung says there were huge barriers when it came to entering the software technology market with cineXtools. "Especially when you’re bootstrapping that new product," Sung said in this second of three-part discussion on CineCast, a Cinedeck podcast. "Basically it felt like we were starting as a brand new startup." Like a startup, […]

From its inception, Cinedeck has worked tirelessly to bring innovative video recording and editing tools to the market, but that was no easy feat persuading the industry their solution was feasible. On this first of three-part conversation on CineCast, a Cinedeck podcast, COO Jane Sung takes us behind the curtain to reveal the challenges they […]

Gone are the days of waiting long hours for media files to render thanks to insert-editing software, like cineX. On this three-part CineCast podcast, we have discussed the evolution of cineX with Cinedeck CEO himself, Charles D’Autremont. On our last and final episode with him, D’Autremont wrapped up the conversation with real stories from […]

On this episode of CineCast by Cinedeck, we are joined once again by Charles D’Autremont, CEO of Cinedeck, to discuss the innovation of insert-editing software in the world of digital media. If you haven't listened to part one, start there to learn about D’Autremont's early career and how the idea of insert-editing came to […]

On this episode of CineCast by Cinedeck, we are joined once again by Charles D’Autremont, CEO of Cinedeck, to discuss the innovation of insert-editing software in the world of digital media. If you haven't listened to part one, start there to learn about D’Autremont's early career and how the idea of insert-editing came to […]

Amateur and professional video editors alike know the slow and excruciating process of rendering a file; perhaps setting the file to export before bed only to find their hardware still churning next morning. This slow and painful process has been the norm in the film and broadcast industry since the beginning, that is until […]

Our three-part podcast concludes with Alex Parnell, president of Splitting Lanes Entertainment. Parnell's work as a freelance colorist and online editor is ever-changing. No two workdays look alike. On this final episode, we explored his workflow, what software he relies on to keep his work running smoothly, and what changes he forecasts seeing in […]

We welcomed back Alex Parnell, president of Splitting Lanes Entertainment, for episode two of our three-part series of CineCast: A Cinedeck Podcast. On episode one, we got to know Parnell as a creative in the industry of media, film, and television, how he got into the field and what gets him excited for work […]

On this episode of ClearTalk, Director of Engineering at CTSI Mike Wilson explained the company's ClearDesign Rooms, Engineering and User Experience methodology. Facilities across many industries, including healthcare, education, corporate and government, all have various technology and business requirements. CTSI helps customers meet those needs in a manner that provides consistent and effective performance with […]

With the rapid innovations in technology today, it's hard to keep up; especially in the business world where we rely on these different systems to profit and grow. Alan Rosenkoff, Director of Business Development & Corporate Marketing at CTSI, joins host Tyler Kern to talk about how CTSI has changed the way organizations consume […]

"It has merged into more of a headcount and workforce problem. So, how do we keep people coming and the lines rolling?," he said. "It has been a challenge." On our podcast, Ground Truth by Phantom Auto, our goal is to tell stories about the power of reimagined warehouse logistics, mobility and automation that speak […]

Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile. So, too, did Elon Musk. As automobile technology continues to advance, consumers are starting to see the next wave of technology, such as self-driving cars. But another new technology allows drivers to operate vehicles remotely, even from thousands of miles. On this episode of Ground Truth, a Phantom Auto podcast, […]

Today's supply chain faces several compounding issues that were difficult to predict a year and a half ago. There are numerous short and long-term effects of COVID to deal with, as well as increasing pressure from growing consumer demands, challenges in implementing autonomous technology and a hiring shortage. On this episode of Ground Truth, a […]

Consumer debt is steadily climbing due to trends such as pandemic recovery (e.g., rent recouperation), fear of recession, healthcare (e.g., pushing more healthcare costs onto patients), and other current trends. Smaller businesses will be impacted more due to their lack of resources and training to collect this increased debt. In a new episode of […]

Collections in general, but especially in the healthcare industry, require delicacy, patience, and intelligence, all while ensuring the company meets revenue goals and the client's customer experience is cared for. IC System's specially trained collections experts make this possible, from engaging in industry boards such as the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) and employing innovative […]

With the growing world of healthcare and rapidly changing federal, national, and local regulations, it's a priority that healthcare professionals and facilities stay up-to-date on current industry trends, particularly as it pertains to finances. That is the fundamental purpose of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, or HFMA. How can the HFMA assist healthcare facilities […]

IC System, a family-owned and nationally recognized debt collection agency with 85 years of experience, can effectively help you recover revenue and ease your accounts receivable burden. Whether you’re a first-time client or have previously worked with other agencies, we simplify the process of sending accounts to collections. On today's episode of Closing The Books, […]

IC System, a family-owned and nationally recognized debt collection agency with 85 years of experience, can effectively help you recover revenue and ease your accounts receivable burden. Whether you’re a first-time client or have previously worked with other agencies, we simplify the process of sending accounts to collections. On today's episode of Closing The Books, […]

When it comes to finding solutions that are seamless and proactive in the debt collecting sector, IC System has found one innovative answer. This episode of Closing the Books, host, Tyler Kern, spoke with Bryan Campbell, Business Development Manager at IC System, about one new method of managing accounts receivable that leads to affordable debt […]

The most expensive car ride someone may take in their life is an ambulance ride, which racks up to a whopping average of 1,200 dollars. Most individuals probably cannot or will not pay that bill outright, meaning it will serve as a form of debt to them. So, how is credit debt any different from […]

Lee Brockney is currently the Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis Manager at IC Systems. After 19 years with the company, he wears many hats today. He's in charge of general project pricing, financial forecasting, cost analysis, budget, and other ad-hoc reporting. He's also an active Chairman of the Innovation Committee. He's poised to discuss […]

Lee Brockney is currently the Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis Manager at IC Systems. After 19 years with the company, he wears many hats today. He's in charge of general project pricing, financial forecasting, cost analysis, budget, and other ad-hoc reporting. He's also an active Chairman of the Innovation Committee. He's poised to discuss […]

Returning guest Michelle Dove, Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel for IC System, sits down with host Tyler Kern to discuss the changes implemented by Regulation F and how they’ve effected IC System as well as the broader debt collection world. "I am mainly tasked with understanding the law that applies to the collection industry […]

In general, the debt collection industry suffers from a poor reputation. And the idea that a consumer in debt could describe their experiences working with a debt collection agency as positive is strange to many people. Closing the Books host Tyler Kern spoke with Brian Eggert, Marketing Specialist at IC System about these various […]

A collections agency that is nationally licensed ensures compliance within each state it operates. Chris Morris, VP of Client Success at IC System, spoke with Tyler Kern about the ins and outs of being nationally licensed in the collections industry. Becoming a nationally licensed collections agency is a complex, intricate process that can take a […]

In the recent episode of Collaborative Tech Talk, host Michelle Dawn Mooney, recently spoke with ScreenBeam's Jay Taylor, senior director of strategic alliances & technical marketing, and David Charbit, business development manager of EMEA, about what to anticipate from ScreenBeam at the upcoming ISE 2023 business conference slated for end of January in Barcelona, Spain. […]

En este primer episodio hispanohablante del podcast Collaborative Tech Talk de ScreenBeam, exploramos tendencias en el trabajo híbrido en Latino América y cómo esta gran migración a un nuevo tipo de trabajo ha afectado a las instalacio-nes y sus profesionales. Hay una pregunta inminente para muchas organizaciones hoy en día: Cómo habilitar espacios para […]

Nuestros invitados Flavio Calonge (desarrollador de negocios para Latinoamérica de Screenbeam) y Pablo Velez (CEO de COMSULTING SAS) nos cuentan como la marca LABERINT del grupo COMSULTING nos brinda soluciones para el trabajo híbrido, tanto en ambientes educativos como corporativos. Fundada en el año 2014, COMSULTING ha marcado la pauta en Latinoamérica creando soluciones […]

Collaboration and partnership are two synonymous terms that mean everything to ScreenBeam's success. Collaborative Tech Talk's host, Daniel Litwin, shared some important news – as of May 6, ScreenBeam and Carousel Digital Signage have entered into a partnership to deliver seamless digital signage integrations into classrooms and meeting spaces across verticals to bring active content […]

Collaboration and partnership are two synonymous terms that mean everything to ScreenBeam's success. Collaborative Tech Talk's host, Daniel Litwin, shared some important news – as of May 6, ScreenBeam and Carousel Digital Signage have entered into a partnership to deliver seamless digital signage integrations into classrooms and meeting spaces across verticals to bring active content […]

With the signing of the American Rescue Plan Act, a portion of the $1.9-trillion federal relief fund will be directed into the nation's educational system. However, the challenges faced by educators all over the country aren't over yet. School leaders must now maneuver through the law's requirements and strategize the best way to use the […]

Mark Coxon, Technology Leader at Tangram Interiors, Digital Workflow and AV Professional Blogger, and Podcast Host, stopped by Collaborative Tech Talk to talk about the impact of COVID-19 – specifically, the pandemic's effect on integrators from a planning standpoint. One of the primary things Coxon felt has been missing since the pandemic hit is […]

Educational institutions must maximize their year-end budgets by getting the jump on 2021. David Lopez, Senior Manager of Strategic Alliances for ScreenBeam, provided some much-needed tips and advice for educators looking to make the most of their 2020 budget without leaving available funds on the table. Lopez admitted that 2020 was a unique and […]

Educational institutions must maximize their year-end budgets by getting the jump on 2021. David Lopez, Senior Manager of Strategic Alliances for ScreenBeam, provided some much-needed tips and advice for educators looking to make the most of their 2020 budget without leaving available funds on the table. Lopez admitted that 2020 was a unique and […]

On this episode of ScreenBeam's Collaborative Tech Talks, Dr. Judy Fields, CEO of Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, and David Lopez, ScreenBeam Senior Manager, Strategic Alliances joined host Tyler Kern to outline the partnership between the two companies and how it will benefit K12 schools. Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Fields said, has worked for […]

In a wireless world, why should classrooms be any different? Technology has made a huge impact on teaching, but it's not been without challenges. One of the greatest challenges teachers face is being able to collaborate and orchestrate while staying mobile. ScreenBeam wireless displays make that possible, and Classroom Commander is the perfect software complement. […]

One way or another, back to school season is coming, but this fall is shaping up to be the start of a school year like no other. David Lopez, Senior Manager of Strategic Alliances at ScreenBeam, spoke about the challenges facing schools across the country in how to return kids to learning during the COVID-19 […]

Location: El Paso, Texas. Place: Clint ISD (independent school district.) Time: 2019. Even before the pandemic shuttered classrooms across the country and left school districts searching for online solutions, Clint ISD began preparing for a comprehensive communication solution that would unknowingly benefit students when the pandemic struck. Mark Jones, Vice President of Sales at FrontRow, […]

 How can sales teams leverage the right content to accelerate the sales process while ensuring engagement? The answer is content, but what that content is and its intent are evolving. Discussing this shift and "new" media channels, Community Reengaged host Daniel Litwin spoke with MarketScale Digital Media Strategist Shannon Maverick. B2B sales teams had unique […]

Going live is the name of the game in B2B media, and not just because it's how people consume content in the modern landscape. Going live can also help your organization with its overall goal of using holistic, owned media channels to build an organic community around your brand. On this episode of MarketScale's Community […]

There's arguably nothing more important in the current B2B landscape than building a community. The days of traditional advertising have long since come and gone, and the modern buyer wants to engage with content in unprecedented ways. Today's audiences are used to powerful live broadcasts, expert-laden podcasts, and more – but they don't just magically […]

ATM machines, the internet, GPS maps, and weather reports all have one common denominator: outer space. Without space, these services would not be possible at the scale they are today. TE Connectivity's leader of global engineering, Matt McAlonis joined Tyler Kern, host of Our Connected World, to highlight the trends in the frontier of space […]

TE Connectivity is on the cutting edge of sensor technology. To discuss this innovation that's disrupting many industries, Tyler Kern chatted with VP and Chief Technology Officer, Erin Byrne, of Sensor Solutions on today's episode of Our Connected World. Byrne highlighted many examples of how sensors are already involved in people's everyday use. "Sensors are […]

Ralf Klaedtke, The Chief Technical Officer for Transportation Solutions at TE Connectivity, wrapped his three-part look at autonomous driving on Connected World with a focus on the future. The present-day provides the answers to that future. New players entering the autonomous vehicle space are making their presence known, and their technology solutions can play […]

Ralf Klaedtke, The Chief Technical Officer for Transportation Solutions at TE Connectivity, continued his discussion on autonomous driving with Connected World's Tyler Kern. In this second episode, the conversation shifted to the human side of autonomous driving and people's trust issues with AI. And, as with Klaedtke and Kern's earlier conversation, safety is the leading […]

Ralf Klaedtke, The Chief Technical Officer for Transportation Solutions at TE Connectivity, continued his discussion on autonomous driving with Connected World's Tyler Kern. In this second episode, the conversation shifted to the human side of autonomous driving and people's trust issues with AI. And, as with Klaedtke and Kern's earlier conversation, safety is the leading […]

There's a lot to be excited about in the world of autonomous vehicles. Still, there are many challenges ahead, including misconceptions to clear up and technology hurdles to climb before EV's go mainstream. Ralf Klaedtke, The Chief Technical Officer for Transportation Solutions at TE Connectivity, shared his insights on those challenges and the trends shaping […]

"Regardless of the OEM model, they all need to advance battery technology and ensure the electrical infrastructure is there." The ecosystem of electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly changing. With so many factors that impact the market, OEMs are evolving their models to meet consumer demand and infrastructure needs. Discussing the current state, Steven Merkt, President, Transportation […]

Aircraft are becoming more advanced in their use of technology. Still, it's difficult to know how they’re advancing when much of the technology is internal to aircraft. Mark Benton, Rugged Fiber Optics Engineering Manager and Product Manager at TE Connectivity, joined Our Connected World host Tyler Kern to discuss one aspect of advancing air technology—rugged fiber […]

Aircraft are becoming more advanced in their use of technology. Still, it's difficult to know how they’re advancing when much of the technology is internal to aircraft. Mark Benton, Rugged Fiber Optics Engineering Manager and Product Manager at TE Connectivity, joined Our Connected World host Tyler Kern to discuss one aspect of advancing air technology—rugged fiber […]

The trend for seeing electric vehicles (EV) on the road has been on the rise. Sameer Pagnis, President of Global Automotive at TE Connectivity, joined Host Tyler Kern to discuss facilitators and roadblocks in the EV field. A convergence of factors are responsible for increasing EV prevalence. The technology is integrating rapidly, battery-pack density is […]

Taylor Fitzpatrick, Product Manager of Power Connectors at TE Connectivity, spoke on the challenges designers face when creating eVTOL platforms and the solutions they can use to help solve them. Without the proper battery management strategy, eVTOL aircraft cannot glide or auto-rotate. Fitzpatrick said that, along with needing sufficient battery storage for an eVTOL flight, […]

750,000 to 17 million – that's quite the differential. These two numbers reflect where the commercial drone market is today, and where it's projected to be by 2029. Why are commercial drones rising so quickly in popularity? That's what ConnecTEd World's Tyler Kern wanted to know. Luckily for Kern, Catharina Atalaia Santos, a Field Application […]

Tyler Kern tapped two true subject matter experts to explore the role PE pipe plays in today's world of infrastructure and its uses in many different applications. Peter Dyke, Executive Director at the Alliance for PE Pipe, and Brett Stone, Sales Channel Manager for PE Pipe at McElroy Manufacturing, were thrilled to get the opportunity […]

As Washington looks to pass a new infrastructure bill to fund a variety of projects, it will certainly impact many industries. The bill seems to be on the move, but where do things stand? Breaking all of this down, Connections host Tyler Kern welcomed two guests – Kip Eideberg, Senior Vice President, Government & Industry […]

Jeff Turner, Sales Channel Manager for McElroy, and Ryan Ethier, creator of the Facebook group Gods of Fusion and Western Canada Utility Sales Manager at ISCO-AH McElroy, joined host Tyler Kern for the first episode of Connections, a new podcast series by McElroy. This series is dedicated to the pipe fusion industry. McElroy, an industry […]

Project management is a discipline that a wide range of industries use. When they have skilled people in the role, it leads to successful projects and happy customers. To explore its importance, Conveying Progress host Tyler Kern chatted with Amanda Dahshan, Senior Project Manager at Benda Manufacturing, Inc. Dahshan first explained how she found […]

Sourcing parts during field service is essential, but it's not as simple as buying something off Amazon. However, there are still the same issues – sometimes things are overpriced or shipping takes too long. The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant supply chain issues, and Benda has had to work harder than usual to get parts. […]

Benda Manufacturing isn't a new company; its innovative industrial conveyor solutions have served industries from food and beverage to packaging and pharmaceuticals since 1986. And it's a family-run organization. Founded by Greg Benda, all six of his sons continue their involvement with Benda Manufacturing today. To kick off the first episode of Conveying Progress, Greg […]

As the first COVID vaccine to be given FDS emergency authorization begins its distribution, many healthcare organizations have been tasked with a new challenge; figuring out how to store the vaccine at ultra-cold temperatures. How can healthcare organizations set themselves up for success quickly? In this episode of Cooler News, host Daniel Litwin is […]

To get a clearer picture of technology innovations and solutions in robotics in the grocery delivery and fulfillment space, Cooler News tapped Joe McMenamin, Director of eCommerce at KPS Global, for some perspective. A major reason why this conversation is relevant today is the pandemic's disruption in the grocery industry and the increasing need […]

A June 2020 survey from BMC (Brick Meets Click) and Mercatus USA found that 45.6 million U.S. consumers were online grocery shoppers, a 6% increase from the previous month. With this new COVID environment, the demand for eCommerce solutions in retail and grocery, specifically, appears to be increasing with no signs of stopping. How […]

Condensation in a walk-in freezer or cooler can be a real issue. Business owners may see droplets on glass doors or pooling water on the floor around the edge of a walk-in cooler. KPS Global's experts have field experience figuring out why condensation is happening and what do about it. Jason Bratcher, Director of […]

Condensation in a walk-in freezer or cooler can be a real issue. Business owners may see droplets on glass doors or pooling water on the floor around the edge of a walk-in cooler. KPS Global's experts have field experience figuring out why condensation is happening and what do about it. Jason Bratcher, Director of […]

Even in the earliest days of the pandemic, the spotlight was on national and global supply chains. How would they hold up if the worst came to pass? Now several months into that world-wide crisis, Jeff Monroe, Director of Supply Chain at KPS Global, spoke about the challenges of supply chain management during the […]

Change is part of every industry. The grocery industry is no different. Evolution has become necessary, mostly driven by customer preferences. The grocery shopping experience is evolving with the support of technology. To chat about this new segment of the market is Joe McMenamin, business development for grocery fulfillment at KPS Global, a leading […]

The first modern freezer hit homes in the early 1900s. Since then, modern refrigeration and freezers have come a long way; the laws of thermodynamics, though, haven't changed. The way in which people treat and manage their walk-in freezers often incurs more costs for a company, whether that's in maintenance or energy costs, and […]

The first modern freezer hit homes in the early 1900s. Since then, modern refrigeration and freezers have come a long way; the laws of thermodynamics, though, haven't changed. The way in which people treat and manage their walk-in freezers often incurs more costs for a company, whether that's in maintenance or energy costs, and […]

Mining oil and gas is essential to human civilization currently. However, the public does not often think of the massive machinery and equipment that are responsible for energy infrastructure, and thus make the modern lifestyle viable. This equipment, most often large, is also fragile and must be cared for. Today, we dive into how […]

Cross-Sections brings to you bite-size conversations with host Anthony Gude as he chats with colleagues and leaders in the construction and industrial ecosystem. On this episode of Cross-Sections, Host Anthony Gude talked with Colby Swanson, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Operations Director, Modular Mobilization Coalition, and Michael Palmer, the Operations Director. The Modular Mobilization Coalition (MMC) is […]

Cross-Sections brings to you bite-size conversations with host Anthony Gude as he chats with colleagues and leaders in the construction and industrial ecosystem. Building was one of man's earliest skills. Thousands of years later, it's still essential to life, but the construction industry is complex, with many factors influencing it. However, technology is simplifying and optimizing processes, specifically […]

Cross-Sections brings to you bite-size conversations with host Anthony Gude, as he chats with colleagues and leaders in the construction and industrial ecosystem On this episode of Cross-Sections, Host Anthony Gude talked with Ricky McLain, PE, SE, Senior Technical Director – Tall Wood WoodWorks™ – Wood Products Council about the projects they have going on […]

Cross-Sections brings to you bite-size conversations with host Anthony Gude as he chats with colleagues and leaders in the construction and industrial ecosystem. Gude spoke with Brandon Searle, The Innovation Director of the Offsite Construction Research Center at the University of New Brunswick, which studies the "Current trends in the construction industry reflect the […]

Cross-Sections brings to you bite-size conversations with host Anthony Gude as he chats with colleagues and leaders in the construction and industrial ecosystem. Gude spoke with Brandon Searle, The Innovation Director of the Offsite Construction Research Center at the University of New Brunswick, which studies the "Current trends in the construction industry reflect the […]

Cross-Sections brings to you bite-size conversations with host Anthony Gude, as he chats with colleagues and leaders in the construction and industrial ecosystem. Gude spoke with John Pugh of Pugh Management, a boutique real estate development, consulting, and investment firm. They play an advisory role to help maximize the opportunities and investment for landowners. Gude […]

Females encompass only 14 percent of the construction industry's employees. However, that number is only expected to grow as women take on more engineering and leadership roles. What is it like to work in the construction industry as a female leader, and how can other women make a career in this industry? On today's episode […]

Women's History Month, which kicks off each March after its official designation in 1987, is a great time to recognize the importance and value of women in the workforce. Construction is one industry striving to welcome more women into its field. As of 2020, women comprised only 9% of the construction industry. Celebrating its 35th […]

Jon Herring, the Quality Control Director at VCC, joins Gabrielle Bejarano in this episode to discuss the role of quality control at VCC and how substitutions in supplies create complications. The VCC's Total Quality Management (TQM) department starts by assessing risk on jobs. TQM ensures the plan is in place and its key players understand […]

Design plays a critical role in the pre-construction phase of a project. At VCC, their In-House Design and Construction Integration team gets involved in all projects from start to finish. Donn Calaway, Chief Design Officer at VCC, heads up the design and construction integration group. He sat down with Gabrielle Bejarano to talk about some […]

Design plays a critical role in the pre-construction phase of a project. At VCC, their In-House Design and Construction Integration team gets involved in all projects from start to finish. Donn Calaway, Chief Design Officer at VCC, heads up the design and construction integration group. He sat down with Gabrielle Bejarano to talk about some […]

"Behavior change occurs when workers do the safe and right things without having to think about it." Changing the behavior or mindsets of employees is one of the most challenging aspects of any workplace. That's even more so in construction because a failure to change can lead to unsafe conditions and even injury. So, […]

Task hazard analysis should be completed by the people doing the work in the field. They’ll notice the hazards and observe the risk." Construction job sites are full of hazards. That's the nature of the industry; however, that doesn't mean that these risks are inevitable. Through task hazard analysis, construction leaders can be more proactive […]

"We expect that someone can do the job they were hired to do, but we need to always get all workers up to speed on safety topics." In any project or initiative, those leading it set the tone. When expectations are unclear, or leadership doesn't set them, failures can happen. And that's not what […]

"We expect that someone can do the job they were hired to do, but we need to always get all workers up to speed on safety topics." In any project or initiative, those leading it set the tone. When expectations are unclear, or leadership doesn't set them, failures can happen. And that's not what […]

VCC Construction's Taylor Marsalis, Director of Pre-construction, joined host Tyler Kern in the studio to dive into pre-construction processes. Everything from the pre-construction process to the various challenges and navigating current construction market conditions was up for discussion. "Pre-construction is the events that take place up to the actual groundbreaking of the construction part of […]

How has the modern city center evolved from those of the past? On this inaugural episode of Deconstruction, a VCC podcast, host Ben Thomas and Derek Alley, CEO of VCC, break down the modern city center and what it takes to plan, build and maintain it. According to Alley, the term city center would have […]

IT and sustainability aren't often two words seen together, but they should be. As the world heats up, it's not only becoming more important for buyers to see environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives in the products they’re purchasing, but it's also great for the planet. Where should you start? On the latest episode of […]

If you’re a Jira 100-200 service level user, look no further! Migrating your ITSM operation from on-premise to the cloud can be a daunting task. But with the right knowledge, it shouldn't be. So, how exactly should you go about migrating to a cloud ITSM platform, and what are some red flags to look out […]

There used to be a time when all of a company's data centers were within the same building, always in a room chock full of different devices with heat emanating from within. It was usually very expensive and complex, and often included a host of complications and safety hazards. With the advent of technology, […]

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are known for taking care of their bodies while pushing themselves to continuously strive to improve their performance. To support this lifestyle, individuals need to take care of themselves in and out of the gym and sports arena. From proper nutrition and sleep to taking care of sore muscles and injuries, […]

Numerous studies have already proven that Deerland's probiotic DE111 is beneficial to human gut health, elevating digestive health, regularity, immune health, cardiovascular health, sports performance, body composition, and more. However, a recent study revealed even more exciting news. DE111 does indeed germinate within the human intestine, meaning it can provide benefits from both the […]

Industries that involve scientific topics have barriers associated with relevant information – in both accessing it and understanding it. These challenges to education, however, can be overcome with the right path. That's true for the probiotic industry, as healthcare and food and beverage professionals try to make the right decisions based on accurate data. […]

Food insecurity is a major challenge in America today, as almost one in five children lives in poverty. The effects of limited food access can break bonds within families and have long-term negative impacts on children's emotional, mental and bodily health. Through the Family First philanthropy effort, Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes has partnered with Gift […]

Food insecurity is a major challenge in America today, as almost one in five children lives in poverty. The effects of limited food access can break bonds within families and have long-term negative impacts on children's emotional, mental and bodily health. Through the Family First philanthropy effort, Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes has partnered with Gift […]

Gut health influences overall wellness. Study after study proves this point, and probiotics are useful in cultivating the healthiest gut. But how does this work for children? Discussing gut health in children, Digestible brings you a conversation with John Deaton, VP of Science and Technology for Deerland, and Dr. Jernej Dolinsek, part of the Pediatric Gastroenterology […]

The year 2020 brought with it the coronavirus pandemic, and it has many people thinking harder than ever about their immune system. Deerland Probiotics and Enzymes is always thinking about immune health, however, and Vice President of Marketing & Strategy Sam Michini said the company was ready for the increased demand it's seeing as a […]

The global digestive enzyme industry is estimated to be worth $1.2 billion by the year 2026. John Davidson, Director of Education and Innovation, Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes, joined host Daniel Litwin to discuss the role supplemental enzymes play in assisting proper digestion. "The enzyme supplement category is very specialized," Davidson said. Davidson's 37 years of […]

The global digestive enzyme industry is estimated to be worth $1.2 billion by the year 2026. John Davidson, Director of Education and Innovation, Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes, joined host Daniel Litwin to discuss the role supplemental enzymes play in assisting proper digestion. "The enzyme supplement category is very specialized," Davidson said. Davidson's 37 years of […]

Whether you prefer yogurt, kimchi, kefir, or kombucha, probiotics are all around us. But how do we really harness the benefits of this good bacteria, and capitalize on consuming foods that keep us healthy? The answer — Prebiotics. Tackling the science, consumer habits, and marketing behind prebiotics in this episode of the MarketScale Sciences […]

Good digestion is important, and a lot of products in the that marketplace benefiting gut health include probiotics and enzymes. How is this marketplace responding to an increased interest from consumers? John Davidson is the Director of Innovation and Education for Deerland Probiotics and Enzymes. Davidson, a 30-year veteran of the enzyme supplement industry, […]

Doug Freutel, Vice President of Innovation and Visionary, Radiant Technology Group, returned to Digital Directions to complete his conversation on digital signage as a way to help facilitate flexible workspaces. Fruetel picked things up where he left off, discussing the evolving workspaces of the future – one where work hubs may become the norm. "How […]

There are many avenues to pursue related to the future workspaces and how the pandemic has forever changed the landscape of the way people work. Doug Freutel, Vice President of Innovation and Visionary, Radiant Technology Group, offered up his perspective and insights on how digital innovations, specifically digital signage, will play a role in […]

2020 is a year like no other, and the same goes for the year that's been in the technology space. To break down some of the big topics and trends in technology today, Omnivex's Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Doug Bannister, teamed up with Omnivex Product Manager Craig Marshall. They shared their experience and thoughts […]

Navigating the infrastructure, land and relationships in construction. Host Adam Morrisey interviews global leaders in the built environment exploring the people, ideas and innovations guiding the construction and civil engineering industries into the future. On this episode of Dirt Work, we concluded our Equity Cities mini-series by discussing the role that the business community […]

On this episode of Dirt Work, host Adam Morrisey continued the show's series on the topic of equitable cities by discussing the role that real estate developers, bankers and community initiatives have on the future of our cities with Dallas-area business leaders Tim and Terrence Maiden. Terrence serves as CEO of Russell Glen, a […]

On this episode of Dirt Work, we continued our conversation on the topic of equitable cities by discussing community-oriented development with Innovan Neighborhoods founder Maggie Parker. Parker is a member of Dallas Business Journal's 2019 40 under 40 Class, as well as the recipient of the 2020 Juanita Craft Humanitarian Award and the founder […]

Texas Rep. Carl Sherman joined Dirt Work for a courageous conversation on the impact of policy on urban planning and the equitability of cities. Sherman has been identified as a transformational leader in faith, government and business. As a member of the Texas House of Representatives, he proudly represents District 109, which includes many […]

Texas Rep. Carl Sherman joined Dirt Work for a courageous conversation on the impact of policy on urban planning and the equitability of cities. Sherman has been identified as a transformational leader in faith, government and business. As a member of the Texas House of Representatives, he proudly represents District 109, which includes many […]

Jaime Bravo, General Manager of Hotel Bardo, a boutique hotel in Tulum, Mexico, joined us on Dirt Work to discuss the future of hospitality, picking up from a previous Dirt Work episode conversation when Global Architecture firm founder Scott Lowe said the future will be defined by hotels with less than 50 guest rooms. Hotels are an ultra-operational […]

Every month Adam Morrisey navigates infrastructure, land, and relationships of the construction industry on Dirt Work. Founder and Partner of Global Architecture Firm, 5G Studio, Scott Lowe joined us to discuss the architecture process and changes impacting the industry. 5G was founded in 2005 and has grown to an internationally renown firm. Headquartered and founded […]

Joseph Cahoon, Director of Folsom Institute for Real Estate at SMU's Cox School of Business, joined us on the most recent episode of Dirt Work to discuss the cross-section of education and real estate in light of invocation and changes brought forth by the coronavirus pandemic. SMU successfully transitioned over 10,000 students to remote […]

Joseph Cahoon, Director of Folsom Institute for Real Estate at SMU's Cox School of Business, joined us on the most recent episode of Dirt Work to discuss the cross-section of education and real estate in light of invocation and changes brought forth by the coronavirus pandemic. SMU successfully transitioned over 10,000 students to remote […]

On this episode of Dirt Work, we were joined by Austin Clinkscales, Principal at Ladera Properties, a real estate developer, investment firm and operator focused on the retail sector in Texas and Oklahoma, to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted that already ever-changing retail real estate market. Retail is a tough business because of inherent limitations to control […]

On this episode of Dirt Work, we were joined by Bob Campana of Campana Capital, a real estate development and investment firm based in Cleveland, OH. Born into a family of entrepreneurs, Bob told the story of his family's manufacturing business, which he later joined, in the steel, foundry and pipe and tubing industries and shared lessons applicable to people and […]

On this episode of Dirt Work, we were joined by Christopher Hernandez of Kimley-Horn. We broke down Civil Engineering to one of its core purposes, which is to navigate the relationship between land and the people that inhabit it. From roots in ancient Mesopotamia and the Far East, to help people protect themselves from […]

Before working for Garrett Metal Detectors, Miguel Ardito did not realize that people metal detected as a hobby. Miguel is a jack of all trades at Garrett Metal Detectors – he's a graphic designer, photographer and videographer for the company. However, he now understands why metal detecting is such a tight-knit community. Miguel said […]

Stories about hidden caches of money and valuables from the western settlers and easterners riding the rails float around Montana for young men and women like George Wyant. These stories motivated Wyant to start poking around old cabins and structures in his home state looking for treasures. He said it's always been in his […]

It's tempting to say Emily Copeland is not like other 8-year-olds, but the truth is she's a curious, inquisitive little girl like any other. She just has the right tools to indulge her curiosity. On this episode of Discover the Truth by Garrett Metal Detectors, host Shelby Skrhak sat down with young metal detectorist […]

The name Michele Maher probably doesn't ring a bell, but metal detector enthusiasts would know her better by the nickname "Gypsy" she uses on her YouTube channel Zero Discrimination and the podcast All Metal Mode. The clever plays on words are a nod to her love for metal detecting, which led her to open […]

The name Michele Maher probably doesn't ring a bell, but metal detector enthusiasts would know her better by the nickname "Gypsy" she uses on her YouTube channel Zero Discrimination and the podcast All Metal Mode. The clever plays on words are a nod to her love for metal detecting, which led her to open […]

Maybe Carlotta Brandenburg is a lucky charm for fellow treasure hunters who seem to find one particular kind of relic when she's around. On this episode of Discover the Truth, a Garrett Metal Detectors podcast, host Shelby Skrhak sits down with the Arizona detectorist to discuss the treasures she's found and what others, including […]

You can usually spot Jocelyn Elizabeth a mile away. On a field of dozens of hobbyists using Garrett metal detectors, she's typically the only young woman on the field with some radical shade of color in her hair. Elizabeth, the founder of Relic Recoverist, a popular YouTube channel about her relic-hunting adventures with her […]

On each episode of National Geographic's Diggers, metal detector hobbyists Tim "The Ringmaster" Saylor and his friend "King George" Wyant traverse the United States in search of buried treasure. But treasure means different things to different people, said Saylor, who sat down with host Sean Heath for this episode of Discover the Truth by […]

On each episode of National Geographic's Diggers, metal detector hobbyists Tim "The Ringmaster" Saylor and his friend "King George" Wyant traverse the United States in search of buried treasure. But treasure means different things to different people, said Saylor, who sat down with host Sean Heath for this episode of Discover the Truth by […]

Imagine the world is one giant treasure hunt. That's how our guest today Garrett Marketing Director Steve Moore on the new Discover the Truth podcast with Garrett Metal Detectors feels when he goes out into the field. On this episode host Chris Reeves asked Steve how he uses the product, what his most significant […]

Getting to Net Zero soon requires global decarbonization efforts involving multiple requirements and economic and government commitments. Steps are underway to make Net Zero a reality through Carbon Capture & Storage and other technical innovations. Still, the overall topic of decarbonization is a loaded one, with the pitfalls of politics to navigate and how to […]

In 2022, more than one-fifth of the 1,000 candidates for the U.S. Senate, House, or state governor on the fall ballot stated they had some form of military experience, per the Pew Research Center. And it makes sense. The leadership experiences in the military, combined with the consequences of political decisions that directly impact those […]

Digital learning was a tool prior to Covid-19, a life saver during the pandemic, and through AI, ChatGPT, and other innovative education technology, it's becoming a powerful resource in the education space. Tech-driven personalized learning is helping reduce educational inequality by giving students, regardless of geographical location or income status, the additional support they need […]

Original Post: Oct. 21, 2022 Post Updated: May 18, 2023 In the 3rd and final episode of DisruptED's special manufacturing edition, host Ron Stefanski continues the conversation on 3D printing with CEO and Founder of Divergent and Czinger Vehicles, Kevin Czinger, and U.S. manufacturing expert Cynthia Hutchison. Hutchison began, "We’re beginning to look at […]

Original Post: Oct. 21, 2022 Post Updated: May 18, 2023 In the 3rd and final episode of DisruptED's special manufacturing edition, host Ron Stefanski continues the conversation on 3D printing with CEO and Founder of Divergent and Czinger Vehicles, Kevin Czinger, and U.S. manufacturing expert Cynthia Hutchison. Hutchison began, "We’re beginning to look at […]

Original Post Date: August 25, 2022 Updated Post: May 17, 2023 When the US Centre for Advanced Manufacturing launched in June 2022, Cynthia Hutchison, the Head of the Centre, met up with me and Kevin Czinger, CEO of Divergent3D & Czinger Vehicles. Czinger is simply a phenomenon. He comes from a proud family of mechanics […]

Original Post Date: Aug. 25, 2022 Content Updated: May 16, 2023 When the US Centre for Advanced Manufacturing launched in June 2022, Cynthia Hutchison, the Head of the Centre, met up with me and Kevin Czinger, CEO of Divergent3D & Czinger Vehicles. Kevin Czinger is simply a phenomenon. He comes from a proud family […]

Almost one in four students between the ages of 12 and 18 reported in 2019 that they experienced bullying. Addressing this disproportionate impact on students is critical because bullying increases the likelihood of developing mental health needs such as depression and anxiety. Today's episode addresses a fundamental question: How can we tackle the behavioral […]

Almost one in four students between the ages of 12 and 18 reported in 2019 that they experienced bullying. Addressing this disproportionate impact on students is critical because bullying increases the likelihood of developing mental health needs such as depression and anxiety. Today's episode addresses a fundamental question: How can we tackle the behavioral […]

It's no secret that working in education can be very mentally taxing, and students themselves can struggle mentally, too. Attention on mental health can sometimes be overlooked and we may not realize how educators and students are feeling or how their mental health can affect what they do in and out of the classroom. So […]

As of 2020, 47 percent of employers offered some level of assistance for undergraduate or graduate tuition assistance. However, MBA application numbers dropped 6.5% in 2022. Clearly, there has been a shift in how employees and employers are viewing education as a benefit in the workplace. Why are post-secondary degrees in the workplace no […]

The world of higher education has always been a disruptor of sorts. And when it comes to adult learning in higher education, it's a situation that calls for even more disruption, as the requirements are different. But apparently, they are also the key to boosting enrollment. Many institutions have considered older populations returning to school, […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. Data. It's one of the biggest buzzwords today, but it carries […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. The price users pay for consumer electronics is usually not the […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. The data privacy battles are heating up, and many consumers are […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. The Ever Given will go down in infamy, and not in […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. The Ever Given will go down in infamy, and not in […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. Data revolutionized the way sports are played and watched, and new […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. Diving into Data takes on the subject of economies of scale. […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. Diving Into Data tackles a common and pivotal part of the […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. Diving Into Data tackles a common and pivotal part of the […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. Data is a tremendous asset. However, as a recent Harvard Business Article […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. While stats have always been part of the NFL—teams, analysts, and […]

Data drives decisions of the worlds largest companies but in a world with constant data, how do you make sense of it? Host TC Riley, puts the world under the lens of data and analytics and explores current news, B2B trends, and popular topics. After an undeniably difficult past year, it may be challenging […]

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Follow us on social media for the latest updates in B2B! Twitter – @MarketScale Facebook – facebook.com/marketscale LinkedIn – linkedin.com/company/marketscale

Follow us on social media for the latest updates in B2B! Twitter – @MarketScale Facebook – facebook.com/marketscale LinkedIn – linkedin.com/company/marketscale

Follow us on social media for the latest updates in B2B! Twitter – @MarketScale Facebook – facebook.com/marketscale LinkedIn – linkedin.com/company/marketscale

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Drive Clean will be digging deep on innovative fossil fuel alternatives and automotive technologies shaping the clean future for transportation. Alternative fuel trucks are changing the way the world thinks about energy and transportation. Natural gas as a fuel is quickly becoming the greener and smarter way for businesses to operate. Drive Clean host Lynn Lyon […]

For over four decades, Kasa Controls & Automation has been leading the charge in providing turnkey industrial controls and automation engineering expertise to a wide range of manufacturers and industries, including automotive, grain handling automation, sheet metal, paint shops and industrial equipment. Kasa's longevity and prowess make it the perfect partner for building electrical […]

The topic of conversation for this episode of Driving Automation was focused on opportunity; a job opportunity, to get specific. Kasa Controls is looking to fill a Senior Controls Engineer position. Josh Hardesty, Senior Field Installation Coordinator for Kasa, provided all the details an applicant needs to know to apply and, more importantly, why this […]

For airports, baggage handling is a critical component in all aspects of the travel experience. The right systems and process in place mean safe and reliable baggage delivery to the people who put their trust in the airports to ensure a flawless transition from A-Z. Airports use two types of systems for baggage handling, distributed […]

In this exciting episode of Drones in America, host Grant Guillot had the pleasure of speaking with a drone industry leader and influencer Eszter Kovács, Founder of DroneTalks and Board Member of the Drone Industry Association Switzerland (DIAS) to begin. However, her current resume consists of much more including Advisory Board Member of the 2022 […]

The terrain of the northwest is important to the industry with a diverse test range where the industry can research, develop, and help make further strides in the industry with manufacturing and operations. Host Grant Guillot of Drones in America chats with Darryl Abling, the Range Manager for Pendleton UAS Range and Steve Chrisman, […]

The need to help the people during search and rescue and dangerous times continues to be an ongoing matter, one that many have stepped in to assist, including the drone delivery platform, Draganfly. Cameron Chell, CEO of Draganfly sat with host Grant Guillot of Drones in America, to discuss just how the drones are doing […]

The small aircraft often used today to capture video or perform surveillance is now a source of delivery in recent years. And the big box retailer Walmart, is the latest corporation to tap into the drone delivery market. As discussed on the latest episode of the podcast show "Drones in America," host Grant Guillot talked […]

The small aircraft often used today to capture video or perform surveillance is now a source of delivery in recent years. And the big box retailer Walmart, is the latest corporation to tap into the drone delivery market. As discussed on the latest episode of the podcast show "Drones in America," host Grant Guillot talked […]

When it comes to unidentified flying objects, it is more and more likely that they are drones. Whether delivering food to your backyard or helping to keep our rails, roads, and bridges safe for travel, drones are becoming an increasingly common part of daily life. Grant Guillot sat down with Robin Grace, MassDOT Aeronautics Drone […]

If you’ve ever watched a movie with an image shot from above, odds are they used Candrone technology. But drones have more uses than just filming and President of Candrone, Justin Hannewyk, knows that. Hannewyk sits down alongside Lead UAS Pilot Zach Rolfe to discuss the future of drone delivery and education as a part […]

Miriam McNabb is no stranger to the drone industry. McNabb, who works as the Editor in Chief for the drone news site DroneLife, has worked in and around the tech industry for over a decade. McNabb sits down with Drones in America host Grant Guillot to discuss the current and up and coming drone sector. […]

Miriam McNabb is no stranger to the drone industry. McNabb, who works as the Editor in Chief for the drone news site DroneLife, has worked in and around the tech industry for over a decade. McNabb sits down with Drones in America host Grant Guillot to discuss the current and up and coming drone sector. […]

Andrew Carter, President and Co-Founder of ResilienX and CEO Ryan Pleskach sat down with Drones in America host Grant Guillot to discuss the increasing importance of security in UAS operations and their unique approach to safely managing drone ecosystems. Formed by the same engineers that created the U.S. Army's Ground Based Sense and Avoid System, […]

Drones in America host Grant Guillot spoke with guest Ben Brooks, Policy Development Lead for Wing, a sister company of Alphabet that focuses on improving the safety, security, and viability of drone delivery. Brooks remarked on Wing's improvements and adjustments through the years and how the scalability and ROI of the company has vastly improved, […]

Drones in America's Grant Guillot first met Kofi Asante, VP of Strategy & Business Development with Elroy Air, at Commercial UAV Expo in Las Vegas during a keynote panel on drone delivery. Elroy Air's involvement with drone cargo delivery services is an area that is worth a deeper dive, so Guillot was thrilled to have […]

As a Houston-based company, Opportune LLP's headquarters resides in one of the nation's most important energy hubs. However, Opportune has expanded its presence in Texas to serve its clients beyond the "Energy Capital of the World". One of these locations includes the booming Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex, a location rich with opportunity. So, how […]

Freight rail is a critical mode of logistics and transportation for moving products throughout the supply chain. So, when the recent threat of a rail strike nearly derailed the supply chain and cost the U.S. economy upwards of $2 billion per day, national media attention rose sharply—and for good reason. To understand this unique […]

In this episode of E2B: Energy to Business, host Daniel Litwin speaks with Alex Epstein, New York Times best-selling author of "The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels" (2014) and "Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas–Not Less" (2022), and Founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, about the past, […]

Despite a recent cryptocurrency crash, the dedicated base of people who are proponents of Bitcoin and its future are rallying around the asset. In the latest episode of E2B: Energy to Business, host Daniel J. Litwin caught up with Ryan Dusek, Director in Opportune LLP's Commodity Risk Advisory Group, and Cooper Ligon, Consultant in the […]

Despite a recent cryptocurrency crash, the dedicated base of people who are proponents of Bitcoin and its future are rallying around the asset. In the latest episode of E2B: Energy to Business, host Daniel J. Litwin caught up with Ryan Dusek, Director in Opportune LLP's Commodity Risk Advisory Group, and Cooper Ligon, Consultant in the […]

A recent survey out of Texas Tech University found the number of new petroleum engineering graduates in the U.S. is expected to decline substantially from the previous five years, despite robust growth and career opportunities within the oil and gas industry. Why the disconnect? E2B: Energy to Business host Daniel J. Litwin tapped two industry […]

Key Insights: The rising cost of diesel is driving record-high inflation. Diesel plays a critical role in the global economy because it powers so many industries. With the current high diesel prices, trucking and distribution industries will likely begin shifting expenses over to consumers. Although the question on many consumers’ minds is: when will gas […]

The momentum of total oil and gas M&A deals from the latter part of 2021 didn't carry into 2022 as deal activity tapered off in Q1 2022, according to GlobalData statistics. In Q1 2022, the oil and gas industry saw $59 billion worth of deal volume, down by about 41% from Q4 2021. The upstream […]

The momentum of total oil and gas M&A deals from the latter part of 2021 didn't carry into 2022 as deal activity tapered off in Q1 2022, according to GlobalData statistics. In Q1 2022, the oil and gas industry saw $59 billion worth of deal volume, down by about 41% from Q4 2021. The upstream […]

How are energy prices impacting the banking and capital ecosystem in the oil and gas industry? With so much volatility and uncertainty in today's market, oil and gas producers need information they can trust, which is where Haynes and Boone LLP, an international law firm that provides services for more than 40 significant legal […]

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) business practices once gave businesses a competitive edge with consumers, clients, investors, and stakeholders. However, the tide has turned. Companies no longer have the luxury of designing and implementing ESG strategies when it's convenient. In today's world, businesses are expected to do more to protect the environment and support evolving […]

Seen in homes, grocery stores, and across the globe, the past years of pandemic and extreme-weather related events wreaked havoc on a weakened supply chain, effecting industries around the world. Permanent changes and shifting markets caused by this economic disruption are both difficult to predict and difficult to manage. However, while these events exposed […]

Dr. Paula Love, Founder of RFP Match, joined Tyler Kern for a refresher on ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) to talk about the latest funding available to help schools. There were plenty of updates and opportunities to share. Since the pandemic, several different COVID relief acts and packages have provided much-needed funds to […]

All over the country, volunteers are serving their school districts and communities. Finding them isn't the only task but managing and maintaining volunteer relationships canquickly become a challenge without the proper tools and resources.. Host Tyler Kern talked to a school official with a lifetime of volunteer experience. Chris Robinson, the Volunteer Program Supervisor for […]

Talking about some of the heavier aspects of school safety is not always a pleasant topic to discuss, but it is critical in today's environment. People need to know how school districts approach educating and training students on maneuvering and, in worst-case scenarios, surviving violent school incidents. Adam Coughran, co-founder of Safer Kids, Inc., and […]

The Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) was created in 2013 on the heels of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The Security Industry Association (SIA) and the National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA) collaborated on the formation of PASS, a volunteer organization focused on providing school administrators, school boards, and public safety officials with a […]

The Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) was created in 2013 on the heels of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The Security Industry Association (SIA) and the National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA) collaborated on the formation of PASS, a volunteer organization focused on providing school administrators, school boards, and public safety officials with a […]

In this episode of School Safety Today, host Daniel Litwin spoke with Raptor Technology's SVP of Product and Engineering, Chris Noell, on what it means to have best-in-class IT security requirements to reduce the likelihood of new and dangerous cybersecurity breaches impacting educational settings while compromising critical student and staff data This important topic has […]

Even before the pandemic, improving student engagement in critical "gateway" math/science courses has presented a long-standing challenge, especially in traditionally underserved communities. In this episode of EdTech Today, Aurora Martinez, VP & General Manager of Math and Science Foundations at Wiley, discusses the diversity gap in tech careers and how we can leverage education to help close it. Aurora addresses the […]

This week Kevin Hogan and the EdTech Today show went on the road to the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego. Hogan used the opportunity to sit down with the biggest leaders in EdTech to discuss what they have learned from the successes and failures of remote learning and more importantly the lessons we can […]

This week Kevin Hogan and the EdTech Today show went on the road to the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego. Hogan used the opportunity to sit down with the biggest leaders in EdTech to discuss what they have learned from the successes and failures of remote learning and more importantly the lessons we can […]

The more data that drops, the clearer the message for institutes of higher learning—in order to keep pace with today's society, operations must change. In this episode, Kshitij Nerurkar, Education Business Leader at Cognizant, drills down on his numbers for further evidence. Cognizant last week released the findings of its study, "The Work Ahead […]

Big news this week from Digital Promise—it will co-lead a new five-year, $20 million initiative aimed at creating artificial intelligence (AI) tools to advance human learning and education. In this episode of EdTech Today, Jeremy Roschelle, Executive Director of Learning Sciences Research at Digital Promise and one of the co-Principal Investigators (PIs) of the […]

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt recently released its 2021 educator confidence report, and the findings were not particularly optimistic. In this clip from MarketScale's EdTech Today, host Kevin Hogan weighs in on what the report's findings might mean for both the short and long-term future of education. "As with most news coming out these days about the […]

Marianthe Williams, School Administrator and Director of Technology for the River Dell Regional School District in Oradell, New Jersey, took a journey back in time to March of 2020 to help break down her district's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Call it good fortune, or maybe just innovative planning, but the River Dell School District […]

In March, most school districts were sent scrambling when the start coronavirus pandemic made it clear it was not wise to conduct school on campus – at least not in the traditional way. Some students are back in the physical building, while others are learning entirely remotely. But, with nine months of time to develop […]

Most corporate learning teams are equipped to deliver learning when employees need to learn something for the first time or to expand on previous knowledge. Unfortunately, few learning teams are equipped to support employees when they need to: act on learned knowledge and skills, adapt knowledge to new trends, or solve new problems when […]

Over the past decade, we’ve come to realize that traditional training approaches are not A.) as effective as needed, or B.) adaptable enough for today's fast pace businesses. As a delivery vehicle, microlearning is a powerful tool that can deliver better business results in a way that adapts to the business environment, particularly operationally […]

As the old adage goes: "In business as in life, you’re always selling." This is certainly true for corporate learning professionals who need to influence others to change their behaviors to improve business performance. But, how do you influence others without being manipulative? On today's video episode of Quicksilver: A Behind the Scenes Look […]

Too often the design of training focuses first on content, then on how it is delivered, and finally on how it is assessed. The Backwards Design module, introduced by Wiggins and McTighe flips this approach so that the design of instruction starts with the design of the assessment. So, why should training design start with the […]

Too often the design of training focuses first on content, then on how it is delivered, and finally on how it is assessed. The Backwards Design module, introduced by Wiggins and McTighe flips this approach so that the design of instruction starts with the design of the assessment. So, why should training design start with the […]

Training design and delivery is often relegated to a top performer who's good with PowerPoint. From a cost savings perspective, this is an effective approach and many organizations have made do with pseudo-training designers. But, how is quality of learning affected if the training designer isn't familiar with the scientific evidence on how […]

The success of organizations operating in a dynamic and rapidly changing economy is often linked to its ability to react quickly and build employee capacity. Many organizations are discovering that transitioning from traditional training approaches to "Workflow Learning" is improving their training outcomes. So, can learning in the workflow make training more nimble and improve […]

On this week's episode of Quicksilver: The eLearning Alchemist, Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, fills in for Clint Clarkson to do a quick analysis of how schools around the globe are implementing elearning solutions during the coronavirus pandemic. It's clearly a time of crisis for the world, and as more large buildings and […]

On this week's episode of Quicksilver: The eLearning Alchemist, Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, fills in for Clint Clarkson to do a quick analysis of how schools around the globe are implementing elearning solutions during the coronavirus pandemic. It's clearly a time of crisis for the world, and as more large buildings and […]

Learning and development inside businesses have evolved significantly with the power of technology. Many companies have experienced its benefits, specifically with virtual reality (VR). But how does VR really elevate eLearning, and what's the business case for it? On today's video episode of Quicksilver: A Behind the Scenes Look at The eLearning Alchemist Podcast, host Clint Clarkson sits […]

Both the current and future of learning and development in the workplace, many enterprises today, including worldwide corporations and small startups, and even universities and nonprofits, have discovered the benefits of eLearning and are replacing outdated onsite, instruction-led tutorials with modern eLearning platforms. Although the initial investment can seem prohibitive to some, the outlay for […]

In this episode of The eLearning Alchemist: Quicksilver, Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin and host Clint Clarkson speak with Megan Underwood, who is a learning designer at Practera. Underwood shares about the seven steps of experiential learning and explains the value of using Practera's tools to enhance learning and development, especially in business settings. Among the seven steps Underwood […]

On this episode of Element Sessions, an Element Designs podcast, Nelson Wills, vice president of business development, and Sahaj Patel, president of Triton Glass, LLC, joined host Geoffrey Short to discuss the rising popularity of glass use in building projects. Wills noted office spaces are becoming more open with less emphasis on private offices. […]

Sight, scent, sound, taste, and touch: Of the five senses, we often overlook the powerful effects of touch. But at California Closets, the design team is putting texture at the forefront of their creations, using it to alter a space's look, feel, and mood. By attending European design shows, experimenting with new materials, and […]

There is always a new interior design trend around the corner. Some designs last through the ages, while others fade away as fads; today we explore the ones that we think are going to have a lasting impact on the industry. On this episode of Element Sessions, we welcomed Chris Dwyer, western regional sales […]

How do you nail down the definition of contemporary? Ask an expert like Suzanne DeRusha, president of Suzanne Kimberly Design. In this episode of Element Sessions, an Element Designs podcast, host Sean Heath explored the fundamental principles of creating successful contemporary designs with the noted designer. So, does contemporary design have a firm or […]

How do you nail down the definition of contemporary? Ask an expert like Suzanne DeRusha, president of Suzanne Kimberly Design. In this episode of Element Sessions, an Element Designs podcast, host Sean Heath explored the fundamental principles of creating successful contemporary designs with the noted designer. So, does contemporary design have a firm or […]

Technology has changed the way products work and look, but what is often overlooked is the technology that puts these products in front of a buying audience. For the woodworking, cabinet, furniture, and store fixture industries, the most powerful technologies have been the ones making each aspect of the design process more efficient, straight-forward, […]

Office spaces have long been attached to the stigma of being cold, grey rooms filled with an endless sea of cubicles. The design of office spaces today, though, is turning the idea that workspaces must be bland and sterile on its head. On this first episode of Element Sessions, we were joined by Element […]

Sol-Ark, a veteran-owned company, is on a mission to offer affordable energy independence for family homes and business by building solar, hybrid, battery-based system that boosts renewable energy efforts. That makes Founders Tom Brennan and Bhawna Oberoi uniquely qualified to look back at the recent winter storm that struck Texas, leaving millions without power in […]

The IoT ecosystem is accelerating, with innovation moving forward rapidly. It has applications in many industries, and those use cases will be at the forefront of the 2021 Works With Conference hosted by Silicon Labs. On Engineering Experience, host Tyler Kern spoke with Keith Nesrsta, Regional Sales Manager at Silicon Labs, and Paragon Innovations […]

On this episode of Engineering Experience by Paragon Innovations, host Tyler Kern talked with Brewster Waddell, CEO of TH Waddell Designs, Bob Landers, VP of Engineering at TH Waddell Designs, and Mike Wilkinson, Founder and CEO of Paragon Innovations. The group talked about an invention by Waddell's father, Theodore. The table lamps designed by Theodore […]

Engineering can involve any industry, and Engineering Experience is all about bringing those unique stories to listeners. Host Tyler Kern and Paragon CEO Mike Wilkinson spoke with Chris Debrecht, Owner and COO of Tempo Financial Solutions, about his company's partnership with Paragon. Tempo specializes in hardware and software for cash automation, serving big and small […]

Ray Dikun, Director of Technology at Plano Synergy, has a career in telecom that's taken him around the globe throughout the past 30 years. From Motorola to RIM, Dikun's seen the digital evolution up close and is one of its creators. Dikun joined Mike Wilkinson, Founder and CEO of Paragon Innovations, and host Tyler Kern […]

Ray Dikun, Director of Technology at Plano Synergy, has a career in telecom that's taken him around the globe throughout the past 30 years. From Motorola to RIM, Dikun's seen the digital evolution up close and is one of its creators. Dikun joined Mike Wilkinson, Founder and CEO of Paragon Innovations, and host Tyler Kern […]

Calling all engineers: The Works With Virtual Conference by Silicon Labs happens September 9-10, 2020. This free virtual event will bring together industry leaders, hardware engineers, application designers and developers for the largest smart home event dedicated to integrating smart home application designs with any hub or smart home ecosystem. Keith Nesrsta, South-Central Regional Sales […]

Ron Farmer called up Paragon Innovations. He wanted to set up a lunch meeting. When the crew at Paragon received him warmly and started checking their calendar, he had to clarify. No, like, now. Luckily, there was a table available at Red Lobster, and Farmer, the CEO of US LED, started a relationship that would […]

The coronavirus pandemic has hit nearly everyone in the pocket, not least of which those looking to fund a start-up. Yet, now may be the perfect time to invest for those able to put money into a product or solution. That's why competitions like the Texas A&M New Ventures Competition are taking on increased importance […]

The coronavirus pandemic has hit nearly everyone in the pocket, not least of which those looking to fund a start-up. Yet, now may be the perfect time to invest for those able to put money into a product or solution. That's why competitions like the Texas A&M New Ventures Competition are taking on increased importance […]

Almost everyone has a cellphone in their pocket, able to access information and communicate with other phones no matter where they are – close to a WiFi hot spot or not. So why aren't there more things connected to that network as well? The regulations keeping much of those "Internet of Things" devices off cellular […]

The shifting tides of modern home ownership have accelerated an emergent demand for personalization, a development that can be likened to transforming our living spaces into unique pieces of art. The rise of integrated home technology has complemented this evolution, with products like smart shading technology serving both a functional and aesthetic role, enhancing […]

Managing Director of Partner Limited, Sebastian Starosta, sat down with host of Talkin’ Shop, Tyler Kern, to discuss the partnership between Partner and Walbro. Partner Limited is an industrial leader of machine parts located in Poland serving the diverse Europe area. Depending on the country, Partner operates as a B2B or B2C distributor according to […]

Modern gymnasiums are well-rounded facilities. In one day, they might host different sports teams and a farmer's market. The technology controlling these environments is evolving and helps these gyms transition between events. On this episode of Engineering Value, A Draper® Podcast, host Tyler Kern talked with Neal Turner, the Director of Gymnasium Sales at […]

Creating a perfect solution is often a team effort. Such is the case when it comes to shading solutions and partnership between Draper® and Phifer, a third-generation, family-owned-and-operated textile weaver and manufacturer based in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Jeff Miller, Director of Architectural Shading Solutions at Draper, and Bill Strickland, National Market Manager for Sun Control Products […]

Creating a perfect solution is often a team effort. Such is the case when it comes to shading solutions and partnership between Draper® and Phifer, a third-generation, family-owned-and-operated textile weaver and manufacturer based in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Jeff Miller, Director of Architectural Shading Solutions at Draper, and Bill Strickland, National Market Manager for Sun Control Products […]

In most practical use situations, projectors face the issue of ambient light. What is the science behind this effect, and what are the solutions for maintaining a bright image when the environment will not allow for the proper darkness? Steve Cook, Consultant Relations Manager at Draper, provided some insights on ambient light rejection (ALR). "Ambient […]

The benefits of roller shades are clear – they make a space's occupants more comfortable by controlling lighting levels, ensuring thermal comfort and minimizing glare. However, even more benefits can be had when those roller shades are motorized, automated or both. Draper Architectural Market Specialist Jessi Wright and Director of Business Development for Automation and […]

It's difficult to achieve the right mixture of classy and grandiose. Draper®️ has done just that with its Acumen™️ projection screen, one of a pair of new products. Older surface mounted projection screens can stand out too much in a room or space. But Monica Altman, Draper's Sales Consultant for National Accounts, said the new offering […]

It's difficult to achieve the right mixture of classy and grandiose. Draper®️ has done just that with its Acumen™️ projection screen, one of a pair of new products. Older surface mounted projection screens can stand out too much in a room or space. But Monica Altman, Draper's Sales Consultant for National Accounts, said the new offering […]

On this episode of Engineering Value, a Draper podcast, host Tyler Kern was joined by Draper®️ Architectural Consultant – Solar Control Solutions Richard Wilson and Product Manager – Solar Control Solutions Clint Childress. The trio provided an in-depth look at the variety of custom, tailored solar control and shading solutions the company offers, which bring […]

On this episode of Engineering Value, a Draper podcast, host Tyler Kern was joined by Chris Broome, fifth-generation President of the company. The duo dove into Draper's (https://www.draperinc.com/) unique and extensive history as a family-owned business for well over a century, the company's current values and initiatives, and where the business is headed as a […]

The bottom line. That is an unavoidable, monolithic reality of the construction industry. However, a formulaic "race to the bottom" can have dramatically negative effects on the true cost of a project. On this episode of the Engineering Value podcast, Steve Edwards, Director of National Accounts and Special Projects with Draper, sat down with Sean […]

What does a 147-year-old company have in common with a classic British metal band? It may seem far-fetched, but for JC Powell, Vice President of Sales Regional and National Accounts with Boon Edam USA, if his company were a band, there's no doubt it would be Iron Maiden. There's no Eddie the Head at […]

If Chris Grabowski, Director of Sales Support for Boon Edam, Inc. could fill his open Inside Sales position with legendary quarterback Tom Brady, he would. But, since Brady is unavailable due to prior commitments, Grabowski is looking for the next superstar to join the Boon Edam sales team. Boon Edam is one of the […]

Security is never a one-size-fits-all solution, and that's especially true for different types of building entrances, which have needs as unique as the companies themselves. On this episode of Entering Excellence, a Boon Edam podcast, host Shelby Skrhak sat down with Vice President of Sales JC Powell and Regional Sales Director Brian Marshall to […]

Host Tyler Kern spoke with Valerie Anderson, President and Managing Director of Boon Edam, about how businesses can build successful company cultures. Anderson's more than a decade's worth of experience in the building entrances and security industry gave her a first-hand opportunity to learn the secrets of what goes into a successful company culture. […]

Host Tyler Kern spoke with Valerie Anderson, President and Managing Director of Boon Edam, about how businesses can build successful company cultures. Anderson's more than a decade's worth of experience in the building entrances and security industry gave her a first-hand opportunity to learn the secrets of what goes into a successful company culture. […]

Here's how to get your foot in the metaphorical door at Boon Edam, the North Carolina-based manufacturer of revolving doors and security barriers. On this new episode of the JobCast, host Sean Heath sat down with Brian Worrell, field technician manager at Boon Edam to discuss the open role of Field Service and Installation Technician. […]

One of the largest sources of financial inefficiency for any construction company are expenditures that can be prevented by consistent asset tracking. On this episode of ThingTech's Enterprise Asset Intelligence podcast, the CEO of yardz, Jason Perez, sat down with Sean Heath and they discussed the simple way to solve this complex issue. The most […]

The Internet of Things can seem as nebulous as the individual pieces of data that embody it, but Atlanta-based ThingTech is looking to highlight interconnected technologies of the modern business world as it kicks off this inaugural episode of the Enterprise Asset Intelligence Podcast. Host Daniel Litwin sat down with Tim Quinn, CEO and […]

Jeff Broderick, Director of Retrofit Sales for CECO, joined Just Say NOx to talk about Catalytic Reduction Systems and the pros and cons of SCR and SNCR re-agent options for these systems. "The overall goal of both of these systems, whether it's an SCR or SNCR system, is to reduce the NOx generated by […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Shoppers are increasingly turning to online shopping experiences, as in-store experiences are becoming […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Virtual reality (VR) can lead to amazing experiences, but not every application really […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. On this episode of Experience By Design, Host Bryan Meszaros talked with Matthew […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. On this episode of Experience By Design, Host Bryan Meszaros talked with David […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. On this episode of Experience By Design, Host Bryan Meszaros talked with David […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Host Bryan Meszaros welcomes Trent Oliver, Principal and Managing Director of Blue Telescope. […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the EXPERIENCE is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Catch up with Experience by Design host Bryan Meszaros. He offered thoughts on […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the experience is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Life offers up a lot of experience. As technology advances, a lot of our unique […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the experience is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Life offers up a lot of experience. As technology advances, a lot of our unique […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the experience is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. The evolution of experience design is here. It certainly wasn't a static element for brands, […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the experience is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Design is much more than static. In the 21st-century is all about experience and shaping […]

Whether you’re an integrator, a designer or simply a label-defying creative, the experience is everything. Host Bryan Meszaros explores the story behind the exhibit to understand how a carefully crafted experience traps into the human experience to connect people to place. Design can transport the mind and invoke emotions, and that's the point of it, especially […]

JRNI is a platform for scheduling and managing personalized experiences for retail, banks, credit unions and other financial institutions. John Federman, JRNI's CEO, helped kick off the inaugural episode of the The Experience Evolution with a conversation with host James Kent on how retail and financial industries can take their business to the next level […]

Creative professionals know the importance typography and fonts make to the success of a project. Host Toby Martin tapped three creative professionals to talk shop on typography. In the discussion, Laura Lothrop and Jeff Boyce, two Art Directors from CMD, joined Extensis's Creative Director, Kerry Gelhar. Lothrop, Boyce and Gelhar all share a passion for […]

Stephen Hudak, senior GIS consultant for SSP Innovations in Centennial, CO. Hudak, has spent nearly a decade working in the field of GIS. While contributing to various positions, he has dedicated his time to working on enterprise software implementations and fiber optic data management systems. Joined with Hudak is Kevin Harrelson. Harrelson is the Production […]

As companies continue to grow digitally, many successful fiber network management systems and technologies are reaching the end of their lives. But what do new technology solutions look like, and what are the risks and rewards of change? Michael Measels, VP of product management at 3-GIS, gives his insights. When a company's technology stack reaches […]

Despite the astounding advances in technology the last 30 years, geospatial data and quality in telecommunications has not improved. Why is this? Tom Counts, president and CEO of 3-GIS, and Peter Batty, chief research officer of SSP Innovations, sat down with Host Daniel Litwin to dive into this phenomenon. This data is essential because […]

Guests Michael Measels, Vice President of Product Management at 3-GIS, and Matt Sherrod GTM Americas Service Provider, from Blue Planet, joined Host Hilary Kennedy to discuss customers’ desired shift from traditional models of fiber network management to open systems. The desire for openness is driven by its ability to deliver complex services faster, generate […]

Guests Michael Measels, Vice President of Product Management at 3-GIS, and Matt Sherrod GTM Americas Service Provider, from Blue Planet, joined Host Hilary Kennedy to discuss customers’ desired shift from traditional models of fiber network management to open systems. The desire for openness is driven by its ability to deliver complex services faster, generate […]

On this episode of Fiberside Chat, a 3-GIS podcast, host Daniel Litwin and guests Damion Harrylal, 3-GIS Solutions Engineer, and Keith Mokris, Director of Product Marketing for Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks, got right to the point. In the post-pandemic era, companies are operating in a landscape featuring more cybersecurity risk than ever […]

Improving the support, experience and success of customers is the ultimate service goal for any industry or organization, and it is especially critical in telecom. Jay Anderson, CTO, Fiberlight, knows how essential all three are to the overall success of both his customers and his company. He joined Cleide Lund, Director of Product Services at […]

With the development of technology like 5G and fiber networks, society is moving at breakneck speed toward faster and more efficient ways of life. But what is it costing us? Tom Counts, Executive Vice President and Co-founder of 3-GIS, has noticed in recent months a strange and puzzling trend in the world of fiber […]

With the development of technology like 5G and fiber networks, society is moving at breakneck speed toward faster and more efficient ways of life. But what is it costing us? Tom Counts, Executive Vice President and Co-founder of 3-GIS, has noticed in recent months a strange and puzzling trend in the world of fiber […]

Consistent and reliable internet connections are critical for our modern economy. So, why, in 2021, are there still large swaths of the Americas without reliable internet access? Deb Socia, President and CEO of The Enterprise Center, and Jimmy Hall, VP of Engineering & Product Services with 3-GIS, provided insights on where the United States […]

It's an exciting moment for the growth of telecommunication infrastructure, especially in places that aren't New York City or Los Angeles. While the "big three" companies will continue to fight each other in urban markets, rolling out things like 5G and battling for the best densification, there's enormous space for the hundreds of smaller companies […]

Service providers of the past may have had the luxury of time. While new technologies constantly are emerging, implementing those technologies or streamlining their processes was something that could wait. In today's marketplace, however, that simply isn't the case, said Kyle Siniard, VP of Technology for 3-GIS "There's no longer an appetite to wait […]

On this episode of Field Focus, a podcast by MSI Data, host Mike Pandl, Vice President of Marketing of MSI Data, talked with Jay McFadyen, Chief Services Officer at Fairbanks Morse Defense and President at Fairbanks Morse. The duo spoke about field service leadership from a career perspective, the skills required to be successful, career […]

In the past 10 to 15 years, there's been an explosion of technology innovations devoted to driving technician productivity. Bartos said there is a significant focus on the revenue aspect of field service teams. "[Technicians] are high-value technical experts on any field staff. The technicians we work with frequently are fixing major problems on major […]

For most field service organizations, the edge is their front line and the face of the business. After all, the mobile technicians that make up the edge are the ones that go out to customers and help solve their problems. Because these people are so essential to the success of a field service organization, it's […]

It's hard to argue against the fact that technology has allowed us to improve our society in crucial, measurable ways. However, there are times that technology can be a burden, especially when we aren't prepared to use it properly. In fact, many field service companies witness this firsthand when they implement too many software solutions […]

It's hard to argue against the fact that technology has allowed us to improve our society in crucial, measurable ways. However, there are times that technology can be a burden, especially when we aren't prepared to use it properly. In fact, many field service companies witness this firsthand when they implement too many software solutions […]

Do athletes have a sixth sense when it comes to anticipating a penalty kick or deciphering whether to swing at an iffy strike zone pitch? Yes and no — it's a mix of stellar hand-eye coordination, past experience that helps athletes anticipate the ball, and training. But not simply athletic training; visual-motor reaction time […]

After 50 years in the air, it may be a fair question to ask Jimmy Fordham if he has spent more time on earth or in its skies. "My dad was really the person that got me interested in flying. I was very thankful that he enjoyed aviation because he put a real love of […]

Larry Gaines is the leader of B2OSH, or Bonanzas to Oshkosh! Every year he groups up with other pilots to make the trek to Oshkosh in their Bonanzas. Aspen Avionics took some time to sit down with Larry and find out where his passion for flying came from, and why he continues to fly today. […]

Data centers use a lot of power. Current microchips use about 200 watts and that power translates into thermal heat. Data centers are highly controlled environments. Heat and humidity cause damage and failures. On this episode of Flawless Execution: Delivering Innovation, the conversation focuses on the advantages of liquid cooling technology. "Liquid cooling, first and foremost, […]

Host of UNICOM Engineering's Flawless Execution podcast, Tyler Kern, excitedly welcomed the show's first guest, Mike Cantwell. As the global regulatory compliance manager with UNICOM, Cantwell is an expert on regulatory processes, including the European Union (EU) Lot 9. UNICOM works with many software companies to configure branded hardware and ship the finished product to […]

Flintco has been a leader in construction management for 110 years, working on impactful civic projects big and small. In order to keep this long record of service and expertise, Flintco seeks smart and innovative employees to join the team. On this jobcast episode of Flintco Forward we explore the open role of Project […]

National Construction Safety Week concluded on May 10, wrapping up an awareness campaign for those in the industry. The organizing body of the campaign, Construction Industry Safety Initiative (CISI), hopes to reiterate best safety practices and encourage a culture of safety. Flintco was one of more than 70 construction firms that comprises CISI, which partnered […]

As the world becomes more digital, there are certain protections in place to help ease the accessibility of health information for each patient. Speaking on the topic of information blocking, Nicki Anderson Director of Compliance with Medsphere Systems Corporation sat down with host Michelle Dawn Mooney to discuss what it is and how it happens. […]

With more people staying and working from home, the pandemic heightened the need for broadband access, especially in underserved communities, such as those located in rural areas. However, this is no new issue for those living there. Could Government programs such as the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) and The Infrastructure and Jobs Act […]

Ransomware is one of the greatest dangers in healthcare IT, with cyberattacks in healthcare rising to 42 percent in 2020. Over the past year and a half, hackers attacked large institutions and smaller organizations with increased intensity. On this episode of Full Circle Healthcare, Host Tyler Kern talked with Thomas Grove, Vice President of […]

Over the past year, cybersecurity attacks have occurred at an alarming rate. Due to a combination of employees working from home and the general chaos of the pandemic, hackers took advantage, and there were some high-profile attacks, such as the Colonial pipeline. But why is the healthcare industry particularly vulnerable? Here to give […]

Over the past year, cybersecurity attacks have occurred at an alarming rate. Due to a combination of employees working from home and the general chaos of the pandemic, hackers took advantage, and there were some high-profile attacks, such as the Colonial pipeline. But why is the healthcare industry particularly vulnerable? Here to give […]

There's a strange give and take happening in healthcare, and it has to do with the technology systems organizations use to store and access patient data and more. While many of these legacy systems are astronomically expensive by today's standards, making them obsolete and setting up a clear need for transition, many healthcare organizations […]

EHRs are the backbone of healthcare digitization. However, they bring with them a cognitive burden for users. So, how can tech better align with its healthcare user? To discuss the challenges and opportunities, Full Circle Healthcare host Shelby Skrhak spoke with David Macfarlane, Marketing Communications Manager at Medsphere. "The financial costs of introducing technology are […]

Medical Laboratory testing processes are complex, with test orders continually going through operations. Billing is part of that equation, but it doesn't need to be part of the complexity. Scott Liff, a Healthcare Executive with Medsphere Systems Corporation, provided insights on the world of laboratory testing and the considerations for utilizing an outsourced partner for […]

Medical Laboratory testing processes are complex, with test orders continually going through operations. Billing is part of that equation, but it doesn't need to be part of the complexity. Scott Liff, a Healthcare Executive with Medsphere Systems Corporation, provided insights on the world of laboratory testing and the considerations for utilizing an outsourced partner for […]

While almost every area of our day-to-day lives has been affected by COVID-19, the healthcare industry has undoubtedly been changed forever. To gain some insight into how the healthcare system responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tyler Kern, host, Full Circle Healthcare, sat down with David Macfarlane, Marketing Communications Manager for Medsphere, to learn more […]

Gone are the days of paper charts and deciphering the scrawl of a physician's handwritten prescription. In the last few decades, the healthcare industry has transitioned to electronic charts and records. With that, IT platforms have developed that allow providers to collaborate in new and proactive ways. In this episode of Full Circle Healthcare, […]

Every business in every industry is currently experiencing the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps no sector is experiencing hardships more than healthcare. Not only are hospitals and healthcare professionals on the front lines of battling the pandemic, but the inability to provide elective procedures, and routine healthcare during the crisis has put […]

The modern-day office space is getting a shake-up. Gone are the days of gray cubicles and harsh, fluorescent-lit office floors. Contemporary workspaces are seeing a monumental shift in style, design and function, with innovative tech companies like Google and Apple leading the charge. Silicon Valley start-ups are drafting up corporate campuses that focus on collaboration, […]

Spies have captured global audience attention for centuries, be they real-world spies like the Rosenbergs, or famous fictional characters like James Bond. It's no wonder the International Spy Museum is "the most successful paid admission museum in D.C.," said Chris Cooper, the Spy Museum's Project Manager for Electrosonic. On this episode of Fusion, we take […]

The Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre in Kuwait contains 23 galleries, 800 exhibits, a 4D theater and a 1 million-liter aquarium. Becoming the world's largest museum complex, the centre is a cultural and financial staple of Kuwait City. It was conceived and constructed over a five year period, headed up by none-other than Electrosonic. […]

In 2016, Nintendo launched the wildly popular Pokemon GO, introducing everyday consumers to the joys of augmented reality (AR). The Oculus virtual reality (VR) headset is just one of many popular wearables that allow gamers to immerse themselves in a virtual world. The extended reality revolution is happeninQg before our eyes. In this inaugural episode […]

In 2016, Nintendo launched the wildly popular Pokemon GO, introducing everyday consumers to the joys of augmented reality (AR). The Oculus virtual reality (VR) headset is just one of many popular wearables that allow gamers to immerse themselves in a virtual world. The extended reality revolution is happeninQg before our eyes. In this inaugural episode […]

When you attend a cutting-edge conference like InfoComm 2019, you honestly need time and brain power to digest everything you’ve seen. That's why MarketScale host Daniel Litwin hosted a post-show conversation with Bryan Hinckley, president of Electrosonic, and Maurizio Capuzzo, CMO of Electrosonic, who give their tech and culture perspectives on the effect of the conference. […]

Theme parks have become a place where fans and guests can travel into new worlds and experience much more than just a thrilling ride. These immersive experiences are getting bigger, more detailed, and are requiring the support of innovative AV installs. As consumers come to expect more from their theme park visits, where does AV […]

Would you build a building without a blueprint? Probably not. The same applies to AV design. That's because technology in architectural design isn't an afterthought—it's an expectation, said technology master planning expert Robert Pourciau. He joined us on today's episode of the Pro AV Podcast, brought to you by Marketscale to explain the practicalities of […]

Would you build a building without a blueprint? Probably not. The same applies to AV design. That's because technology in architectural design isn't an afterthought—it's an expectation, said technology master planning expert Robert Pourciau. He joined us on today's episode of the Pro AV Podcast, brought to you by Marketscale to explain the practicalities of […]

On today's MarketScale Pro AV podcast, we are joined by Electrosonic Pre-Sales and Design Engineer Doug Walker and Project Manager Bob Mann for a conversation on extended control room design. Control rooms are integral to companies that make mission-critical decisions daily. As Walker points out, the term "control room" does not mean the same thing […]

Every single day we learn new processes and develop new solutions that can help save us time and money. There are few people alive today that don't have smartphones or don't use some type of virtual assistant or smart device at either their home or workplace. Innovations in automation and smart design have permeated our […]

Being able to order food at the press of a button is beyond just mere convenience, it is simplicity and delivery at its finest. If host Katie Steinberg has anything to say about it, food delivery apps like Grubhub are almost a little too easy to use. Nicolas Holland, the Partnership Director with GrubHub sat […]

When lifelong Detroit Red Wings fan Zack Klima missed seeing a game-winning goal due to waiting in a long line, he knew enough was enough. Spurred to action, Klima founded and is now CEO of company WaitTime, a state of the art artificial intelligence platform using real-time and historical data to analyze crowd diagnostics. Klima […]

From game highlights and player highlights to behind-the-scenes footage, social media users are actively following sports teams on TikTok. According to Morning Consult data, 46% of self-identified TikTok users said they "often" or "sometimes" use social media to stay updated with game highlights. In comparison, 42% said they use it for player highlights. Meanwhile, […]

BioMech, as a company, combines sports and analytics to help athletes perform better at the sports they love. Professional Golfer Heath Slocum and Dr. Frank Fornari, Co-founder of BioMech, joined Game Changers’ Katie Steinberg to discuss the approach behind BioMech's technology and how it's upping the game for many golfers, including Slocum. "BioMech is a […]

BioMech, as a company, combines sports and analytics to help athletes perform better at the sports they love. Professional Golfer Heath Slocum and Dr. Frank Fornari, Co-founder of BioMech, joined Game Changers’ Katie Steinberg to discuss the approach behind BioMech's technology and how it's upping the game for many golfers, including Slocum. "BioMech is a […]

The rise in popularity of Esports took off during the pandemic, when more people stayed inside and sought other forms of entertainment. Senior Principal and Esports Director for the Americas with Populous Brian Mirakian talks with Game Changers host Katie Steinberg about the next generation of eSports facilities and the future of the market. "The […]

Joel Totoro's love for professional sports and health has teed him up for a successful career as Director of Sports Science at Thorne. Totoro noticed that the development of a holistic approach has helped extend careers. Teams now include full-time dieticians, psychologists, physical therapists, and the primary care team. "Using health and wellness can be […]

For many, being first is an accomplishment. It is an accolade to boast about to friends, family, colleagues. To Dr. Jenifer Welter, it means something entirely different. Dr. Jenifer Welter, the first female NFL coach, sits down to talk with Game Changers Host Katie Steinberg about her experience as a trailblazer in the NFL. Dr. […]

For many, being first is an accomplishment. It is an accolade to boast about to friends, family, colleagues. To Dr. Jenifer Welter, it means something entirely different. Dr. Jenifer Welter, the first female NFL coach, sits down to talk with Game Changers Host Katie Steinberg about her experience as a trailblazer in the NFL. Dr. […]

Named one of Sports Business Journal's 40 under 40, Casey Schwab is making an impact in the sports -and education- world. In this new episode of Game Changers, host Katie Steinberg sits down with Schwab, CEO of Altius Sports Partners, to discuss education advisory work in utilizing the NIL and beyond. Schwab emphasized the work […]

When most people think of the Corning name, they think of dishware and cookware. But the reality is they are so, so much more. The company even lays claim to having glass on the international space station. Jessica Janis, Head of Business Development for Sports, Entertainment & Hospitality at Corning spoke with Game Changers […]

In this exciting episode, Eric Dickerson, legendary NFL Running Back Hall of Famer speaks to Game Changers host Katie Steinberg about the recent publication of his memoir, Watch My Smoke, The Eric Dickerson Story. Dickerson played in the NFL for 11 seasons with the LA Rams, Indianapolis Colts, LA Raiders, and Atlanta Falcons. The […]

There is a desire and movement from many sectors in the United States to shift its reliance on fossil fuels to alternative fuel sources. But is that want doable at scale, and does it make economic sense? Rare earth materials, which many industries rely on for alternative energy sources, are challenging to come by and […]

The energy economy has been unpredictable as of late for a number of reasons, including the changing of federal administration in early 2021. As a result, the amount of mergers and acquisitions in the energy sector has been lower. How does this happen, what does it mean for current energy solutions, and what can be […]

In late April, U.S. Defense Sectary Dr. Kathleen Hicks reiterated the Biden Administration's decision to convert military vehicles to electric vehicles by 2030. There are significant hurdles to reaching this goal as pointed out by military.com, like the ambitious timeline and finding the batteries for the fleet. Has the Biden administration considered the true impact […]

As prices surge in nearly every sector and area of the American economy due to inflation, the burden of these costs are having major effects on some of the country's most vulnerable populations. Senior citizens and people on fixed incomes are struggling to get by as many only have a limited amount of revenue, mostly […]

As prices surge in nearly every sector and area of the American economy due to inflation, the burden of these costs are having major effects on some of the country's most vulnerable populations. Senior citizens and people on fixed incomes are struggling to get by as many only have a limited amount of revenue, mostly […]

Since President Biden came into office, there has been an increasing focus on "green energy" initiatives, resulting in radical changes in the oil industry. For example, the 2021 Executive Order resulted in the cancellation of the 2019 Keystone Pipeline permit. But how are these radical changes impacting the U.S. agriculture industry, and will these changes […]

Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia and OPEC+ oil producers announced they would cut oil output by more than one million barrels per day. Subsequently, energy prices spiked, with the current national gas average sitting at $3.65 per gallon. But oil and gas prices aren't the only thing shifting right now…worldwide trade currency is for some […]

The past few years, there has been more focus on addressing climate change through key actions such as 100 percent zero-emission vehicle acquisition by 2035 and achieving net-zero emissions procurement by 2050. Why the sudden focus on these green initiatives, and is climate change really happening? Will new regulations have a detrimental impact on […]

The past few years, there has been more focus on addressing climate change through key actions such as 100 percent zero-emission vehicle acquisition by 2035 and achieving net-zero emissions procurement by 2050. Why the sudden focus on these green initiatives, and is climate change really happening? Will new regulations have a detrimental impact on […]

The energy market is one of the most important sectors in the world, if not the topmost. The global energy market is vital to countries being able to function, and whether they can sustain a thriving economy. This means that all types of energy, renewable and nonrenewable, are an extremely valuable resource sought after by […]

By now, everyone's heard the Silicon Valley Bank collapse story. Its repercussions are, at present, still sending shockwaves across the banking system, leaving the experts, pundits, the Fed, and everyone wondering if another pillar will drop or can the system hold together. While the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) seemingly happened overnight, were […]

On the latest episode of Gasonomics, Tim Snyder of Matador Economics takes a deep dive into the recent week's energy complex. The macro data is out: the consumer price index, producer price index, and retail sales for this time reveal new worries for a continuation of the numbers – and mean lower markets with higher […]

Having everything go right in an installation isn't always possible. There are many moving parts and gaps between the manufacturer and end-user. That's why many organizations rely on installation partners to streamline, scale and manage these projects. To offer feedback on this subject, Ryan Baumgartner and Eric Warner of Vixxo joined Get Your Fix and […]

There's a lot to be said for specialized vendors capable of getting your most specialized, niche equipment back up and running in no time flat – but there are also repairs and maintenance challenges facilities managers face that are much more straightforward. For these tasks, it can pay to find a valuable, professional and capable […]

When their facilities are experiencing an issue, most commercial business owners or managers simply hand off the work to the company in charge of managing the building. However, there's a lot more work to these projects than meets the eye. For instance, how are these repair and maintenance projects priced? How do companies balance […]

Finding a service provider is never easy. Facilities need someone who will be a partner, will be on site when needed and won't create any additional headaches. Vixxo not only works with top-class service providers but has assembled a quality service provider network in cities all over North America. Assembling that network requires a lot […]

Finding a service provider is never easy. Facilities need someone who will be a partner, will be on site when needed and won't create any additional headaches. Vixxo not only works with top-class service providers but has assembled a quality service provider network in cities all over North America. Assembling that network requires a lot […]

Kelly Fitzroy, Director of Operations for Vixxo's Coffee Brew & Grind Division, and Luc Poirier, Sr. Director of Enterprise Performance with Vixxo, continued their conversation on beverage equipment maintenance as part of a holistic facilities maintenance program strategy. This episode is the second part of a two-part discussion. With facilities’ budgets tightened and various […]

There are many moving parts to a facilities maintenance program, and an integral piece of that puzzle is beverage equipment maintenance. Kelly Fitzroy, Director of Operations for Vixxo's Coffee Brew & Grind Division, and Luc Poirier, Sr. Director of Enterprise Performance with Vixxo, brought their insights and experience to unpack which industries and market […]

Like all other areas of a business, facilities need to look at their options from time to time. And, with so many things happening today in the world of facilities maintenance and myriad vendor options to explore, now may be the perfect time to take advantage of a request for proposal (RFP). But what […]

Like all other areas of a business, facilities need to look at their options from time to time. And, with so many things happening today in the world of facilities maintenance and myriad vendor options to explore, now may be the perfect time to take advantage of a request for proposal (RFP). But what […]

Convenience stores, for the most part, have remained open during the pandemic. But with travel light and many working and learning remotely, sales are spiraling downward. Sumit Kar, Sr. Director of Operations, and Matt Wholley, Sr. Director of Client Relations at Vixxo, know managing facilities during this unprecedented time can be a maneuvering balancing […]

OEMs and manufacturers handling large product launches often struggle with operational efficiency and installation. Fortunately, an operational partner can ease that inefficiency. Vixxo Director of Construction Eric Warner and Vice President of Projects and Partner Development Ryan Baumgartner explored with host Daniel Litwin how a partner like Vixxo can bring both increased speed and […]

Facilities managers always need a plan to deal with natural disasters, such as fires and hurricanes. But throw in a pandemic and add social unrest into the equation and, suddenly, what disaster preparedness looks like for a business’ facility manager is a whole lot different. Vixxo's Penny Carter, Vice President of Operational Excellence, and […]

Technology advances continue to snowball, it doesn't appear progress will slow anytime soon. Angus McFadden, Semiconductor Technology Manager at Technetics, joined Host Tyler Kern explain how semiconductor manufacturing is evolving. McFadden heads discovery for emerging and new technologies at Technetics, working with other companies under a semiconductor initiative. McFadden has seen shrinking line width […]

The pandemic may have halted many industries from growing, but that is not the case for the commercial space market. Jason Riggs, Director of Strategy at Technetics, discussed the market's future for 2022 with Host Tyler Kern. Recently, propulsion and launch vehicles have made an entrance into the market, and private funding and public […]

Because of the pandemic, the commercial aero market was profoundly impacted by the sudden disruptions in travel. Jason Riggs, director of strategy at Technetics, discussed this phenomenon and how the market has rebound with Host Tyler Kern. Globally, air traffic is down by 30% from pre-pandemic levels, and airframers are making calls to increase […]

ITER means "the way" in Latin, but 35 countries around the globe know ITER as one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world. Robert Pearce, Section Leader, Vacuum Delivery & Installation Section for the ITER Organization, spoke about the drive to create net energy from a fusion device. "Initially, ITER got started from […]

ITER means "the way" in Latin, but 35 countries around the globe know ITER as one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world. Robert Pearce, Section Leader, Vacuum Delivery & Installation Section for the ITER Organization, spoke about the drive to create net energy from a fusion device. "Initially, ITER got started from […]

On May 30th, the next chapter of U.S. space exploration began with the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch to the International Space Station. Jason Riggs, Director, Aerospace Business Unit for The Technetics Group, spoke with host Tyler Kern about this momentous event. "This is definitely a new chapter in human space flight," Biggs said. […]

People may be most familiar with PTFE tape under its sometimes-moniker, plumber's tape. But, as Technetics’ product manager Rodrigo Costa explained, there are many different uses and applications for PTFE tapes and films. "PTFE tapes are interesting because of its chemical inertness, so it is resistant to any solvent," Costa said. "it's nontoxic, and […]

Talk about small but mighty. A 1/8 metal seal on a valve can be the difference between success and critical failure. On this episode of Getting Technetical by Technetics, host Shelby Skrhak sat down with Cindy Krishna and Bruno Quilling to discuss the variable viability of metal seals that help solve tough sealing problems. […]

Talk about small but mighty. A 1/8 metal seal on a valve can be the difference between success and critical failure. On this episode of Getting Technetical by Technetics, host Shelby Skrhak sat down with Cindy Krishna and Bruno Quilling to discuss the variable viability of metal seals that help solve tough sealing problems. […]

Andrew Bastian, Director of Product Management and Strategy, Technetics stopped by Getting Technetical to talk about Technetics’ PTFE product assortment and their capabilities. While Technetics offers a wide range of stock shapes of PTFE sheets, rods and tubes, they also customize these products to exact forms and thicknesses to meet customer specifications. "In some […]

The first space race may already be run, but now is a time of great innovation and growth in the final frontier. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are pushing the boundaries further and further. They’re looking at taking cargo to space, getting tourists out of this world and even, in the case of […]

The aerospace industry is growing. Airbus announced that, in the next 20 years, 39,000 aircraft will need to be manufactured, and 550,000 new pilots will need to be hired to meet traffic growth. The team at Technetics said that capacity is the biggest challenge in the marketplace at the moment, but they have the experience […]

It is one thing for a company to be an innovator with the products it is developing, but it is another thing to be an innovator and trendsetter in sustainability. Clarus is a company that has strived for and excelled in both. On today's episode of Glass is in Session, we sat back down […]

On today's episode of Glass is in Session, we brought Ben Kraft, also known as the ‘Glass Man Extraordinaire,’ into the studio. Kraft, an A&D sales representative for Clarus, gives his sales and manufacturing insight on the reasons for and the impacts of green design on company-client relationships. Kraft helps answer these questions as […]

The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) hits Las Vegas from Feb. 19-21 as North America's largest trade show focused solely on all aspects of kitchen and bath design. Over 31,000 attendees are expected this year with more than 600 exhibitors showing off their latest innovative designs. This show brings stakeholders and industry leaders together […]

Consumers today are extremely conscious about what kinds of products they’re purchasing for their bodies, homes, and businesses, and with so many choices available it's hard to know what products may be guilty of some of the "Seven Sins of Greenwashing" — otherwise known as stating a product is generally natural, green friendly, or […]

Consumers today are extremely conscious about what kinds of products they’re purchasing for their bodies, homes, and businesses, and with so many choices available it's hard to know what products may be guilty of some of the "Seven Sins of Greenwashing" — otherwise known as stating a product is generally natural, green friendly, or […]

With Glass is in Session, we’ve focused a lot on the innovative design that Clarus has brought to the glassboard industry, and in many regards, the path that they’ve paved for glassboards in general. Our past several episodes have been with Vice President of Brand & Marketing, Brittney Ricks, as she's broken down the product […]

Our Europe team offers the most custom glassboard solutions on the market! From our first glassboard Float, to innovative solutions like Flip, View, and Glide – Clarus glassboards provide the best writing surface available. To learn more, visit our products page: https://www.clarus.com/products/

In this episode of Glass is in Session, Brittney Ricks, Vice President of Brand and Marketing at Clarus, rejoins us to discuss one of Clarus’ most innovative glassboard products: View. What makes View unique and unlike Clarus’ other offerings? It's set to replace the inconvenient pulldown projector screens with a glassboard that acts like […]

In this episode of Glass is in Session, Brittney Ricks, Vice President of Brand and Marketing at Clarus, rejoins us to discuss one of Clarus’ most innovative glassboard products: View. What makes View unique and unlike Clarus’ other offerings? It's set to replace the inconvenient pulldown projector screens with a glassboard that acts like […]

A designer is tasked with one of the hardest professional balances in the game: function vs. fashion. Can they create something that's not only aesthetically pleasing, but serves its purpose? Dony Dawson, Vice President of Design for Clarus, said that often, designers miss the point of their project. "I’ve seen it throughout my career […]

Last week on Glass is in Session, we took a look at Clarus’ two flagship products: Depth and Float. Though those set the stage for Clarus’ success, their diversified portfolio of offerings is what keeps them in the game. On today's episode of Glass is in Session by Clarus, we’re exploring another one of […]

On today's episode of Glass is in Session by Clarus, we’re exploring two of their flagship products, Depth and Float. These two glassboard designs have been paramount to the success and growth of Clarus, but beyond the specificities of the design, these glassboards really pull the curtain back and show that collaborative surfaces were, […]

Tejendra Patel, the Principal Application Engineer at Westrock, joined Shockoe's Kevon Adonis, Senior Developer, and Andrew Rumbley, Senior Mobile and Web App Developer, to shed light on when app developers should consider cross-platform vs. web when building an app. "With a cross-platform application, you’re writing code that's going to match up to native elements," Rumbley […]

Businesses are turning to digital assistants and chatbots to scale communications. But chatbots and digital assistants don't necessarily replicate a human experience or provide a good experience in all cases. However, new voice and video interfaces are bridging the gap. On this latest episode of Haptic Feedback, Jamie Young, Director of Product Design with […]

Data is accessible in so many ways, and now there are technologies that can drive an even higher ROI for companies willing to make an investment. Discussing these emerging trends, including AR, VR, and the metaverse, Haptic Feedback host Courtney Echerd spoke with Dan Cotting, Director of Emerging Technologies, and Dan Cui, VP Sales […]

For app developers, it isn't always apples and oranges – or, in this case, Apple or Android. There are similarities and differences between developing applications for iOS and Android. To help host Tyler Kern clarify them, Kern enlisted the expertise of two Shockoe developers. John Surface leads the Mobile Development Android team, and Justin […]

For app developers, it isn't always apples and oranges – or, in this case, Apple or Android. There are similarities and differences between developing applications for iOS and Android. To help host Tyler Kern clarify them, Kern enlisted the expertise of two Shockoe developers. John Surface leads the Mobile Development Android team, and Justin […]

There is a certain finesse to increasing profitability. Howie Rosenthal, Vice President of Customer Success with Blueprint Systems, spoke with Host Tyler Kern and Co-host and Managing Partner at Kelley Austin, Hunter Austin, about how businesses can create new efficiencies to maximize profitability. A key aspect to business profitability is making sure customers are seeing […]

The rising cost of health care has hit Americans differently depending on their economic status. There is no shortage of news stories covering the reality of those with higher incomes having higher life expectancies than those in lower financial brackets. Healthcare services such as clinical diagnostic testing may be out of reach for those who […]

The nucleus of a hospital is increasingly becoming its network operations center. If the system isn't connected, communication breaks down. The evolution of network operations centers in healthcare and how to build an effective one drives the conversation on this episode of Health and Life Sciences at the Edge by Intel. Intel's Global Head of […]

Open-Source software's flexibility through its distribution with the source code gives programmers the power to modify and distribute with its original rights. That versatility allows many technological innovations within the Health and Life Science space. Intel partners with Health and Life Science organizations on a wide range of solutions, and open-source is critical to […]

Next-generation digital workflows are at the forefront of advancing how clinicians deliver healthcare. Intel partners with custom EMR workflow providers such as SaVia Health to improve those solutions and make new ones possible. Intel Head of Global Health Solutions Alex Flores recently sat down with SaVia Health CEO and Chairman William Caldwell to pull […]

Next-generation digital workflows are at the forefront of advancing how clinicians deliver healthcare. Intel partners with custom EMR workflow providers such as SaVia Health to improve those solutions and make new ones possible. Intel Head of Global Health Solutions Alex Flores recently sat down with SaVia Health CEO and Chairman William Caldwell to pull […]

On this episode of Intel's Health and Life Sciences at the Edge, host Gabrielle Bejarano chats with Providence Health System VP and Chief Talent Officer Darci Hall and Intel Health Account Executive Jeffrey Berghammer about the opportunities for augmented reality and immersive technologies to support digital transformation in healthcare. When the onset […]

Healthcare organizations generate massive amounts of data, so much so that the challenge becomes how and where to move it and store it. Health and Life Science at the Edge host, Gabrielle Bejarano, spoke with Zettar's Chin Fang and Intel's Michael McManus for a peek inside the technology solutions Zettar and Intel are partnering […]

Historically, people have opted into research, shared their health data, or taken part in patient surveys. Data had to be collected in a central location with the consent of the users. These paths keep private information protected but unfortunately, it eliminates a considerable amount of data available. However, with federated learning, it's possible to […]

Historically, people have opted into research, shared their health data, or taken part in patient surveys. Data had to be collected in a central location with the consent of the users. These paths keep private information protected but unfortunately, it eliminates a considerable amount of data available. However, with federated learning, it's possible to […]

The Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) is a global nonprofit specializing in the advancement of ethical, effective, equitable, and safe use of digital technology for redefining healthcare and optimizing lives. Jennifer Goldsack, CEO of DiMe, spoke with Intel's Head of Global Health Solutions Alex Flores on the advancements in remote patient monitoring and the role […]

Health data makes up more than 30% of the world's data (Intel, 2022) — and it's growing each year. The data is more than tangible, straightforward information, like dates of vaccinations and test results. It also includes contextual data, like neighborhood qualities, diet trackers, exercise trackers, sleep monitors, and more. Intel's principal health engineer, […]

While the challenges in the healthcare industry are constantly increasing, hospitals adopting new technologies have helped to alleviate some of those struggles in the operating room. Discussing this topic is Dennis Kogan, co-founder, and CEO of Caresyntax, and Eric King, investment director at Intel Capital with host Alex Flores, Director of Global Health Solutions at […]

The mission of Health Matters is to promote health equity by elevating the conversation around healthy habits, preventative health, and relevant public health issues. By approaching these topics with an equitable lens, we can all do our part to empower individuals to make more informed decisions about their health and care. Health Matters’ mission […]

The mission of Health Matters is to promote health equity by elevating the conversation around healthy habits, preventative health, and relevant public health issues. By approaching these topics with an equitable lens, we can all do our part to empower individuals to make more informed decisions about their health and care. MarketScale introduces […]

Jill Obrochta is the Founder of Dental Enhancements and a registered dental hygienist. Learn more about her and DE in this video from HealthFirst. Also, learn more how to implement a successful compliance program for your dental office!

To celebrate National Dentist's Day, the staff at HealthFirst shows our appreciation for the dentists in our lives.

The Z-1000 by HealthFirst is an advanced emergency medical kit that includes emergency drugs and devices for physician offices and medical facilities.

Comprehensive set of Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) medications and devices in a durable, waterproof case on wheels for ease of mobility.

Comprehensive set of Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) medications and devices in a durable, waterproof case on wheels for ease of mobility.

Bratton Dental uses Dental Enhancements from HealthFirst to stay up to date with the latest OSHA & HIPAA compliance updates.

The days of overpaying for medical waste disposal and compliance training services are over! HealthFirst has partnered with Trilogy MedWaste to provide a complete bundled service that can help you save money, no matter the size of your medical office.

On this episode of HealthFirst Talks, host Dr. Don Cohen, Chief Clinical Officer, HealthFirst, talked with a panel about the concern of superbugs and antibiotic resistance in dentistry. The panel included Dr. Fiona Collins, General Dentist and infection control expert, Dr. Scott Cohen, family physician and clinical informaticist, Dr. Heather Ferrarese, a clinical pharmacist with […]

On this episode of HealthFirst Talks, host Dr. Don Cohen, Chief Clinical Officer, HealthFirst, talked with a panel about the concern of superbugs and antibiotic resistance in dentistry. The panel included Dr. Fiona Collins, General Dentist and infection control expert, Dr. Scott Cohen, family physician and clinical informaticist, Dr. Heather Ferrarese, a clinical pharmacist with […]

Ultraviolet, more commonly referred to as simply UV, light is gaining popularity as an additional measure offices and schools can take to effectively control and prevent infection indoors in the era of the novel coronavirus. Dr. Fiona Collins and Dr. Scott Cohen of the HealthFirst Medical Advisory Board joined the HealthFirst podcast to outline the […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust air quality into the spotlight, particularly in the spaces we inhabit most, such as our homes, workplaces, schools and more – and Dr. Scott A. Cohen of the Bassett Healthcare Network and infection prevention specialist Dr. Fiona Collins are back with another look at how we can go about safeguarding […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust air quality into the spotlight, particularly in the spaces we inhabit most, such as our homes, workplaces, schools and more. Fortunately, there are lines of defense against airborne viruses and pathogens. To explore those solutions, Dr. Scott A. Cohen of Bassett Healthcare Network and infection prevention specialist Dr. Fiona […]

In this episode of Gossip About Gossip, Zenobia Godschalk, SVP of Communications at Swirlds Labs, sits down with Patches, CEO of Turtle Moon and Co-founder of Hgraph. They delve into the real-world applications of NFTs, the intersection of Web3 and music distribution, and how enterprises can leverage these technologies. The stakes are high as Web3 […]

Over 60 million people in the U.S. play fantasy sports—that's one in almost five people. Game developers need to keep rolling out new and exciting opportunities to keep these gamers engaged. How is one company, GameOn, leveraging Web 3.0 to do just that? On today's episode of Gossip About Gossip by Hedera, podcast Host and […]

Foreign aid is the practice of sending monetary funds and resources to countries in particular need of assistance, which is usually humanitarian-related. It's a practice that's been taking place for decades now and continues to be a method in allocating support. The only thing that has changed is how it is sent and received. Enter […]

The future of finance is democratized, and TOKO by DLA Piper is on a mission to facilitate the emerging global disruption with Hedera. TOKO – DLA Piper's asset tokenization platform – is the culmination of ambition to provide clients with the ability to utilize #Web3 and digital assets with sound technology & compliance, making traditionally […]

The future of finance is democratized, and TOKO by DLA Piper is on a mission to facilitate the emerging global disruption with Hedera. TOKO – DLA Piper's asset tokenization platform – is the culmination of ambition to provide clients with the ability to utilize #Web3 and digital assets with sound technology & compliance, making traditionally […]

The demand for reliable, transparent, and secure data solutions has never been greater than it is today as our society becomes increasingly dominated by decentralized technology like blockchain and crypto applications. One company, Arkhia, provides developers with comprehensive resources and highly resilient infrastructure for their development and API needs, including data statistics and analytics, customer […]

The Hedera Guardian is an open-source platform that leverages the Hedera public distributed ledger network to enable digital-first sustainability policies and enables dMRV (Digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) requirements-based tokenization implementation. The Hedera Guardian provides auditable, traceable, and reproducible records that document the emission process and lifecycle of carbon credits, which reduces fraud in the […]

Blockchain games are an increasingly growing and popular form of gaming, and an additional aspect to the rapidly expanding cryptocurrency world. But trading within the game and making purchases comes with a lot of safety concerns and increased calls for distributed ledger technology (DLT). Because trading and making repeated transactions is a necessary part of […]

Blockchain games are an increasingly growing and popular form of gaming, and an additional aspect to the rapidly expanding cryptocurrency world. But trading within the game and making purchases comes with a lot of safety concerns and increased calls for distributed ledger technology (DLT). Because trading and making repeated transactions is a necessary part of […]

Metadata is an overlooked component that enriches NFT, especially collectables or even NFTs related to real estate. One of the many uses of NFT metadata is storing information about the attributes of a project, such as calculating investment, and the value and rarity of an NFT. Metadata proves authenticity and aids in proper licensing. Because […]

Citadel Wallet is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to store, manage, and transfer their HBAR tokens securely. HBAR tokens are the native cryptocurrency of the Hedera network, and Citadel Wallet makes it easy to handle them with its user-friendly interface. One of the key features of Citadel Wallet is its user-friendly interface, which […]

Gaming and NFTs are a combination that has seen an incredible increase within the last several years. It's been noted, however, that often times within Metaverse gaming, the product is viewed as empty or not delivering on entertainment promises made in earlier trailers. Not taking the proper time for design and concept and a lack […]

Challenges in healthcare don't solve themselves, and one solution does not rectify every situation. Challenge-solving is a team sport in healthcare, and it's an industry always on the hunt for new players. Technology in healthcare is critical to solving problems in many areas of medicine. CT imaging advancements in data harnessing are leading to better […]

Transparency in healthcare is vital to help avoid or reduce the varying disparities that exist and continue to burden the overall medical field in this country. Technology in healthcare is growing and has mitigated some of these disparities, even helping close some of the gaps that have been magnified. But there is still more progress […]

For over 90 years, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo has been a center of entertainment and sportsmanship. This event continues to be a hub of notable scholarships for college students and volunteering, particularly within the medical community. From injuries sustained by the rodeo athletes to preventive care and training, healthcare is a vital part […]

A show of hands: How many people were adept at taking an in-home health test before the pandemic? The answer: probably not many. The pandemic changed that, along with so many other healthcare processes. Taking a COVID test, a healthcare assessment, or even a virtual patient visit weren't things most were used to doing at […]

A show of hands: How many people were adept at taking an in-home health test before the pandemic? The answer: probably not many. The pandemic changed that, along with so many other healthcare processes. Taking a COVID test, a healthcare assessment, or even a virtual patient visit weren't things most were used to doing at […]

The healthcare industry is facing a lot of challenges, like physician burnout, the high cost of care, a lack of insurance coverage, staffing problems, and a lack of adequate interactions between patients and providers, just to name a few. With the loads of technology and applications available, many providers still use fax machines as a […]

Pre-authorization is a word that is being tossed around more and more frequently in the healthcare world. Often referred to as pre-approvals, prior approvals, or prior authorizations, these are insurance-dictated restrictions on medicines, tests, or health services that require a check before insurance will officially cover the product or service. More than three quarters of […]

Patients’ financial responsibility has been increasing over the years, and this trend is stepping-up healthcare costs, with no assurance it's going to slow down in the future. According to patientengagementhit, patient financial responsibility increased by 11 percent in 2017, a rise from $1,630 in Q4 2016 to $1,813 in Q4 2017, totaling an increase of […]

Patients’ financial responsibility has been increasing over the years, and this trend is stepping-up healthcare costs, with no assurance it's going to slow down in the future. According to patientengagementhit, patient financial responsibility increased by 11 percent in 2017, a rise from $1,630 in Q4 2016 to $1,813 in Q4 2017, totaling an increase of […]

The cannabis plant has more than 80 chemical compounds, of which the two most known are THC (marijuana) and CBD. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a hemp derivative that does not elicit abuse or dependence, and research suggests it could potentially help health conditions such as anxiety, chronic pain, arthritis, and addiction, among others. How do […]

The common saying, "You are what you eat," may indeed be true. Consuming unhealthy food and beverages can put you at increased risk for developing chronic health conditions, obesity, and even 13 types of cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While this may seem disheartening, new research shows that nutritional […]

Gut health awareness has been playing a pivotal role in the improvement of health as more and more people begin to prioritize the state of microbiome in their bodies. Health experts say that the gut provides an answer to someone's health, particularly, their digestion and mood, according to Hopkins Medicine. Additionally, the body's immune system […]

Salespeople are one of, if not the most important people in any business; no one will know your business, let alone make sales or sell anything to anyone without them. Recruiters are also equally important to any business, as they help match it with the best talents available and help the organization grow. Many people […]

Since 2013, Catapult Solutions Group has strived to be the very best staffing firm it can be. While it started out small, it has since grown to become a top staffing firm, winning multiple awards between 2021 and 2022, including being named one of the fastest growing firms in the USA. On this episode of […]

Staffing referrals are a way for companies to find potential candidates for job openings through recommendations from current employees, colleagues, or other contacts. It involves using the network of individuals familiar with the company and its culture to find qualified candidates for job openings. Typically, when a company has an open position, they will ask […]

What's your why and where are you going? It's an interesting philosophy and one that few would associate with the real estate industry. But that's par for the course when it comes to speaking with Roy Reis, Senior Vice President at Cresa. Reis sat down with long-time colleague Alex Anderson, Chief Financial Officer at Catapult, […]

What's your why and where are you going? It's an interesting philosophy and one that few would associate with the real estate industry. But that's par for the course when it comes to speaking with Roy Reis, Senior Vice President at Cresa. Reis sat down with long-time colleague Alex Anderson, Chief Financial Officer at Catapult, […]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and in the age of e-commerce, it's important for businesses to know how to keep their assets protected. That's why host Michelle Dawn Mooney spoke with Richard Negron, Chief Information Officer at Catapult Solutions Group and David Moon, Chief Executive Officer of Arx Nimbus, on all things cybersecurity and […]

In the Catapult Solutions Group podcast, "Hire Education," host Daniel Litwin talked with the company's CEO, Patrick Burke, and its CFO, Alex Anderson, about the creation of the company and how they’ve managed its successful growth, their leadership, and what's in store for the future. Catapult Solutions Group is a Dallas-based staffing agency founded by […]

Despite recession fears, the US job market is still advantageous for candidates. According to NBC, the great resignation is still in full swing, leaving many job openings. Recruiters are the liaison between clients and candidates. They help candidates navigate their needs and negotiate prospects. Ashli Zimmerman, National Account Manager and Senior Recruiter at Catapult Solutions, […]

Despite recession fears, the US job market is still advantageous for candidates. According to NBC, the great resignation is still in full swing, leaving many job openings. Recruiters are the liaison between clients and candidates. They help candidates navigate their needs and negotiate prospects. Ashli Zimmerman, National Account Manager and Senior Recruiter at Catapult Solutions, […]

Outside recruiters and recruitment is widely accepted as a valuable resource as candidates enter the job market. Bobby Brill sits down with Michael Boyles, VP of Operations at Catapult Federal Services, and Josh Rainier, Human Resources Administrator of Catapult Solutions Group, to discuss what it takes to build a great recruiter and candidate relationship. Boyles […]

Intel's Abhishek Khowala, principal health AI engineer, and Séverine Habert, AI engineering manager, discuss some of the enhancements in brain tumor segmentation for enabling diagnosis. While most brain tumors are benign, early detection is critical for the best treatment options and outcomes. Assessing a diagnosis starts with MRI 2D and 3D imaging. Segmentation of […]

In Part 2 of this exciting 2-Part series, podcast host Gabrielle Bejarano sat down with Paul Shoe, RN, Suzanne Raymond, National Recruiter at Catapult Healthcare, and Shannon Kanakaole, Recruiting Operations Manager at Catapult Healthcare, to talk about how nurses and agencies can effectively work together and tackle challenges that arise while on contract. Shoe, a […]

Technology is in a constant state of change, especially with new innovations in healthcare happening every day. But it's not always easy to know what's out there, or to get your product to market. In today's connected world, it has become more important than ever to have a community that you can chat with, […]

When people take stock of their lives, do they consider their accomplishments remarkable? Or is the word remarkable reserved only for those with unique talents and wondrous deeds? Maybe remarkable isn't a word others use to describe a person; perhaps it's a code to live by. Today, I choose to be Remarkable! Capitalize that […]

The path of many healthcare workers, such as physicians, is a long one, but filled with much celebration along the way. There are the celebrations of getting into medical school, passing the boards during medical school, graduating, landing a residency, and completing a residency. But the path to becoming a healthcare hero is also emotionally […]

Eight hundred thousand nurses plan to leave healthcare by 2027. One hundred seventeen thousand doctors left the workforce in 2021. The CHQPR estimates more than 600 rural hospitals are at risk of closing. One in five hospitals in California are at risk of closing. These meaningful signals remain after one filters out the noise […]

Eight hundred thousand nurses plan to leave healthcare by 2027. One hundred seventeen thousand doctors left the workforce in 2021. The CHQPR estimates more than 600 rural hospitals are at risk of closing. One in five hospitals in California are at risk of closing. These meaningful signals remain after one filters out the noise […]

Whether you’re self employed or work for a major company, having a personal brand can be important. But not everyone knows how best to brand themselves, or they’re not comfortable with putting themselves out there in that way. How can someone make their own persona brand and make it work for them? On this […]

As it pertains to doctor-patient relationships, one of the main components of that is confidentiality and professionalism. But another key aspect to successful relationships between a doctor and their patient is also how successful the communication is and whether the doctor is building good rapport with them. What are some fundamentals of positive patient relationships? […]

Cardiovascular disease affects many Americans—in fact, almost one in five deaths was caused by cardiac disease in 2020. So, it's vital that hospitals and clinics know how to handle it, along with offering the best in cardiac surgery. However, there can sometimes be a disconnect between the cardiac surgery and cardiology departments at a […]

Cardiovascular disease affects many Americans—in fact, almost one in five deaths was caused by cardiac disease in 2020. So, it's vital that hospitals and clinics know how to handle it, along with offering the best in cardiac surgery. However, there can sometimes be a disconnect between the cardiac surgery and cardiology departments at a […]

There's no doubt about it, patient care is a priority across the healthcare system. And while there are many aspects to patient care, there are some internal features in hospitals that are lacking: beds. We have the technology to improve the patient experience and patient outcomes through improving their beds, but not every hospital […]

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a type of heart disease in which the heart muscle thickens without an obvious cause, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. HCM can result in chest pain, breathlessness, and fainting and may increase the chance of sudden cardiac death. But why is this important? With the […]

A 2020 American Heart Association survey found that patients defined value as communication and trust in healthcare providers and not simply cost and services. Building trust and improving patient experience is something that healthcare organizations learned first-hand over the past three years through an unprecedented health crisis. Stellar customer service is not a choice […]

On this episode of Impressions, an On The Move podcast, Host Daniel Litwin talked with Erin King, Director of Education and Events of Self Storage Association. They broke down everything you need to know to get caught up on what the Self Storage Association is bringing to the industry and why, if you’re in the […]

The housing market's recent boom shows no signs of slowing down. While the uptick in prices has been a boon for some, it's presented tremendous challenges for many looking to navigate it. Chiefly, higher housing prices and a general "Wild West" atmosphere have led to material shortages and price hikes, as well as significant […]

Real estate is all about space. Real estate professionals are in constant competition for properties to buy and sell for clients, and getting their business out front and center in a crowded marketplace is everything. Scott Bunn, CEO and Sales Master at The Scott Bunn Division of RE/MAX 8 in the New River Valley region […]

The self-storage landscape is changing, creating both new challenges and opportunities. Last year, the industry had a sales volume of $3.68 billion, covering over 46 million square feet. The sector did not see a downturn during the pandemic, causing lots of new capital investment. So, how is all this changing the customer journey? A roundtable of […]

The self-storage landscape is changing, creating both new challenges and opportunities. Last year, the industry had a sales volume of $3.68 billion, covering over 46 million square feet. The sector did not see a downturn during the pandemic, causing lots of new capital investment. So, how is all this changing the customer journey? A roundtable of […]

There are many ways to market a business, but making an impression that sticks with a potential customer isn't always easy. The self-storage industry relies on exact timing to get their offerings in front of customers’ eyes when they need the service. This is where trucks come in. CJ Stratte, Marketing Director with On […]

Carol Mixon-Krendl, President of SkilCheck Services, began her journey into the self-storage industry in 1984. Over that time, and through myriad other industries, including real estate, RV parks, auto repair and call centers, Krendl picked up more than her fair share of stories and tales. Mixon-Krendl and CJ Stratte, Marketing Director for On The […]

Getting minds set for accomplishing goals in 2021 can be a challenge after a year like 2020. But, lucky for "Impressions," Ashlee Tirevold, Sales and Leadership Coach at Southwestern Coaching, and CJ Stratte, Marketing Director for On The Move, were available to help provide some insights and expertise on the subject. Work and life […]

Getting minds set for accomplishing goals in 2021 can be a challenge after a year like 2020. But, lucky for "Impressions," Ashlee Tirevold, Sales and Leadership Coach at Southwestern Coaching, and CJ Stratte, Marketing Director for On The Move, were available to help provide some insights and expertise on the subject. Work and life […]

It's the whole point of a self-storage facility. Customers put their things there and can be at ease knowing nothing will happen. But, of course, there are things that can't be prevented that take place now and then, from natural disasters to theft and accidents. That's where a tenant protection program can be the […]

On The Move's Marketing Director, CJ Stratte, and Specialty Vehicle Program Manager, Tim Moranz, see food trucks’ fantastic potential to stand out in today's restaurant landscape. And, with the ongoing pandemic forcing many restaurants hampered, some permanently and others by reduced capacity, there is a need to find ways to increase revenue, think outside […]

Food trucks have driven a successful food business path, growing to more than a $2-billion-per-year industry. On The Move's Marketing Director, CJ Stratte, and Senior Sales Executive Tim Moranz gave their impressions on what can help separate one food truck owner's business from the rest of the pack on this episode of Impressions. "This […]

This is In Focus, by MarketScale. A podcast by video professionals for video professionals, putting in focus the topics, teachers and tips guiding the video industry today. With your host, MarketScale's Sr. Director of Video Production, Josh Brummett. On this episode of In Focus by MarketScale, host Josh Brummett was joined by David Spector of David Spector Media, a […]

The growth and opportunity of video production have fundamentally changed the concept of content. It's a powerful marketing tool for business. Consumers spend, on average, six hours and 48 minutes a week watching online video. It's a new frontier for business storytelling, and it works, with 93% of marketers that use it saying they gained new customers. A […]

On this episode of In Focus by MarketScale, host and MarketScale Senior Director, Video Production Josh Brummett was joined by Panther City Media Owner Abigail Nelson. Fort Worth, Texas-based Panther City Media is "a group of local creatives … [whose] mission is to provide storytelling with the use of photography and cinematography efforts." The […]

On this episode of In Focus, host Josh Brummett, MarketScale Sr. Director, Video Production was joined by MarketScale Video Production Specialist Dylan Tidmore, who has vast experience in a key aspect of any successful video production – directing on set. In particular, Tidmore leverages his experience in film and video to get the most out […]

On this episode of In Focus, host Josh Brummett, MarketScale Sr. Director, Video Production was joined by MarketScale Video Production Specialist Dylan Tidmore, who has vast experience in a key aspect of any successful video production – directing on set. In particular, Tidmore leverages his experience in film and video to get the most out […]

Josh Brummett, MarketScale Senior Director of Video Production, hosted Duncan Johnson to discuss how to become a master of lighting. Johnson is an experienced filmmaker with a well rounded background of photography, film, and video projects. Johnson spoke to his background in the industry and his introduction to lighting and how it has shaped […]

On the first episode of In Focus, host Josh Brummett sat down with fellow MarketScale creative Steve Palaia, Senior Creative Lead, to discuss the latest camera technology from Sony and Canon, the future of movie theaters, and the value of having a well-rounded background in the video industry. Palaia tackles a wide array of […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

The way we communicate, share data and use technology to act on those insights is changing – and it's all leading to the cloud. On In the Cloud, every week new experts will engage in a fire side chat and will bring their extensive experience in software, IT and mobile solutions straight to you, offering a […]

An all-in-one connectivity platform is essential to make the most of IoT devices. Zach Supalla, Founder & CEO at Particle, joined Industrial IoT's Mat Ackley to talk about Particle's Platform as a Service model, which makes it easy to build connectivity between IoT software and hardware. The oil & gas industry is one market segment […]

There is a gap between the promise of IoT and what is getting delivered. Some of the shortfalls could stem from the supply chain. Solution? Ivo Rook, COO, President at 1NCE, said the answer could lie in the effective utilization of cellular networks. The challenge with traditional cellular networks and IoT is compliance. "Cellular networks […]

Since Covid took the world by storm in 2020, supply chain issues have come to the forefront of the news as no one was exempt from the challenges of getting common everyday items. And while it doesn't take a global pandemic to disrupt supply chain operations, it was this very event that made people aware […]

A massive influencer in the manufacturing industry is a growth strategy, consulting, and venture development firm, Harbor Research. Glen Allmendinger, President,and Founder of Harbor Research joined Infinite IoT's Mat Ackley to discuss the IoT trends affecting the manufacturing landscape and how this technical innovation is driving growth. IoT has gained familiarity over the past several […]

A massive influencer in the manufacturing industry is a growth strategy, consulting, and venture development firm, Harbor Research. Glen Allmendinger, President,and Founder of Harbor Research joined Infinite IoT's Mat Ackley to discuss the IoT trends affecting the manufacturing landscape and how this technical innovation is driving growth. IoT has gained familiarity over the past several […]

The cellular network evolution is miles ahead of its early 2G and 3G days. One of the industry leaders of that evolution is Digi International. Harald Remmert, CTO for Cellular Solutions at Digi International spoke with Infinite IoT's Mat Ackley and provided insights into that journey, today's technical advancements, and the future of cellular networks. […]

IoT is an acronym for the Internet of Things. According to iTech Post, "it describes devices that connect to the internet to send and receive information. IoT is similar to artificial intelligence (AI) in that it enables machines to perform certain tasks." In general, we are interacting with AI more than we realize, and up […]

What was once the story found in science fiction novels has increasingly taken the world by storm. Everything from the ads you see online to advancing car technology is driven by artificial intelligence. In this episode of Infinite IoT, host Mat Ackley spoke with Lumenci CEO Harish Daiya to discuss the evolution of AI industrial […]

What was once the story found in science fiction novels has increasingly taken the world by storm. Everything from the ads you see online to advancing car technology is driven by artificial intelligence. In this episode of Infinite IoT, host Mat Ackley spoke with Lumenci CEO Harish Daiya to discuss the evolution of AI industrial […]

Drive-up banking has been around for years, and most use it frequently when they need a simple banking transaction fulfilled. Daniel Litwin sits down with Bill Budde, the VP of Banking Strategy and Solutions at Hyosung, to discuss evolving trends and technology in drive-up banking. As technology develops and banking adopts new technologies, we’ll see […]

ATMs have long been a part of the banking processing, but the pandemic accelerated the use of self-service tools in banking was. Bill Budde, Vice President of Banking Strategy and Solutions for Hyosung, spoke with Inspired Banking host Tyler Kern about the evolution of banking self-service tools and which technology benefits end-user experience and bank […]

The logistics industry has, in recent years, been rather tumultuous. Facing the unexpected arrival of the pandemic, consumers shopping habits have noticeably shifted over the past few years. Host Tyler Kern chatted with CEO of Position Imaging Ned Hill about the shift in industry and the technology needed to make the shift just a little […]

Host Daniel J. Litwin welcomed Dan O’Connor, Vice President of Pickup and Delivery Options at Position Imaging, to discuss pick up and drop off options in this ever-changing world where delivery means and methods are evolving to match the needs of society. O’Connor is well versed in the delivery industry, having spent 30 years […]

Reseller referral programs are a win-win for companies and referrers. Discussing Position Imaging's new program, Intelligent Logistics host Tyler Kern welcomed Jeff Hoch, the Chief Revenue Officer of ePropertyCare, and Jackie Cournoyer, the Director of Dealer Relations at Position Imaging. Hoch said, "We sell smart building technology to owners, operators and developments of mainly multi-family […]

Procurement, of which there are several different types, is the act of obtaining goods or services, usually for a business. According to workplace stress, procurement and the supply chain industry is a stressful environment. But it shouldn't and doesn't have to be. There are several steps to follow in order to make the procurement and […]

Convenience stores (or C Stores) remain a vital necessity for many consumers. In today's world, convenience stores are designed to be open everyday at all hours, and they are also expected to have all types of items a shopper might need. But with 24/7 operations throughout the year, this means convenient locations are using up […]

If networks weren't vulnerable to breaches, intrusions, viruses, and cyber-attacks, they wouldn't need to be secure. Robust network security is a must for proper energy management solutions to be effective. Frank Menocal, CTO of ENTOUCH, spoke about the importance of network security for energy management systems and how IT departments can safeguard their networks. Menocal […]

Maximizing ROI is the goal for every organization, but what is the cost associated with inaction? That's the question Tyler Kern posed to Jon Bolen, CEO of ENTOUCH. Bolen said that over time, the cost of inaction and inertia begins piling up. Those are areas well studied in terms of the environment and social justice, […]

Maximizing ROI is the goal for every organization, but what is the cost associated with inaction? That's the question Tyler Kern posed to Jon Bolen, CEO of ENTOUCH. Bolen said that over time, the cost of inaction and inertia begins piling up. Those are areas well studied in terms of the environment and social justice, […]

ESG entered the mainstream of business conversation 15 years ago. Today, companies know the importance of achieving environmental, social, and governance goals for their stakeholders. ENTOUCH's Todd Brinegar, EVP of sales and marketing, and Melissa Parsons, director of marketing, shared their insights on ESG and six key performance indicators (KPIs) to effectively track ESG strategy. […]

In this episode of InTouch with ENTOUCH, host Tyler Kern spoke with James Walton, ENTOUCH Founder and VP of Product and Commercialization at ENTOUCH, and Dana Guernsey, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Voltus, about the increasing need for energy consumption transparency. The three dive right into a lively discussion about the past, present, and […]

For any organization to be a success, it typically needs to have strong partnerships. ENTOUCH embraces the partnership model and has a unique approach to ensuring success. Discussing the company's take on partnerships, In Touch with ENTOUCH host Tyler Kern spoke with Todd Brinegar, EVP Sales and Marketing, and Jessica Beerman, Director of Channel Sales. Beerman opened […]

For any organization to be a success, it typically needs to have strong partnerships. ENTOUCH embraces the partnership model and has a unique approach to ensuring success. Discussing the company's take on partnerships, In Touch with ENTOUCH host Tyler Kern spoke with Todd Brinegar, EVP Sales and Marketing, and Jessica Beerman, Director of Channel Sales. Beerman opened […]

Through the right energy management system, businesses can reach their ESG goals. ENTOUCH's CEO, Jon Bolen, and Director of Customer Success, Trey Hernandez, joined host Tyler Kern to discuss what that energy management system looks like and how it benefits environmental, social and governance practices within organizations. Today's investors rely on ESG reporting as they […]

Optimally managing the energy of each building is extremely important for every organization. With the majority of energy use going toward HVAC operations, how can facilities management teams boost efficiency and save costs? The answer is energy management systems. Host Tyler Kern welcomed guests John Casey and Craig Norris, both Directors of National Accounts, of […]

To kick off this premiere episode of In Touch with ENTOUCH, Jon Bolen, CEO of ENTOUCH, and Todd Brinegar, EVP, Sales and Marketing at ENTOUCH, spoke about the company, its history, its goals and the differentiators that set it apart in the marketplace. Bolen spent the better part of his career working within the multi-site […]

"Starting Your First Fire" is part two of J&R Manufacturing's five part series. You want to begin with kindling or firestarter. Then set your logs in a way that allows your fire to breathe and grow. As J&R Manufacturing always says, there is no hurry up in barbecue, so it will take some time.

"Getting Ready to Cook" is part three of J&R Manufacturing's five part series. This video discusses how the key to any extended cook or proper fire management is getting a nice, solid coal bed. Also discussed are tips for an extended cook on your Little Red smoker or Smoke-Master smoker.

"Finishing Your Cook" is part four of J&R Manufacturing's five part series. This video includes tips on how to properly and safely open your cooking chamber, including hitting your EVAC switch, turning the thermostat down so the fire isn't raging, and waiting some time before you open it.

"Maintenance" is part five of J&R Manufacturing's five part series. This includes tips and tricks about how to properly clean your firebox and maintenance tips to make sure your smoker lasts as long as you need it. With this maintenance your unit can last basically forever.

"Maintenance" is part five of J&R Manufacturing's five part series. This includes tips and tricks about how to properly clean your firebox and maintenance tips to make sure your smoker lasts as long as you need it. With this maintenance your unit can last basically forever.

In What to Expect When You’re Expecting an Oyler, Ryan Higgins, J&R product expert talks about what to expect when you’re receiving your Oyler smoker. He discusses details, tips and tricks for starting your first fire, getting ready to cook, finishing your cook and maintenance of your unit.

In What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Little Red Smokehouse, Ryan Higgins, J&R product expert talks about what to expect when you’re receiving your Little Red Smokehouse smoker. He discusses details, tips and tricks for starting your first fire, getting ready to cook, finishing your cook and maintenance of your unit.

The Bossy Babes BBQ from Minnesota are at J&R Manufacturing picking up their equipment. The reason they choose J&R Manufacturing and their products for their two-women business is because they like cooking with wood, and as Ursula from Bossy Babes BBQ says, "If you’re cooking with wood this is the only way to go". They […]

The Bossy Babes BBQ from Minnesota are at J&R Manufacturing picking up their equipment. The reason they choose J&R Manufacturing and their products for their two-women business is because they like cooking with wood, and as Ursula from Bossy Babes BBQ says, "If you’re cooking with wood this is the only way to go". They […]

This J&R smoker story discusses the importance of Intrinsic Smokehouse's Oyler series smoker as the heart and soul of their barbecue restaurant. Despite being built in 1985, the smoker has been well-maintained and continues to work efficiently. To learn more about their smoker, Intrinsic Smokehouse visits the manufacturer, J&R, and is impressed by their metal […]

Welcome to RDG Kitchen, where Master Chef Robert Del Grande introduces a new barbecue pork sandwich with watermelon barbecue sauce. He starts by curing the pork with a mixture of brown sugar, salt, and spices before grilling it slowly over a J&R wood fire. Meanwhile, he prepares the watermelon barbecue sauce by blending seedless watermelon, […]

Master Chef Robert Del Grande welcomes you to the RDG Kitchen, where they believe a great burger starts with a top-quality patty made from USDA Prime chuck roll. They take their burger buns a step further by dusting them in chestnut flour, adding a delicate fruity nuttiness. The classic combination of American lettuce, onion, tomato, […]

The accuracy of inventory can quickly degrade when it comes to retailers, particularly those with many stores. That makes inventory accuracy critical, especially considering that companies have invested heavily in omnichannel methods and adapted their strategies to meet consumer demand. On this episode of Keeping Count, a podcast from the inventory experts at Datascan, host […]

Like any industry, retail is now being forced to reckon with an emphasis on data – and analysis of that data – unlike any we’ve seen before. Retailers are in a position to understand more about their supply chain, customers, store experience, marketing and more than ever before, but they need solutions that can help […]

Datascan is an industry leader in inventory counting, helping modern retailers navigate the plethora of supply chain, inventory, stock management and data-related challenges they need to in order to thrive in the modern retail landscape. On "Keeping Count," the company will help shape the conversation around those trends, offering leading insights primed to help retailers […]

Being an effective leader is challenging. Many times, leadership isn't born. It's made. In most situations, leaders beget leaders, which means leadership is learned from other great leaders. When it comes to leadership, there are always moments that shape a career. These moments lead to either success or failure, but they lead to moments […]

Being an effective leader is challenging. Many times, leadership isn't born. It's made. In most situations, leaders beget leaders, which means leadership is learned from other great leaders. In this episode of Knowledge Is Power, Host Brandon Pfluger talked with Carrie McKenzie-Bush, Director of Marketing and Communications, Peerless-AV, on her career, significant learning moments, […]

No company is perfect, and whether you work at a start-up or large corporation, there will inevitably be days where you wish you worked on the other side. Tim Garbutt, the Director of Corporate Marketing and Communications at Flintco LLC, has been on both sides and knows how the other half works. On this episode […]

Learning moments in a career can be successes and failures. It's what a leader does after that really matters. Knowledge Is Power goes one-on-one with leaders in different industries to uncover these experiences. How have your first bosses and mentors shaped your career? Although some people may think back to things that they have said, Kevin […]

Learning moments in a career can be successes and failures. It's what a leader does after that really matters. Knowledge Is Power goes one-on-one with leaders in different industries to uncover these experiences. How have your first bosses and mentors shaped your career? Although some people may think back to things that they have said, Kevin […]

Learning moments in a career can be successes and failures. It's what a leader does after that really matters. Knowledge Is Power goes one-on-one with leaders in different industries to uncover these experiences. Many things can prepare someone for their career—experiences and even time on the golf course. Host Brandon Pfluger spoke with Brett […]

Learning moments in a career can be successes and failures. It's what a leader does after that really matters. Knowledge Is Power goes one-on-one with leaders in different industries to uncover these experiences. Host Brandon Pfluger spoke with Jessica Pantages, Chief Communication Officer at NSF International, developer of public health standards and certification programs that […]

While there is no clear path to finding a mentor, when Simon Whitton, Managing Director, SIRO Consulting chatted with Brandon Pfluger, Host, Knowledge is Power, about his career in robotics, he shared some key insight into how he's ended up acting as a mentor to colleagues. Throughout his career, Whitton has held leadership positions […]

While there is no clear path to finding a mentor, when Simon Whitton, Managing Director, SIRO Consulting chatted with Brandon Pfluger, Host, Knowledge is Power, about his career in robotics, he shared some key insight into how he's ended up acting as a mentor to colleagues. Throughout his career, Whitton has held leadership positions […]

What technology is currently being used to monitor railroads? What are the shortcomings? How can safety and efficiency be increased with better monitoring? On this episode of LeddarTech Lab, host Tyler Kern is joined by John Dinan, Field Application Engineer for LeddarTech for a discussion about how railroad monitoring can be improved with innovative […]

On this episode of LeddarTech Lab, Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin talked with LeddarTech Director of Strategic Partnerships Heinz Oyrer about the LeddarTech ecosystem: how it functions and how it's been designed and structured from the very beginning. The duo explored the company's ecosystem and how it is crucial for the successful integration of our […]

Cars that drive themselves are a possibility, but they won't be coming overnight. Still, there's plenty of reason to think autonomous technology will be part of technological advances in the near future, said Vincent Racine, Senior Product Line Manager for LeddarTech, especially with many municipal and regional governments beginning to loosen regulations on testing some […]

Counting cars isn't just a way to pass the time on a long road trip, as an accurate count can help avoid missed collections for toll road operators. With tollbooths, which cause more accidents and are more expensive to manage, on the way out in most countries around the world, making sure the right electronic […]

Counting cars isn't just a way to pass the time on a long road trip, as an accurate count can help avoid missed collections for toll road operators. With tollbooths, which cause more accidents and are more expensive to manage, on the way out in most countries around the world, making sure the right electronic […]

Pierre Olivier's involvement in LiDAR technology runs throughout his 10 years with LeddarTech. Olivier, LeddarTech's Chief Technology Officer, popped by The LeddarTech Lab to share his thoughts on how LiDAR is making true autonomy in vehicles a reality. "There are various ways to define the scope of the ODD (operational design domain)," said Olivier. […]

LeddarTech President and COO Frantz Saintellemy joined Daniel Litwin for the inaugural episode of MarketScale's Transportation podcast to explore the applications and trends surrounding automotive LiDAR sensor technology and everything it touches. Saintellemy has a lengthy career in the space, previously working for Integrated Device Technology (IDT)as the company's VP, Automotive and Industrial and at […]

The biggest tech show of the year, CES 2020, kicks off on January 7th, with the newest in everything from hobby toys to transformative AI. Daniel Aitken, Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications at LeddarTech, will be at the conference showcasing the latest technological advancements in LiDAR solutions for autonomous transportation. Aitken sat down […]

The biggest tech show of the year, CES 2020, kicks off on January 7th, with the newest in everything from hobby toys to transformative AI. Daniel Aitken, Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications at LeddarTech, will be at the conference showcasing the latest technological advancements in LiDAR solutions for autonomous transportation. Aitken sat down […]

Think about the last great visual experience you’ve seen. Can you name the hardware components, the types of light used, or the specifications of the speakers that accompanied this experience you’re thinking of? Probably not because a great experience for a consumer is not about the hardware; it's about the feeling. On this new […]

Digital LED displays are transforming corporate workspaces, creating a positive ripple effect that disseminates throughout the companies workforce and into its clientele. "Digital is now," said David Venus, CMO of PixelFLEX. On this episode of LEDTalk, host Tyler Kern sat down with Venus & guest Jeff Peden, director of marketing at Dalton Agency, to […]

On this episode of LED Talk with PixelFLEX, host Tyler Kern sat down with chief marketing officer David Venus and director of sales Will Dickey to discuss five factors that significantly affect the price of implementing an LED solution, and why a client should be educated on all five to deliver the best solution possible. […]

On today's episode of PixelFLEX's LEDTalk , Tony Green, VP of Business Development for Snap Install, and David Venus, Chief Marketing Officer for PixelFLEX, give insight on the direction of the display industry and the road blocks that are making the market struggle. The two also dive into how pertinent the choices are that […]

On today's episode of PixelFLEX's LEDTalk , Tony Green, VP of Business Development for Snap Install, and David Venus, Chief Marketing Officer for PixelFLEX, give insight on the direction of the display industry and the road blocks that are making the market struggle. The two also dive into how pertinent the choices are that […]

The trade show industry (and concert and events industry) can seem very open to the public, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that can be very private, and things are getting more sophisticated as the years go on. Scott Karan, Chief Marketing Officer of Froggy's Fog, a company that […]

The LED industry is currently a $5 billion worldwide industry, with the Americas region recently crossing the $1 billion mark. With this much money being invested into displays, how does that relate to higher quality and increased price points? Are we still buying things from China, or is it possible to manufacture these components […]

Corporate facilities are putting displays in conference rooms, front lobbies and green rooms more and more these days, and strategy for entertaining clients is big business. How can business owners make their display stand out above the competition and attract the sales, and how can AV integrators and suppliers play into those client trends? […]

Corporate facilities are putting displays in conference rooms, front lobbies and green rooms more and more these days, and strategy for entertaining clients is big business. How can business owners make their display stand out above the competition and attract the sales, and how can AV integrators and suppliers play into those client trends? […]

From 2017 to 2019, there was a 50% increase in fine or narrow pixel pitch products, which most would say is undeniable growth. The business-owner is demanding this crisper technology and so is the market; the real challenge is how to create these high-res products and still make them affordable to the end user, […]

New materials and new technology have shaken up the AEC industry and pushed development forward. For Ian Daniels, Director of Architectural Products at Tamlyn, these new materials and challenges are opportunities to develop creative solutions. When architects come with a design that presents a challenge, that's when the fun begins. "We’ll dive into it, […]

Bill Cawley, Chairman and CEO, Cawley Partners is passionate about mentorship and joined hosts David Shields, Partner, Shields Legal Group and Matthew Shields, Principal, Shield Capital Group for an insightful and genuine discussion of how these relationships bring benefits and value to both the mentor and the mentee. The core of mentorship is a mix […]

Astute entrepreneur, start-up advisor, business owner and expert negotiator Melethia Campbell Tuggle is the Owner and President of Robin Steel, LLC. She knows the value of strategic partnerships in setting a business up for success, and she shared her insights and experiences with Matt and David Shields on this episode of Like It's Your Job. […]

Kris Elliott, COO at Expansive Workspace is a strong business leader with more than 20 years of experience in the coworking sector. She brought her wealth of knowledge and insights to Like It's Your Job to talk about the ways to develop and maintain innovative and quality customer experiences. Elliott's focus for the past three […]

In a world looking for innovation and forward thinkers, Brian Hoang is thriving. As CEO and Co-Founder of SURVIVR, Hoang's mission is to transform law enforcement training. SURVIVR is a public benefit VR platform that helps first responders improve their decision-making and de-escalation skills. He joined hosts Matt Shield and David Shields to share his […]

In a world looking for innovation and forward thinkers, Brian Hoang is thriving. As CEO and Co-Founder of SURVIVR, Hoang's mission is to transform law enforcement training. SURVIVR is a public benefit VR platform that helps first responders improve their decision-making and de-escalation skills. He joined hosts Matt Shield and David Shields to share his […]

David and Matthew Shields, the hosts of the Like It's Your Job podcast, have spent most of their careers helping businesses and business leaders grow. Much like their father, Jim Shields, they were motivated by the desire to do something good. So, for their first episode, they decided it was only fitting to bring Jim […]

Many different linear actuators that people in industrial automation are familiar with provide straight-line motion. Rollon's Bob Ward, Regional Manager, and Christopher Hirsch, Actuator Project Manager, spoke about the linear electromechanical actuator gaining popularity. "We’re definitely in a growth-spurt market right now," Ward said. "We see an increased focus by our customers for factory automation, […]

The cost of premature bearing failures can be far more than the price of the bearing. Delays in the manufacturing process due to a premature bearing failure could prove catastrophic to production timelines and wind up costing a manufacturer thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Rollon's Mark Cohn, Regional Manager, and Forrester Lowrie, Territory […]

On today's episode of the AEC Podcast, we were joined by Rachel Street, host of the DIY Network's Philly Revival. who pulls from her experiences as a design professional to explain what it takes to flip homes and why the Philadelphia real estate market is so unique. Street's career path has been pretty unconventional. […]

Plenty of trends come and go within the realm of home design and interior decorating, but how do you balance the hot trends with functionality, especially when designing for a family? How is this family-focused design evolving season to season, and which materials are the most popular for those designs? On today's MarketScale AEC […]

The pandemic has touched every corner of society, including live sporting events – but that hasn't stopped the Drone Champions League from engaging in exciting eSports action. The league opted to move its Drone Grand Prix Series to a completely virtual format, meaning competitors, officials, talent and fans all needed avenues to interact with […]

There are many moving pieces and cogs in a well-oiled production, but one of the most critical is the production switcher. As Ross Video CEO and President David Ross puts it, you can think of these key tools as real-time video editors of sorts. Production switchers allow producers to select different audio and video […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Ross Director of Product Management Patrick Twomey to discuss an often-overlooked, yet extremely important piece of live production – graphics. Graphics, Twomey said, are an integral part of providing a complete live production experience – while video and audio […]

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become the world's temporary new normal for doing business – and live productions aren't excluded from that requirement. With productions needing to go on as scheduled, but often having to be operated over great distance and through remote collaboration only, remote connectivity and workflows […]

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become the world's temporary new normal for doing business – and live productions aren't excluded from that requirement. With productions needing to go on as scheduled, but often having to be operated over great distance and through remote collaboration only, remote connectivity and workflows […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Ross Product Manager, Dashboard Amanda Holtstrom and Technical Product Manager, Dashboard James Peltzer. Dashboard is Ross's answer to the chaos of live production – with this free and open platform, users can build unique, tailored CustomPanels that help streamline […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Ross Video President and Executive Producer, Ross Mobile Productions Mitch Rubenstein and Stephen Repass, General Manager, Ross Mobile Productions. The trio dove into the explosion of remote production, examining the journey of the industry to its current height and […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Ross Video Director of Global Sports and Live Events Kevin Cottam. Kern and Cottam centered their conversation on a key trend in the world of sports – the persistent growth and elevation of the in-home viewing experience, its impact […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Ross Video Director of Global Sports and Live Events Kevin Cottam. Kern and Cottam centered their conversation on a key trend in the world of sports – the persistent growth and elevation of the in-home viewing experience, its impact […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Nigel Spratling, Vice President – Production Switchers and Servers. In a live broadcast, the on-camera talent, graphics and more are front-and-center and top-of-mind. However, there's a critical element helping tie everything together. Without innovative and efficient production switchers, productions […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Ross Video Marketing Product Manager, Connectivity & Control Todd Riggs to discuss the ins and outs of decentralized IP and SDI routing. While these aren't new topics, a focus on IP transport topologies and a move to UHD and 4K […]

On this episode of Living Live with Ross Video, host Tyler Kern was joined by Jim Doyle, Ross Video Director of Creative Services. Many TV stations deliver round-the-clock, well-produced live productions on Election Day – after all, it's one of the biggest live production days of the year, and presidential races only heighten that […]

Franchising is a common part of the restaurant business, as it allows more people to access the establishment worldwide. Some restaurants stay in specific markets while others grow to become part of a landscape featuring other ubiquitous household names. But franchising is not always easy; it takes careful planning and work. What do some […]

Starbucks®, Chick-fil-A®, McDonald's®…these are some of the most popular restaurant industry apps used and downloaded today. To put it into perspective, the Starbucks® app has 17 million users, and almost one in every five of their sales dollars comes directly from the app. These restaurants don't have elevated app statuses for no reason—it's because […]

Two words that should be synonymous? Restaurants and technology. Let's face it, technology is here to stay, especially in restaurants. Not only can it help with staff shortages, but leveraging technology in the restaurant industry can help transform the customer experience. How? On the latest episode of The Main Course with Barbara Castiglia, EVP […]

Online restaurant reviews: restaurants may love or hate them, but they should not ignore the practice. To do so means operating at one's peril. Sifting through the noise to gain meaningful insights from reviews left online is integral to the restaurant industry and can lead to success if measured and responded to correctly. Chatmeter, a […]

Online restaurant reviews: restaurants may love or hate them, but they should not ignore the practice. To do so means operating at one's peril. Sifting through the noise to gain meaningful insights from reviews left online is integral to the restaurant industry and can lead to success if measured and responded to correctly. Chatmeter, a […]

Owning a bakery is a dream for some people; for others, the vision continues beyond that first cookie sold. For the Co-Owners of Brooklyn, New York's The Good Batch, Anna Gordon and Steven Hartong, the question isn't the next type of cookie to sell; it's what's the next market expansion. The global market for […]

AI has become a big topic recently, as more companies and businesses use it and play around with the possibilities. As the technology becomes more accessible, more people will use it in different ways and the tech will no doubt advance. Because of this, many are expecting businesses to keep using AI, especially when […]

Reinvention. That's a word many restaurants understand after undergoing three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through technology innovations to expanded delivery options, loyalty programs, and new concepts like ghost kitchens, the restaurant industry knows a thing or two—or ten—about the ‘adapt or die’ mentality. Refreshing and reinventing a restaurant is one thing, but legacy […]

Reinvention. That's a word many restaurants understand after undergoing three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through technology innovations to expanded delivery options, loyalty programs, and new concepts like ghost kitchens, the restaurant industry knows a thing or two—or ten—about the ‘adapt or die’ mentality. Refreshing and reinventing a restaurant is one thing, but legacy […]

As restaurants look to make a comeback and put the pandemic on the back burner, new franchises have started to re-enter the landscape. Franchises create opportunities for entrepreneurs, and the industry encourages women to enter the restaurant franchise business. Two women heeding the franchise call are Adenah Bayoh and Elzadie "Zadie" Smith. In October 2022, […]

Takeout and delivery are as much the fabric of restaurants today as a room full of diners. During the pandemic, many restaurants may not have made it out the other side without takeout and delivery services. Still, staffing shortages are a significant issue for most restaurants after the pandemic. Finding the balance between handling orders […]

The outbreak of COVID-19 had a significant impact on the food service industry. Many restaurants were forced to shut down, and workers lost their source of income. However, many restaurants are reopening and quickly adapting to survive the changes after the pandemic. Restaurant managers have entered a rebranding journey to optimize the customer experience and […]

The modular construction industry has seen record growth since 2015. Once considered a lower quality and cheaper alternative to traditional construction, the industry has found a new life as a viable solution to construction needs. Tom Hardiman, executive director of the Modular Building Institute (MBI), spoke with Tyler Kern about the past, present, and future […]

Building safe and secure housing is often a foundational base for every architect's designs. Modular consultant of Cairn Consulting, Weston Bierma, certainly holds this close at hand in the Burlingame Ranch Phase 3 build in Aspen, Colorado. He spoke with host of Mainstream Modular, Tyler Kern, about the perks of modular building and the planning […]

The current affordable housing crisis in the U.S. impacts both the traditional single-family home market as well as the commercial multifamily space. Years ago, when the country faced a similar demand, modular construction rose to the challenge for single family homes and is now being called on as a solution to also help in the […]

You can have all the data in the world but if you cant measure the results properly your company will be left behind. David Hill explains how Hexagon is unlocking the secrets of metrology (the science of measurement) and helping to provide a blueprint for successful data optimization. Hexagon is a leader known for […]

There can sometimes be a misconception that because a solution is "scalable" that it is simple to scale either up or down to fit the need. That's not necessarily true. On the other hand, sometimes a simple solution can reveal extra benefits that were unintended. How are we seeing this idea of focused solutions […]

The average aircraft can be constructed from over 100,000 individual parts and they all need to be manufactured to very specific tolerances. This requires not only incredible data-driven systems to make and distribute these parts, but there's a requisite need to maximize efficiency of the processes. Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence has built a reputation for […]

With technology continuing to bridge gaps in communication and data, our access to information is as wide as it is deep. Bridget Benedetti, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience for Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, shows us how software, from the user experience to the data it analyzes, is more connected than ever before. She also […]

With technology continuing to bridge gaps in communication and data, our access to information is as wide as it is deep. Bridget Benedetti, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience for Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, shows us how software, from the user experience to the data it analyzes, is more connected than ever before. She also […]

No one loved group projects in school, but working together as a team is important at any level of business. Working in a team always can be complicated, but that's especially true when developing engineering services for medical device, said Mike Goulet, Program Manager and Principal Software Engineer at Sunrise Labs. That's why developing processes […]

Building a foundation of trust and respect within a quality team is paramount to leading a successful development program for our clients. When you empower your team to make the right decisions, it fosters innovation, ownership, and accountability for a positive outcome. Things move faster and more efficiently when there is trust and mutual respect between QA and the other engineering teams. Additionally, our clients trust that we’ve done our due diligence, that we have provided them with a product that they can take forward into the market.

The healthcare industry has been trending toward health monitoring in the home environment, and since COVID-19, this trend has significantly increased. Medical device manufacturers are experiencing many new opportunities and additional challenges in designing medical devices for a more diverse user population and less controlled use environment. In this Sunrise Labs podcast, Alex Therrien, Director […]

Voices of eLearning host, JW Marshall, spoke with Harris Goodman, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategy at Achieve 3000, a 20 year old education software provider focused on K-12 literacy and other edTech products and services. Marshall kicked off the conversation with the topic of data interoperability. "There's a lot of data being […]

Voices of eLearning host, JW Marshall, spoke with Harris Goodman, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategy at Achieve 3000, a 20 year old education software provider focused on K-12 literacy and other edTech products and services. Marshall kicked off the conversation with the topic of data interoperability. "There's a lot of data being […]

On this episode of "Making Bright Ideas Work," Eric Soederberg, CEO at Sunrise Labs, explains that if you choose a manufacturer to design your product, you may lose the ability to take a fresh look at your design. After the design is defined is the time to select the most appropriate contract manufacturer and […]

Building a company culture of continuous improvement and investing for the future sounds like an obvious recipe for success, but it is easier said than done. Eric Soederberg, CEO of Sunrise Labs, joined Tyler Kern on this episode of the Sunrise Podcast to talk about the importance of creating the right work environment for […]

No one is an expert at everything, which is why hiring a product development team to get your medical product off the ground can determine whether it will ultimately sink or swim. Product development team expert at Sunrise Labs, Laurin Noel, joins Making Bright Ides Work to discuss what components lead to a successful […]

No one is an expert at everything, which is why hiring a product development team to get your medical product off the ground can determine whether it will ultimately sink or swim. Product development team expert at Sunrise Labs, Laurin Noel, joins Making Bright Ides Work to discuss what components lead to a successful […]

For all the discussion about process improvement, company culture, and team member morale, you might recall that Sunrise Labs is a medical product development firm. Sunrise Labs was founded to be different, and that's evident in everything they do down to the way they run their daily operations. Today on Making Bright Ideas Work, […]

Perhaps no state is more renowned for medicine than Massachusetts. The Commonwealth is host to leading hospitals, medical centers, and medical device companies that are maturing next generation technologies. But medtech enterprises large and small need representatives to ensure that innovations in the space can thrive. That's where Brian Johnson comes in. He is […]

With healthy growth rates projected for the medical technology and devices industry globally, MedTech careers are in high demand. On this episode of Making Bright Ideas Work, we break down how two open positions in the software and product development field at Sunrise Labs are affecting medical change on an industry level. To share […]

In this episode of Making the Invisible Visible, host Daniel Litwin welcomes Phone Soap co-founder/CEO Wesley LaPorte and Jared Elliot, Director of Global Sales. The three discuss how UV-C technology leaped from the corporate space to clean quickly and safely everything from businesses to classrooms. For years, UV-C has been at the forefront of […]

Puntos críticos: La pandemia validó la tecnología UV-C para el mundo médico, y ahora se están encontrando usos en otras industrias. El mercado español tiene varios sectores donde los rayos ultravioletas tipo C puedes ser útiles. El ecosistema de tecnologías sanitarias será critico para la salud de gente en nuestros ambientes públicos. El último año […]

UV-C light has been part of disinfection processes in healthcare settings for some time. Now, it's becoming an essential tool in other environments as a safe and fast way to kill pathogens. But using UV-C effectively requires users to know if they’ve delivered a sufficient dose of irradiation to a variety of surfaces – and […]

This episode of Manufacturing A Stronger Standard was live from FABTECH 2021. Host and President of LestaUSA and DeGeest Corp., Derek DeGeest, talked with JR Rogers, National Sales Manager for Engineered Systems for Wagner, a leading global manufacturer of systems for surface finishing with liquid paints, powder coating, adhesives, and sealant materials. Wagner is also […]

Wood finishing work is a craft requiring a keen eye and precise application, which has made it particularly hard to automate, but new technology is changing that. Offering insights on these new capabilities, Manufacturing a Stronger Standard brings listeners a conversation with DeGeest and Lesta USA President Derek DeGeest and Igor Kania, Wood Finishing Specialist for Lesta SRL from […]

Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Corporation & LestaUSA, and Brad Ruppert, Engineering Manager and Application Specialist at DeGeest Corporation & LestaUSA, have a passion for new technology. When they can apply that to the manufacturing finishing process, it gives them a level of excitement that is contagious. They were excited to announce a new product […]

Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Corporation and LestaUSA, knows when the industry comes together to help each other, successful integration of robotics and automation into operations follows. After being on both sides of the coin of installing a large finishing system and shepherding in new self-learning robotic technology to North America, it's important to share […]

Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Corporation and LestaUSA, knows when the industry comes together to help each other, successful integration of robotics and automation into operations follows. After being on both sides of the coin of installing a large finishing system and shepherding in new self-learning robotic technology to North America, it's important to share […]

Sometimes business improvements are stumbled upon by pure luck. That was certainly the case for Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Corporation, who chanced upon Polifluid during a recent trip to Europe. Derek is joined by Bill Robinson, President of Coating Delivery Technology, as well as host Tyler Kern, to dive deeper into this discovery and […]

DeGeest Steel Works recently announced a name change – the second in company history – to simply DeGeest, a simplification that better reflect the company's constant commitment to expanding its range of solutions and services for its customers. This is more than a name change. DeGeest's offerings are expanding from exceptional steel fabrication to include Finishing […]

In work and daily life, fear can halt business and personal progress. Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Steel Works & LestaUSA, and Jim Rieffenberger, Business Leader Coach, speaker, and author from Renue, talked about ways to address the fears that can hold businesses back. Rieffenberger, a lifelong friend and mentor to DeGeest, recently became a […]

In work and daily life, fear can halt business and personal progress. Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Steel Works & LestaUSA, and Jim Rieffenberger, Business Leader Coach, speaker, and author from Renue, talked about ways to address the fears that can hold businesses back. Rieffenberger, a lifelong friend and mentor to DeGeest, recently became a […]

On this episode of Manufacturing a Stronger Standard, a DeGeest Steel Works podcast, President Derek DeGeest joined host Tyler Kern for the third installment of the duo's series on upskilling your workforce. Upskilling refers to giving employees additional tools and skills, elevating their knowledge and capabilities – and often your entire operation. Previous episodes have touched […]

As the technology-native Gen-Z comes of working age, flashy Silicon Valley jobs twinkle in their eye. But there's another industry that is attracting these fresh young minds, and it is working hard to retain and invest in the people that choose to work there. That industry is manufacturing. Joined by Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest […]

Derek DeGeest, President, DeGeest Steel Works, and Lesta USA, went on a search for ways to automate business processes, utilize software and technology, and help his employees accomplish more. What came next is an answer many general industry manufacturers are looking for too. As DeGeest Steel Works’ automation processes grew, a bottleneck formed at the […]

Automating manufacturing processes is essential to addressing the labor shortage and skills gap within the manufacturing industry. More and more companies, especially those on the fabricating and welding side are automating processes to increase production. In this episode of Manufacturing a Stronger Standard podcast, Derek DeGeest President of DeGeest Corporation and LestaUSA discusses a topic […]

Lesta and Wagner have over a decade of proven experience in automation together for general industry in Europe. DeGeest brought Lesta's automation technology to the U.S. to build their robotic finishing system for metal their fabrication customers and opened LestaUSA to bring those solutions to the rest of North American companies. Wagner's North American Systems […]

This is another episode of "Manufacturing A Stronger Standard" live from FABTECH 2021. Host and President of LestaUSA and DeGeest Corp., Derek DeGeest, talked with Eddie Saunders, Creative Director and host at FlexLive of Flex Machine Tools. Flex Machine Tools designs and manufactures a wide range of machine tools including Waterjets, Vertical Machining Centers, Tapping […]

This episode of Manufacturing A Stronger Standard is live from FABTECH 2021. Host and President of LestaUSA and DeGeest Corp. Derek DeGeest, talked with Scott Francis, editor-in-chief of Products Finishing, the media brand devoted to all things finishing. The company covers the latest equipment, technology, processes, and best practices when it comes to equipment and […]

This episode of Manufacturing A Stronger Standard is live from FABTECH 2021. Host and President of LestaUSA and DeGeest Corp. Derek DeGeest, talked with Scott Francis, editor-in-chief of Products Finishing, the media brand devoted to all things finishing. The company covers the latest equipment, technology, processes, and best practices when it comes to equipment and […]

Achieving automation on the finishing side requires many pieces—two of the most important being the conveyor system and robotics. Host of Manufacturing a Stronger Standard Derek DeGeest spoke with Systems Sales Manager Matt Chorski of Richards-Wilcox Conveyors about their partnership as an Authorized Equipment Partner of LestaUSA while at FABTECH 2021. Chorski described the company: […]

Derek DeGeest was back at FABTECH 2021 for another Manufacturing a Stronger Standard conversation. He spoke with Frank Mohar, Regional Sales Manager at Nordson, about the partnership between the companies and the future of finishing automation. Nordson is an Authorized Equipment Partner of LestaUSA. Mohar recalled that at the 2019 FABTECH was the introduction between […]

This is another episode of Manufacturing A Stronger Standard from FABTECH 2021. Host and President of Lesta USA and Degeest Corp., Derek Degeest, talked with Bill Robinson, President and Kris Bonnegent, Regional Sales Manager, at Eurosider and Coating Delivery Technology, which provides Nitrotherm and Polifluid systems to hundreds of companies around the world including OEM's […]

This is another episode of Manufacturing A Stronger Standard from FABTECH 2021. Host and President of Lesta USA and Degeest Corp., Derek Degeest, talked with Bill Robinson, President and Kris Bonnegent, Regional Sales Manager, at Eurosider and Coating Delivery Technology, which provides Nitrotherm and Polifluid systems to hundreds of companies around the world including OEM's […]

Key Points: 40% of people worldwide identify as content creators according to Shure and Futuresource. 40 million people are creating audio-only content like podcasts or music. Creators are looking for the right gear at the right price to support their growing passions; 65% expect to spend more time on their content in the next […]

The standardized testing purge continues, with school districts and universities in California, Colorado, Texas, and more, distancing themselves further from the weight of standardized testing metrics during the K-12 pipeline as well as during the college admissions process. The University of California system, for example, has put a definite end to SAT or ACT […]

When the COVID-19 pandemic reached the United States, one of the first warning signs that medical facilities weren't prepared for the effects of the virus was the lack of personal protective equipment available to frontline healthcare workers. Manufacturers have risen to meet this challenge and innovated beyond what we had seen before. One manufacturer, Bullard, […]

2020 and 2021 have been the years of federal funding initiatives; COVID's crunch of practically every industry have left schools, retailers, manufacturers, hoteliers and more, grasping at straws to find the capital needed to rebuild momentum and fund necessary resources for success. In education specifically, the ARP ESSER fund, for example, has set aside […]

2020 and 2021 have been the years of federal funding initiatives; COVID's crunch of practically every industry have left schools, retailers, manufacturers, hoteliers and more, grasping at straws to find the capital needed to rebuild momentum and fund necessary resources for success. In education specifically, the ARP ESSER fund, for example, has set aside […]

In 2012, with a successful, 16-year career in banking under her belt, Uno Immanivong— who always had a dream of nourishing people with food — auditioned for "The Taste," a reality cooking show. Anthony Bourdain, one of its stars, chose Uno to mentor on his team, she competed in four episodes — a life-changing […]

If you’re a sales professional trying to maneuver today's omnichannel landscape, having the right CRM tool is critical. Other industries like food delivery and healthcare, in response to the pandemic's acceleration of their digital transformations, have found that blanketed softwares & solutions won't always cut it to meet increased demand. Why would a florist need […]

When it comes to the world of drones, it is often the smaller states that are making the largest waves. North Dakota has established itself as a top tier market for the research of UAV technology. For UAV research to be useful across the board, the technology needs wide open spaces and lawmakers willing to […]

When it comes to the world of drones, it is often the smaller states that are making the largest waves. North Dakota has established itself as a top tier market for the research of UAV technology. For UAV research to be useful across the board, the technology needs wide open spaces and lawmakers willing to […]

Omnichannel marketing is essential for marketers. It ensures that a company doesn't pigeonhole its marketing efforts into one channel but really expand into different areas. On this episode of Maverick of Marketing, Host Shannon Maverick talked with Eric Johannes, Director of Corporate Marketing for IC Systems, an accounts receivable management provider and one of the […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. Branding isn't just for large, well-known companies that have name recognition. Individuals need a personal brand, no matter their industry […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. What's the secret to building a strong marketing team? And what's the makeup of that team? Sharing his wisdom on […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. Product launches in the B2B realm traditionally occurred at trade shows. These events offered exposure but also a lot of competition for […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. Product launches in the B2B realm traditionally occurred at trade shows. These events offered exposure but also a lot of competition for […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. Solving critical sensing and perception challenges across the entire value chain of the automotive and mobility market segments with its […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. When thinking about the most innovative companies around today, we tend to reflect on those that have made the headlines […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. The tools and techniques used to diagnose and treat lower extremity conditions are constantly evolving, but CurveBeam stays ahead of […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. The tools and techniques used to diagnose and treat lower extremity conditions are constantly evolving, but CurveBeam stays ahead of […]

Education is the highest form of marketing. Shannon Maverick sets on out on a quest to speak with business leaders from around B2B to better understand how they are utilizing education with their customers. Becoming a trusted source is key to marketing success. When companies utilize community outreach as a cornerstone to marketing it […]

Where do sales and marketing overlap, and how much do they inform one another? In particular, some organizations are choosing to fold more traditional "lead-gen" roles into the official marketing side of operations. On this episode of Maverick of Marketing, host Shannon Maverick was joined by Dusty Schroeder, VP and Head of Marketing for Vitalware. "I think the […]

Most B2B businesses have adopted content marketing strategies, delivering relevant content to audiences to drive interest and leads. A pillar of that content is that it's educational. The more educated a customer is, the more likely they’ll buy from the brand that shared their knowledge. This sentiment is one that EtherWAN Systems believes in, and Jim […]

Wow! What a month! Or should I say four. Since early December when the first COVID-19 outbreak started in China, we’ve made a lot of strides towards making our workforce able to work from home. For me it's been a big challenge. I have a household full of humans that all want to fight […]

Today I’d like to talk a little coronavirus and its impact on tech. Tech firms all over the world use international trade events to showcase their products and maybe even in many respects test the market waters to see how products might do in the industry. But this is important to the tech world […]

In one of my business networks, a C-level exec asked me "what the hell is this DEVOPS thing." Being from IT I was forced to answer the question in a way that didn't cause him to glaze over, and I think I did OK. DevOps, for this type audience, is better described in business terms […]

On this extended holiday episode of The Mecca Minute with Gerry Mecca we explore how to protect your personal information online this holiday season. As shoppers increasingly look to make their purchases online, it becomes even more important to make sure you have the correct protocols and protections in place. As an IT expert, […]

On this extended holiday episode of The Mecca Minute with Gerry Mecca we explore how to protect your personal information online this holiday season. As shoppers increasingly look to make their purchases online, it becomes even more important to make sure you have the correct protocols and protections in place. As an IT expert, […]

With this edition of the Mecca Minute I’d like to talk a little robotic process automation or RPA. RPA is hyperautomation that takes automating processes to the next level. Like many other subjects I’ve shared in the past, this concept is not new. But the big reason that it has evolved from a dream […]

Understanding Digital Transformation Digital transformation is yet another oversimplified set of buzzwords with a very complicated meaning. Digital transformation is most often associated with the conversion of a largely manual processes into a highly efficient and inherently more organized process using data. It can also be applied to streamlining the development of products […]

Gerry Mecca, IT expert and host of the Mecca Minute, joined Business Casual to discuss the 50th birthday of the internet. From the early days of dial up modems and chat rooms to IoT and the cloud, no one could have predicted how the internet was going to develop in its first 50 years. Gerry […]

Gerry Mecca, IT expert and host of the Mecca Minute, joined Business Casual to discuss the 50th birthday of the internet. From the early days of dial up modems and chat rooms to IoT and the cloud, no one could have predicted how the internet was going to develop in its first 50 years. Gerry […]

It's a question that is asked on a regular basis: What is the cloud and how do I use it? On this episode of The Mecca Minute, Gerry Mecca provides an explanation of what the cloud is and how to best utilize it. He also explains the risk involved for companies when they make […]

This episode of the Mecca Minute takes a look at the future promise of IoT. While he may not be a fan of the acronym, Gerry Mecca acknowledges that IoT holds the potential to radically alter our lives. He hones in on the ways that this vast network would be able to improve the […]

This week Gerry Mecca is highlighting an initiative with the North Texas Food Bank. Hunger can be a hidden issue in any community. The NTFB help to raise awareness surrounding the issue of food insecurity for children, families and seniors in hopes others will get involved in the fight against hunger. Mayor LaRosiliere, City […]

World Metrology Day celebrates the importance of metrology. This year's theme is Measurement for Health. Discussing the value of metrology and its relation to healthcare, Metrology Matters host Hilary Kennedy spoke with Eric Felkel, Product Manager at ZYGO. Felkel first explained what metrology is. "It's the science of measurement, and it's a part of our daily lives. […]

This episode of Metrology Matters features two bona fide experts in the field in Digital Metrology's Dr. Mark Mulberg and Musolff Consulting's Carl Musolff – and they’ve got front-line insights to share about getting the most out of 2D and 3D surface parameter measurements. Currently, designers and companies specify surface texture parameters in a multitude […]

For this installment of Metrology Matters, Srini Varre, Technical Specialist at Global Power-Train, and Dave O’Leary, Director of Quality Assurance, at Accumold lent their expertise to help break down the world of metrology equipment. A question often asked is, ‘what's the right metrology for my parts?’ Varre and O’Leary came equipped with some answers. Using […]

It's an important first question to understanding the field, and one perhaps too many mechanical engineering students don't stop to ask. Jack Clark, Senior Principal Scientist at Woodward, and Chris Evans, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Center for Precision Metrology, said the answer isn't easy, but understanding what metrology is can […]

It's an important first question to understanding the field, and one perhaps too many mechanical engineering students don't stop to ask. Jack Clark, Senior Principal Scientist at Woodward, and Chris Evans, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Center for Precision Metrology, said the answer isn't easy, but understanding what metrology is can […]

On this episode of Microbes At Work by JGL Solutions, we’re introducing you to Cleargistix, an excellent partner of JGL Solutions whose mission is to transform the oil and gas industry. Cleargistix and JGL Solutions share the same goal of providing innovative, sustainable and effective solutions to oil and gas organizations. Host Tyler Kern talked […]

Bill Lantz worked for decades in the oil fields working with microbes. He saw just about every issue that can crop up, with companies often turning to chemicals to try and deal with waterflood, saltwater disposals, paraffin and more. Lantz founded JGL Solutions in 2006 after gaining experience utilizing a better solution – microbes. […]

Data knows no borders. Business is becoming increasingly globalized, implementing advanced technologies and instantaneous communication. As such, companies are developing outposts around the world. On today's episode of Mission Critical to Mission Accomplished by Constant Technologies, we were joined by Constant Tech's CTO Steve Sullivan, who discussed how and why the company is making its […]

On today's episode of Mission Critical to Mission Accomplished, we explored the evolving role of command centers with guest Kelly Okerson, Sales and Marketing associate at Constant Technologies. "Command centers are mission critical hubs, and mission critical varies by industry. Traditionally, a command center was really only thought of in terms for emergencies or crises. […]

Most people might think of Times Square when Pro AV is brought to mind. The bright, bold signage is captivating and becoming more ingrained in people's lives all around the world. However, Pro AV technology serves a higher purpose than just advertising. Constant Technologies integrates customized video wall systems with an expertise and emphasis on […]

The most prominent topic in healthcare today is COVID-19. All healthcare areas felt the pandemic's effects, and no practice was immune to the financial challenges resulting from the virus. Mary Tucker, CEO of UPIC Health, brought together a panel of healthcare experts to discuss these challenges and get some insights on how practices can […]

Lying in a hospital bed, recovering from a near-fatal heart attack, Mary Tucker had an idea. She saw hospital personnel shuffle in and out of her room with her health information that wasn't swiftly shared and saw inefficiencies that up-to-the-moment technology could help solve. Firsthand, Tucker saw opportunities that existed for improvement. For this premiere […]

"Ideally, what we’re trying to do, in terms of disruptive technologies, is to look at ways where the environment can be as aware as possible, of itself and the viewer," Cabolis said, "a person we’re trying to connect, provide that storytelling and entertain." Storytelling connects the parts of people that other communications don't typically […]

The concept of security is a well-worn trope in all industries. However, the weakest link of any system is fairly easy to determine. On this episode of the NanoSessions podcast, NanoLumens IT Director Tony Tran sat down with Sean Heath to discuss surprising facts regarding most security vulnerabilities. Quite often, the simplest explanation is […]

A common refrain heard in the Pro AV space is the admiration for all of the newest technological advances. On this episode of NanoLumens’ NanoSessions, Joel Krieger, Chief Creative Officer for Second Story, sat down with host Sean Heath and they discussed how the newest disruptive technologies are being used in more subtle ways. […]

Not everything is in the cloud. In fact, businesses that handle sensitive data such as financial records, medical records, and travel documents must maintain higher network security than ever before. That's sent these businesses off the cloud and back to on-site hosting for their digital display management systems. Until now. NanoLumens just launched a […]

Not everything is in the cloud. In fact, businesses that handle sensitive data such as financial records, medical records, and travel documents must maintain higher network security than ever before. That's sent these businesses off the cloud and back to on-site hosting for their digital display management systems. Until now. NanoLumens just launched a […]

Without a background or steady base of knowledge of Pro AV, it's honestly hard to keep up with all the advanced digital display technology that NanoLumens puts to work in its state-of-the-art displays. Micro LED versus LCD, pixels, pitch, curved display… for a new customer or someone new to the industry, learning and understanding all […]

By their very nature, inventions are the first of their kind. That's exciting for someone like Ted Heske, Director of Intellectual Property for NanoLumens who has devoted his life to emerging solutions. On this new episode of NanoSessions, a NanoLumens podcast, host Maggie Shein welcomed Heske to discuss patents and the intellectual property they work […]

When an outdoor LED board caught fire in New York's Time Square earlier this summer, experts turned new attention to fire safety and flame resistance of LED screens. On this episode of NanoSessions, a NanoLumens podcast, host Daniel Litwin welcomed Adam Dixon, operations director of electrical engineering for NanoLumens, to give his perspective on […]

When an outdoor LED board caught fire in New York's Time Square earlier this summer, experts turned new attention to fire safety and flame resistance of LED screens. On this episode of NanoSessions, a NanoLumens podcast, host Daniel Litwin welcomed Adam Dixon, operations director of electrical engineering for NanoLumens, to give his perspective on […]

On today's episode of NanoSessions, host Sean Heath sat down with Joe’ Lloyd, NanoLumens vice president of global marketing and business development about the company's recent study on competing value propositions of LED vs. LCD display technology and shared what the future looks like for LED display. "The weird and the wow, we sometimes […]

There is such an impressive digital display at JFK International Airport's Terminal 4 that it's become an iconic piece of content and likely a favorite among first-time visitors to the Big Apple. On this new episode of the Nanosessions podcast by Nanolumens, Dana Michaelis, vice president of sales for Nanolumens shares how a digital […]

Digital cinema technology in the Pro AV industry is changing at an ever-accelerating rate, no one is arguing that. What makes this shift unique, though, is the fact that evolving cinema technology is changing the consumer experience on a wholesale level, not simply changing the technology that the consumer uses. To explain what this […]

As more and more payments are facilitated online through various payment channels, companies are looking for a centralized payment gateway and a richer customer experience. David Knowlton from FreedomPay joins host Lukas Cox to talk about what he and FreedomPay can offer that their competitors cannot. Knowlton has been in FinTech for over […]

The world of commerce platforms now expands beyond transactional payments—information is king! Host Tyler Kern and Barry Stearn, director of partner success for Europe's division of FreedomPay, discussed emerging payment trends, and how this fast-evolving landscape is becoming more complex. "Payments has become really an information business," said Stearn. "Yes, there is a transactional exchange, […]

In the digital age, advertising and marketing has pulled away from TV and embraced more experiential and cross-platform content. As consumer media habits change, advertising and marketing methods must adapt, and with today's 24/7 content expectations, the end result has to reach the consumer authentically and at all times. Cedric Lourie, Director of Digital […]

The World Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) includes "personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures involved in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling the operational activities of U.S. military forces." In simple terms, it is the people and systems used to defend the country against threats and apply necessary defenses. This is just one example […]

The control room industry is rapidly evolving, and one of the latest innovations in the space is virtual command centers. On this episode of the NOC Your SOCs Off podcast, Mark Templeton, founder of Headwell VR, joins Dan Gundry to explore this emerging technology and its potential applications. Templeton began by providing some background […]

Join Dan Gundry on his podcast, NOC Your SOCs Off, as he sheds light on the hidden stories in the command and control market. In this first installment, Gundry speaks with AtlasIED's VP of Sales, Michael Peveler, about mass communication and controller environments, and why audio is important. Automating situational awareness is key in these […]

On this episode of Noise Reduction, a MarketScale pro audio podcast, host Collyer Spreen shared some insights regarding turning the recent remote-work and stay-at-home requirements brought on by the spread of COVID-19 into a positive for both yourself and your career. In particular, Spreen said this extended period of working from home could provide […]

On our new pro audio podcast, Noise Reduction, we chatted with MarketScale contributor and pro audio specialist Collyer Spreen. He's just been at the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show 2020 in Anaheim, CA, which he talked about recently. Today, we asked Spreen about Dolby Atmos. Defining this technology, Spreen describes Dolby Atmos as an "immersive […]

We’re kicking off a new podcast, Noise Reduction, that takes on everything pro audio. MarketScale contributor and pro audio specialist Collyer Spreen provided his take on this year's National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show 2020 held recently in Anaheim, CA. The show covers anything and everything related to making music. Collyer shared that […]

Audio engineer Collyer Spreen sat down with MarketScale to talk about his career in the industry and share some of the interesting stories he has collected over the years. From starting as an apprentice in a recording studio to playing basketball in a parking lot with Prince, Collyer has some incredible stories from his […]

Audio engineer Collyer Spreen sat down with MarketScale to talk about his career in the industry and share some of the interesting stories he has collected over the years. From starting as an apprentice in a recording studio to playing basketball in a parking lot with Prince, Collyer has some incredible stories from his […]

"A lot of companies tell us their strategy is fragmented, and we really saw that when COVID started," Shaw said. "They just didn't have a plan, or they had a plan that was more visionary." Digital transformation in the workplace can be complicated, however, it is necessary, as digital ecosystems will account for more […]

America's network landscape is quickly evolving thanks to new technologies like 5G. It is redefining the way we do business, learn and connect with each other. But we’re not there yet. A lot needs to happen, from the budget to build to the software to connect and the spectrum to support all use cases. […]

What is private wireless, how does it works, and how does it differ from other solutions? Is it ready to pave the way for an even more expansive 5G rollout? You’ve come to the right place for answers. On this episode of Nokia Today, host Tyler Kern was joined by Shawn Sparling, Head of […]

5G is here, and its potential uses are staggering. From the medical field to the transportation industry, it has major implications for the way we currently live, work and play. While it's critical that 5G is developed in the right way, it's not the only technology changing the connectivity landscape. That's where Open RAN […]

5G is here, and its potential uses are staggering. From the medical field to the transportation industry, it has major implications for the way we currently live, work and play. While it's critical that 5G is developed in the right way, it's not the only technology changing the connectivity landscape. That's where Open RAN […]

5G is an exciting technology that could change the way we do things as a country. Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is passionate about the new technology and making sure it's accessible to all Americans. "This is one of my favorite topics to talk about. How do we get technology into every corner of the […]

The continued rollout of robust 5G networks across the United States comes with a major challenge – finding the labor force to make the critical buildout of those networks possible. However, SAC Wireless a wholly owned, independently operated Nokia company, and Nokia have teamed up to help craft a solution. The companies have worked with […]

There is always a bit of hype surrounding the deployment of each new wireless generation. There certainly was with 3G and 4G. But did these upgrades deliver on expectations? Many people might say the results did not live up to the hype. So, what are we to expect with 5G, which is starting to unveil […]

There is always a bit of hype surrounding the deployment of each new wireless generation. There certainly was with 3G and 4G. But did these upgrades deliver on expectations? Many people might say the results did not live up to the hype. So, what are we to expect with 5G, which is starting to unveil […]

Brian Hendricks, Vice President of Policy and Government Relations for Nokia joined Marianne Strobel, Head of Customer Marketing and Communications, North America, for Nokia to discuss the current state of US 5G policy. Hendricks said the US is making every effort to ensure the rapid deployment of 5G networks as the worldwide race to deploy […]

US Congressman Bill Johnson, from Ohio's 6th District, serves the needs of many rural communities in the state and knows the struggles and pain. "One of the biggest issues we’ve got is access to broadband," Johnson said. "Businesses are being hurt because they can't access the internet from home. Kids with distance learning can't […]

Double-check that link you just got sent to join that work meeting or enjoy a virtual happy hour with your friends. Cyberattacks are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a number of schemes looking to defraud and steal information from users, according to two of Nokia's top security experts. Mary O’Neill, Vice President of […]

Rick Ward, CTO, and Founder of Orbits Edge, described how space is becoming increasingly accessible to laypeople. "We’re getting more and more to the place where I can see myself there. And that is a big deal. You don't have a space-bearing civilization when the only people who go up there are less numerous than […]

The data center industry is probably not the first industry one would think of when it comes to changes from the pandemic since data is stored virtually. Tim Huffman, Vice President of CBRE, joined Host Raymond Hawkins, Chief Revenue Officer of Compass Datacenters, to discuss the surprising number of shifts that actually occurred in the […]

Data has moved from the building filling mainframes of the 60's technology to satellite gathering machine learning and AI processing at the speed of light. Megabytes have turned into Petabytes, leaving businesses to absorb the paradigm shift of data collection. In this episode of Not Your Father's Data Center, host Raymond Hawkins and Doug Mohney, […]

Host Raymond Hawkins discovered that despite lacking formal leadership training, Cy Wakeman, President & Founder of Reality Based Leadership, has written a plethora of books in the leadership genre. As a former counselor in human psychology, Wakeman revamped traditional leadership views. She explained, "I saw the world from a viewpoint of shared accountability at the […]

Host Raymond Hawkins discovered that despite lacking formal leadership training, Cy Wakeman, President & Founder of Reality Based Leadership, has written a plethora of books in the leadership genre. As a former counselor in human psychology, Wakeman revamped traditional leadership views. She explained, "I saw the world from a viewpoint of shared accountability at the […]

Fred Thiel, CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings, one of the largest bitcoin mining operations in North America, joined host Raymond Hawkins to discuss cryptocurrency. From blockchain to bitcoin, Thiel covered it all, including all the nooks and crannies in between. "The blockchain is essentially a chain of linked blocks that each block consists of a […]

Nancy Novak, Chief Innovation Officer, Compass Datacenters is a firm believer that innovation comes in different forms, and she knows it's people, processes and systems that drive innovations. Those three key focuses drive Novak's work at Compass Datacenters, and she opened up to host Raymond Hawkins about some of the exciting innovations happening at Compass. […]

Haynes Strader, Vice President of Data Center Solutions, CBRE, returned to Not Your Father's Data Center for a look back and assessment of one of the craziest years in recent memory. To summarize the market during the pandemic, Strader said, "CBRE had a really busy first quarter, and then, in March, we saw a big […]

Haynes Strader, Vice President of Data Center Solutions, CBRE, returned to Not Your Father's Data Center for a look back and assessment of one of the craziest years in recent memory. To summarize the market during the pandemic, Strader said, "CBRE had a really busy first quarter, and then, in March, we saw a big […]

Lee Kirby, Cofounder and Chairman of Salute Mission Critical, wanted to use his 36 years of military experience to help veterans and their families. Drawing upon 30 years of information systems, strategic business development, planning and human resource experience in private and public sectors, Kirby began Salute Mission Critical. Salute's mission is to provide military […]

To get a perspective on how the data center industry is faring in European markets during the pandemic, host Raymond Hawkins tapped Andrew Jay, Head of EMEA Data Centre Solutions, Advisory & Transaction Services for CBRE, to help him unpack what's happening. The need for co-location space is growing in Europe, as demands for data […]

In the second half of a two-part discussion on technology, Peter Judge, Global Editor for DatacenterDynamics, and host Raymond Hawkins turned their attention on the data center industry, the impact technology advancements have on it and the evolving role of the DatacenterDynamics’ publication. One of the cornerstones of DatacenterDynamics’ success is its events, which they’ve […]

Digital infrastructure is a common term in the data center industry, but it wasn't always. So, how did the industry evolve to the notion that technology is infrastructure? It's been a long journey, buoyed by investment. To talk about the financial aspect of data centers, host Raymond Hawkins spoke with Irtiaz Ahmad, Head of Global […]

Nancy Novak, Chief Innovation Officer, Compass Datacenters is a firm believer that innovation comes in different forms, and she knows it's people, processes and systems that drive innovations. Those three key focuses drive Novak's work at Compass Datacenters, and she opened up to host Raymond Hawkins about some of the exciting innovations happening at Compass. […]

Haynes Strader, Vice President of Data Center Solutions, CBRE, returned to Not Your Father's Data Center for a look back and assessment of one of the craziest years in recent memory. To summarize the market during the pandemic, Strader said, "CBRE had a really busy first quarter, and then, in March, we saw a big […]

Lee Kirby, Cofounder and Chairman of Salute Mission Critical, wanted to use his 36 years of military experience to help veterans and their families. Drawing upon 30 years of information systems, strategic business development, planning and human resource experience in private and public sectors, Kirby began Salute Mission Critical. Salute's mission is to provide military […]

Lee Kirby, Cofounder and Chairman of Salute Mission Critical, wanted to use his 36 years of military experience to help veterans and their families. Drawing upon 30 years of information systems, strategic business development, planning and human resource experience in private and public sectors, Kirby began Salute Mission Critical. Salute's mission is to provide military […]

To get a perspective on how the data center industry is faring in European markets during the pandemic, host Raymond Hawkins tapped Andrew Jay, Head of EMEA Data Centre Solutions, Advisory & Transaction Services for CBRE, to help him unpack what's happening. The need for co-location space is growing in Europe, as demands for data […]

In the second half of a two-part discussion on technology, Peter Judge, Global Editor for DatacenterDynamics, and host Raymond Hawkins turned their attention on the data center industry, the impact technology advancements have on it and the evolving role of the DatacenterDynamics’ publication. One of the cornerstones of DatacenterDynamics’ success is its events, which they’ve […]

Peter Judge may have started his education journey with a degree in physics from Cambridge University, but most will know him from his work as a writer in the technology space. His current role is as the Global Editor for DataCenterDynamics, and he shared his experience and thoughts on technology and datacenters with Raymond Hawkins. […]

Peter Judge may have started his education journey with a degree in physics from Cambridge University, but most will know him from his work as a writer in the technology space. His current role is as the Global Editor for DataCenterDynamics, and he shared his experience and thoughts on technology and datacenters with Raymond Hawkins. […]

As governments and corporations look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, Eric Dunford, Director of Sustainability for CarbonCure, knows of a solution to help these entities meet their needs when it comes to construction projects. Dunford joined host Raymond Hawkins to talk about CarbonCure's process for introducing recycled CO2 Into fresh concrete to reduce […]

With data centers going up quickly all over the country, quality control and the commissioning process are vital steps to making sure everything is getting done correctly. Yet the typically high-touch process has been complicated by social distancing regulations and other health precautions that are part of doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic. When Compass […]

When choosing a location, data centers often look for a location close to their end customers and one where there's cheap electricity. Water was an afterthought, said Pedro Sancha, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Nalco Water, but that's beginning to change. With water needed to cool the data center, companies were bringing in […]

Nut News: At 2018 Crop Year-End, Prices Are on the Rise With global demand for almonds strong, prices are on the rise as 2018's crop year, which just ended July 31, saw record high numbers shipped out and record low numbers of carryout inventory. On today's episode of Nut News, Bob Nunes, CEO for […]

On this episode of Nut News with host Tyler Kern, Bob Nunes, CEO of Select Harvest USA, revealed good news for April 2019 almond shipments after the release of the month's Almond Position Report. Almonds set a new record high this month with 177 million pounds shipped, a 0.3 percent increase over the prior […]

While almond shipments in March 2019 did not top the record shipping month seen at the same time last year, Select Harvest USA CEO Bob Nunes says shipping and sales for almonds are healthy this month. He attributes this to strong demand from an Indian holiday and steadying European prices. On Nut News, Nunes […]

Five billion. That is how many almonds were estimated by the National Agriculture Service to be in last year's harvest, but the number was actually more like 2.7 billion. This year, with 1.3 million acres of almonds planted, it's a waiting game to see what the yield will be. On today's episode of Nut […]

Five billion. That is how many almonds were estimated by the National Agriculture Service to be in last year's harvest, but the number was actually more like 2.7 billion. This year, with 1.3 million acres of almonds planted, it's a waiting game to see what the yield will be. On today's episode of Nut […]

Worthen Industries’ mission is to be an innovative partner to their family, produce endless solutions, enduring sustainability, go above and beyond in customer service, and ensure employee wellness and safety. And family is an essential value for Worthen because, in their culture, employees are family. Just ask Barbara Strickland, retired Product Development Manager from Worthen […]

When it comes to research and development, a chemist's work is never done. And Ian Churcher, R&D Laboratory Manager for the foam fabricating division of Worthen Industries with 27 years at the company under his belt, isn't expecting to stop innovating any time soon. "It's never complete. I guess you might think, well, we’ll hit […]

Innovation is always hard. Keeping on the forefront of the industry is even harder when you can trace your origin back to 1866. That's exactly the case with the Upaco Adhesives division of Worthen Industries, which has its origins in the Union Paste Company that launched in the 19th century. Steve Adams, Business Manager for […]

DUTs, or devices under test, were the topic on the discussion board for On Deck with Circuit Check. One-to-one device testing can be a laborious time-escalating process, but there are some methods and strategies for testing multiple devices to improve output time. Sean Casey, test systems engineering manager with Circuit Check, and Ted Ronnenburg, […]

In-circuit testing, which provides electronic manufacturers a reliable, high-fault coverage verification method for the assembly process, has been around for a long time – but recent innovations have opened exciting new paths forward in ICT solutions. So, why is ICT so useful? Do turnkey projects exist, and what are some best practices for approaching an […]

The testing process is critical in manufacturing, but not all are created equal. Taking a deep dive into test system engineering (TSE), On Deck with Circuit Check spoke to Paul Attwell. Attwell is a Customer Application Specialist at Circuit Check and has over two decades of experience in the field. Manufacturers use a variety of […]

As devices have become smaller and smaller, the current VTEP testing technology typically used to test circuit boards has become insufficient to handle the needs of test fixture integrators and their end users. To remedy this issue, Circuit Check partner Keysight has developed a new technology, NanoVTEP, which offers integrators more robust analysis with a […]

As devices have become smaller and smaller, the current VTEP testing technology typically used to test circuit boards has become insufficient to handle the needs of test fixture integrators and their end users. To remedy this issue, Circuit Check partner Keysight has developed a new technology, NanoVTEP, which offers integrators more robust analysis with a […]

Market Scale is launching a new series called "On Edge." This weekly soundbite series will provide listeners with an in-depth look into the cutting edge technology transforming emerging markets. From AI to blockchain, this podcast will share the stories of the innovative entrepreneurs and companies pushing the boundaries of technology and the incredible impact they […]

Because of the pandemic, more people are opting for food from retailers rather than restaurants, which has increased the demand for packaged food. But, although business is booming for food and beverage manufacturers, these companies are also experiencing workforce challenges and safety risks due to the very nature of their work. Todd Davis, Manager of […]

Modular is having a moment and the motivations are clear. Modular is easy to assemble, adaptable and avoids supply chain disruptions. Now, Designed Conveyer Systems offers a modular conveyor system option. Host Tyler Kern spoke with Designed Conveyor System's Todd Jones, VP of Project Delivery, and Meg Culler Smith, CP of Engineering on the topic […]

Veterans retire with a variety of skills under their belt. These skills form a natural path from the military into the civilian workforce, particularly translating to project management. To talk about this overlap, DJ Hughes, a current armed forces reserve officer with twenty years of active-duty service under his belt, talks to host Tyler […]

Conflict will inevitably happen at a jobsite. However, it is not about avoiding conflict but figuring out how to handle the conflict. Brian Niccum is the director of site management at Designed Conveyor Systems (DCS). Niccum provides insight for conflicts that can arise on sites and how to deal with them properly and professionally […]

Technology is integral to staying relevant in modern supply chain logistics, especially in markets that are always on the move and projected to evolve. A Licensed engineer and Designed Conveyor Systems’ President, Matt Ferguson, has witnessed this critical phenomenon firsthand. Throughout his career, he's observed how – when properly implemented and progress is identified – […]

Technology is integral to staying relevant in modern supply chain logistics, especially in markets that are always on the move and projected to evolve. A Licensed engineer and Designed Conveyor Systems’ President, Matt Ferguson, has witnessed this critical phenomenon firsthand. Throughout his career, he's observed how – when properly implemented and progress is identified – […]

Trade shows are back, and after virtual environments and solutions showed people the various ways they can engage with their industries, colleagues and communities, it's as important as ever to ensure a premium experience for attendees. But what about the vendors exhibiting the show? Experience isn't a one-way street for just "end users;" the […]

Tyler Kern was joined by John Knudsen, Project Director, Designed Conveyor Systems, to discuss equipment lead times. Global supply chains have struggled with many challenges throughout the pandemic including fluctuating lead times throughout the industry. Knudsen shared various challenges that the industry faces highlighting sourcing material, extended lead times, labor, resources, and transportation to sites […]

In this episode of On Time In Full, Tyler Kern spoke with Matt Greene, Vice President of Life Cycle at Designed Conveyor Systems. Greene oversees the company's 24/7 client support program; operations and maintenance training; spares and warranty customer service, and various lifecycle projects including expansions and retrofits. Greene discussed various best practices in maintaining […]

In this episode of On Time In Full, Tyler Kern spoke with Matt Greene, Vice President of Life Cycle at Designed Conveyor Systems. Greene oversees the company's 24/7 client support program; operations and maintenance training; spares and warranty customer service, and various lifecycle projects including expansions and retrofits. Greene discussed various best practices in maintaining […]

Supply chains have been a key topic of conversation over the last few years. As huge disruptions occurred, it became a focus in the news and content all around the world. Companies will need new, adaptable strategies when determining future business processes. Discussing best practices for those, "On Time in Full" Host Tyler Kern […]

Tyler Kern welcomed Satyen Pathak, an Account Executive at Designed Conveyer Systems (DCS), and they discussed the opportunities that exist within the material handling industry. Pathak started as an installer of letter-sorting machines, eventually moving to technical support and research in customer service and ultimately rising to his current job at DCS. Pathak is thankful […]

All companies, or at least good ones, are looking to better their processes and methodologies—it's how they grow. Systems design is one major way supply chains evolve and logistics systems become standardized and optimized via connecting the people, functions, and processes of organizations. What does systems design look like from the perspective of an […]

Trade shows are a popular way for companies in certain industries that allow them to show off their products and services, and they are a powerful source of B2B revenue. In fact, they are the second largest source of B2B revenue in the U.S. The ProMat trade show is a one in the supply […]

Unless you’re in tech, software isn't always the easiest to understand, let alone know what to put in place. Choosing the right kind of software for your distribution and fulfillment needs can feel like a daunting task – especially since there are three different categories. How do you know what the right investment is? […]

As newer workers enter the workforce, more focus and value is put on company culture. A positive company culture directly relates to higher job satisfaction, which can have all sorts of positive effects. How has one man's journey in the product design industry led him to truly value company culture? On the newest episode of […]

As newer workers enter the workforce, more focus and value is put on company culture. A positive company culture directly relates to higher job satisfaction, which can have all sorts of positive effects. How has one man's journey in the product design industry led him to truly value company culture? On the newest episode of […]

Key Points: Fashionable yet versatile and practical. The hospital recliner fit for the next James Bond villain. Ideal for clinic, hospital, and long-term care environments. Summary: This video showcases everything you need to know about the Drop Arm Care Cliner V02, also known as the Champion Chair. It begins by highlighting the design, which […]

Key Points: Chest strips: Cray X has an X-shaped chest strip with a wrenching system, while Apogee has a breathable mix material with a magic strip system for waist adjustment. Battery placement: Cray X has the battery on top, while Apogee has it near the waist for a more ergonomic design. Design and mobility: […]

For anyone working in the oncology field, a highly anticipated change set to take place will be one of the biggest transitions in recent years. Last year, it was announced that the Oncology Care Model (OCM) will be phased out and succeeded with the Enhanced Oncology Model (EOM). This new model will go into effect […]

Information plays a crucial role for many oncology professionals out there – treatment care planning, clinical trial screening, and more. However, implementing nursing informatics comes with a fair set of changes, especially when it comes to driving adoption. Combined data is a powerful tool for medical professionals to act swiftly to different measures, but in […]

Information plays a crucial role for many oncology professionals out there – treatment care planning, clinical trial screening, and more. However, implementing nursing informatics comes with a fair set of changes, especially when it comes to driving adoption. Combined data is a powerful tool for medical professionals to act swiftly to different measures, but in […]

Quality cancer care is important to the well-being of cancer patients, and the government is working to increase the efficiency of care. In a recent Carevive podcast episode, host Michelle Dawn Mooney chatted with Carevive's Founder and Vice Chairman, Madelyn Herzfeld, about the Enhancing Oncology Model, or EOM. Through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid […]

Carevive exists to improve the lives of cancer patients. But doing that, can't be accomplished without integrating real-time solutions into cancer centers around the nation. In Part Four of "Applying Oncology Expertise at Scale" host Tyler Kern chats with MSN & RN Reesa Sherin, a Clinical Strategist for Carevive Systems, about the importance of the […]

April Boyd, Sr. Clinical Content Developer at Carevive, is a nurse with many years of oncology experience. Boyd understands what it takes to achieve better patient outcomes. She worked as an outpatient oncology nurse and research nurse for gastrointestinal cancers at MD Anderson in Houston. She spoke with Tyler Kern about her experiences and what […]

April Boyd, Sr. Clinical Content Developer at Carevive, is a nurse with many years of oncology experience. Boyd understands what it takes to achieve better patient outcomes. She worked as an outpatient oncology nurse and research nurse for gastrointestinal cancers at MD Anderson in Houston. She spoke with Tyler Kern about her experiences and what […]

As a nurse turned content developer, Sharon Cavone has spent the majority of her career in and around oncology. Now with Carevive, Cavone reflects on the important work the company is continuing to put forth into the oncological sector of healthcare. Oncology is different from most other areas of medicine, as it provides insight into […]

A career change can often come with uncertainty for the future, but for Christina Morgan, Clinical Practice Transformation Advisor at Carevive, it gave her a voice to advocate for cancer patients helping them receive the highest quality of care. Oncology and Technology host Tyler Kern sat with Morgan to discuss her transition from the field […]

The ONS Congress brings together various skillsets and inspires innovation in new ways. With the first in-person Congress since the pandemic set to begin on April 27th, there is much to look forward to. John Elliott, VP of Sales with Carevive brings together his work colleagues to share their excitement for the Congress and what […]

Streaming content is reaching new heights daily. Regardless of the device being used, video streaming has grown significantly since the onset of the pandemic and shows no signs of slowing down. In the U.S. alone, Streaming represented a record 34.8% share of total television consumption, while cable and broadcast came in at 34.4% and […]

As the global digital footprint continues to grow, privacy and security concerns grow with it. For Cris Pikes, CEO of Image Analyzer, this could not be a truer statement. Pikes sits down with host Mike Philpott, Partner Sales Development Manager for AI – Intel UK, to discuss the important value AI has in the […]

Like in many industries today, artificial intelligence (AI) is shaking up everyday, normal life. For the food service industry in particular, it's already seen in the data collection and supply chain optimisation, and now a new vendor is looking to optimise the checkout process, too. Intel's Mike Philpott, Partner Sales Development Manager and host […]

Denise Ebenhoech is naturally curious. That's not unique in the automation community, but the Regional Head of Advanced Robotic Applications at KUKA Robotics has explored plenty of different avenues of robotics in her career. Right now, though, she's focused in on one project: Mobile robots. "I find it really exciting. If you look at […]

Oxidation buildup is one of the challenges faced when trying to spot weld aluminum. Even when creating a good weld, oxidation can build up on the weld tips. "Buildup of oxidation causes inconsistencies in the welds," Andre Young said. Young is a Business Development Manager for Automotive OEM and Tier 1 at KUKA Robotics. […]

Corey Ryan, Director of Medical Robotics for KUKA Robotics, joined Orange Intelligenz to discuss the evolution and current advancements of robotics in the medical industry. KUKA's LBR Med, for example, is a collaborative robot for medical applications ideally suited for a wide range of assistance systems in medical technology. "A growing acceptance of robots […]

Robots always have seemed like something far off in the future, but advances in automation technology have put automation and robotics within reach of nearly any business. The pace at which that technology is changing has made automation at scale a much more affordable proposition and much for a user to get under their […]

Robots always have seemed like something far off in the future, but advances in automation technology have put automation and robotics within reach of nearly any business. The pace at which that technology is changing has made automation at scale a much more affordable proposition and much for a user to get under their […]

Collaborative robotics and the use cases for these kinds of robotic solutions have exploded over the past five years, with those at the cutting edge of the robotics industry innovating ways to leverage the technology in day-to-day operations across a variety of industries. To examine this industry trend, KUKA Robotics Director of Medical Robotics […]

On this episode of Orange Intelligenz, a KUKA Robotics podcast, KUKA Robotics Senior VP of Sales and Marketing, North America Simon Whitton joined host Tyler Kern to deliver the State of the Robotics Union. Whitton, who boasts over 35 years of experience in the robotics industry, is uniquely positioned to talk about the industry […]

"HealthCatalyst comes from a healthcare perspective and designs technology to support it. They were willing to get in the sandbox with us and figure this out." Harnessing the power of data is fundamental for any industry. However, it can be more challenging in healthcare with multiple disparate platforms, compliance considerations, and unique workflows. With […]

"We’re a patient-centric company that wants to empower organizations to cultivate data for the best outcomes." Healthcare data is a valuable asset, but its collection, aggregation, and analysis are neither easy or simple. However, it's the foundation for products that companies like Health Catalyst develop. Discussing the product and data perspective, the company's first […]

What are the best strategies for healthcare financial management in an industry that's been transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic? On this episode of Owning the Future of Healthcare, host Daniel Litwin welcomed Dan Unger, Senior Vice President and General Manager for the Financial Transformation Business of Health Catalyst, for an insightful discussion about implementing and […]

Data-informed healthcare is becoming more important to the global healthcare market. Where and how is the data being collected? How does data collection differ across markets? What is Health Catalyst doing to advance the vision of data-driven care? For answers and insights into these topics and questions, Jeff Selander, Senior Vice President and General Manager […]

Data-informed healthcare is becoming more important to the global healthcare market. Where and how is the data being collected? How does data collection differ across markets? What is Health Catalyst doing to advance the vision of data-driven care? For answers and insights into these topics and questions, Jeff Selander, Senior Vice President and General Manager […]

There are a lot of challenging aspects of incorporating artificial intelligence into healthcare. In the first part of this two-part series on AI in healthcare, Dr. Jason Jones, Chief Analytics and Data Science Officer at HealthCatalyst, talked with host Daniel Litwin. On this episode of Owning The Future Of Healthcare, a podcast from HealthCatalyst, your […]

The last year brought a variety of changes to the healthcare and life sciences that are accelerating the pace of innovation. Health Catalyst host Daniel Litwin was joined by Sadiqa Mahmood, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Life Sciences business at Health Catalyst, to delve into these changes, exciting innovations and the emerging […]

Diving into the subject of AI and healthcare, Owning the Future of Healthcare host Daniel Litwin spoke with expert Dr. Jason Jones, Chief Analytic and Data Science Officer at Health Catalyst. There's a lot to unpack around current applications and the future. First, Dr. Jones wanted to clarify that AI, in this case, is augmented […]

Diving into the subject of AI and healthcare, Owning the Future of Healthcare host Daniel Litwin spoke with expert Dr. Jason Jones, Chief Analytic and Data Science Officer at Health Catalyst. There's a lot to unpack around current applications and the future. First, Dr. Jones wanted to clarify that AI, in this case, is augmented […]

The labor shortage in the U.S. is reaching crisis level. Even with mass vaccine rollout, there's still about 10 million people unemployed, and the economy only gained about 266,000 jobs in April, a number considered meager by most economists. On this episode of Packed with Pearson, a Pearson Packaging Podcast, host Daniel Litwin talked with […]

For customers and OEMs, it isn't enough to have a state-of-the-art packaging system; service needs to also meet the highest standards. Pearson Packaging Systems’ Rolando Pena, Director of Customer Service, and Brian Patrick, Vice President of Engineering, spoke about the many service options Pearson provides to its customer and OEM base and how their service […]

A new partnership between Pearson Packaging and Plus One Robotics aims to provide AI-driven solutions to secondary packaging. Michael Senske, President & CEO of Pearson Packaging, and Brent Barcey, VP Business Development, Plus One Robotics, shared this partnership's details, how it formed and what they plan to accomplish by joining forces. "Pearson has such a […]

When it comes to case packing, is there such a thing as an off-the-shelf solution? That was the focus of the conversation on this installment of Packed with Pearson. Stuart Cooper, Chief Revenue Officer for Pearson Packaging Systems, and Michael Senske, Chairman and CEO of Pearson Packaging Systems, shared their insights on why a true […]

When it comes to case packing, is there such a thing as an off-the-shelf solution? That was the focus of the conversation on this installment of Packed with Pearson. Stuart Cooper, Chief Revenue Officer for Pearson Packaging Systems, and Michael Senske, Chairman and CEO of Pearson Packaging Systems, shared their insights on why a true […]

Pearson Packaging Systems has a rich history dating back six decades, but the company is working to remain one of the most technology advanced players providing vertically integrated packaging solutions. While Pearson may be known primarily for erecting and sealing, Michael Senske, Chairman and CEO of Pearson Packaging Systems, noted the company has experience […]

The 2018 SAN SOC Survey recap webinar, conducted in October of 2018, was hosted by Edy Almer, VP Product at Cyberbit. The webinar covered the key survey findings and certain challenges that could be overcome through the use of an automated SOC. Almer first walked through the key survey findings. The lack of skilled staff […]

Tony Rowan, Cyberbit Cybersecurity Architect, provided a deep-dive into the Grizzly Steppe campaign which targeted critical infrastructure networks in North America. Rowan introduced the discussion with an overview of Cyberbit, before he launched into some examples of several attacks on OT (Operational Technology) networks over the last few years. Rowan provided a kill chain […]

In April of 2019, Edy Almer, VP Product at Cyberbit, conducted a webinar for aligning cybersecurity training and education with the NICE framework. Susan Green, Regional Director and Higher Education Specialist for Cyberbit, joined the webinar to discuss the objectives of the NICE framework, and the key NICE framework concepts. Green provided an overview […]

In this webinar from February 2019, Sharon Rosenman, Cyberbit's VP of Marketing was joined by Alon Nachmany, Cyberbit ICS Security Expert, and Cecil Pineda, former CISO of DFW Airport and CISO/Managing Director of Cyber Watch Systems. This webinar took participants through an overview of OT visibility and challenges, presented a CISO Case Study on […]

In this webinar from February 2019, Sharon Rosenman, Cyberbit's VP of Marketing was joined by Alon Nachmany, Cyberbit ICS Security Expert, and Cecil Pineda, former CISO of DFW Airport and CISO/Managing Director of Cyber Watch Systems. This webinar took participants through an overview of OT visibility and challenges, presented a CISO Case Study on […]

Shree Parthasarathy, CIO & National Leader of Cyber Risk Services for Deloitte India, and Sharon Rosenman, VP Marketing for Cyberbit presented a webinar on the future of Cybersecurity training on March 11, 2019. Parthasarathy set the tone for the webinar with the statistic: there will be 3.5 million global unfulfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021. […]

Susan Green, Regional Director and Higher Education Specialist, Cyberbit and Frank Martinez, Security Analyst & Cyber Range Trainer, Miami Dade College, joined Sharon Rosenman, VP Marketing, Cyberbit, to discuss the evolving needs of cybersecurity, the deficit of qualified professionals in this particular job market, and building the academic cyber degree of the future. According […]

Edy Almer, VP of Products, Cyberbit, and Yoav Sagi, Infrastructure Manager and CISO, OPC Energy conducted a CISO case study webinar on cybersecurity for power plants. Sagi conducted a major portion of the webinar presentation. He outlined the main concern for power plants, which is the ability to maintain continual electricity production. Sagi also […]

Edy Almer, VP of Products, Cyberbit, and Yoav Sagi, Infrastructure Manager and CISO, OPC Energy conducted a CISO case study webinar on cybersecurity for power plants. Sagi conducted a major portion of the webinar presentation. He outlined the main concern for power plants, which is the ability to maintain continual electricity production. Sagi also […]

Samir Karnik, Regional Director for India West, Cyberbit, conducted a webinar on the Next-Gen SOC, led by co-presenter's Shiv Kumar Pandey, CISO, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), and Oren Aspir, CTO, Cyberbit. Pandey began his presentation with an overview of the BSE, its key SOC challenges, and its SOC technology landscape. Pandey then reviewed the […]

The 2019 SAN SOC Survey recap webinar, conducted in July of 2019, was hosted by Oren Aspir, CTO of Cyberbit, and Yarden Altman, Cyberbit incident response expert and former SOC manager. The Webinar covered the key survey findings, changes from 2018 to 2019, how to overcome the skill shortage, and the role of SOAR […]

This week's episode of People, Process, Service found hosts Bill Kasko, President and CEO of Frontline Source Group, and Tyler Kern, Publisher at MarketScale sitting down with economics professor, Bob Lawson, Director of the O’Neil Center for Global Markets and Freedom at Southern Methodist University. Lawson's book, Socialism Sucks, was the topic of conversation. […]

Joe Oblas, Co-CEO of Stryve Biltong, joined People. Process. Service.™️ to discuss his company's mission to bring people healthier snacks. The product is Biltong, a high protein, low sugar snack made from a centuries-old process of drying and preserving meat that originated in South Africa. The product may seem similar, but it is anything […]

It was storytime on this week's episode of People, Process, Service, as a true professional in the field of broadcast journalism came into the MarketScale studio to chat with hosts Bill Kasko, President and CEO of Frontline Source Group, and Tyler Kern, MarketScale publisher. Mike Snyder is head of communications at the Tarrant County […]

What does it take to run the 32nd tallest building in the United States? On this week's episode of People, Process, Service, Adam Bernhardt, VP, and Senior General Manager at JLL discussed the process of servicing people working in a 1.85 million-square-foot office tower, noted for its iconic green lights outlining the building. Naturally, […]

What does it take to run the 32nd tallest building in the United States? On this week's episode of People, Process, Service, Adam Bernhardt, VP, and Senior General Manager at JLL discussed the process of servicing people working in a 1.85 million-square-foot office tower, noted for its iconic green lights outlining the building. Naturally, […]

Jan Murfield, President, Junior Achievement of Dallas joined host Tyler Kern, and Bill Kasko, President and CEO, Frontline Source Group, Inc, to discuss her passion for Junior Achievement. The Junior Achievement organization is the world's largest non-profit dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy through hands-on training. […]

Everyone's journey to success is different, but learning about these journeys can be educational, uplifting, inspirational, and informative. Frontline Source Group's podcast "People. Process. Service." aims to highlight these inspirational people and the road, often unconventional, they took to get there. Today's guest is Bobby Barajas Chief Revenue Officer at GuideIT. It was just one […]

When it comes to Marketing, there's perhaps no more worldly of a digital specialist than Amine Bentahar, author of "Voice Search: The New Search Engine," and COO of Advantix Digital, a full-service marketing agency. Bentahar joins host Bill Kasko, CEO of Frontline Source Group, for Frontline's "People. Process. Service." podcast to recount his exciting global […]

When it comes to Marketing, there's perhaps no more worldly of a digital specialist than Amine Bentahar, author of "Voice Search: The New Search Engine," and COO of Advantix Digital, a full-service marketing agency. Bentahar joins host Bill Kasko, CEO of Frontline Source Group, for Frontline's "People. Process. Service." podcast to recount his exciting global […]

What do the Graha Tower in Indonesia, the Golden Tulip Holland Resort, the Amsterdam Bridge, and the Omni Dallas Hotel all have in common? They’re all projects completed by 5G Studio Collaborative, headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Joining both Bill Kasko, President and CEO of Frontline Source Group, Inc, and Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, […]

On this episode of The Valve Chronicles’ look at the differences in aircraft fueling operations between the US and Europe, Cla-Val's Tom Boriack, Global Market Manager for Fueling, and Richard Hooton, Market Manager, Aviation & Ground Fueling, EMEA for Cla-Val Europe, joined host Tyler Kern for a discussion on the origins of vehicle design and […]

Are energy companies taking cybersecurity seriously? Are they shifting focus to application security? E2B host Daniel Litwin speaks with Dan Cornell, Chief Technology Officer of the Denim Group and Kent Landrum, Managing Director at Opportune LLP, to get answers to these questions and more. Cornell begins by explaining cybersecurity challenges for the energy industry. "The energy sector […]

The world of micro-mobility has been a bit of a Wild West. Mass adoption of docking stations could change that, driving benefits for manufacturers, cities, users and the environment. Making the case for dock stations, The Last Mile welcomed micro-mobility thought leader Polina Mikhaylova, Co-Founder of KNOT. KNOT designs innovative solutions for micro-mobility – specifically charging […]

In February of 2021, Texas went through an energy crisis, with many residents experiencing rolling blackouts. PanTech Design CEO Troy Morgan joined host Tyler Kern to talk about this phenomenon, what rolling blackouts are, why they occur and how solutions like microgrids and energy automation can help reduce them. "You’ll find rolling blackouts happening throughout […]

In February of 2021, Texas went through an energy crisis, with many residents experiencing rolling blackouts. PanTech Design CEO Troy Morgan joined host Tyler Kern to talk about this phenomenon, what rolling blackouts are, why they occur and how solutions like microgrids and energy automation can help reduce them. "You’ll find rolling blackouts happening throughout […]

Cashless transactions are quickly becoming the preferred method of shopping in North America. Tapping credit cards, smartphones, and other digital devices used for purchasing are quick and easy, the way shoppers like. And behind the simplicity of these transactions lies a complex network of products, systems, and regulations that enable this convenience. Carly Furman, CEO […]

Polygon highlights its core values of integrity, excellence, and empathy, emphasizing their significance in the company's everyday operations. Integrity is portrayed as a vital aspect of the business, focusing on the importance of doing the right thing at the right time, particularly when providing solutions for specific problems faced by clients. The video underscores how […]

With a low turnover rate and years of experience, Polygon prioritizes training and development to ensure their employees become technical experts in their respective fields. The company recognizes the importance of specialized equipment and expertise for handling advanced projects, emphasizing their passion for delivering precise and detail-oriented solutions that align with customer expectations. Polygon's investment […]

We feature Ryan Creagan, a business development specialist from Polygon, and Neil Riley, a senior estimator for Betty, one of Polygon's customers, at the 2019 Design Build Conference in Las Vegas. The discussion revolves around why Betty chose Polygon as a resource for their temporary climate control program. Betty's decision to partner with Polygon was […]

Unlike other suppliers that offer a range of construction tools and equipment, Polygon's sole focus is on providing climate control solutions. This specialization is a key factor that sets Polygon apart and positions them as experts in their field. The video emphasizes the dedication of Polygon to their craft and their commitment to excellence. They […]

Unlike other suppliers that offer a range of construction tools and equipment, Polygon's sole focus is on providing climate control solutions. This specialization is a key factor that sets Polygon apart and positions them as experts in their field. The video emphasizes the dedication of Polygon to their craft and their commitment to excellence. They […]

We focus on the significance of customer service in Polygon's operations and highlights the company's commitment to providing excellent service to their clients. It emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with customers and prioritizing their needs and satisfaction. Polygon recognizes that their customers are the lifeblood of their business and, unlike organizations with a […]

Polygon's rich heritage and its evolution into a leading provider of temporary climate solutions. It emphasizes the company's roots, starting over sixty years ago with the groundbreaking invention of the desiccant wheeled dehumidifier by Swedish entrepreneur Carl Munters. This invention laid the foundation for Polygon's establishment and their subsequent delivery of innovative desiccant dehumidification and […]

Dr. Dewpoint introduces viewers to Polygon. The focus is on addressing moisture issues and providing fast, reliable, and appropriate solutions for businesses. Polygon's expertise and extensive experience in various industries make them a trusted partner in managing climate-related challenges. With a proven track record in manufacturing, pharmaceutical, food, coatings, and disaster restoration industries, Polygon is […]

Dr. Dewpoint introduces viewers to Polygon. The focus is on addressing moisture issues and providing fast, reliable, and appropriate solutions for businesses. Polygon's expertise and extensive experience in various industries make them a trusted partner in managing climate-related challenges. With a proven track record in manufacturing, pharmaceutical, food, coatings, and disaster restoration industries, Polygon is […]

As the most widely used green building rating system, the LEED certification process has recently published updated credit standards that help buildings save money and improve efficiency. However, the LEED 4.1 process isn't just about the end process, but how climate control strategies throughout the construction period can help guarantee the protection of materials in […]

We highlight the importance of acting swiftly in response to disasters such as heavy rains, hurricanes, snowstorms, floods, and other emergencies. The need for effective drying solutions to prevent the loss of valuable items and to control property damage to various structures, including construction sites, schools, libraries, manufacturing plants, hospitals, and government facilities. Polygon Group […]

We emphasize the importance of being prepared for unexpected challenges and weather emergencies in the field of new building construction. The diverse range of professionals involved in new building construction, including general contractors, subcontractors, facility managers, superintendents, project managers, maintenance managers, and environmental service managers. These professionals need to be able to respond swiftly to […]

The HVAC industry can expect to see some exciting changes this year after the 2023 AHR Expo concluded in Atlanta earlier this month. The three-day event, held from Feb. 6-8, featured over 1,800 participating companies and their displays, along with over 35,000 attendees. The promising direction that the HVAC industry is headed in will offer […]

Twenty-seven years is a long time between friends. Michelle Bauer and Henry Denton should know; that's how long each has been with Portacool, back when it was part of the General Shelters Group. Bauer, an Engineering Projects Coordinator, and Denton, an Engineer at Portacool, talked about Portacool's rich history and the many changes along its […]

There is a growing demand for commercial cooling solutions, as indicated by the past two years. Industry experts say the evaporative cooling market hit $5.76 Billion in 2021, which they expect to reach $8.41 Billion by 2027. It's evident; the market isn't cooling off any time soon. Ben Wulf, President & CEO of Portacool, LLC, […]

While the cooling (and heating) business is quite a niche area, a Portuguese-based company has found success in the field thanks to its relationship with Portacool — a Texas-based portable cooling manufacturer. In the latest episode of the podcast "Keep Kuul with Portacool," host Tyler Kern interviewed Nuno Couceiro, the CEO of Ameno — a […]

While the cooling (and heating) business is quite a niche area, a Portuguese-based company has found success in the field thanks to its relationship with Portacool — a Texas-based portable cooling manufacturer. In the latest episode of the podcast "Keep Kuul with Portacool," host Tyler Kern interviewed Nuno Couceiro, the CEO of Ameno — a […]

Shon Wainscott, National Accounts Manager at Portacool, sees a direct correlation between keeping cool in the military and keeping cool on the job. Wainscott spent fifteen years serving in the Army, the bulk of that time in the infantry. He spoke about his experiences with Tyler Kern and why it's essential to have the proper […]

With the summer season well underway, people are experiencing the heat in full force. The sweltering temperatures can be particularly challenging for those working in industrial settings, where heavy machinery and large vehicles can generate additional heat. One such setting is the Heavy Duty Fleet Shop, where high-volume vehicles are transferred on a daily […]

Portacool takes pride in providing their customers with top-notch products and exceptional customer service. As part of our commitment to excellence, they understand that their customers may need to move their Portacool from one location to another. While they recommend that the cooler be kept upright to ensure optimal performance, there are certain situations […]

Portacool takes pride in providing their customers with top-notch products and exceptional customer service. As part of our commitment to excellence, they understand that their customers may need to move their Portacool from one location to another. While they recommend that the cooler be kept upright to ensure optimal performance, there are certain situations […]

As the temperatures start to rise, having a reliable cooling solution in place becomes essential. And for those who love spending time outdoors, a portable evaporative cooler can make all the difference. The JS250 setup is an impressive piece of equipment with its compact design, making it easy to move around, and its powerful […]

Brent Fisbec, a representative of Portacool, is currently present in East Texas, and has brought along the latest innovation from his company – the hazardous location series cooler. Designed to operate in hazardous locations, this cooler is a versatile and effective solution for a variety of applications. With the help of this innovative technology, […]

Among the many options available, Portacool evaporative coolers have emerged as a popular choice, providing a quality, portable cooling solution to customers across the US and beyond. Whether it's for outdoor events, industrial workspaces or personal use, Portacool's range of portable evaporative coolers offers an economical and effective cooling alternative where traditional air conditioning […]

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, entrepreneurs and business leaders face the challenge of developing products that truly resonate with their target audience. Understanding user needs and preferences has become essential for driving success and achieving business growth. Companies that prioritize user-centric product development are more likely to experience higher customer satisfaction and increased […]

On this episode of Power Up with Manal, host Manal Keen, speaks with Devin Floyd, Founder and CEO of NYOCON, as he talks about his mission to transform the way we work by developing leaders at all levels of an organization. He believes that leadership skills are not evolving in many workplaces, which leads […]

In this episode of the Power Up With Manal podcast, Rachel DesRochers joins Manal to have a powerful conversation about gratitude, entrepreneurship, and empowerment. Rachel shares her inspiring journey of starting a graham cracker company with a message of gratitude and persevering through challenges. She emphasizes the importance of instilling values in children, finding […]

Leadership is a word that means different things to many people. Some see the leader as the ultimate authority in an organization, while others see leaders around the company. Often, leadership is about inspiration and influencing others as much as being in charge of something. But for those leaders, whether natural born, leader in training, […]

Leadership is a word that means different things to many people. Some see the leader as the ultimate authority in an organization, while others see leaders around the company. Often, leadership is about inspiration and influencing others as much as being in charge of something. But for those leaders, whether natural born, leader in training, […]

The best leaders take many forms. In business, disruptors and enlightened leaders transform organizations. And those leaders rely on leaders within their teams to pull it all together. One such role is an organizational chief of staff. Call them the ‘consigliere’ or the CEO's confidant; they can play an invaluable role in seeing and realizing […]

Chasing greatness is something many people in their careers strive to achieve. But what does it take to accomplish that goal? Enlightened Leadership for the next generation of disruption means getting out of one's comfort zone to make things happen. Disruption takes many forms. It happens in the tech world through innovative technologies that change […]

Starting a business from scratch can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To manage your business successfully, it's essential to begin by developing a comprehensive business management plan. This plan should include your goals, target audience, products or services, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections. It should serve as a roadmap for your […]

Starting a business from scratch can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To manage your business successfully, it's essential to begin by developing a comprehensive business management plan. This plan should include your goals, target audience, products or services, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections. It should serve as a roadmap for your […]

The Power Up with Manal podcast recently had the honor of interviewing Janitra Taylor, Chief Product Officer and a Philadelphia native. Taylor shared her inspiring story of growing up in a single parent household and having grandparents encouraged her that she could excel in anything that she endeavored, so long as she put the […]

Daniel Litwin spoke to Patrick Coldewey, President and CEO of DigiTech, about the automation hiring process within the printing industry. The conversation covered a breadth of points, including the Great Resignation, skilled workers aging out, and how smaller companies use automation [in hiring] to their advantage. The Great Resignation is not showing any signs of […]

Print Precision kicked off a four-part series with a case study on commercial printing solutions within small printing operations. Brett Sutton, President at Patriot Print Fulfillment, joined DigiTech's President, Patric Coldeway, and Host Daniel J. Litwin for a look at the one-year journey documenting TruFire printer's adoption strategies. One week into the partnership, […]

"You’re better off making a new profile than re-linearizing, as that doesn't solve color problems." (Adams) Color management is an essential aspect of printing. Managing it and ensuring it's correct can be a challenge for operators, especially if you have cheap equipment. Ideally, print companies want high-quality color profiles that are accurate while also keeping […]

For our industry's customers, getting face to face with the right printing machine is more troublesome than ever, with tradeshows out of the picture until at least April 2022. And if you’ve listened to previous episodes of the show, like such as with our friends at Sign Master and Parrott Printing, they reiterated the importance […]

For our industry's customers, getting face to face with the right printing machine is more troublesome than ever, with tradeshows out of the picture until at least April 2022. And if you’ve listened to previous episodes of the show, like such as with our friends at Sign Master and Parrott Printing, they reiterated the importance […]

In previous episodes of Print Precision from DigiTech, we’ve covered a simple truth – a quality flatbed printer is the cheapest thing you can offer your customers. There's no substitute for a high-quality flatbed printer like the DigiTech TruFire, which allows you to eliminate rework costs, up printing speed without a dip in results, and […]

A surprising trend during the pandemic that presented printing companies with opportunities was unexpected growth in demand for yard signage. Patric Coldeway, Founder and President of Digitech, and John Parrott, Vice President of Parrott Printing, explored this interesting side-effect of COVID-19 and provided context regarding how this opportunity made a difference for printers during some […]

Price isn't the only driver of satisfaction. While it matters for buyers of print products, they care about quality, as well. In fact, quality and affordability aren't mutually exclusive. Additionally, representing quality every time leads to cost savings. DigiTech Founder and Owner Patric Coldewey joined this episode of Print Precision to share his thoughts on quality […]

Price isn't the only driver of satisfaction. While it matters for buyers of print products, they care about quality, as well. In fact, quality and affordability aren't mutually exclusive. Additionally, representing quality every time leads to cost savings. DigiTech Founder and Owner Patric Coldewey joined this episode of Print Precision to share his thoughts on quality […]

The truth is that every industry has its issues. After all, people aren't perfect. However, true industry leaders will do their best to change the status quo and make visible improvements to the market. With his vast experience in the field of digital and industrial printing, Digitech founder and president Patric Coldewey has seen areas […]

If you’re in need of enterprise-level digital printing, you’re going to need a color profile. And, as an end-user, it may be tough to understand what level of detail your color profile needs to be and how to choose the printing solution to meet those needs. But it's important to do so. Making the […]

One question print head manufacturers don't want to answer is how long those print heads last. A better question might be how long should print heads last, or how long can they last? Patrick Coldeway, President of Digitech, knows the answer, and he wasn't shy about sharing it on Print Precision. No matter the […]

In this episode of Pro AV Today, host Ben Thomas and his guest, Joe Wylezik from Vincit, dive deep into the impact of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design on the digital transformation of AV technology. Wylezik, with his extensive experience in design, offers fascinating insights into the core principles of effective UI […]

This episode of Pro AV Today, hosted by Ben Thomas, features Tim Bigoness from D-Tools. The two dive head first into the increasingly pervasive influence of software-based tools in the Pro AV industry. The AV landscape is undergoing a significant shift towards more software-based tools and solutions, largely driven by evolving consumer expectations. The […]

In the latest episode of Pro AV Today, host Ben Thomas welcomes Randy Bapst and Dalaney Thompson, two of the creative minds behind AiBuy, to discuss the exciting future of interactive content creation. The conversation covers a range of topics, from leveraging interactive content for creators to how broadcasters can monetize it, […]

Welcome to another episode of Pro AV Today with your host, Ben Thomas! This week, we have a special guest joining us – Izzi Demara from RoomReady. Izzi is a newer voice in the world of professional AV and is about to attend her very first Infocomm show. In this conversation, we’ll get a unique […]

Welcome to another episode of Pro AV Today with your host, Ben Thomas! This week, we have a special guest joining us – Izzi Demara from RoomReady. Izzi is a newer voice in the world of professional AV and is about to attend her very first Infocomm show. In this conversation, we’ll get a unique […]

Welcome to another episode of Pro AV Today with Ben Thomas. In this episode, we were thrilled to have Nancy Wang, the founder of Advancing Women in Tech (AWIT), join us for an engaging conversation on empowering women in the technology industry. Nancy shared her wealth of experience and knowledge on three main topics: […]

In many organizations like churches, theaters, industry associations, and more, AV and tech focused volunteers play a crucial role in their success. These volunteers ensure that events run smoothly and that communication is effectively delivered through different platforms. As a result, it is essential to provide these individuals with the proper training and support to […]

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show is a premier event that unites professionals from the AV, IT, and broadcast industries to showcase the latest innovations, technologies, and trends. As we approach this year's event, let's examine the top five trends that are expected to make a splash in these converging industries. Remote Production and […]

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show is a premier event that unites professionals from the AV, IT, and broadcast industries to showcase the latest innovations, technologies, and trends. As we approach this year's event, let's examine the top five trends that are expected to make a splash in these converging industries. Remote Production and […]

In the AV and Integrated Technology industries, rapid innovation often leads to shorter product lifecycles, contributing to increased e-waste and environmental concerns. To address these sustainability challenges, companies are exploring strategies like extending product lifecycles and leveraging software based tools, but there is a natural push and pull when it comes to balancing sustainability with […]

The AV industry is undergoing a dramatic shift in regards to hiring and retaining talent. As many people are coming into the industry for the first time, some are still unaware of the opportunities for growth within the AV community. As an AV pro, it's crucial to develop skills that can help you advance […]

The Sennheiser Profile USB Mic is the audio titan's latest foray into "plug and play" microphones. With both a loaded feature set and an aggressive price point, the Profile USB Mic aims to elevate standard content creation setups. Does it live up to the hype? Check out my thoughts below: Features at […]

Surveying has always been a labor-intensive, precise industry. The technological advances from Microdrones have increased precision while reducing the manpower required. On this episode of the Propelling podcast, Matt Rosenbalm, Microdrones Sales Manager for the Southern US, Ross Kenney, UAS Sales and Support Lead for Navigation Electronics, and Robert Martin, Licensed Surveyor & Senior […]

"There's never a lack of interest in what can be done with a drone," said Rick Rayhel, sales manager for Microdrones. Here on Propelling, a Microdrones podcast, we’ve experienced the same sentiment, exploring UAVs used for all sorts of innovative purposes. Today, we highlighted their role in crime and crash scene analysis. Though new […]

Drones aren't toys; they’re solutions. On this episode of the Propelling podcast, host Daniel Litwin sat down with three Microdrones team members for an in-depth discussion on drone distributorships, branding, and the tremendous marketing opportunity that exists for third-parties looking at drones to ride the wave into the future. Today's show features Director of […]

Developing content and telling great stories has become a fundamental pillar for modern marketing. While developing content in-house is a major function of marketing teams, crowdsourced content is integral too, connecting to audiences in really personal way. That's exactly what the team at Microdrones is doing, using stories from their B2B end-users and distributors […]

Developing content and telling great stories has become a fundamental pillar for modern marketing. While developing content in-house is a major function of marketing teams, crowdsourced content is integral too, connecting to audiences in really personal way. That's exactly what the team at Microdrones is doing, using stories from their B2B end-users and distributors […]

This podcast was conducted in Spanish. If you’d like a full transcript translation in English, as well as more insight on the state of drones in Latin America, click here. En comparación con los helicópteros y otras aeronaves tripuladas, los UAV son convenientes y económicos, requieren menos mantenimiento, menos combustible y representan menos riesgo […]

Drones are creating new workflows, processes and applications in construction design, surveying and mapping, and many see them as the future of the construction industry. Rick Rayhel, Microdrones‘ Sales Manager for United States’ Western Region, is one of those people; he's seen first hand how drones can enhance the construction business. In the U.S., […]

Mapping is much different than it was even just a few years ago. Three-dimensional models are the new standard, improving upon the traditional two-dimensional renderings and blueprints. Drones are a big part of this revolution and are giving everyone from architects to surveyors unprecedented access to landscapes, structures and worksites. Irene Kwan, Microdrones‘ Sales […]

Mapping is much different than it was even just a few years ago. Three-dimensional models are the new standard, improving upon the traditional two-dimensional renderings and blueprints. Drones are a big part of this revolution and are giving everyone from architects to surveyors unprecedented access to landscapes, structures and worksites. Irene Kwan, Microdrones‘ Sales […]

Drones are revolutionizing the way that many companies do business all over the world, and that's not limited to just a few countries. Though everyone feels the impact, not every country handles the growth the same. The United States is under FAA regulation and Canada follows Transport Canada rules; what do the laws and […]

As drones have become more widespread in the consumer market, new regulation has been needed and set in order to ensure air traffic safety. In 2018, the U.S. introduced the FAA Reauthorization Act, which helped provide clarity to pilots of unmanned vehicles. Now, Transport Canada has announced new drone regulations as well that will […]

MEET AUDREY PANN Audrey Pann is the Microdrones sales manager for the southern and western parts of Europe. She started with Microdrones in February of 2017, bringing a wealth of experience from her career in sales and marketing. Prior to Microdrones, Audrey was a sales executive and associate for R&Drone where she oversaw marketing […]

Ratified is a radio show hosted by Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin, exploring the intersection of business and policy in long-form fashion. On this episode of Ratified, we’re getting our feet wet with election season content. At the time of release, the Democratic presidential primary is all but settled. Barring some massive shake-up, Joe […]

On this episode of Ratified, MarketScale's podcast on the intersection of policy and business, Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin takes a trip back in time – and to the modern-day legal battleground emerging under President Trump's DOJ – to examine the 1948 Paramount Decision. To get you up to speed, that 1948 decision by […]

By early February, we should know whether or not the carrier industry will be left with three key players: AT&T, Verizon, and on the horizon, a merged Sprint and T-Mobile. The merger, though it's been approved by the DOJ and the FCC, has been tied up in a lawsuit issued by state attorneys general […]

This episode of Ratified is trying something new; a considerably more niche topic. Whereas the last two went a little larger in scale, hitting on gig economy legislation in California and the state of net neutrality, this episode of Ratified is a look at the nitty gritty legislative back and forth of lobbying in […]

This episode of Ratified is trying something new; a considerably more niche topic. Whereas the last two went a little larger in scale, hitting on gig economy legislation in California and the state of net neutrality, this episode of Ratified is a look at the nitty gritty legislative back and forth of lobbying in […]

The fight for net neutrality is over at the federal level, at least for now. The Obama-era Open Internet Order of 2015 was repealed by Ajit Pai's FCC and solidified after a DC circuit court of appeals’ final ruling, leaving prospects looking slim for legislation proactively regulating broadband internet. However, even with the federal […]

California Assembly Bill 5 is a piece of legislation that holds massive ramifications for the gig economy, specifically rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft. It was signed into law on September 18, 2019 in an attempt to limit the ability to classify workers as independent contractors rather than employees of a company. Governor Gavin […]

Supply chain management is a critical aspect of business as it allows manufacturers to make enough products to meet market demand. It is essential as it reduces excess inventory and the cost of storing products. Effective supply chain management ultimately improves customer satisfaction, reduces business costs and optimizes profit. When operating cost decreases without affecting […]

With the shortages caused by COVID-19, you have likely heard about and know what a supply chain is. But what about a value chain? A supply chain is typically more of the parts and materials location of manufacturing, and transportation of a product, whereas the value chain incorporates product design, R&D, advertising, and marketing, according […]

With the shortages caused by COVID-19, you have likely heard about and know what a supply chain is. But what about a value chain? A supply chain is typically more of the parts and materials location of manufacturing and transportation of a product, whereas the value chain incorporates product design, R&D, advertising, and marketing, […]

On this installment of RealBites by River Logic, Vice President of Corporate Development, Philip Higginbotham, shares how businesses can leverage digital twins to help learn the profit behavior of the business and avoid unintended consequences. In today's rapidly changing business world, companies are looking for ways to gain a competitive edge. One of the latest […]

In today's fast-paced business world, the ability to quickly understand the impact of a scenario is critical to making informed decisions. As businesses navigate complex and ever-changing market dynamics, they need to be able to respond quickly and effectively to new challenges and opportunities. This requires access to real-time data analytics that can inform […]

On this installment of Real Bites, Philip Higginbotham discusses how making assumptions in decision-making can lead to infeasibilities and errors. In today's fast-paced business world, companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their operations and increase efficiency. One way they do this is by utilizing technology to model their business processes, which allows them […]

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to changing consumer behaviors, the importance of data-driven decision making has never been more crucial. Companies are relying on sophisticated analytical tools like RiverLogic's platform to help them make informed decisions that optimize their operations and enhance their bottom line. What sets RiverLogic apart from its competitors […]

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to changing consumer behaviors, the importance of data-driven decision making has never been more crucial. Companies are relying on sophisticated analytical tools like RiverLogic's platform to help them make informed decisions that optimize their operations and enhance their bottom line. What sets RiverLogic apart from its competitors […]

Supply chain management is a critical aspect of business as it allows manufacturers to make enough products to meet market demand. It is essential as it reduces excess inventory and the cost of storing products. Effective supply chain management ultimately improves customer satisfaction, reduces business costs and optimizes profit. When operating cost decreases without affecting […]

It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed so much of the world, and the effects of it will continue to be in conversations in the years to come. In an edition of "Reinventing Normal," host Mark Landini talked with senior features editor for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Barbara Thau, about the […]

Writer, speaker, retail futurist, and founder of consulting agency 22nd&5th Howard Saunders joins Reinventing Normal host Mark Landini to discuss the future of retail stores. Appreciating the long, hallowed history of shopping in the West and how it's impacted the daily life of a vast cross-section of demographics, they dive into current industry problems and […]

Medical professionals have never been busier. At the same time, it has never been so important for them to take time to learn about the ever-evolving pandemic and the medical community's response to it. In this episode, Mary Ellen Beliveau, Founder and CEO of Knowledge to Practice (K2P) discusses professional learning in the healthcare […]

While video may have killed the radio star last century, it is about to give birth to several new remote learning techniques, according to Jeff Rubenstein, VP of Product Strategy, for Kaltura. In this episode, Jeff talks about the immediate steps the video platform provider took to help its higher ed customers shift as […]

What used to be a relative luxury for administrators, data has become critical in the age of hybrid and remote learning says Jena Draper, Founder and Evangelist for CatchOn. In this episode, Jena breaks down how educators can crunch the numbers to enhance learning experiences that should be maintained even after this madness has […]

Hardeep Gulati knows the numbers. PowerSchool's customer base of more than 45 million students in over 80 countries now includes Hoonuit's 14.5 million students, making his company the largest U.S. provider of K-12 education technology solutions. In this episode, Hardeep talks about how the right analytics and data management techniques can help solve the […]

Hardeep Gulati knows the numbers. PowerSchool's customer base of more than 45 million students in over 80 countries now includes Hoonuit's 14.5 million students, making his company the largest U.S. provider of K-12 education technology solutions. In this episode, Hardeep talks about how the right analytics and data management techniques can help solve the […]

Maybe it's not as bad as we thought. Stuart Udell, CEO of Achieve3000 has been tracking the rumored "learning loss" data since spring, and while the situation is by no means good, there are hopeful data points. In this episode, Stuart shares some results from the company's upcoming report. He also highlights how remote technologies […]

Angela Maiers has been into social-emotional learning since before it was cool. From the start of the pandemic, the author, speaker, consultant, and founder of the Choose2matter initiative has been devising new and innovative ways to make these remote tools and platforms more humane. In this episode, Angela shares those ideas for the betterment of […]

Where many people see problems, Brian Thomas sees progress. In this episode, the President and CEO of Lightspeed Systems talks about the efforts of the edTech industry to address the new realities of remote education and how schools will not only survive this crisis but thrive in its wake. Headquartered in Austin, Texas (with […]

Where many people see problems, Brian Thomas sees progress. In this episode, the President and CEO of Lightspeed Systems talks about the efforts of the edTech industry to address the new realities of remote education and how schools will not only survive this crisis but thrive in its wake. Headquartered in Austin, Texas (with […]

For Thomas Murray, every conversation is a balancing act. As the Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools, a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education, located in Washington, D.C., he strives to promote big picture changes when it comes to things like student equity and educating the whole child while realizing the incredible struggles […]

Collin Ernst, CEO of Learnwell, wants you to forget about the COVID slide, or digital equity, or personalized learning—for a minute anyway. In this episode, Collin makes the case that none of these issues can be solved without first addressing the mental health needs of not only students but faculty and families as well. […]

Embrace the controversy. That's the plan David Bobb, President of the Bill of Rights Institute, takes in this episode. From the death of the textbook to the systematic failure of higher education to the circus that is this election season, David decidedly goes there. David joined the Bill of Rights Institute as president in 2013 […]

At the AVIXA Xchange Live booth at InfoComm 2022, Ben Thomas tapped Rentex's Vice President, Marketing & Strategic Accounts, Janne Mummert, to co-host a panel of audio-visual experts to talk about the return of live events and to find out what's happening with live events technology. Joining Thomas and Mummert were Seth Teates, CTS-D, Regional […]

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated many industries through rapid change, one of which was transportation, an industry which was already reeling from a worker shortage. Now, as companies begin to recover from global supply chain setbacks, they are faced with a new dilemma: where are all the drivers? With the shortage of drivers estimated to […]

The AB5 law in California isn't exactly brand new, but it is still creating quite the buzz. Host Gabrielle Bejarano invited the Director of Legislative Affairs for OOIDA, Bryce Mongeon onto the show to discuss AB5 and how it's playing out for the trucker community. AB5, under California law, helps to describe and detail […]

In this episode of Resources for the Road, host Gabrielle Bejarano sat down with Paul Gioupis, CEO of ZEEM Solutions. The two discuss how Gioupis got into the trucking industry, as well as where ZEEM fits into the trucking and drayage industry as a whole. "We started focusing on areas that we knew were going […]

Driving for a living can take a physical toll on the body. Dr. Mark Manera, Founder & CEO of Supply Chain Fitness, saw this toll first-hand through many of his professional driver physical therapy clients. Dr. Manera decided to utilize his rehab and fitness knowledge to make a difference for those in the trucking industry. […]

Driving for a living can take a physical toll on the body. Dr. Mark Manera, Founder & CEO of Supply Chain Fitness, saw this toll first-hand through many of his professional driver physical therapy clients. Dr. Manera decided to utilize his rehab and fitness knowledge to make a difference for those in the trucking industry. […]

"I hope you aren't watching this while driving," said Robert Brown, Chief Strategy Officer at Spartan Radar. Spartan Radar is a California-based company started by brilliant minds who built radar systems and planes in the Air Force. "They brought their skills to the automotive industry," said Brown. Spartan's work focuses on improving driver assistance systems […]

Matt Schrap, CEO of Harbor Trucking Association, doesn't drive trucks for a living, but he knows all the regulations and rules of the road that govern them. The Harbor Trucking Association is a coalition of intermodal carriers serving America's West Coast Ports, including Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, and Tacoma. Schrap spent the better […]

Choosing the right carrier for transporting goods can be tricky, but it is now a much easier task thanks to Carrier Assure, a new software platform created by CEO Cassandra Gaines. Using her experience as a "trucking attorney" in the transportation industry, Gaines created Carrier Assure to provide shippers and brokers with a new and […]

Choosing the right carrier for transporting goods can be tricky, but it is now a much easier task thanks to Carrier Assure, a new software platform created by CEO Cassandra Gaines. Using her experience as a "trucking attorney" in the transportation industry, Gaines created Carrier Assure to provide shippers and brokers with a new and […]

When it comes to global supply chain issues, there is no greater source than FreightWaves, the largest media and market-level data provider in the logistics and supply-chain industry. Tyler Kern welcomed Craig Fuller, CEO & Founder of FreightWaves, to Resources for the Road for a brain-picking session on what's happening in logistics today, and […]

The importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions continues to make headline news. One of the easiest ways to do this is by transitioning traditional vehicles to all-electric vehicles and one industry that has the ability to make a significant impact in a short period of time is commercial transportation vehicles that operate on diesel fuel. […]

With global logistics a hot topic now more than ever, Corey Riggins of NEXT Trucking sits down with host Tyler Kern to talk about NEXT Trucking's new podcast series and how technology can change the trucking industry. What is NEXT Trucking? NEXT is a technology platform that helps connect drivers with customers while helping carriers […]

Welcome to this week's episode of the Retail Legends podcast. This program's mission is to provoke thoughts, challenge ideas, encourage growth, and offer leadership and insight to promote prepared and proactive retail. Host Nicole Leinback Reyhle kicked things off at the National Retail Federation's 2020 Vision Big Show in NYC with interviews with Brian […]

On this episode of Retail Legends, host Nicole Leinbach Reyhle was joined by Brett Patrontasch, co-founder of mobile-based workforce management app Shyft, and Astound Chief Experience Officer Andrew Leibowitz. Patrontasch and Reyhle spoke at length about how Shyft is working to engage hourly staff members and drive frontline efficiency for retailers. Specifically, Patrontasch highlighted […]

Designed for retail leaders and retail lovers alike, The Retail Legends podcast is designed to provoke thoughts, challenge ideas, encourage growth and, most importantly, offer leadership and insight to help retailers be both prepared and proactive to retail's always evolving and constantly demanding needs. From consumer expectations to store marketing strategies, operational tactics and […]

As AI advances with technologies such as GPT-4, companies are beginning to come to terms with the fact that "soft skill" education is crucial in creating a future industry for the retail world. GPT-4 functions as a natural language processing tool driven by tech that can use its language model for hard skills such as […]

In the swiftly evolving retail industry, the conversation around digital transformation and retail technologies is more urgent than ever. Amid this tech-driven revolution, IKEA is pioneering a remarkable journey. The stakes are high, as IKEA aims to shift from being primarily a physical retailer to incorporating a substantial omni-channel presence. As of 2016 only […]

The retail industry is a dynamic landscape that demands constant adaptation to shifting consumer habits, market fluctuations, and technological advancements. With retail spending projected to reach a staggering $31.3 trillion by 2025, it is crucial for brand management companies to stay ahead of the curve. One such company making waves in the industry is Authentic […]

As the landscape of luxury retail is rapidly evolving, a fresh perspective and innovations in luxury retail comes to the forefront from Lauren Barrie, the Group Head of Luxury Retail at Frasers Group. In a world still recovering from the effects of the pandemic, this topic is more timely than ever as we explore how […]

As the landscape of luxury retail is rapidly evolving, a fresh perspective and innovations in luxury retail comes to the forefront from Lauren Barrie, the Group Head of Luxury Retail at Frasers Group. In a world still recovering from the effects of the pandemic, this topic is more timely than ever as we explore how […]

In this episode of Retail Refined, host Melissa Gonzalez, sits down with Richard Lems, the Director of Format and Design at Rituals Cosmetics, to discuss the concept of balancing inspiration and ease in retail. They delve into the unique experience offered by the House of Rituals in Amsterdam, exploring its vision and the ways […]

Toys "R" Us is an unforgettable part of many Americans’ childhoods, bringing back nostalgic memories of aisles upon aisles stacked high with all the toys a little mind could imagine. That's why it was saddening for many who grew up with the chain to hear they filed for bankruptcy in September of 2018. It's […]

As retail evolves, so do many of the business models and strategies that are crucial to its success. Direct-to-consumer, or D2C, is the model that ensures that retailers sell and distribute their products directly to consumers. This allows them to avoid any other parties in the process. As a result, many brands are also shifting […]

As retail evolves, so do many of the business models and strategies that are crucial to its success. Direct-to-consumer, or D2C, is the model that ensures that retailers sell and distribute their products directly to consumers. This allows them to avoid any other parties in the process. As a result, many brands are also shifting […]

Social commerce may be a newish idea for U.S. retail brands, but it is a trendy marketing tool in China. How popular? Sales in China from social commerce platform purchases reached $363 billion in 2021. Compare that with the U.S., where social commerce sales were $36.6 billion in the same year. The trend is growing, […]

How exactly are companies like Stylitics entering the fashion field and helping to expand fashion customization and personalization in today's world? Fashion is part of who we are—it is a silent form of self-identity for an individual that portrays beliefs, preferences, religion, occupation, social class, and so much more. And fashion is ever evolving; […]

The jewelry industry stands unique compared to other retailers for a lot of reasons, and most of that being with how personal a jewelry purchase can be. Despite flourishing over the years, that growth saw a quick decline in 2020 due to the pandemic. But later the industry saw a rapid increase in sales just […]

HIMSS 2023 was the host of several industry-defining conversations for the healthcare industry, including reflections on the growth of data use in healthcare and the evolution of how and where care is administered. The evolution of the healthcare marketplace has resulted in the saturation of data among multiple areas. As a result, the healthcare […]

We have now entered a universe of "determinants of health" ranging from medical debt to housing to medication access to transportation…literally all things impact health that happen outside a doctor's office. So is healthcare taking this into account? How are we helping those with substance abuse, rare cancers and unmanageable chronic conditions? On today's episode […]

A lack of health insurance can be detrimental to anyone if there is any medical emergency or accident that occurs in that span of time. Healthcare costs are high even with insurance. Without insurance? Astronomical and simply unaffordable for many. So, it should come as a concern that in 2021, 8.6 percent of Americans did […]

From the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Health Equity Director Bryan O. Buckley DrPH, MPH joins the podcast to share his story and efforts to progress health equity for disadvantaged families across the US. NCQA is committed to evolving equity in healthcare through services, programs and next generation accreditations aimed at supporting Health Plans, […]

From the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Health Equity Director Bryan O. Buckley DrPH, MPH joins the podcast to share his story and efforts to progress health equity for disadvantaged families across the US. NCQA is committed to evolving equity in healthcare through services, programs and next generation accreditations aimed at supporting Health Plans, […]

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's research shows consumers generated $88 billion in medical debt as of June 2021. The CFPB's research also indicated a vast majority of low-income individuals of all races and ethnicities were more likely to incur medical debt than the national average. This national crisis threatens equitable healthcare in the United States. […]

Seeing a community's health gaps and opportunities is no easy feat. Seeing the social health needs at the household level is very challenging…but this is where Amit Kale, Vice President at Highmark Health, believes we need to start to help members live healthier lives. Amit Kale MD, MHA joins the podcast to talk about the […]

Hospitals had a rough 2022 as they faced higher labor and supply costs, volatile patient volumes, and fragile payer relations. More than half of hospitals in 2022 are expected to result in negative margins, according to Kaufman Hall. Kevin Holloran, Senior Director at Fitch Ratings, said 2022 was "one of the worst years ever in […]

Hospitals had a rough 2022 as they faced higher labor and supply costs, volatile patient volumes, and fragile payer relations. More than half of hospitals in 2022 are expected to result in negative margins, according to Kaufman Hall. Kevin Holloran, Senior Director at Fitch Ratings, said 2022 was "one of the worst years ever in […]

We were joined by Ashhar Shaikh, co-founder of Skillshark, to talk about EV (electric vehicles) education, the EV for Africa program, and improving the employment possibilities for students and workers within India's job market. According to Ashhar, education about EV possibilities goes far beyond just learning to build electric vehicles. Skillshark's mission also includes educating […]

The transition to electric vehicles includes considerable transformation. The automobile industry, although innovative, has been stuck in its dependence on gasoline. As countries around the world begin to change the way they think about cars, Spencer Korankye is leading the effort in Ghana, Africa. "EV for Africa is about easy, accessible electric vehicles. There […]

It has been five months since the COVID-19 pandemic has created a tidal wave of public and private policy shifts which dictate how humans go about their everyday lives. Many of our daily activities, once thought of as normal, have been upended with no certainty to be considered "normal" again. In this latest episode of […]

In this latest episode of Roads, Rails & Rides, we step away from the movement of people for a moment to learn about advances in the movement of goods. Host, Jeb Morris, sits down with Mike Rush, Senior Vice President – Safety and Operations for the Association of American Railroads (AAR), to discuss the various […]

In this latest episode of Roads, Rails & Rides, we step away from the movement of people for a moment to learn about advances in the movement of goods. Host, Jeb Morris, sits down with Mike Rush, Senior Vice President – Safety and Operations for the Association of American Railroads (AAR), to discuss the various […]

In the latest episode of Roads, Rails, & Rides, host Jeb Morris sat down with, Masato Inoue, CEO of INOUE Design & Consulting, Professor at Institute D’Arte e Design (IAAD) in Torino Italy and Founder of Green Mobility Partners. Previously, Inoue was the Design Director for the first generation of the Nissan LEAF, making him a preeminent voice in electric vehicle design. […]

In this latest episode of Roads, Rails, & Rides host Jeb Morris sits down with, Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gruel, Co-Director and Founder at the Institute for Mobility and Digital Innovation in Stuttgart Germany. The conversation addresses the challenges faced by automakers, how digital innovation aids development, and what the future might look like as […]

In this latest episode of Roads, Rails, & Rides host Jeb Morris sits down with, Robert Day, Director of Autonomous Vehicles at ARM. Our conversation starts with just what ARM is and how their technology touches our everyday lives. More specifically, how their technology is making autonomous vehicle concepts into a reality. Robert breaks […]

In this latest episode of Roads, Rails, & Rides host Jeb Morris sits down with, Robert Day, Director of Autonomous Vehicles at ARM. Our conversation starts with just what ARM is and how their technology touches our everyday lives. More specifically, how their technology is making autonomous vehicle concepts into a reality. Robert breaks […]

In this latest episode of Roads, Rails, & Rides host Jeb Morris sits down with Jessica Woods, Museum Manager of the Interurban Railway Museum. While most of this show's content is directed towards the newest innovation driving advances in the transportation industry, it is important to understand the history of how we have gotten […]

For the first time since New York City began running 24-hour subway service, the city has completely shut down the entire subway system as a result of COVID-19. This is unprecedented, as, even during some of the most extreme weather events in recent memory, such as the blizzard of 2015, trains kept running. In this episode […]

This week on Roads, Rails, & Rides host Jeb Morris connects with Iain Bitrain, Executive Director of ISPIM, to discuss global innovation in the transportation industry, what cities are doing the best job, and what the future looks like amid the COVID-19 pandemic. ISPIM is a leader in bringing some of the most […]

As technology advances at an exponential rate, a common fearful sentiment among Americans is that robots are stealing human jobs. But, this long standing rumor couldn't be farther from the truth. Robots actually create jobs, save humans from harm, and open up opportunities for new industry growth. The Roboticist Chronicles unpacks how robots are […]

It takes multiple companies to make robot automation come to life in metal forming, fabricating, welding or finishing. At Fabtech 2019, Dan Allford of Arc Specialties provided a picture of why collaboration and cooperation between companies in different segments of the industry is so important. "People that come to this show typically come with […]

Tariffs and subsidies are a hot topic at the moment, with global trade affecting the market each day. But who exactly are tariffs hurting and helping? Dan Allford, president and founder of ARC Specialties, delivers his perspective on this episode of The Roboticist Chronicles. Allford, a proponent of a global free market, described how […]

Every business approaches how they work in a unique way. Each has a philosophy and culture, and each unique approach has its wins; some successful than others. But why? On this episode of The Roboticist Chronicles, we spoke business philosophy with Dan Allford, president of ARC Specialties. ARC Specialties has sound technology, but they […]

Every business approaches how they work in a unique way. Each has a philosophy and culture, and each unique approach has its wins; some successful than others. But why? On this episode of The Roboticist Chronicles, we spoke business philosophy with Dan Allford, president of ARC Specialties. ARC Specialties has sound technology, but they […]

From its inception in 1983 to now, ARC Specialties has become a case study in the growth of an American entrepreneurial endeavor. Company President Dan Allford took the business out of a garage and has since turned the automated manufacturing systems provider into an international enterprise. On the first episode of The Roboticist Chronicles, […]

Have you heard of the concept of robot taxation? It's an idea that pushes for more taxes on companies that use robots over human labor, and supporters have a fierce advocate in their corner: Bill Gates. But does it make sense in the modern world, one in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution […]

As integrated solutions like automation, robotics, and process development become more and more integrated in the manufacturing industry, we decided to sit down with Dan Allford, President of ARC Specialties, to get some insight on his industry and break down just why "manufacturing became cool again." "One thing that I see that proves my […]

As integrated solutions like automation, robotics, and process development become more and more integrated in the manufacturing industry, we decided to sit down with Dan Allford, President of ARC Specialties, to get some insight on his industry and break down just why "manufacturing became cool again." "One thing that I see that proves my […]

With an older roof or one with an expired warranty, one of the first things business owners might consider is how to replace it. "Why replace an entire roof, if you only need to recondition a small percentage of it," said Chris Evans, Strategic Accounts Manager for Fortis Warranty. "That's one of the ways […]

The roofing industry is mired in a labors and materials shortage that's making things challenging, to say the least – and not just for roofers. Organizations with vast roofing portfolios are also having to navigate the best plans of action for their assets. To learn how Fortis Warranty is helping the industry tackle these shortages, […]

Fortis Warranty is now hiring key positions! On this episode of the Roof Talks podcast, Rick Lewis, President and CEO of Fortis Warranty, and David Schupmann, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Fortis Warranty, sat down with host Sean Heath to discuss the type of personality that would thrive working with their […]

On today's episode of Roof Talks, a Fortis Warranty podcast, host Tyler Kern went in-depth with Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing Dave Schupmann to discuss roof asset management plans for commercial roofs; the good, the bad and the ugly. Before roof management plans came about, building owners often made decisions about the commercial […]

On today's episode of Roof Talks, a Fortis Warranty podcast, host Tyler Kern went in-depth with Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing Dave Schupmann to discuss roof asset management plans for commercial roofs; the good, the bad and the ugly. Before roof management plans came about, building owners often made decisions about the commercial […]

Be it a hurricane or hail gale, large storm systems can wreak havoc on roofs. In states where storms are an annual expectation, like Florida and Louisiana, yearly roof-replacement is simply not in the budget. But Dave Schupmann, senior vice president of sales & marketing at Fortis Warranty, said that a huge percentage of […]

Solar energy is growing in popularity as it becomes cheaper and more efficient. But what many homeowners and businesses don't know is that a solar system installed on a roof, new or old, can void your roof warranty and potentially hinder the roof's overall safety. On this episode of Roof Talks, we welcomed Dave […]

Commercial building roofs are one of the most negotiated points when transacting a building, and can be the difference between a handsome profit or painful loss. On this episode of Roof Talks with Fortis Warranty, host Tyler Kern sat down with Dave Schupmann, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Fortis Warranty to discuss […]

Commercial building roofs are one of the most negotiated points when transacting a building, and can be the difference between a handsome profit or painful loss. On this episode of Roof Talks with Fortis Warranty, host Tyler Kern sat down with Dave Schupmann, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Fortis Warranty to discuss […]

Any building owner wants a guarantee on the performance of roof repairs. They also desire warranties on the management of a long-range asset, their budget, and transferrable solutions that deliver a higher property value. However, they don't always get these guarantees. Why? On today's episode of Roof Talks, President and CEO of Fortis Warranty, […]

When talking about the commercial roofing industry, the phrase data-driven probably isn't used too often. However, that's not the way that Fortis Warranty sees the industry. Fortis has been a pioneer in evaluating roofing and turning to data to deliver reconditioning plans versus replacement. On this episode of Roof Talks, we explored the Fortis […]

There are home warranties, car warranties, and service warranties, but what about coverage for one of the single largest capital expenditures in a building? On this episode of Roof Talks, host Tyler Kern sat down with Rick Lewis, CEO of Fortis Warranty to discuss how building owners can defer expenditures, such as replacing a […]

A question recently posed to the Safety Justice League was along the lines of why continue in safety. Perhaps there were heroics needed in another line of work. Jason Lucas knows why he stays in the game, and it's all about comfort. Comfort doesn't mean complacency. In this case, Lucas knows that his experience […]

Welcome to the Safety Justice League podcast where hosts connect audiences with safety experts across industries and services. In this episode, hosts Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas enjoy the podcast's two-year anniversary with reflections on where they started and where they are in concert with the evolution of safety training. It was in the spring of […]

Welcome to the Safety Justice League podcast where hosts connect audiences with safety experts across industries and services. In this episode, hosts Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas connect with the founder of the Safety Knights, David Jaenike, to discuss how the idea came to be and what the app is all about. Janikey spoke to the need […]

It's coming up on two years since the Safety Justice League formed their mighty alliance to bring their show to the podcasting world. Trying to make the world a safer place, one episode at a time is no easy feat. Still, looking back at the past couple of years, Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas are […]

It's coming up on two years since the Safety Justice League formed their mighty alliance to bring their show to the podcasting world. Trying to make the world a safer place, one episode at a time is no easy feat. Still, looking back at the past couple of years, Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas are […]

On this episode of Safety Justice League, hosts, Abby Ferri, Jason Lucas, and Jason Maldonado continue their series of reflecting on past podcasts. Today, the three look back on their episode with Tamsen Webster, "the good idea lady," and consider how they can better share their stories to cater to the needs of their audience. […]

The Safety Justice League is back and refreshed after a much-needed, restful holiday season. Jason squared (Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas) joined Host Abby Ferri to dive into what success looks like for safety personnel and how mindset matters. Contrary to societal beliefs, Lucas and Maldonado know that title isn't what matters. It's making whatever […]

Reasonable suspicion for drug testing on the job changed recently under the new administration. To cover what's new and provide tips for employers, Safety Justice League welcomed Adele Abrams, an attorney focusing on OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration), and employee safety. "Reasonable suspicion is a hot topic again under a new […]

Reasonable suspicion for drug testing on the job changed recently under the new administration. To cover what's new and provide tips for employers, Safety Justice League welcomed Adele Abrams, an attorney focusing on OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration), and employee safety. "Reasonable suspicion is a hot topic again under a new […]

The holiday season is here, filled with many days to celebrate. The hosts of Safety Justice League, Jason Lucas, Abby Ferri, and Jason Maldonado, treated listeners to their second annual holiday special episode. The hosts shared anecdotes, traditions, memories, and more. The holidays bring times of cheer but can also raise the risk of some safety-related […]

Comedy and depression may seem opposite, but Mental Health Comedian Frank King spoke with the Safety Justice League crew about how he has paired them. King first tasted comedy in fourth grade when he told a joke in class. In high school, he won the talent show with standup comedy. Later, King earned a degree, […]

Commentary: Fall protection and safety are critical aspects of any job that requires heights. The most critical component is the harness. However, it's not just the product and design that matter. Communicating real-world safety scenarios and getting everyone to talk about them is essential, as well. Safety Justice League welcomed Alex Hogan, Strategic Sales […]

Before the 2021 NFL Draft, I sat down with former NFL player and current financial advisor, Adewale Ogunleye, on how the soon to be drafted players need to prepare for their windfalls responsibly. Since then, the college football landscape has been rocked with the passage of new NIL rules that allow college athletes to […]

The new NIL rules are shaking up the landscape of college sports and student athletes are going to need all the education they can get on how to properly take full advantage of the new regulations. Accelerate Sports Ventures is making it their goal to teach brand building, marketing, entrepreneurship and business principles to […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. It is almost fall. This means action-packed Monday and Th ursday nights and Sundays in the National Football […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. The agent is a central part of the modern professional sports ecosystem. However, that wasn't always the case. […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. The agent is a central part of the modern professional sports ecosystem. However, that wasn't always the case. […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. On this episode of Salary Capped, Host Tyler Kern talked with Juliana Villalba, CEO of Rebus, a fan […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. We’re over a year into the transition from physical to digital tickets in sports entertainment venues – but […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. In July of 2020, the Washington football team ditched their previous name under intense social and economic pressures. […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. In July of 2020, the Washington football team ditched their previous name under intense social and economic pressures. […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. With athletes just wrapping up the Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon, and team places firmly cemented to compete […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. In the 43rd minute of Denmark's opening game against Finland in the Euros, star player Christian Eriksen collapsed […]

The fans remember the highlights but the franchises remember the technology, data, and inventions that powered their season. Host Tyler Kern sits down with the innovators, leaders and founders that are taking sports into the future. eSports has been growing in popularity, but a new concept takes it to a new level—combining physical activity […]

The cruise industry was always a favorite for travelers, and it's finally resurging after the pandemic. What does this new cruise experience look like, and what are guests now expecting? To answer this, Say Yes to Travel host Sarah Dandashy spoke with Paul Rutter. Rutter is a customer service expert, author, speaker, and spent 40 […]

On November 1, 2021, Palm Beach opened its newly renovated Town Marina. Say Yes to Travel host Sarah Dandashy chatted with Assistant Town Manager Carolyn Stone and dockmaster Mike Horn to explore this exciting project. The dock, originally from the 1940s, was at the end of its life. As the only public marina on the […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. Being a leader in any industry is challenging. It can be even more so in the hospitality sector because of the pressure […]

The passion for travel can inspire more than just memories—it can also become a successful career. That's the story of Tara Cappel, Founder and CEO of For the Love of (FTLO) Travel and Sojrn. She joined host Sarah Dandashy on Say Yes to Travel to talk about travel trends and her launch of Sojrn. "Travel has always been […]

The passion for travel can inspire more than just memories—it can also become a successful career. That's the story of Tara Cappel, Founder and CEO of For the Love of (FTLO) Travel and Sojrn. She joined host Sarah Dandashy on Say Yes to Travel to talk about travel trends and her launch of Sojrn. "Travel has always been […]

On this episode of Say Yes To Travel, Host Sarah Dandashy talked with Jason Fudin, Co-Founder and CEO of WhyHotel, a hospitality platform, and operator focusing on multifamily buildings. It operates pop-up hotels out of the vacancy of newly built luxury apartments during the initial lease-up process. They talked about Fudin's career, his time […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. With so much change in the hospitality industry, many stakeholders are seeking new ideas, inspiration, and solving challenges. Hotel owner, operator and […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. Will hospitality ever be the same? Should it be? What has the industry and world learned since the pandemic? These are some […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. Will hospitality ever be the same? Should it be? What has the industry and world learned since the pandemic? These are some […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. We are entering into a new era of travel, and it's interesting to see how it's shifting. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. Flying private was once inaccessible to most, but the industry has changed, boasting flexibility and convenience for work and leisure. A […]

Driven by consumer desires for new experiences, innovative technologies and environmental impacts – travel is changing. Host Sarah Dandashy explores the technologies and logistics that power travel and the brands that build unforgettable experiences. European travel is opening back up, and as travelers head to some of their favorite destinations, Paris will most certainly be on […]

No matter how much experience or expertise a manufacturing company has, expanding operations is never easy. Even if they’ve done it before. Javier Gallegos, General Manager for Trans-Matic Precision Metal, shared the company's journey in opening a new facility in Monterrey, Mexico. Powered by RedCircle Trans-Matic specialized metal stamping capabilities required additional support. They had […]

On this segment of Scale with Sergio, host and Marketscale's Executive VP of Operations, Sergio Reyes, visits once again with Dr. Raymundo Arróyave. Boasting a BS degree in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estuidios Superiores de Monterrey, and an MS and PhD in Materials Science from MIT, Dr. Arróyave is […]

Supply chains are the backbone of any operation, and that's particularly true in the fashion industry, where sourcing, manufacturing and delivery are quite literally make-or-break. To help host Sergio Reyes dive into visibility, management and more when it comes to supply chains in the fashion industry, Smartwool Head of Operations Aloke Mishra joined this episode […]

On this episode of Scale with Sergio, host Sergio Reyes was joined by Dr. Tyson Browning, TCU professor of operations management. The duo dove into a topic that's been thrust into the spotlight in light of the spread of the novel coronavirus and the ensuing COVID-19 pandemic – how to best manage operational risk and […]

On this episode of Scale with Sergio, host Sergio Reyes was joined by Dr. Tyson Browning, TCU professor of operations management. The duo dove into a topic that's been thrust into the spotlight in light of the spread of the novel coronavirus and the ensuing COVID-19 pandemic – how to best manage operational risk and […]

Scale with Sergio, a new MarketScale podcast, will offer MarketScale Executive Vice President, Operations and host Sergio Reyes a chance to engage with experts to deliver critical insights, discuss trends and lead the conversation on what's happening on the cutting-edge of their industries. On this premiere episode, Reyes gave listeners an in-depth look at his […]

Growth is an important aspect, no matter the industry. As a B2B company, companies need to invest time to grow. For too long, companies have tried to be generalists and appease as many markets as possible. But, often, companies can benefit from going niche and focusing on the things where they excel. When it […]

Growth is an important aspect, no matter the industry. As a B2B company, companies need to invest time to grow. For too long, companies have tried to be generalists and appease as many markets as possible. But, often, companies can benefit from going niche and focusing on the things where they excel. Tracking content […]

Growth is an important aspect, no matter the industry. As a B2B company, companies need to invest time to grow. For too long, companies have tried to be generalists and appease as many markets as possible. But, often, companies can benefit from going niche and focusing on the things where they excel. On this […]

How are B2B companies handling the next phase of digital transformation when it comes to owned content channels? Let's find out, as host Tim Maitland talked with Mike McCalley, VP at Vixxo, a facilities management company. McCalley has a long career in marketing leadership, working for GE, Flowserve and CECO Environmental. In discussing digital transformation […]

How are B2B companies handling the next phase of digital transformation when it comes to owned content channels? Let's find out, as host Tim Maitland talked with Mike McCalley, VP at Vixxo, a facilities management company. McCalley has a long career in marketing leadership, working for GE, Flowserve and CECO Environmental. In discussing digital transformation […]

On the debut episode of "Scaling Up," a show featuring Maitland's conversations with business innovators and industry leaders, Maitland speaks with MarketScale's own Josh Brummett, Vice President of Production to find out how video can help take sales to new heights. The first step, Brummett said, is a simple one – you have to produce […]

Student safety has been a major topic in the last few years as more violent acts have occurred on school grounds. While some of it happens after school hours, student safety is still under threat, and the ways we combat this danger has room to improve. So how are schools ensuring student safety and improving […]

Natural disasters are one of the most unpredictable, but expected forms of destruction that humanity can expect to happen anywhere and at any time. Unfortunately, many types of disasters result in the loss of life, in addition to wide-scale devastation. When it comes to educational facilities like schools, there's a certain type of disaster response […]

On today's episode of School Safety Today, Michelle Dawn Mooney chatted with Mike Matranga, former Director of Safety and Security at Texas City ISD and CEO of M6 Global. They talked about how situational awareness skills can be used to implement early intervention measures, how schoolwide training is critical for identifying and providing mental health […]

Over the last 20 years, partnerships between schools and law enforcement has become more common with a primary purpose of protecting the school community from active shooters and other violence. Police officers in schools has cyclically fallen in and out of favour. Federal and state funding supporting law enforcement and school district collaboration as well […]

Over the last 20 years, partnerships between schools and law enforcement has become more common with a primary purpose of protecting the school community from active shooters and other violence. Police officers in schools has cyclically fallen in and out of favour. Federal and state funding supporting law enforcement and school district collaboration as well […]

Finding adequate funding can be a difficult task for some schools. But there is a benefit when a school district, and ultimately its schools, become a grant recipient. These grants can help schools implement more educational and extracurricular programs, and even hire more staff, which can have a major impact on the quality of education […]

Police, social work, and school resources are crucial to providing all-encompassing care to students in need. However, there are gaps in job requirements and, therefore, gaps in support for at-risk students. On this episode of School Safety Today, host Michelle Dawn Mooney talks to Police Chief Jeffrey Yarbrough. Yarbrough is the Police Chief of Hutto, […]

No one like to think about the worst happening at their local schools. Unfortunately, in the United States school shootings alone have become shockingly common. In fact, there have been 948 school shootings since the Sandy Hook tragedy in December 2012. That's an average of just over 94 shootings a year. And further data shows […]

No one like to think about the worst happening at their local schools. Unfortunately, in the United States school shootings alone have become shockingly common. In fact, there have been 948 school shootings since the Sandy Hook tragedy in December 2012. That's an average of just over 94 shootings a year. And further data shows […]

Fostering a safe environment for kids to learn is a priority for many. To discuss the 2022 State of School Safety findings, host Michelle Dawn Mooney spoke with Michele Gay, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Safe and Sound Schools. Safe and Sound Schools was founded shortly after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, […]

Safety in schools is of the utmost importance. As such, host Bobby Brill speaks with author and school counselor Molly Hudgens about her heroic story and the importance of student wellbeing as it pertains to school safety. Hudgens, a School Counselor and Author of Saving Sycamore: The School Shooting That Never Happened, served first as […]

Joey Wahler interviews Michael Rodgers, founder and CEO of the Critical Response Group (CRG). CRG and Raptor Technologies are working together to provide efficient protection for first responders in schools through digital floor plan mapping technology. CRG also provides this technology to businesses, hospitals, and many other important infrastructures. Rodgers shares how his experience […]

At CES 2021, a conference showcasing the latest technological innovations, companies showcased the latest and greatest in drone technology. At the same time the event was taking place, another conversation was happening about what the future of the industry would look like in the next few years. Juniper Unmanned Director of Strategic Programs Jason San […]

Drone data collection has its uses across B2B industries, from delivery to inspection, mapping and more. But drones have their limits – namely their flight time and legal flying range. That's why BVLOS, or Beyond Visual Line of Sight, is what everyone is talking about in the drone world and where the sensing and analytics […]

Wellbeing is a vague term that is thrown out often, but why is it important? The CDC states that greater wellbeing levels are associated with "decreased risk of disease, illness, and injury; better immune functioning; speedier recovery; and increased longevity" and that greater wellbeing levels are associated with improved work productivity. So, given the inherent […]

In this bonus episode of SECURE by FinFit, Charles Lattimer, Chief Innovation Officer, FinFit, and Tim O’Neil, Sr. Workforce Solutions Specialist, TrueNorth Companies, talk about the importance of financial wellness in the workplace and how HR executives can establish a data-driven strategy for success. Due to factors such as inflation and a tight labor market, […]

Only 57% of adults in the U.S. are financially literate, according to S&P's Global FinLit Survey in 2016. Efforts in multiple states in the U.S. are aiming to improve that, with financial literacy courses becoming a required part of the high school curriculum. But despite these efforts, financial literacy and financial stability, particularly for minority […]

Financial education is an ongoing life lesson that people continually have to learn in order to stay abreast of new ways to achieve financial well-being. Financial literacy is important, as it can not only be the saving grace in helping someone save money, but it can also be a factor in employee productivity. It is […]

Financial education is an ongoing life lesson that people continually have to learn in order to stay abreast of new ways to achieve financial well-being. Financial literacy is important, as it can not only be the saving grace in helping someone save money, but it can also be a factor in employee productivity. It is […]

Welcome to another insightful episode of the SecurED Podcast. Today, we are honored to have Andrew Callis Jr., a former educator with 25 years of experience and a current member of M6 Global Defense, join us. Andrew brings a unique perspective as he transitioned from the field of education to the security space. Matranga starts […]

On his final day on the presidential detail, the host of SecurED, Mike Matranga, was gifted a presidential coin as a token of gratitude. As a member of the presidential detail, Matranga served Barack Obama during his 2007-2008 campaign and transferred to his protective detail. On Obama's final day in the White House, Matranga […]

The SecurED podcast sets out to talk about all things security and privacy. Mike Matranga and Mike Monsive will discuss current events, legislation, and guide you through your critical security procedures. On this episode, Mike Matranga sits down with Mike Montsive to delve into topics such as integrating technology for a cohesive plan, training staff […]

There is so much technology out there that can help improve the efficiencies of your business – but much of it is hard to use, hard to understand, and even harder to integrate. People are afraid to adopt – but they shouldn't be. For one consumer in the HVAC and mechanical service industry, integrating a […]

According to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. In 2020, approximately 351 out of 1,008 construction fatalities were due to fatal falls to a lower level, which accounts for about a third of all on-the-job deaths in the construction industry. These deaths cause significant […]

Various strategies and techniques can be employed to combat the spread of respiratory viruses in buildings. These strategies aim to reduce the concentration of respiratory viruses in the air and on surfaces, making it less likely for people to contract the virus. Some of the most effective strategies include increasing ventilation and filtration, implementing social […]

Safety, quality, and compliance training are essential, but are time-consuming and create administrative burdens for businesses. Greg Crumpton, Vice President of Critical Environments and Facilities at Service Logic, and Tony DeAscentis, CEO of Ving, chatted with host Tyler Kern about how Ving is changing this. Ving offers a safety, quality, and compliance training and […]

Safety, quality, and compliance training are essential, but are time-consuming and create administrative burdens for businesses. Greg Crumpton, Vice President of Critical Environments and Facilities at Service Logic, and Tony DeAscentis, CEO of Ving, chatted with host Tyler Kern about how Ving is changing this. Ving offers a safety, quality, and compliance training and […]

The HVAC industry has long been male-dominated, but women are joining the field in larger numbers and making an impact. One of those is Brittney Johnson, Maintenance Sales Representative, Commercial Mechanical at Commercial Mechanical Utah. She spoke with Conversations from the Edge host Hilary Kennedy about her career. Johnson explained that after high school, she wasn't […]

Perhaps at no time in history have we thought as much about the air we breathe indoors. With research suggesting that COVID-19 spreads more readily in indoor environments, measures need to be taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but there also are steps that can be taken by business owners or building […]

Jonathan Sterling, president of Maxair Mechanical spoke on this episode of Conversations from the EDGE about peer groups, and how they offer many benefits for an organization. Before Maxair joined the Service Logic group of companies, they participated in non-competitive peer groups with similar type businesses across the country. "Through this process, we gained […]

Jonathan Sterling, president of Maxair Mechanical spoke on this episode of Conversations from the EDGE about peer groups, and how they offer many benefits for an organization. Before Maxair joined the Service Logic group of companies, they participated in non-competitive peer groups with similar type businesses across the country. "Through this process, we gained […]

On this episode of Conversations from the EDGE with Service Logic, host James Kent spoke with Chris Douglas, President of Encon Heating & A/C, about Douglas’ 37 years with Encon, tracing a career path that began as a service technician. It was during this first role with the Encon, Douglas learned the importance of […]

The process of integrating new systems into existing ecosystems is detailed, by its very nature. On today's installment of Service Logic's Conversations from The EDGE, host Sean Heath spoke with Greg Crumpton and StrategITcom's Carrie Goetz to discuss the nature of an IT ecosystem and the challenges that present themselves during these implementations. "I […]

In the business world, there are a few phrases that are mainly used out of habit, without really considering the root meaning of the words being put together. On this episode of Conversations from The EDGE by Service Logic, Elizabeth Barber, Service Manager for Service Logic, had a thoughtful conversation with host Sean Heath […]

The scope of IT managers’ roles is growing from a security and device management standpoint. Brian Kenyon, Founding Team Member & Chief Strategy Officer at Island, joined Tyler Kern to talk about the need for collaboration, technology, and software to handle the challenges of today's IT manager. Island is a cybersecurity company focused on […]

Education is on everyone's mind, as this fall's back-to-school season looks different in every way due to the COVID-19 pandemic. AtlasIED's Michael Peveler, Vice President of Sales, and Michael Yonks, Regional Sales Manager for Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas, spoke about the challenges facing K-12 schools and districts and how AtlasIED's solutions can make […]

The technology solutions for the transportation industry are hyper-specialized. AV needs for public transit can differ from other markets. AtlasIED's Chris Deatrick, Product Manager, and Justin Young, General Manager, lent their expertise in software engineering and industry focus to help unpack the needs, and provide solutions for various transportation sectors. When the focus is on […]

Justin Young, General Manager, AtlasIED, and Thomas Ahern, Engineered Solution & Service Manager, AtlasIED, know the importance of announcement and communication networks for healthcare systems. They were excited for the opportunity to discuss AtlasIED's enterprise-wide communication ecosystem, GLOBALCOM.IP®️. "GLOBALCOM.IP is a network-based announcement and messaging controller," Young said. "It can coordinate different audio-input sources and […]

COVID-19's impact on businesses across the globe is widespread. To provide context on how the Pro AV space is dealing with the crisis, Gina Sansivero, VP, Marketing & Corporate Communications, AtlasIED, and Michael Peveler, VP of Sales, AtlasIED recently joined Sounds Like Success for an industry update. Sansivero and Peveler agree that one of […]

COVID-19's impact on businesses across the globe is widespread. To provide context on how the Pro AV space is dealing with the crisis, Gina Sansivero, VP, Marketing & Corporate Communications, AtlasIED, and Michael Peveler, VP of Sales, AtlasIED recently joined Sounds Like Success for an industry update. Sansivero and Peveler agree that one of […]

The nature of good business is growth. When that growth expands to new countries, there are a few very specific challenges that await. On this episode of the Sounds Like Success podcast, Dean Standing, International Sales Manager for AtlasIED, sat down with Sean Heath and they discussed the challenges of expanding into new countries. […]

The benefits of developing a good reputation are immense. The challenge comes when a company needs to evolve their offerings. On this episode of Sounds Like Success, Tom Lureman, Director of Engineering and Product Management for AtlasIED, and Steve Clay, Engineering Program Manager sat down with Sean Heath to discuss the challenges of redefining […]

Peter Beck launched Rocket Lab in 2006 in New Zealand. Though his background isn't traditional, he knew he wanted to build rickets from a young age. He quickly developed international partnerships and expanded with venture capitalists in 2014. Since 2014, the company has doubled in size every year. Today, Rocket Lab has more than a […]

The expanse of space, the wondrous and eerie world that very few individuals have experienced. In this episode, Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden talk to Ellen Stofan, Under Secretary of Science and Research at the Smithsonian, about the future of space exploration in the government and private sectors, the public. Stofan's career in space was […]

In this bonus episode of Space to Grow, hosts Charity Weeden and Chris Blackerby sit down to discuss kinetic ASAT tests in space and possible silver-linings that came from the most recent test. The November 2021 Russian ASAT (Anti-Satellite) test shed unprecedented light onto the space community and is estimated to have produced almost 1700 pieces of […]

Bhavya Lal, Associate Administrator for Technology, Policy, and Strategy at NASA, joined Hosts Charity Weeden and Chris Blackerby to discuss the transition to her role at NASA. As a former employee at the Institute for Defense Analysis and the Science and Technology Institute, Lal switched from research to management. "I’m really blessed with the leadership […]

Bhavya Lal, Associate Administrator for Technology, Policy, and Strategy at NASA, joined Hosts Charity Weeden and Chris Blackerby to discuss the transition to her role at NASA. As a former employee at the Institute for Defense Analysis and the Science and Technology Institute, Lal switched from research to management. "I’m really blessed with the leadership […]

On the Space to Grow podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden bring their compelling experience and expertise to map out the technology, international policy, and scalability that will define the next generation of space exploration. In this episode, Kevin O’Connell discussed his career in government that led to his present business of informing and defining space commerce as a consultant […]

Space to Grow is back for a second season with hosts Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden from Astroscale. It's where economics, technology and sustainability in space intersect. In the opening episode, Blackerby and Weeden take a look back and forward regarding the space economy. "We’re going to focus a lot on partnerships as a dedicated […]

On the Space to Grow podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden bring their compelling experience and expertise to map out the technology, international policy, and scalability that will define the next generation of space exploration. Space to Grow closed out its first season with a wrap-up episode with hosts Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden from Astroscale. They looked back on past […]

On the Space to Grow podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden bring their compelling experience and expertise to map out the technology, international policy, and scalability that will define the next generation of space exploration. Space to Grow closed out its first season with a wrap-up episode with hosts Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden from Astroscale. They looked back on past […]

On the Space to Grow podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden bring their compelling experience and expertise to map out the technology, international policy, and scalability that will define the next generation of space exploration. Looking at space sustainability through an environmental and ecological lens changes the perspective. It makes it more tangible and inclusive. That's the message of Moriba Ja. […]

On the Space to Grow podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden bring their compelling experience and expertise to map out the technology, international policy, and scalability that will define the next generation of space exploration. Space sustainability includes many facets. There's the science, and there's the policy. However, both have to be part of the conversation to achieve objectives. Space […]

On the Space to Grow podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden bring their compelling experience and expertise to map out the technology, international policy, and scalability that will define the next generation of space exploration. On this episode of Space To Grow, an Astroscale and Marketscale podcast, Astroscale's Chris Blackerby and Charity Weeden dig into the role space plays in […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Live sporting […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Cybersickness may sound […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Today's voice […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. There have […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. There have […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. There are […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Wireless location […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Exploring the […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Exploring the […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Spatial Perspectives […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. Smart […]

On Spatial Perspectives, host Dan Cui will have a one-on-one dialog with innovators and thought leaders in the growing Spatial Reality, or Spatial Computing, market. Cui will invite guests who can discuss the real world use cases of the technology and how it could benefit mankind while exploring any drawbacks and how they might be mitigated. The […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with […]

Retail is exciting, fast-moving, and filled with opportunity, yet information overload is a constant challenge. Join retail strategist, speaker, and trainer Carol Spieckerman every other Thursday as she navigates past the noise to get to the heart of what really matters in retail. In every episode, Carol harnesses her latest retail trajectories and interviews with industry experts to distill […]

Consistently named a top retail influencer, Carol Spieckerman is a recognized authority on retail and brand strategy. As president of Spieckerman Retail, she helps retailers, brand marketers, agencies and tech companies navigate retail from now to next. Spieckerman regularly contributes to major retail and business media outlets across a broad spectrum of retail topics and trends. On this […]

As retailers re-imagine brick and mortar, stores are once again at the center of the action. But what about the people who power the action, store associates? They can get left out of the conversation as technology and automation grab attention, yet these front-line workers are critical to retailers’ success across every channel. Carol's […]

Securing reliable offshore talent to supplement a U.S.-based workforce can be difficult to manage and maintain. This is especially true if a company has no experience with setting up offshore talent pools. Kevin Christ, Partner at Concentre spoke with Squared Away podcast host Gabrielle Bejarano about the advantages of working with SMC Squared in securing […]

When Fortune 500 company Ecolab, a worldwide leader in energy, water and hygiene technologies and services, found themselves with a lack of available talent to execute on big ideas they turned to experts at SMC Squared. Gabrielle Bejarano sits down with Malahar Pinnelli, VP of Technology and Managing Director at Ecolab Digital Center (EDC); Supriya […]

As outsourcing costs rise, while finding the right talent is akin to locating a needle in a haystack, CIOs search for solutions to these present-day challenges. Thankfully, global capability centers may offer an answer. Dr. Patricia Connolly, Founding Partner and CEO at SMC Squared, and Jan Ross, Former CIO at nThrive, sat down to discuss […]

Outside recruiters and recruitment is widely accepted as a valuable resource as candidates enter the job market. Bobby Brill sits down with Michael Boyles, VP of Operations at Catapult Federal Services, and Josh Rainier, Human Resources Administrator of Catapult Solutions Group, to discuss what it takes to build a great recruiter and candidate relationship. Boyles […]

In Part 2 of this exciting 2-Part series, podcast host Gabrielle Bejarano sat down with Paul Shoe, RN, Suzanne Raymond, National Recruiter at Catapult Healthcare, and Shannon Kanakaole, Recruiting Operations Manager at Catapult Healthcare, to talk about how nurses and agencies can effectively work together and tackle challenges that arise while on contract. Shoe, a […]

Choosing an agency as a registered nurse can be a daunting task. According to Nurse.org, "Hospitals are trying to cut costs by reducing the number of travel nurses and renegotiating contracts with staffing agencies, but some agencies are still making big promises to travel nurses that can make the whole situation seem like a bait […]

Tyler Kern interviewed Hannah Anderson and Chris Lester to discuss hiring in an evolving market and what to know for the current climate. Hannah Anderson is the Managing Director at Catapult Solutions and is joined by Chris Lester, Chief Revenue Officer at Catapult Solutions Group. There have been many readjustments over the years, and it […]

Tyler Kern interviewed Hannah Anderson and Chris Lester to discuss hiring in an evolving market and what to know for the current climate. Hannah Anderson is the Managing Director at Catapult Solutions and is joined by Chris Lester, Chief Revenue Officer at Catapult Solutions Group. There have been many readjustments over the years, and it […]

In an era where the gig economy has taken the front seat, traditional trade jobs struggle to stay relevant. At the heart of this changing landscape lies a crucial question: How do we breathe new life into the trades and focus attention in revitalizing traditional trades? In this week's episode of Straight Outta Crumpton, […]

Having military experience can give one a valuable skills life while teaching how to live a disciplined lifestyle. Many former and current servicemen and women have utilized the skills they learned in training and applied it to their everyday lives. However, for some military veterans that transition from military life to civilian life, these lifestyles […]

The job market is an interesting and everchanging landscape, one where the value of professions fluctuates regularly. In the area of skill trades, older generations are now seeing younger generations finding a strong interest in this vast and vital field. At the same time, the way this specific field looks has been changing for some […]

HVAC technicians, plumbers, electricians, welders, and construction managers are only a fraction of the incredibly vital trade careers and skills needed in any advanced society. As of 2022, however, there has been a skilled trade labor shortage. The National Association of Business Economics concluded that 57% of their Business Conditions Survey respondents stated there […]

HVAC technicians, plumbers, electricians, welders, and construction managers are only a fraction of the incredibly vital trade careers and skills needed in any advanced society. As of 2022, however, there has been a skilled trade labor shortage. The National Association of Business Economics concluded that 57% of their Business Conditions Survey respondents stated there […]

The UK and the US are two very different places—in culture, in accent, and in climate. In total, the UK is roughly one-third the size of the state of Texas—so by American standards, it's pretty small. But it is this relatively smaller size that helps tradespeople work all over the place, seeing different opportunities and […]

Not everyone recognizes the great things workers in the trade industry bring to our everyday lives. Skill trades and those who work as tradespeople help our infrastructure and make the buildings and roads we use every day. However, there are only so many people working in skill trades in the USA, with a recent static […]

Many from the newer generations find the skilled trades industry old school. However, there is a significant shortage in the industry, and it is surrounded by stigmas. This, coupled with the fact that baby boomers, who hold a sizable majority of the positions, are retiring, has caused a massive decline in the number of skilled […]

Many from the newer generations find the skilled trades industry old school. However, there is a significant shortage in the industry, and it is surrounded by stigmas. This, coupled with the fact that baby boomers, who hold a sizable majority of the positions, are retiring, has caused a massive decline in the number of skilled […]

After the 2008 recession, unemployment reached a high of 10 percent, double the rate in December 2007 of five percent. In the midst of the economic downturn, James Terry managed to start a plumbing company, GreenTeam. Why and how did Terry decide to start his business at this time, and how has the culture […]

HVAC services are essential. Some might say they are recession and pandemic-proof. No matter the situation, businesses rely on the solutions they provide to keep their facilities up and running. Still, like many skilled professions today, recruiting people into the industry is a challenge, and it is critical to find new talent to keep the […]

The purpose of apprenticeship and training programs is to offer on-the-job training where people can gain a wealth of knowledge in their field of interest. In skilled trades, it is an especially valuable and beneficial program that many trade workers will find themselves in at some point in their career, and every company has […]

Seasoned technology executives host a weekly discussion to highlight how IT teams and leaders can prepare to be agile and scalabale in an ever changing world. Marketing is a key function of any successful business, but it takes knowledge about a company's industry and target audience to get right. And because of the complexities […]

Seasoned technology executives host a weekly discussion to highlight how IT teams and leaders can prepare to be agile and scalabale in an ever changing world. To say 2020 has been a year of change is a monumental understatement. Everything from the way we socialize, to how we receive health care, to how we […]

Now that the dust is beginning to settle and more and more employees, alongside their managers, are adjusting to working from home. According to Paul Lewis, co-host, The Suite Spot, a new narrative is spinning around those of us who work from home. "So the one thing I hear most often is — especially […]

One of the biggest challenges we’ve all faced in light of COVID-19, is a rapid transition from active to passive communication, especially in the workplace. When passive communication occurs, such as an email or text message, the recipient reads it, reacts to it, and then chooses to communicate or not by responding or ignoring […]

One of the biggest challenges we’ve all faced in light of COVID-19, is a rapid transition from active to passive communication, especially in the workplace. When passive communication occurs, such as an email or text message, the recipient reads it, reacts to it, and then chooses to communicate or not by responding or ignoring […]

The design of office space has been evolving since the beginning of the cubicle. In recent years, the push has been to create open space offices to nurture collaboration. Those open spaces now seem unfeasible in a post-COVID world. As workers return to the office, what will the future of workspaces look like? John […]

On this episode of The Suite Spot hosts Carlos Vargas, Howard Holton and Paul Lewis sit down for a thought provoking discussion on how IT leaders can line their organizations up for a successful new year. "What are they going to learn from what's happened now to figure out how to lead going forward?" asked Lewis to kick off […]

On this episode of The Suite Spot, hosts Carlos Vargas, Howard Holton and Paul Lewis explored a topic that likely doesn't immediately come to mind when you think about IT and IT leadership – LEGO. As Holton said, there are many joys to be found in LEGO, from nostalgia to the ability to create something tangible using your […]

On this episode of The Suite Spot, hosts Carlos Vargas, Howard Holton and Paul Lewis explored a topic that likely doesn't immediately come to mind when you think about IT and IT leadership – LEGO. As Holton said, there are many joys to be found in LEGO, from nostalgia to the ability to create something tangible using your […]

On this episode of The Suite Spot, a fireside chat about all topics IT and OT, hosts Howard Holton, Carlos Vargas and Paul Lewis dive into the "marketing magic decoder ring." That's a fancy way to say that marketing lingo, particularly during a time when the way companies are buying and operating, should be broken […]

We all need a good laugh from time to time, especially when life feels heavy or a social interaction gets tense. The hosts of The Suite Spot recently observed that two of their favorite comedians can provide more than just a couple laughs. They can actually give quite a bit of insight into how […]

On this episode of The Suite Spot hosts Carlos Vargas, Howard Holton and Paul Lewis talked about the current state of "digital nomadism" and how COVID has affected the idea of employment based on location. The older generation often cashes in their assets post-retirement and invests in an RV-based lifestyle, making it easier to […]

As Major League Soccer (MLS) continues to grow and gain popularity in the United States, the recent announcement of San Diego becoming the league's 30th franchise marks a new era in the sport. Patrick Rishe, the host of Suite Talk: The Business Behind Sports, hailed the move as a victory for the vibrant San […]

Baseball analytics have become a pivotal aspect of the sport, revolutionizing player evaluation and game strategy. Analytical insights hold influence on player evaluation, inform rule changes, and revolutionize the overall strategy of the game. As data availability continues to expand and comprehensive approaches become essential, it's time to unveil analytics’ profound impact on America's beloved […]

In a startling turn of events, the Memphis Grizzlies’ rising star, Ja Morant, finds himself embroiled in controversy once again. Just months after a highly publicized incident where he brandished a firearm in a video posted on social media, Morant has seemingly repeated his behavior. Sports enthusiasts and fans of the NBA are left questioning […]

Sports are loved by people from all walks of life and played by people of diverse backgrounds. Despite this fact, oftentimes the big players behind these scenes are not as diverse. Data shows that the diversity of executives in sports is actually lagging behind. However, some sports leagues fare better than others, and when it […]

Sports are loved by people from all walks of life and played by people of diverse backgrounds. Despite this fact, oftentimes the big players behind these scenes are not as diverse. Data shows that the diversity of executives in sports is actually lagging behind. However, some sports leagues fare better than others, and when it […]

Suite Talk: The Business Behind Sports host, Patrick Rishe, recently commented on the Oakland A's plan for its franchise move to Las Vegas. Part of that deal includes public funding to supplement the new stadium's estimated $1.5 billion cost. Topping that news comes the announcement that the Tennessee Titans NFL franchise just closed a […]

Big cities love their sports, but one city recently rose to the top of the list. In Sports Business Journal's March 2023 ranking of the top 50 cities in the U.S. for sports business, Dallas, Texas came in at number one. Dallas has several major sports franchises, from the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, and […]

Although Major League Baseball's Athletics have been on the move before, since 1968, Oakland, California, was the home turf of the A's. If the rumors are true, and this story seems to be getting more factual by the moment, the A's could soon be playing baseball in the desert after team president Dave Kaval […]

Although Major League Baseball's Athletics have been on the move before, since 1968, Oakland, California, was the home turf of the A's. If the rumors are true, and this story seems to be getting more factual by the moment, the A's could soon be playing baseball in the desert after team president Dave Kaval […]

What's new for 2023 in the world of branding and marketing in the sports industry? Personalization and fan engagement are two focus areas in branding and marketing in the sports industry. Brands understand the power of mobile content to make connections and build stories with fans throughout a sporting event, from non-match to game-day […]

Sportsmanship means being kind, but most importantly showing respect and humility during a sporting event. Competition can be fierce but it's important not to let the negativity of a competition drown out the positives of a sport. To highlight the importance of kindness and selflessness in the sports industry, the Musial Awards were created. […]

LinkedIn is fantastic, no doubt about it, but it only tells a story of how good you are and where you’ve worked on paper. Especially for those who are a part of a creative community, more platforms need to be available for creators to showcase and claim ownership of their work. If you really want […]

There are over 51 million YouTube channels out there; with so many, it's hard to set yourself apart from others. So, how do successful YouTube influencers not only survive, but thrive in the industry amidst the sea of channels? On today's episode of Talkin’ Shop with Walbro, Host Michelle Dawn Mooney speaks with @Donyboy73 (Don), […]

Showcasing events are always exciting opportunities to meet new people and see new products. Michelle Dawn Mooney hosted Kris Kiser, CEO and President of OPEI and Bob McCue, Director of Product Management at Walbro, to talk about the upcoming Equip Expo and all the exciting exhibits showcasing the industry's latest innovations. Kiser, the CEO […]

Managing Director of Partner Limited, Sebastian Starosta, sat down with host of Talkin’ Shop, Tyler Kern, to discuss the partnership between Partner and Walbro. Partner Limited is an industrial leader of machine parts located in Poland serving the diverse Europe area. Depending on the country, Partner operates as a B2B or B2C distributor according to […]

On this episode of Talkin’ Shop With Walbro, Host Tyler Kern talked with Steve McColman, YouTube influencer and host of Steve's Small Engine Saloon and Small Engine Mechanic. The duo dug into Walbro, small engines and Steve's YouTube channel. McColman is an expert when it comes to small engines. This led him to start a […]

On this episode of Talkin’ Shop With Walbro, Host Tyler Kern talked with Steve McColman, YouTube influencer and host of Steve's Small Engine Saloon and Small Engine Mechanic. The duo dug into Walbro, small engines and Steve's YouTube channel. McColman is an expert when it comes to small engines. This led him to start a […]

Coronavirus has been making headlines recently for it's rapid spread, airlines suspending flights and government-mandated shutdowns in some areas of China. How do global companies prepare for supply chains halting production for days on end? Bob McCue, Channel Marketing Director at Walbro, joins host Tyler Kern to talk about how Walbro has a business […]

Emissions remain a point of concern for products that utilize fossil fuels. OE manufacturers of vehicles and outdoor power equipment are all looking for ways to reduce the carbon output of their products as they simultaneously improve product efficiency. On today's episode of Talkin’ Shop by Walbro, channel marketing director Bob McCue returns to […]

A sturdy building is always greater than the sum of its parts, and Tamlyn's new podcast aims to demonstrate that this rings true with the building industry as well. Join the Tamlyn Talk team as they meet with building science experts, architects, engineers, and other fellow industry leaders about their craft. Founded in 1971, Tamlyn […]

There is something about a design that can draw the eye. We often can't explain it, but we’re drawn to an aesthetic or a certain item's look. For Tom Feret of Tamlyn and Cale Kids of Woodtone, the companies’ partnership has done just that, with a Woodtone panel perfectly trimmed by a Tamlyn product at […]

What are the cloud solutions driving the retail and commercial fuel industry? How can fuel providers keep up with the latest information and trends and get advice from leaders in the field? Titan Cloud Software proudly introduces a new podcast designed to do just that, as Tank Talk will tackle these topics and the […]

Today, modular construction is a mainstay for many industries. According to the Modular Institute, the modular industry doubled in size to $8 billion from 2014-2019. The need for quick, flexible construction solutions during the pandemic makes the modular construction industry busier than ever. So, with the needs greater than ever before, how should […]

In the last five years, a design trend has emerged. Facilities like data centers and other solutions needed for high-tech industries are looking to match their demand with their infrastructure, TAS Energy CEO JT Grumski said, making speed to market a critical factor for builders. TAS is able to lean on its large […]

Whether you are an LED expert or just learning what LED stands for, a Central Florida LED company is lighting up the hiring scene because of their employee focused approach and welcoming workplace environment. Absen, an Orlando based LED company offers new career opportunities, impressive benefits, and a workplace culture that embraces diversity and […]

The late 90's marked a revolutionary new advancement in display technology—LED (Light Emitting Diodes). Since the 90's, LED tech has come a long way. In fact today's guest, Mitch Rosenberg, Senior Director of Sales at Absen LED with 30 years of experience in LED tech, explains how "LED is still very much a growing […]

As one of the fastest growing churches in the U.S., Action Church has become a community fixture in local Orlando areas including Oviedo, Sanford and Winter Garden. Most recently, Action Church expanded its reach when it opened its newest location in Winter Park, FL this past November as its first large, non-mobile location. Learn more […]

2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the Live Design International conference in Las Vegas, the premiere Pro AV show for the best in innovations in the live audience experience, from concerts, to theme parks to houses of worship. Live venue manufacturors have always been a key group for innovation in Pro AV; by always […]

2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the Live Design International conference in Las Vegas, the premiere Pro AV show for the best in innovations in the live audience experience, from concerts, to theme parks to houses of worship. Live venue manufacturors have always been a key group for innovation in Pro AV; by always […]

Orlando, Florida, USA (Oct. 12, 2018) – Since opening in November 2017, the Hale Centre Theatre at Mountain America Performing Arts Centre, located south of Salt Lake City, Utah, has captured the attention of theatre goers both near and far. The Hale Centre Theatre, which has been in the Salt Lake City area for close to 33 years and […]

The animal kingdom has countless examples of when it's good to stand out… and when it's better to blend in with the surroundings. Flexibility is one of the keys to survival. The same can be said of the digital signage industry. On today's podcast, our host spoke with Paul Johnston, the Vice-President of Technical […]

With the audio-visual field evolving at the fastest rate we’ve ever seen, it's become increasingly difficult to not only showcase iteration and evolution, but also remain reliable and consistent as quality increases. Chris Prosio, Director of Sales, Rental and Staging at Absen, joined us to talk about the future of LED displays and some […]

With the audio-visual field evolving at the fastest rate we’ve ever seen, it's become increasingly difficult to not only showcase iteration and evolution, but also remain reliable and consistent as quality increases. Chris Prosio, Director of Sales, Rental and Staging at Absen, joined us to talk about the future of LED displays and some […]

On today's podcast, we chat with Mitch Rosenberg, Director of Sales Fixed Install for Absen. We discuss the life of the LED, where we stand today on its evolutionary timeline, and the future of the industry. (Also, he divulges his Halloween candy distribution standards.) For the latest news, videos, and podcasts in the Professional […]

On September 27, 2022, the latest innovations from a variety of Vistacom preferred audiovisual, control room, and unified communication technology partners will be on display at Vistacom's Tech Expo at the Wind Creek Event Center in Bethlehem, PA. David Labuskes, CEO of Avixa, will be the keynote speaker. Tech Unraveled's Josh Herring and Lianna Russell […]

In Vistacom's debut episode of the new podcast "Tech Unraveled," hosts Lianna Russell and Joshua Herring kicked it off with the company's CEO, Angela Nolan, and President, Jim Ferlino, discussing the past and current history of Vistacom. The five-decade-old Pennsylvania-based AV company is also family-run and is currently a woman-owned company as of last […]

The availability of broadband in rural areas remains a big area of concern. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has seemingly addressed the issue by providing funding through RDOF, or the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, but the initiative isn't exactly foolproof. In this new episode of Wavelengths, an Amphenol Broadband podcast, host Daniel Litwin chatted with […]

RDOF, the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, is a critical piece of federal funding for broadband initiatives. RDOF already allocated round one of funding. Still, as round two gets underway, Wavelengths asked Tyler Cooper, Editor in Chief of BroadbandNow, to provide an eagle-eye view on RDOFs past and present to form some actionable strategies for the […]

Improving broadband access is a major initiative in the U.S. Last year's infrastructure bill included substantial dollars to make it more accessible. Bill Price, the Vice President of Government Solutions for LightBox, joined Wavelengths host Daniel Litwin to discuss access and funding. Price, a broadband mapping architect, managed the development of one of the most […]

The Biden administration's ten-year plan to deliver high-speed internet access across rural America is already off to a head start with the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund(RDOF).Wavelengths’Daniel J. Litwin and Diana Goovaerts, Senior Editor of Fierce Wireless/Fierce Telecom, spoke about other government-funded programs that are available to make broadband a reality for all. With phase one […]

The Biden administration's ten-year plan to deliver high-speed internet access across rural America is already off to a head start with the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund(RDOF).Wavelengths’Daniel J. Litwin and Diana Goovaerts, Senior Editor of Fierce Wireless/Fierce Telecom, spoke about other government-funded programs that are available to make broadband a reality for all. With phase one […]

Today's topic sounds like a mouthful — Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing in 5G networks — but the conversation boils down to making 5G more accessible and affordable for everyone. On this episode of the MarketScale Software and Technology podcast, host Shelby Skrhak sat down with Maury Wood, Business Development Manager of North American Key […]

The modern student is in a difficult situation. Not only have the scenarios in which they learn changed tremendously, but so have the skills required to succeed outside the walls of educational institutions. Today's world asks more of kids entering the workforce and "real" life than ever before, and they need 21st-century literacy, learning […]

AI Camp was founded on a simple premise — revolutionizing artificial intelligence education. AI has an enormous role to play in the future of essentially every industry around the globe, but innovations in the space need talented and passionate people to bring them to life. AI Camp's Michael Zhang sat down with MarketScale's Kevin […]

For John B. King Jr., president of The Education Trust, the pandemic has only exaggerated the glaring inequities for communities of color when it comes to basic access to education technology. In this final preview episode of The Age of Digital Learning, he gives us a glimpse into his thoughts for his speaking slots […]

The 2021 ASU+GSV Summit, which brings together stakeholders and leaders in education, is just weeks away. The Age of Digital Learning is previewing what to expect. Host Kevin Hogan had a great discussion with Tulaine Montgomery, Co-CEO of New Profit. New Profit is a venture philanthropy organization created by and for social entrepreneurs. At this year's event, Montgomery […]

The 2021 ASU+GSV Summit, which brings together stakeholders and leaders in education, is just weeks away. The Age of Digital Learning is previewing what to expect. Host Kevin Hogan had a great discussion with Tulaine Montgomery, Co-CEO of New Profit. New Profit is a venture philanthropy organization created by and for social entrepreneurs. At this year's event, Montgomery […]

In anticipation of the 2021 ASU+GSV Summit, which brings together stakeholders and leaders in education, The Age of Digital Learning is spotlighting some of the featured speakers. Host Kevin Hogan spoke with Jamie Candee, CEO of Edmentum, about her upcoming panel on "power skills" in K-12. Candee is also a board member of America Succeeds, a nonprofit that connects […]

The last year has asked more of educators and the technology that empowers them to serve learners than ever before. Now, with the dust finally settling after a year of hurried remote learning setups, conversations about hybrid solutions and more, it's time to figure out exactly how the education industry will move forward in […]

It's been a long time since we’ve seen a slate full of in-person events, conferences and more – but that's beginning to change. With the ASU+GSV Summit on the horizon and other events and trade shows popping up around the globe, there's bound to be an impact on the edtech industry. To find out […]

It's been a long time since we’ve seen a slate full of in-person events, conferences and more – but that's beginning to change. With the ASU+GSV Summit on the horizon and other events and trade shows popping up around the globe, there's bound to be an impact on the edtech industry. To find out […]

Who better to divine the state of play in EdTech than the man who began crafting it almost 15 years ago? In this episode, Jaime Casap goes there—from pandemic responsiveness to digital inclusion—in a warm-up to his in person presentation in a few weeks at ASU+GSV in San Diego. Jaime Casap served as the Chief […]

The 2020 ASU+GSV was one of the first major edtech events to be postponed or cancelled because of the COVID pandemic. Now it is the first to return. In this episode, Co-founder Deborah Quazzo reflects on the incredible struggles of the past 18 months and points to more positive predictions moving forward. Deborah is […]

CHICAGO and SAN FRANCISCO, May 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ASU+GSV Summit, the annual education technology conference hosted by GSV Ventures and Arizona State University, announced today the selection of 200 pre-seed and seed education technology startups as finalists in its annual GSV Cup competition. These companies were selected based on rigorous criteria by a panel of 152 esteemed judges from […]

Pet adoption soared during the pandemic. Nearly 20 percent of homes surveyed by the ASPCA adopted a pet. This increase in pet adoption leads to a domino effect that will increase wait times at the vet office. On this episode of The Art of Waiting, A NEMO-Q podcast, Host Courtney Echerd talked with Erik […]

On this episode of The Art of Waiting, A NEMO-Q podcast, Host Tyler Kern talked with Michael Berg, CEO of NEMO-Q, about queuing technology and how it can be utilized in banks. Queuing is matching up different people waiting in line for different things, tracking how long they wait, and then making sure you […]

Customer surveys are important. They are needed to understand who your customers are, what they’re trying to do, and how well a company is helping them achieve those goals. But crafting them is important, and questions need to be framed in a meaningful and actionable way. On this episode of The Art of Waiting, […]

With the world reopening and a considerable uptick in face-to-face interactions expected, more and more businesses face a demand and capacity issue. Namely, demand may exceed the capacity to handle customers. Queuing can provide the perfect solution, but it comes with an intimidating prospect. How do brick-and-mortar establishments integrate queuing at scale safely and efficiently […]

With the world reopening and a considerable uptick in face-to-face interactions expected, more and more businesses face a demand and capacity issue. Namely, demand may exceed the capacity to handle customers. Queuing can provide the perfect solution, but it comes with an intimidating prospect. How do brick-and-mortar establishments integrate queuing at scale safely and efficiently […]

In today's experience-driven society, people long for engaging, personalized attention. The healthcare market is no different, and it's increasingly being driven by enhanced patient experiences. Patients are becoming more involved in their healthcare, and their attitude is shifting to that of a consumer. Evolving in pace, then, is critical for healthcare organizations, and queueing […]

Just about everyone on the world was thrilled to tear off the final page of the 2020 calendar and get a fresh start in the new year. But, while there is light at the end of the tunnel as the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, the upcoming year could have just […]

One of the things SambaSafety prides itself on is being a data-first company. Eric Waldinger, CMO of SambaSafety, said over its 22 years, SambaSafety's collection of data gives them the ability to use this data to improve safety and the bottom line. "We have an advanced data science team," Waldinger said, "that focuses not just […]

Safer roads: It's an idea almost everyone can get behind. But how do we make driving safer for both the commuters and commercial shipping carriers that share the same road? Eric Waldinger, CMO at Samba Safety, affirms that driver monitoring is the key to safer roads and saving lives. When commercial carriers institute driver […]

The potential client fills out an online questionnaire and the insurer pulls their motor vehicle record and makes a decision, getting back to the client with a quote that reflects what they know. But what about when the insurer doesn't know enough? Like when the MVR reveals little, or when the client has altered […]

The potential client fills out an online questionnaire and the insurer pulls their motor vehicle record and makes a decision, getting back to the client with a quote that reflects what they know. But what about when the insurer doesn't know enough? Like when the MVR reveals little, or when the client has altered […]

On this episode of The Blind Spot, a SambaSafety podcast, host Tyler Kern and SambaSafety CMO Eric Waldinger addressed the COVID-19 pandemic, its implications and the measures SambaSafety is taking to do its part during this uncertain time. Waldinger said that many of SambaSafety's customers in the transportation, grocery, and other "front-line" industries are […]

It's hard to turn on the local news without seeing reports of the latest highway accident. Vehicle crashes happen every day, numbing the public to the severity of the issue. But the truth is, 94% of these crashes are preventable said Eric Waldinger, Chief Marketing Officer at SambaSafety. A staggering number of people lose […]

On the Digital Threshold podcast, industry leaders will provide insights regarding how modern venues and facilities are reimagining the arrival experience – and how innovations are elevating that journey. In this debut episode, three guests with firsthand experience in reopening New York City for business in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic joined host Anil […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs associated with that energy production and its use, and the technological innovations changing the way we utilize Earth's resources to power our way of life. […]

With signs pointing towards a slowing of the pandemic, the spotlight is on the emerging trends and patterns taking hold in the era of the new normal shopper. To make sense of these trends and gain better knowledge and understanding of where retail will shift and what it needs to do to capitalize on new […]

Businesses already recognized the importance of appointments as an experience driver for customers and prospects before the pandemic. Once the pandemic hit, however, the need and desire for appointments accelerated, and companies now see the ability to pre-book or schedule meetings as an integral part of providing personalized service to consumers. John Federman, CEO of […]

JRNI is a platform for scheduling and managing personalized experiences for retail, banks, credit unions and other financial institutions. John Federman, JRNI's CEO, helped kick off the inaugural episode of the The Experience Evolution with a conversation with host James Kent on how retail and financial industries can take their business to the next level […]

The newest technologies like 5G, IoT devices, AI, and machine learning are "sexy" topics that drive conversation and thought leadership, but for many legacy companies, they’re a moonshot to incorporate into their own businesses. Old technology, old methodology, and the feared "That's the way we’ve always done it!" are what keep long-time manufacturing businesses […]

You can hardly listen to a political speech without hearing the buzzword – "manufacturing jobs." As baby boomers retire from their lifelong careers in manufacturing, no one is stepping up to fill these vacant positions. But why? The manufacturing industry has an "industry image issue," said Greg Barnett, senior vice president of The Predictive […]

In this episode of The Fourth Revolution by Bartell, Pettibone President and CEO Barbara Philibert went into detail on that, when it comes to Industry 4.0, the key to optimizing processes and performance in a global economy is data. "What a universal language data has become," she said as she recalled a meeting in China […]

In almost any industry, IoT has become not only a consideration but a necessity, and many have already embraced and adopted it. Manufacturing has certainly seen the opportunities that come with integrating IoT, especially when it comes to cloud-based historical data on machine performance. Are the machine builders on board with this transformation, though? […]

In almost any industry, IoT has become not only a consideration but a necessity, and many have already embraced and adopted it. Manufacturing has certainly seen the opportunities that come with integrating IoT, especially when it comes to cloud-based historical data on machine performance. Are the machine builders on board with this transformation, though? […]

Though the unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in recent memory, the skilled labor shortage doesn't show any signs of letting up. On this episode of The Fourth Revolution by Bartell, host Daniel Litwin sat down with Randy Wolken, President & CEO of MACNY, the Manufacturers Association of Central New York to discuss […]

When the World Economic Forum introduced the term "Fourth Industrial Revolution" in 2016, it helped define the rapidly shifting lines between physical, digital, and technological spheres of influence. Technology and machinery are evolving, and literally revolving, faster than ever, and that's rapid change is the motivation behind Bartell Machinery Systems‘ new podcast, The Fourth […]

In this inaugural episode of The Fourth Revolution, brought to you by Bartell, we tapped into the fervent passion that Bartell employees have for the automotive industry, and why one particular team member's love for cars gives him an edge in the marketplace. We sat down with marketing content coordinator Jonathan Kahn to discuss […]

In this inaugural episode of The Fourth Revolution, brought to you by Bartell, we tapped into the fervent passion that Bartell employees have for the automotive industry, and why one particular team member's love for cars gives him an edge in the marketplace. We sat down with marketing content coordinator Jonathan Kahn to discuss […]

We all want the coronavirus to go away and for COVID-19, social distancing and everything that goes with it to be remembered as a horrible part of a weird year. There are some encouraging signs, with Pfizer announcing promising news about a vaccine candidate and other medical companies making progress. But what if the […]

Never before has American society paid as much attention to cleaning products and hygiene as it is now. Yet, even in this heightened moment of hygiene, John Shanahan, President and CEO of Ionogen, said we’re still not doing even close to enough research about the products being used – and often overused – during […]

Many office buildings’ back-to-work strategy during the coronavirus pandemic has centered on frequent cleaning of surfaces. Yet, because of how the virus works, we know that likely isn't enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19. "The virus was originally thought to be hand-to-mouth, from surface to hand to mouth, transmission from one person to […]

There are places we think of as clean and places we think of as less hygienic. Adella Thompson, an experienced horse trainer and enthusiast, has no doubt which category her favorite place is in. "I work in a barn," Thompson said. "There's a lot of manure and urine. There are horses everywhere. There are […]

There are places we think of as clean and places we think of as less hygienic. Adella Thompson, an experienced horse trainer and enthusiast, has no doubt which category her favorite place is in. "I work in a barn," Thompson said. "There's a lot of manure and urine. There are horses everywhere. There are […]

It's a question on nearly everyone's mind at the moment, from parents to politicians – how will kids return to the classroom while the coronavirus pandemic continues? For John Shanahan, Founder and CEO of Ionogen, the answer could be in devices like Purity Humidifiers and IonoMAX Misters, which he says would sanitize the air […]

Dr. Bergein Overholt and John Shanahan, President & CEO of Ionogen, believe the majority of disinfectants and cleaning solutions used in household cleaners, hospitals, restaurants, schools and other buildings and workplaces are toxic and can lead to serious health problems. Dr. Overholt, a leading gastrointestinal physician for over 50 years, is also concerned about […]

Which cleaning supplies are stocked in the janitor's closet? Typically, that's a decision that has been made down the org chart, if anyone is making the call at all. Now, during the coronavirus pandemic, the buck may stop at the very top when it comes to the choice of disinfectants or cleaning products. With […]

Which cleaning supplies are stocked in the janitor's closet? Typically, that's a decision that has been made down the org chart, if anyone is making the call at all. Now, during the coronavirus pandemic, the buck may stop at the very top when it comes to the choice of disinfectants or cleaning products. With […]

The "casual" in "casual dining" should not refer to the restaurant's attitude towards the cleanliness of the experience. In this episode of MarketScale's Healthcare podcast, John Shanahan, president and CEO of Ionogen, sat down with host Sean Heath to discuss the recent chemical events in a popular fast-casual restaurant, how those chemicals got there […]

It seems like every year, at least one foodborne outbreak terrorizes the nation, prompting Americans to throw away millions of tons of food. On this week's podcast, food safety advocate and Ionogen president and CEO John Shanahan shared his insight into a new approach food providers are taking in order to prevent another outbreak […]

Picture this: You’ve been going to the gym consistently for a few months and seeing great results. You’re shedding pounds and loving your look. But what if we told you your daily gym habit, a resolution for health, was permanently harming your body in irreversible ways? Unfortunately, this may be the ugly truth due […]

The AV needs in the workplace are changing drastically. Gone are the days when workplace AV was synonymous with clunky media carts and huge projectors. AV is now being seen as a tool for creating and fostering office culture. Joining the Pro AV podcast today to discuss workplace AV is Scott Schoeneberger of Bluewater Technologies. […]

The foundation of a business is always a point of emphasis when discussing long-term success. On this episode of The Iron Fox Podcast, Brian Schweppe, Lead Install for Iron Fox, and Jay Florence, Installation Supervisor for Iron Fox, sat down with host Sean Heath, and they discussed how the literal foundation of a carwash […]

If you’ve got money to invest then you might consider parking it in the stock market or buying a piece of real estate. But increasingly, more and more investors are adding car washes to their portfolio. On this week's episode of The Iron Fox Podcast, company president Dominic Lewinsohn shared what attracted him to […]

Those tuning in from the United States may recall the disjointed and unstructured rollouts that micro-mobility companies like Lime and Bird had in metropolitan areas. On the other side of the world, however, green scooters are having their spot in the limelight right now. To understand what made these companies a success when others […]

Today there are many options for people to move around the city without having to use an automobile. Micro-mobility vehicles are gaining popularity, and not just from everyday pedestrians looking to go from door to door. Segways and e-scooters are used in tourism, paramedics, the industrial world, and law enforcement. Chris Szydlowski, CEO of […]

Electric scooters have exploded onto the sidewalks of major metropolis’ worldwide, from Chicago to Austin, to Barcelona, and even New York City. Scooter share programs have been largely dominated by transportation giants. But the scooter-sharing industry is seeing interest from small-businesses in minor municipalities, too. On this episode of Segway's The Last Mile, Gerri […]

With transportation one of the largest sources of global warming, humankind must find another way to get from Point A to Point B. Max Rastelli, Owner of HFX e-Scooters joins this episode of Segway's The Last Mile to discuss the micro-mobility revolution and why this solution to the first mile/last mile problem is here […]

With transportation one of the largest sources of global warming, humankind must find another way to get from Point A to Point B. Max Rastelli, Owner of HFX e-Scooters joins this episode of Segway's The Last Mile to discuss the micro-mobility revolution and why this solution to the first mile/last mile problem is here […]

The people have spoken: electric scooters are in, and though there's been backlash on sharing programs from major cities, other municipalities are realizing there's potential value in adjusting to this growing trend: increased commerce, happier citizens, transformative technology. Cities like Austin, TX, aren't sweeping these scooters off the streets, they’re passing ordinances and working […]

Since the advent of the computer, many technological developments have later followed in helping improve how information and data is shared. Of course, in all its benefits, technology is not foolproof, and plenty issues have arisen as a result. Multicast, which is a communication method via ethernet, is a type of connection where data […]

In this episode of The Lion's Den, Tyler Kern spoke with returning guest Barry Turner, Technical Business Development Manager, and first-time guest Megha Agrawal, Technical Project Manager at Red Lion Controls about the importance of utilizing managed ethernet switches in network operations. This is an important aspect of Agrawal's work. "At Red Lion, I […]

Industry 4.0 is more than a buzzword; it's a solution that can resolve supply chain issues. A secure IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) framework connected to an IoT (Internet of Things) framework already on a company's network can improve business outcomes with the right solutions. This week on the Lion's Den, a podcast by Red […]

Many plant floors have data issues caused by the sheer fact that they do not have up-to-date panel meters. Red Lion is here to change that. Jeff Thornton, Red Lion Product Manager, knows the importance of managing data. Thornton sits down with host Tyler Kern to discuss the future-forward automation and data processing systems, including […]

Many plant floors have data issues caused by the sheer fact that they do not have up-to-date panel meters. Red Lion is here to change that. Jeff Thornton, Red Lion Product Manager, knows the importance of managing data. Thornton sits down with host Tyler Kern to discuss the future-forward automation and data processing systems, including […]

Barry Turner, Technical Business Development Manager at Red Lion Controls, joined host Tyler Kern for a live discussion on secure remote access and the importance of companies developing solutions that ensure a higher frequency of cyberattacks doesn't end in disaster. "Red Lion has been doing remote access for quite some time," Turner said. "We just […]

With over 45 years of experience, Red Lion Product Manager Jeff Thornton has extensive knowledge about the company and its products. Thornton sits down with host Tyler Kern to discuss the benefits of working with an OEM and Red Lion's new product, the PM50. While traditional OEM's come in many shapes and sizes, there's always […]

5G may still be in its infancy, but the industrial space is excited for the possibilities this technology may bring in terms of improvements in factory automation. Barry Turner, Technical Business Development Manager at Red Lion Controls, walked Tyler Kern through the current state of 5G and the future advantages of factory automation as adoption […]

5G may still be in its infancy, but the industrial space is excited for the possibilities this technology may bring in terms of improvements in factory automation. Barry Turner, Technical Business Development Manager at Red Lion Controls, walked Tyler Kern through the current state of 5G and the future advantages of factory automation as adoption […]

IT and OT. They didn't always play nicely in the sandbox together, but times change, and so too the technology world. With the convergence of IT and OT becoming more normalized, companies must properly align their informational and operational technology systems. Barry Turner, Technical Business Development Manager at Red Lion, knows both worlds, and he […]

The growth in pet purchases over the pandemic caused an increased need for solutions to keep those pets safe. And, with traditional fencing not always within budget or visually aligned with the neighborhood, people have turned to invisible fences in increasing numbers. To discuss how these solutions get implemented and share insights into what […]

While many companies look at positions as just job,. Presco commits to providing careers for its workforce. The Marking Minute host Daniel Litwin chatted with Kelly Brown, HR Representative, to learn more. "We have a wide variety of different positions, from entry-level to sales and administrative," Brown said. The inclusive and welcoming culture of the […]

The waterworks industry requires a variety of safety marking products—some that are visible and some that are underground. Filling listeners in on the subject, The Marking Minute featured expert Sean Cash, National Accounts Manager at Presco. "We often take for granted that water is there and available, but so much goes into the waterworks industry. They require a […]

The world of ID markers is massive. There's always something identifying an area, asset or location. Diving into the market and talking about its growth and changes, Kyle Wagner, Senior Business Development Manager of William Fick & Company, joined this episode of The Marking Minute. Presco acquired William Frick & Company in 2020, expanding capabilities […]

The world of ID markers is massive. There's always something identifying an area, asset or location. Diving into the market and talking about its growth and changes, Kyle Wagner, Senior Business Development Manager of William Fick & Company, joined this episode of The Marking Minute. Presco acquired William Frick & Company in 2020, expanding capabilities […]

Although not many people outside of the construction industry know anything about copper-clad tracer wire, this hard-working but under-appreciated tool certainly deserves more praise. This type of tracer wire consists of a steel core that is metallurgically bonded to an outside casing of copper, which makes it much better than copper wire for locating […]

Presco's customers often know they can trust the marking company for one aspect of their product line. Whether it's marking flags or detectable tape, they may have had a partnership for years, but perhaps don't realize they could get something like tracer wire or barricade tape from Presco, as well. "You can't assume […]

You may know Presco for its barricade tape or marking flags, but a number of new customers got to know the company this year during the coronavirus pandemic. Presco quickly got up and running, creating personal protective equipment (PPE) solutions using PVC. John Yianitsas, Vice President of New Business Development at Presco, said […]

You may know Presco for its barricade tape or marking flags, but a number of new customers got to know the company this year during the coronavirus pandemic. Presco quickly got up and running, creating personal protective equipment (PPE) solutions using PVC. John Yianitsas, Vice President of New Business Development at Presco, said […]

Dr. Stephen Hutcheson, Technical Director, Presco Polymers and Stephen Janak, Chemical Engineer, Presco popped by Marking Minute to give host James Kent an insider's perspective on the research & development process of many of Presco's products. Dr. Hutcheson, a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, found his love of STEM at an early age. His […]

Presco is known for its tremendous variety of marking products, but some customers might not realize the company also offers a wide range of lamination solutions. Tony Car, Technical Sales for Engineered Film at Presco, said there are number of areas where the company is doing exciting work, with product applications ranging from items […]

The medical and healthcare field is one that revolves around trust, and our guest plays a big part in that. Beth Guinn is the VP of Engineered Film Sales at Presco, and she joins host Tyler Kern to talk about how Presco formulates vinyl for various medical applications on this episode of The […]

The average home has become more automated and continues to advance technologically every year, much of it due to increasing power quality. With these improvements comes drawbacks in the form of reliability of devices, power consumption, and expectations of consumers. What is the difference between power quality and power reliability, and how do they intersect? […]

Population density and aging infrastructure are harming North America's power quality. One man's problem is another man's opportunity. In 2012, the RoseWater team set out to build a device that would guarantee perfect power. The highest quality, most complete residential and light commercial power management available. "At the beginning, we saw energy storage as a […]

Host of The Next Generation of Energy, Tyler Kern, spoke with Joe Piccirilli, CEO of RoseWater Energy, about power plans for specific projects – what they are and how they are implemented. The conversation opened with a discussion of microprocessors and the importance of the electronic devices having consistent access to energy. Britannica defines a […]

Jim Sanfemio from Wicked Smart Homes in Sarasota, Florida, joined Rosewater Energy Group's Joe Piccirilli and Next Generation of Energy host, Tyler Kern, to get down into the nitty-gritty of the issues that cause home power issues. "First and foremost, the problems that you have with network equipment in homes is the sensitivity level […]

Jim Sanfemio from Wicked Smart Homes in Sarasota, Florida, joined Rosewater Energy Group's Joe Piccirilli and Next Generation of Energy host, Tyler Kern, to get down into the nitty-gritty of the issues that cause home power issues. "First and foremost, the problems that you have with network equipment in homes is the sensitivity level […]

There are a lot of power issues popping up on the grid, including rolling brownouts and blackouts, storms and outages. With these dangers on the horizon, it's essential to have a backup option for your home or business. Today, we’re taking a look at several backup energy options, like generators, solar panels and other […]

Power quality is gaining recognition as a fundamental piece of the overall energy puzzle. To create a full solution, it is no longer enough to have power going into residential and commercial applications; that power quality must be clean. Joe Piccirilli, Founder and CEO of RoseWater, and Chris Walsh, Director of Global Sales and […]

Where did the understanding that power quality was an issue people needed to pay attention to begin? Joe Piccirilli, CEO of Rosewater Energy Group, said it was mission-critical environments where power quality problems first became an issue. Piccirilli and Mario Bottero, COO of Rosewater Energy Group, dove into the topic of power quality, focusing […]

Where did the understanding that power quality was an issue people needed to pay attention to begin? Joe Piccirilli, CEO of Rosewater Energy Group, said it was mission-critical environments where power quality problems first became an issue. Piccirilli and Mario Bottero, COO of Rosewater Energy Group, dove into the topic of power quality, focusing […]

Once upon a time, Joe Piccirilli, CEO, and Mario Bottero, COO of RoseWater Energy saw an opportunity to invest in home energy solutions. There is a need for a reliable and efficient power conditioner, power backup and surge protector for homes. "Unlike the products we saw out there," Bottero said, "which was a lot […]

Joe Piccirilli, Managing Director at RoseWater Energy Group, has always spoken about four pillars of energy design: perfect power quality, protection against lightning, battery backup and renewable integration. Now, he's added a fifth. "After a few years of dealing with misconceptions about what batteries and renewals are capable of doing, I’ve added a fifth […]

A dropped Zoom call here. A brief internet outage there. When millions more Americans were working from their offices, it would’ve gone unnoticed. Now, with so many more working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic, people are waking up to their power quality issues. "We didn't really notice power quality issues, because we […]

More industries than ever need real-time data and analytics from the rugged edge, where numerous factors challenge the collection of that data. While more rugged computers and networks were the level-one solution to these needs, single servers and desktops are quickly being outpaced in terms of their usefulness at the edge. To collect the […]

Over the past five years, a new version of Non-Volatile Memory Express storage protocol has been working to bridge the gap between networks and NVME. This new version is called NVME-oF (Non-Volatile Memory Express – Over Fabrics) and is furthering this technology, which relies on low-latency data paths to create high-performance stored media. In […]

Many supporting technologies have to come together to help with 5G's expansion. Data processing units, smart network interface cards and field-programmable gate arrays (known as DPUs, SmartNICs and FPGAs) are three technologies that intersect to create an innovative and flexible solution expanding the reach and use cases of 5G technology. Peter Hsu, a Solutions Architect […]

No edge computing survival guide is complete without knowing which hardware requirements are most essential for edge computing solutions to handle massive workloads. To provide those top standards on which edge computing professionals can rely, Dustin Seetoo, Director of Product Marketing, and Kenneth Hau, Business Development for Premio, stopped by the Rugged Edge Survival Guide […]

No edge computing survival guide is complete without knowing which hardware requirements are most essential for edge computing solutions to handle massive workloads. To provide those top standards on which edge computing professionals can rely, Dustin Seetoo, Director of Product Marketing, and Kenneth Hau, Business Development for Premio, stopped by the Rugged Edge Survival Guide […]

Edge computing is shaping intelligence for many corporate enterprises and new businesses. Dustin Seetoo, Product Marketing Director at Premio, broke down all of the necessary info to bring people up to speed on the latest in rugged edge computers and why this technology is a transformative game-changer for 2021. "System integrators and machine learning have […]

By now everyone has heard of the cloud. Most businesses even understand how they can use it effectively. But what about other advances? With 5G, LTE and other wireless networks rolling out plus more IoT advances being made nearly daily, businesses will need the power to pull it all together. Simply relying on the cloud […]

The need for capable, flexible and resilient NVRs is more apparent than ever. In an October 2019 study, Gartner, Inc. found that outdoor surveillance cameras will most likely be the biggest market for 5G IoT solutions through 2023. On today's episode of the MarketScale Technology podcast, we’re rejoined by returning contributor Premio, a global […]

The need for capable, flexible and resilient NVRs is more apparent than ever. In an October 2019 study, Gartner, Inc. found that outdoor surveillance cameras will most likely be the biggest market for 5G IoT solutions through 2023. On today's episode of the MarketScale Technology podcast, we’re rejoined by returning contributor Premio, a global […]

Christopher Blomquist, Director of Marketing at Parlevel Systems, and Dustin Seetoo, Director of Product Marketing at Premio, Inc., spoke on this episode of MarketScale's Food and Beverage Podcast about the emergence of micro markets in the self-service vending machine industry. Technology and the increased desire for healthier choices are two drivers of micro markets. […]

The world of IoT has been evolving industries for several years now; from manufacturing to retail, data is giving businesses unparalleled decision making capabilities. But are businesses really leveraging IoT to its full potential? To dive deep into the subject, we were joined by Atul Patel, CEO & co-founder of Edyza Inc., an enabler […]

We’re in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, the next wave of innovation in manufacturing. Much of it is tied to technology, allowing for increased automation and, as a result, higher efficiency. One area of manufacturing that is being helped by these increased efficiency, creating positive ripple effects for the entire industry, is […]

You’ve got a great idea — but how do you turn it into a winning business? On this podcast, Luke Fox and Jef Graham will show you how to be a successful startup CEO offering insights for first-time company leaders surrounding products, personal leadership, people management, key metrics, and more. It's time to get to […]

You’ve got a great idea — but how do you turn it into a winning business? On this podcast, Luke Fox and Jef Graham will show you how to be a successful startup CEO offering insights for first-time company leaders surrounding products, personal leadership, people management, key metrics, and more. It's time to get to […]

You’ve got a great idea — but how do you turn it into a winning business? On this podcast, Luke Fox and Jef Graham will show you how to be a successful startup CEO offering insights for first-time company leaders surrounding products, personal leadership, people management, key metrics, and more. It's time to get to […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. Most people consider consumer electronics disposable. There's always a new shiny version available, but do consumers really need a new phone or device every year? Should consumers just trust manufacturers? It's a complex […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. Trust isn't tangible. Like any feeling, it's something that happens in relationships and interactions. Without trust, teams fail. So, how can organizations build high-trust teams? Captain George Dom USN (Ret) joined The Trust Revolution host […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. Trust is foundational to many relationships and organizations, maybe none more than those in military, intelligence, and government positions. Joining The Trust Revolution and host Luke Fox is a man who has experience in all […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. There are many components of trust throughout the internet, and most people don't realize how far those layers of trust go back. The Trust Revolution looked backward to the internet's early days and […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. There are many components of trust throughout the internet, and most people don't realize how far those layers of trust go back. The Trust Revolution looked backward to the internet's early days and […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. Trust plays a huge role in technology and with the growing capabilities of drones for delivery. To understand the role of trust in managing the highway in the sky, The Trust Revolution host […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. The idea of trust is much different than it was in the previous centuries. It's no longer just about people; it includes technology as well. The Trust Revolution tackles this subject with a […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. There's a lot of trust that's necessary in the standard world of banking. Consumers don't control transactions; they simply trust the bank will make them. So, why not cut out the middleman? Cryptocurrency […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. There's a lot of trust that's necessary in the standard world of banking. Consumers don't control transactions; they simply trust the bank will make them. So, why not cut out the middleman? Cryptocurrency […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. Trusting a technology network is fundamental for modern business, but what happens when trust is broken because of cyber-attacks? The Trust Revolution topics the shortcomings of cybersecurity and how to close the gap. […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. The principle of trust isn't unique to human relationships. It's also a significant part of technology infrastructures. This cyber trust is what lets software updates and patches from the development company […]

Bringing together leaders, lawmakers and lawbreakers. Host Luke Fox explores how innovations in business and technology are redefining our trust in security measures. To say that Juliette Kayyem, CEO, Grip Mobility has a pretty impressive resume is an understatement. Kayyem spent the last two decades in both state and federal government, managing complex policy […]

David Stewart, Founder & Face of AGEIST, believes that it is possible to live one's best life is possible at any age. He joined Grant Barth in a conversation on modern aging and how that's changing consumer behavior. While sixty may not be the new thirty, but it doesn't have to mean ‘ready to […]

a podcast by ThenWhat, host Grant Barth, CEO and Founder of ThenWhat, talked with Anthony Meindl, Founder of Anthony Meindl's Actors Workshop, which now has the largest scene study studio in Los Angeles and locations in 10 other cities around the world: New York, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Atlanta, Santa Fe, Sydney, Chicago, Copenhagen and […]

On this episode of the ThenWhat 3×5 Podcast, host Grant Barth talked with D’Wayne Edwards, Founder of PENSOLE Academy, a design academy specializing in footwear, functional apparel and accessories, color theory, materials, prototyping, concept making, and much more. The duo talked about strategic brand collaborations and why they’re essential. First, though, they dug into Edwards’ […]

In recent years, the United States has made huge strides in areas like technology, science and politics. But where does the country stand as a leader in human rights? Stuart Milk, the nephew of famed politician Harvey Milk, is uniquely poised to answer this question. As the Co-founder and Executive Chair of the Harvey Milk […]

In recent years, the United States has made huge strides in areas like technology, science and politics. But where does the country stand as a leader in human rights? Stuart Milk, the nephew of famed politician Harvey Milk, is uniquely poised to answer this question. As the Co-founder and Executive Chair of the Harvey Milk […]

Experiential retail is a phenomenon that had gained rapid ground in recent years – but all of that changed once the pandemic hit. For many event producers and retailers, the physical experience is now in a state of limbo as many try to figure out how to adapt them for a post-pandemic world. Here to […]

To distract ourselves from the challenges of today's global health crisis, many of us can't help but think toward the future. What's next? What can we expect in the months and years ahead, not just in our own lives, but on a global scale? Grant Bart, the host and founder of Then What, aims to […]

It's not every day that you get to pick the brain of the creative leader of a global fashion brand. But today isn't just any day. Today, podcast host Grant Bart brings to the show Sanda Choi, Creative Director of J. Choo Limited of Jimmy Choo fame. Here, she talked with Bart about the sources […]

It's not every day that you get to pick the brain of the creative leader of a global fashion brand. But today isn't just any day. Today, podcast host Grant Bart brings to the show Sanda Choi, Creative Director of J. Choo Limited of Jimmy Choo fame. Here, she talked with Bart about the sources […]

In this episode of There's More to IT, host, Jason Claybrook, sat down with David McLaughlin, President & CEO, Columbia Advisory Group. The two discuss McLaughlin's journey in the field, the importance of the advisory component in CAG's work, and CAG's role in higher education. McLaughlin co-founded Columbia Advisory Group a little over 10 […]

In the latest episode of the podcast "There's More to IT," host Jason Claybrook brings on his wife Niki, and diverges from technology to discuss maintaining healthy-eating habits, as more and more people return to work traveling as pandemic restrictions ease. As a holistic nutrition consultant based in Texas, Claybrook consults clients that have […]

Toby Buckalew, Interim CIO, Columbia Advisory Group, is a leading technology strategist with over thirty years of industry experience. Jason Claybrook sat down with Buckalew for an in-depth discussion on his career and insights into the current state of IT management. Buckalew witnessed plenty of technology evolution and innovation during his lengthy career in […]

Yuran Li, Director, MS Commercial Strategies, Alternative Biomedical Solutions (ABS), is a biochemist by training. Still, his fascinations with physics, math, and probability have led him down some interesting paths, including some stints in the professional poker world. Lucky for ABS, he chose the science route. Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug classification by the […]

Yuran Li, Director, MS Commercial Strategies, Alternative Biomedical Solutions (ABS), is a biochemist by training. Still, his fascinations with physics, math, and probability have led him down some interesting paths, including some stints in the professional poker world. Lucky for ABS, he chose the science route. Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug classification by the […]

On There's More to IT, host Jason Claybrook and guests will explore some foundational questions about the technology that's driving us all forward. Why do we build the stuff we build? What's behind the scenes? Where are we falling short or putting revenue first? The days of post-trade show drinks and conversation are far from over. […]

On There's More to IT, host Jason Claybrook and guests will explore some foundational questions about the technology that's driving us all forward. Why do we build the stuff we build? What's behind the scenes? Where are we falling short or putting revenue first? The days of post-trade show drinks and conversation are far from over. […]

On There's More to IT, host Jason Claybrook and guests will explore some foundational questions about the technology that's driving us all forward. Why do we build the stuff we build? What's behind the scenes? Where are we falling short or putting revenue first? The days of post-trade show drinks and conversation are far from over. […]

On There's More to IT, host Jason Claybrook and guests will explore some foundational questions about the technology that's driving us all forward. Why do we build the stuff we build? What's behind the scenes? Where are we falling short or putting revenue first? The days of post-trade show drinks and conversation are far from over. […]

On There's More to IT, host Jason Claybrook and guests will explore some foundational questions about the technology that's driving us all forward. Why do we build the stuff we build? What's behind the scenes? Where are we falling short or putting revenue first? The days of post-trade show drinks and conversation are far from over. […]

On There's More to IT, host Jason Claybrook and guests will explore some foundational questions about the technology that's driving us all forward. Why do we build the stuff we build? What's behind the scenes? Where are we falling short or putting revenue first? The days of post-trade show drinks and conversation are far from […]

Let's face it, dealing with healthcare bills can often be more stressful than the health issue at hand. But Cody Waldrop, VP of Revenue Cycle at TPC, attests that it doesn't have to be that way. Hospitals and healthcare can change for the better and eliminate some of the anxiety that comes with the […]

G’day, mates, and greetings from Down Under. Michael Corio, Sales Leader, Australia for Array Technologies, joined moderator Travis Rose on Track to the Future to talk about cleaning and mowing strategies for PV solar plants and how these tasks fit into a long-term strategy to reduce operations and maintenance costs. PV solar sites are different […]

The goal of any asset owner is to maximize that asset. With these words in mind, Jon Sharp, VP of Product Management for Array Technologies, popped by Track to the Future to talk about Array Technologies’ innovative solar tracking solution, SmarTrack. "Solar tracking software improves asset performance by attempting to put more light onto […]

On this episode of Track to the Future, host Tyler Kern was joined by Array Vice President, Product Management Jon Sharp and Director of Product Innovation Kyumin Lee to discuss the data-validated best practices for using bifacial solar cells at PV power plants. Monofacial cells were the standard up until the last decade or […]

From drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency, modern construction is undergoing a renaissance. Host Shaun MacIntosh talks with the top leaders in construction and provides unmatched insights into the industry that quite literally built the world around us. The construction business is highly competitive with razor-thin margins. So, how can contractors […]

From drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency, modern construction is undergoing a renaissance. Host Shaun MacIntosh talks with the top leaders in construction and provides unmatched insights into the industry that quite literally built the world around us. The construction industry is adopting technology to work smarter, not harder. On Track.Map.Measure. delivers […]

From drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency, modern construction is undergoing a renaissance. Host Shaun MacIntosh talks with the top leaders in construction and provides unmatched insights into the industry that quite literally built the world around us. Drones are revolutionizing surveying, enabling faster, less costly topographic data than ever before. […]

From drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency, modern construction is undergoing a renaissance. Host Shaun MacIntosh talks with the top leaders in construction and provides unmatched insights into the industry that quite literally built the world around us. As one of the first businesses developed by humankind, construction has […]

From drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency, modern construction is undergoing a renaissance. Host Shaun MacIntosh talks with the top leaders in construction and provides unmatched insights into the industry that quite literally built the world around us. As one of the first businesses developed by humankind, construction has […]

On this episode of Track.Map.Measure with host Shaun MacIntosh, Finning Canada Regional Technology Manager, Alberta and Saskatchewan Core Industries Kris Troppman dove into the state of heavy equipment, labor and technology in the construction industry. In particular, two types of technology related to the use and integration of heavy equipment are making modern jobsites […]

On "Track. Map. Measure.," host Shaun MacIntosh is constructing a show with a host of thought-leaders from the industry that quite literally builds the world around us – construction. Land surveying has advanced dramatically in recent years as new tech allows for greater accuracy. Today, there are many different devices used to map, all with their own pros […]

Host Shaun MacIntosh is ready to "Track.Map.Measure." MacIntosh's new show brings unmatched construction industry insights to MarketScale's industry publications, walking you through the latest in the construction industry, from drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency. He will sit down with the top leaders in construction to have them share their […]

Host Shaun MacIntosh is ready to "Track.Map.Measure." MacIntosh's new show brings unmatched construction industry insights to MarketScale's industry publications, walking you through the latest in the construction industry, from drones and bleeding-edge technology to the end-to-end processes that drive efficiency. He will sit down with the top leaders in construction to have them share their […]

Why do leaf spots occur, how do they affect the health and functionality of trees, and what can be done to control and mitigate their damaging effects? Join us as Wes Rivers will explain these questions in-depth. TreeNewal's VP of Operations, Wes Rivers, shares his expertise on diagnosing, managing, and preventing leaf spot diseases. […]

In this informative clip, TreeNewal's VP of Operations, Wes Rivers, highlights the detrimental consequences of burlap root barriers and excessive mulching on tree growth. Key points covered include: The barrier created by burlap hindering air and water flow to the tree's root ball. The prolonged lifespan of artificial burlap in the soil, lasting for decades […]

In this enlightening clip from the field, Vice President of Operations for TreeNewal, Wes Rivers, dives into the often-overlooked issue and their significant impact on tree health. Through firsthand observations and expert insights, Wes sheds light on the hidden consequences of girdling roots and emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper tree care practices. […]

Argyle Councilman Ron Schmidt joins the latest installment of Building Roots by TreeNewal. Host Wes Rivers sheds light on the importance of tree selection and planting in Argyle, and its impact on creating sustainable community development. Rivers and Schmidt discuss how it's extremely important to consider several factors when selecting the right kind of […]

Argyle Councilman Ron Schmidt joins the latest installment of Building Roots by TreeNewal. Host Wes Rivers sheds light on the importance of tree selection and planting in Argyle, and its impact on creating sustainable community development. Rivers and Schmidt discuss how it's extremely important to consider several factors when selecting the right kind of […]

On this installment of Building Roots by TreeNewal, host Wes Rivers sits down with newly elected Councilman Ron Schmidt from the town of Argyle to talk about tree education and sustainability in the community. Argyle has created a tree committee, revised ordinances, and implemented Arbor Day to emphasize the importance of trees. They also incentivize […]

Tree preservation and new development can coexist harmoniously with education and awareness, and some adjustments may need to be made such as replacing trees in other areas. This allows for progress while still preserving the environment. On this bonus clip of Building Roots by TreeNewal, host Wes Rivers sits down with newly elected Councilman Ron […]

Not many people have the opportunity to do business with government agencies, and even fewer have the privilege to do so at the federal level. Bill Grabner, however, has done this for over 20 years. Before coming to Ribbon Communications about a year ago, Grabner, spent much of his career conducting sales with the federal […]

Communication and collaboration tools have never been more valuable for organizations. The need for them to be adaptable and flexible is also critical. Does it make sense to migrate to a unified platform that integrates all communication and collaboration in one? And what challenges do companies face? Sharing his expertise on the subject is Brian […]

Unfortunately, high profile cyber attacks have become the norm in recent years, with some of the world's most recognizable brands falling victim to hacking. Marco Berger, Head of Utilities and Critical Infrastructures at Ribbon ECI, shared some insight into the anatomy of a cyber attack to help shed light on how companies can better prepare […]

Critical infrastructure operators are facing new and emerging challenges regarding networking. For many, that means transitioning from legacy systems, providing greater security, and digitization. Those in the Oil & Gas and Rail industries are keenly aware of these issues. Providing insight on how these industries are evolving and the solutions available is Sam Lisle, Ribbon […]

Critical infrastructure operators are facing new and emerging challenges regarding networking. For many, that means transitioning from legacy systems, providing greater security, and digitization. Those in the Oil & Gas and Rail industries are keenly aware of these issues. Providing insight on how these industries are evolving and the solutions available is Sam Lisle, Ribbon […]

Alternative Proteins, produced from animal cells or fermentation, are designed to taste the same or better than traditional animal products at the same or lower price. By 2050, global meat consumption is projected to reach between 460 million and 570 million tons. Cultured meat, which comes from stem cells extracted from living animals, is […]

Entrepreneurship since the pandemic is a rising trend. Leading that charge is women. From starting a business to expanding those opportunities through franchises, women entrepreneurs are blazing a path to success. And how are they doing that? Through storytelling in marketing, to creating a community within their consumer bases. The canned alcoholic beverages market […]

Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America. The game, which intersects elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong can be played indoors and outdoors and is popular among players of all ages and skill levels. As a result, there has been a growing business surrounding the sport of pickleball. One of the primary areas […]

The current skilled trades gap is being felt everywhere. The larger population of skilled tradesmen are 50+ years old and there are not enough of them. There has been increased hardship getting the younger generations to join the skilled trades, leading to a growing shortage of people within the trades. On today's episode of Tuesday's […]

The current skilled trades gap is being felt everywhere. The larger population of skilled tradesmen are 50+ years old and there are not enough of them. There has been increased hardship getting the younger generations to join the skilled trades, leading to a growing shortage of people within the trades. On today's episode of Tuesday's […]

Data science and analytics play an ever-increasing and critical role in sports creating an intersection between data and sports. From making some sports safer, to understanding the performance and tactics of opposing teams, and individual player analysis and scouting, there's hardly an area of sports today that doesn't intersect in some way with technology […]

Thought leadership is a vital aspect of a workplace's function. It stands to help play a part in how well a company performs and what new and innovative changes are made. It's become such a major factor in the future of brands and companies that in addition to the 69 percent of companies that […]

A path to redemption paved with inspiration is most rewarding. For Antong Lucky, inspiring others and sharing wisdom from his many trials and tribulations is his passion and his life's mission. Former founder and leader of the Dallas 415 Bloods Gang, Lucky's journey in and out of the U.S. prison system, as well as […]

A path to redemption paved with inspiration is most rewarding. For Antong Lucky, inspiring others and sharing wisdom from his many trials and tribulations is his passion and his life's mission. Former founder and leader of the Dallas 415 Bloods Gang, Lucky's journey in and out of the U.S. prison system, as well as […]

When introducing Erica Molett, it can be hard to know where to begin. She has founded and is currently the CEO of three different organizations: Kandake Tech, Beyond the Ball, and Expansion Solutions Consulting. While that might be a lot for some people, she isn't stopping there. "There are innovations that are being birthed out […]

A lot of planning goes into the flowers people buy in stores. According to Jeff Yanes, President of Operations for Pure Beauty Farms, it takes a year and a half. Yanes joined host Adam Morrisey for a conversation on the intriguing world of the flower industry and a brand-new social venture he's launched in Miami, […]

Getting the chance to hear the inside scoop on how a bestselling author works and what they think of their work is an amazing experience. In this case, Daniel Pink, author of five New York Times bestsellers delivers a podcast to remember. New and loyal fans alike will enjoy hearing what Pink thinks of his […]

Fawn Bergen's work spans industries, but the root of her values stems from her childhood. She attributes her passion to "my mother, who instilled in us from a really young age to appreciate what nature does and to really take care of it," said Bergen, Corporate Sustainability Manager for Intel. She's been a part of […]

Some news sources say the "great resignation" is waning, with some quitters experiencing regret. Others cite the resignation as still intense, reporting trends like ‘quiet quitting.’ What is certain is that employees have changed over the pandemic. Companies have to shift with expectations. Traditional incentives of wages and benefits aren't enough. Before the "Great […]

A perfect storm hit the paper market leading to worldwide shortages. Sky-high prices and procurement challenges, coupled with long-lead times for supplies, pose myriad issues. How can printers rise to the occasion? Unlocking Potential's Tyler Kern reached out to some experts for advice. Thomas Torp, CEO of Grakom, Jonathan Fore, Commercial Lead, AMS, Spectral UV, […]

The textile industry's history is tainted with a reputation of environmental pollution and waste. But as the industry moves towards a more sustainable future, Baldwin Technology champions that cause with solutions that can make sustainability a reality. Baldwin assists textile manufacturers, brands, and retailers in reaching their sustainability goals and enabling them to be responsible […]

Printers and manufacturers worldwide use automatic cleaning systems to optimize productivity, worker safety and quality while decreasing their impact on the environment's cleaning process. The innovations in cleaning technology and the consumables used in the process deliver ever-advancing value and advantages in these competitive environments. Baldwin Technology brings more than 30 years of experience […]

Printers and manufacturers worldwide use automatic cleaning systems to optimize productivity, worker safety and quality while decreasing their impact on the environment's cleaning process. The innovations in cleaning technology and the consumables used in the process deliver ever-advancing value and advantages in these competitive environments. Baldwin Technology brings more than 30 years of experience […]

John Cusack, Business Development Manager for Defect Detection Systems at Baldwin Vision Systems, talked about the future of 100% inspection in the printing industry. Cusack's involvement in the inspection world dates back 20 years. With 100% inspection technology commonplace in today's printing industry, the question on host Tyler Kern's mind was if this technology had […]

Corrugated production is in high demand. As operators look to become more productive and efficient, they need new solutions. Discussing the industry and innovation, Unlocking Potential featured Baldwin Technology sales leaders Lee Simmons and Myles Le-Monte Shepherd. Simmons said that long-lasting partnerships with customers are the source of much innovation. "We want to make the press operator's […]

AMS Spectral UV, a Baldwin Technology Company, manufactures high-power and versatile LED-UV, UV, and IR systems. Many industries use these systems to cure or dry inks, coatings, finishes, treatments, adhesives, and polymers. AMS Spectral UV's, Michael Derrick, Director of Operations, and Hans Ulland, Executive Vice President, AMS Spectral UV, provided their insights on the latest […]

AMS Spectral UV, a Baldwin Technology Company, manufactures high-power and versatile LED-UV, UV, and IR systems. Many industries use these systems to cure or dry inks, coatings, finishes, treatments, adhesives, and polymers. AMS Spectral UV's, Michael Derrick, Director of Operations, and Hans Ulland, Executive Vice President, AMS Spectral UV, provided their insights on the latest […]

Security printing is becoming increasingly state-of-the-art with new techniques and technologies – but so, too, is counterfeiting. Because of those and other challenges, security printers must constantly stay on top of the latest to make sure they’re serving their customers and making the printing process airtight. That's not necessarily a bad thing, said Gerry Stanford, […]

SandenVendo America's Regional Business Manager Scott Winters and President and CEO Mike Weisser, join Tyler Kern to chat about many challenges vending operators face and how to overcome them.

Mike Weisser, President and CEO of SandenVendo America, understands the GFV-9 front-loading vendor's importance as a mainstay in the foodservice industry. Since the inception of the glass front vending machine in 1972, technology continues to innovate and change the way people interact with self-service food and beverage devices. SandenVendo's GFV-9, likewise, carries on this tradition […]

Touchless technology for vending machines isn't new, but it's possible you’ll be seeing it for the first time soon at a vending machine near you. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to think about surfaces that needed to be frequently cleaned. Vending machines can be those surfaces, but as Vagabond CMO Juan Jorquera noted, […]

The KuraBan refrigerated food storage unit may look like a typical commercial freezer, but looks can be deceiving. Robert Sparks, product engineer at SandenVendo America, and Mike Weisser, President, and CEO of SandenVendo America, unwrapped this latest product innovation for host Tyler Kern. "The KuraBan technology deploys non-thermal electric field energy," Weisser said. "It […]

The KuraBan refrigerated food storage unit may look like a typical commercial freezer, but looks can be deceiving. Robert Sparks, product engineer at SandenVendo America, and Mike Weisser, President, and CEO of SandenVendo America, unwrapped this latest product innovation for host Tyler Kern. "The KuraBan technology deploys non-thermal electric field energy," Weisser said. "It […]

Internet-connected devices have changed almost every industry, but their influence has been slow to reach vending and foodservice. That's changing now, with the vending industry deploying many IoT devices and changing the future of vending forever. "I look at it as the connection between man and machine and what we do with it to […]

As the pandemic struck the United States, one of the first industries to feel its wrath was the foodservice industry. The majority of foodservice workers are out of work today due to the effect of SARS-CoV-2, more commonly known as COVID-19. Mike Weisser, President and Chief Executive Officer at SandenVendo America, and Bruce Bickford, […]

From the first dispensers in ancient Rome to today's cashless machines offering everything from candy to salads, the vending machine's evolution is a fascinating journey. Mike Weisser, President and Chief Executive Officer at SandenVendo America, spoke about vending's past, present and future. In the past 25 years, Weisser's seen some significant transitions in the […]

From the first dispensers in ancient Rome to today's cashless machines offering everything from candy to salads, the vending machine's evolution is a fascinating journey. Mike Weisser, President and Chief Executive Officer at SandenVendo America, spoke about vending's past, present and future. In the past 25 years, Weisser's seen some significant transitions in the […]

Everyone has purchased a soda from a vending machine to quench their thirst, but where did they originate? And how does this convenient staple stay relevant? President and CEO of SandenVendo, Mike Weisser and VP of Operations David Button join host Tyler Kern to talk about the 80-plus-year history of the company and how […]

Mike Weisser, President and CEO of SandenVendo America, and Joseph Lavook, Director of Sales & Marketing for SandenVendo America, came into the studio for this episode of SandenVendo's Unwrapped: A Food Service Podcast. They spoke with host Tyler Kern on the evolution of the convenience store, some of the new products introduced to serve […]

This episode of the Value Chronicles was all about partnerships and making an excellent agent to cement relationships and deliver world-class service. Two long-time partners of Cla-Val joined host Tyler Kern to tackle this vital topic. Raeann Velasquez, Chief Executive Officer and Outside Sales Manager for Cimco-GC Systems, and Robb White, Regional Sales Manager at […]

"The other thing I think is really nice is the monthly report you can get sent to you in email format," Neumann said. "When you have a bunch of different job duties, it is important to get that reminder." The app Link2Valves helps to make faster, more intelligent decisions on water system infrastructure. It has […]

Robb White, Regional Sales Manager at ESI Fab Systems, broke down the aging infrastructure of control valve vaults in the United States and detailed the process of fixing the issue. White said the problem is widespread across the United States from coast to coast. "These control valve vaults are underground; they’re in concrete structures," White […]

For any parts in a mechanical process, preventative maintenance is critical for a longer, useful life. That's true for valves in water systems. On Valve Chronicles, host Tyler Kern spoke with Jake Corzine, Western Regional Manager, Cla-Val, and Randy Harris, EMT Superintendent, California Water, about the subject. Harris’ role with Cal Water is to manage a […]

For any parts in a mechanical process, preventative maintenance is critical for a longer, useful life. That's true for valves in water systems. On Valve Chronicles, host Tyler Kern spoke with Jake Corzine, Western Regional Manager, Cla-Val, and Randy Harris, EMT Superintendent, California Water, about the subject. Harris’ role with Cal Water is to manage a […]

On this episode of The Valve Chronicles, a podcast from Cla-Val, host Tyler Kern and Cla-Val's Kyle Chism dove into perhaps the ultimate example of solutions that are often invisible, but always essential – fire protection products. Chism serves as Cla-Val's Fire Products Manager and, over nearly a decade at the company, he's become intimately […]

For the final episode of The Valve Chronicles’ look at the differences in aircraft fueling operations between the U.S. and Europe, Cla-Val's Tom Boriack, Global Market Manager for Fueling, and Richard Hooton, Market Manager, Aviation & Ground Fueling, EMEA for Cla-Val Europe, put on their forward-thinking caps. What does tomorrow look like for aircraft fueling […]

On this episode of The Valve Chronicles’ look at the differences in aircraft fueling operations between the US and Europe, Cla-Val's Tom Boriack, Global Market Manager for Fueling, and Richard Hooton, Market Manager, Aviation & Ground Fueling, EMEA for Cla-Val Europe, joined host Tyler Kern for a discussion on the origins of vehicle design and […]

On this episode of The Valve Chronicles’ look at the differences in aircraft fueling operations between the US and Europe, Cla-Val's Tom Boriack, Global Market Manager for Fueling, and Richard Hooton, Market Manager, Aviation & Ground Fueling, EMEA for Cla-Val Europe, joined host Tyler Kern for a discussion on the origins of vehicle design and […]

For this third episode in The Valve Chronicles’ look at the differences in aircraft fueling operations between the United States and Europe, the subject was pressure control and the differences in guidelines between the two geographies. As always, to duke it out, Cla-Val's Tom Boriack, Global Market Manager for Fueling, and Richard Hooton, Market […]

Cla-Val's Tom Boriack, Global Market Manager for Fueling, and Richard Hooton, Market Manager of Aviation & Ground Fueling for EMEA with Cla-Val Europe, returned to the Valve Chronicles for this second installment on a series about the differences in aircraft fueling operations between the United States and Europe. One key difference between the two nations […]

George Aguilar, Training Manager at Cla-Val, provided some exciting news for industries looking for Cla-Val valve training. CVU (Cla-Val University) is back. The pandemic may have halted in-person training sessions for the time being, but CVU is now running online training sessions through Zoom. "We’re providing online courses for operators and end users on our […]

Modular buildings have many applications. They can be an excellent temporary solution, including for school districts. Mark Meyers, General Manager of Marketing Services for Vanguard, shared insights from his many years of modular experience on how schools can use portable classrooms. Why do school districts need these solutions? "There are four primary reasons," Meyers said. […]

A potential Vanguard Modular customer may know they need a modular building but not what the process will entail. When Vanguard constructs a modular building, it runs through these steps in the construction process: design and engineering, permitting, manufacturing, delivery, set, seam and utility connections, power up and turn on water, installation of decks, steps, […]

Cooperative purchasing provides seamless purchasing and consistency for the relationship between Vanguard Modular Building Systems and its customers. Chris Brown, an Area Sales Manager at Vanguard, popped by Build Modular to discuss this solution for financing modular projects. "Cooperative purchasing is a procurement system," Brown said. "It's where a lead agency advertises for bids, awards […]

A lack of information about today's modular buildings can lead to a lot of confusion, misconceptions and missed opportunities regarding a sustainable, cost-effective solution. Vanguard Modular's Senior Vice President of Marketing Services, Mark Meyers, joined the Built Modular podcast to dispel myths and provide answers that people should know when it comes to modular construction. […]

A lack of information about today's modular buildings can lead to a lot of confusion, misconceptions and missed opportunities regarding a sustainable, cost-effective solution. Vanguard Modular's Senior Vice President of Marketing Services, Mark Meyers, joined the Built Modular podcast to dispel myths and provide answers that people should know when it comes to modular construction. […]

An August 2019 report from the commercial construction index showed the modular construction industry doubling its growth over the past five years. Now an $8-billion industry, modular construction is experiencing even more growth with the onset of the pandemic, with the need for health centers to build quick and efficient solutions for emergency treatment facilities […]

The saying, "one size does not fit all" certainly applies to today's school classroom needs, where many factors go into consideration in designing the building. Flexibility, affordability, and ease of construction make modular buildings a perfect fit for schools looking to expand capabilities or just trying to get the ideal classroom size that meets […]

Peter Eberle, President & CEO, Vanguard Modular Building Systems, kicked off the first Built Modular episode with his take on the flexible and affordable solutions modular construction brings to temporary and permanent building projects. The nature of prefabricated, modular construction allows for factory assembly without dealing with nature's elements. This process allows development to happen […]

Peter Eberle, President & CEO, Vanguard Modular Building Systems, kicked off the first Built Modular episode with his take on the flexible and affordable solutions modular construction brings to temporary and permanent building projects. The nature of prefabricated, modular construction allows for factory assembly without dealing with nature's elements. This process allows development to happen […]

Empty shelves at the grocery store – what is the solution? Vecna Robotics is a technology company that is using robotics and artificial intelligence to solve material handling and logistics problems. We talk with Vecna Robotics’ CTO, Zac Dydek, about how humans and robots work together, what the future of automated material handling looks like, […]

See Vecna Robotics’ material-handling robots in action, and hear from the people who work alongside them every day. Find out how material-handling robots can provide key adaptability and reliable performance in a dynamic setting. To learn more, go to vecnarobotics.com

The Autonomous Counterbalanced Fork Truck is a highly versatile, safe, intelligent and integrated pallet-handling solution. This next-generation AMR offers vertical lift of up to 72"to move a wider range of payloads and pallet types, lift inventory to and from equipment, and seamlessly work alongside other materials handling vehicles and human workers improving productivity in dynamic […]

See how Milton Cat uses Vecna Robotics’ self-driving pallet jack to transport pallets across their facility.

See how Milton Cat uses Vecna Robotics’ self-driving pallet jack to transport pallets across their facility.

On December 9th, 2020 Vecna Robotics unveiled the fully Autonomous Counterbalanced Fork Truck to the world in a live virtual product launch. See the recording here that includes the Q&A from the live audience, then learn more about this self-driving vehicle on our page

Our experts explain why the retail industry runs on pallets… and pallet-moving robots! Find out why autonomous mobile robots are an essential part of building the e-commerce and omnichannel strategies of the future.

Vecna Robotics’ AMRs are the fastest pallet handling robots in the industry, topping out at 3 m/s. Combined with Vecna Robotics’ advanced pallet handling and Free Space Navigation technology, these robots are smarter and more nimble than any other before.

Vecna Robotics’ AMRs are the fastest pallet handling robots in the industry, topping out at 3 m/s. Combined with Vecna Robotics’ advanced pallet handling and Free Space Navigation technology, these robots are smarter and more nimble than any other before.

Warehouse automation capabilities are changing the way facilities operate. Using robotics allows for smarter workflows and the ability to position human resources in more high-level work. Repetitive and manual tasks are the ideal starting points for automation. The use of autonomous fork trucks continues to gain momentum. Now, Vecna Robotics, a developer of autonomous mobile […]

Verizon One Talk is a mobile-first business phone system designed for how people work today—call, collaborate, and connect on the go. This SMB-focused business feature-rich solution includes robust call forwarding, voicemail-to-email, and simultaneous ring. All of these features come built into Verizon's wireless core network. Verizon's Diana Guerrero, Solutions Architect Manager and Derek Peabody, Sr. […]

With the COVID-19 Pandemic, many companies moved online. Vidir and the broader world are seeing a lot of changes in the retail industry. The demand for automation and new technology is forcing retail outlets to change how they do business. Mario Fontes, Director of Sales and Marketing for Vidir Solutions, "a leading manufacturer and […]

As companies begin adjusting their facilities and day-to-day operations for a post-pandemic world, many of them deal with the challenges of ramping up production and fulfillment efficiently and safely. Many don't have the luxury of expanding their current facility to meet their needs, explained Robin Chestnut, a member of Vidir's sales team. "They need to […]

How did a family company making storage solutions out of necessity grow to become a trusted leader in vertical storage and inventory management solutions? For answers, Vertical with Vidir went straight to the source. Ernest Rempel, CEO, and Peter Dueck, Co-Owner of Vidir, spoke about its evolution and growth during the past 35 years. Dueck's […]

A state-of-the-art vertical lift machine requires state-of-the-art engineers. Vidir has both. Meet two key members of the Vidir engineering team – Dimitri Caldeira, Director of Engineering, and Brady Palsson, Electrical Technologist. They stopped by Vertical with Vidir to give their insights on today's vertical lift machines, the latest trends, and what they’ve engineered for Vidir […]

A state-of-the-art vertical lift machine requires state-of-the-art engineers. Vidir has both. Meet two key members of the Vidir engineering team – Dimitri Caldeira, Director of Engineering, and Brady Palsson, Electrical Technologist. They stopped by Vertical with Vidir to give their insights on today's vertical lift machines, the latest trends, and what they’ve engineered for Vidir […]

When Vidir Vertical Storage Solutions planned to release a new vertical lift module (VLM) into the marketplace, they knew they wanted someone with VLM experience to help them make their latest solution a success. Enter Tim Harrison. Harrison, a VLM Industry veteran since 2005, knows all of the ins and outs that make VLMs a […]

In this episode of Video Vices, Tyler Kern speaks with two global experts in the AV industry regarding security issues when utilizing AV over IP. Combined Mohamed Malis, Senior AV Project Manager of TAD (Technology, Architecture, Design) Associates, and Matt Boyer, CTO of Vistacom have over 48 years of experience in the audiovisual industry. Malis […]

Sara Krybus, Sales Operations Manager, Contemporary Research, and Paul Briggs, AV Product Support Manager, Contemporary Research joined host Tyler Kern on this episode of the Video Vices podcast to remind businesses of the importance of their system's emergency alert capabilities. "Whether a venue has two or 200,000 people, it is important that venues are […]

On this podcast episode of Video Vices with Contemporary Research, Corey Dunn, Chief Creative Officer of Esports Stadium in Arlington, spoke with Tyler Kern about his personal journey from gaming fan, to eSports announcer, to Chief Creative Officer. Esports Stadium Arlington opened in November of 2018 and is the largest dedicated esports facility in […]

We’ve all had that panic moment when an expensive electronic device such as our phone, AirPods, or wireless speaker goes tumbling into the water, and we realize it's probably ruined forever. Salt Lake City-based HZO hopes to cure that panic, not just for consumers but commercial technology users, with its solution for water-vulnerable devices: […]

We’ve all had that panic moment when an expensive electronic device such as our phone, AirPods, or wireless speaker goes tumbling into the water, and we realize it's probably ruined forever. Salt Lake City-based HZO hopes to cure that panic, not just for consumers but commercial technology users, with its solution for water-vulnerable devices: […]

Content is king, and that's no more apparent than in today's media-driven economy. Businesses across all kinds of industries are looking for reliable ways to circulate media across multiple visual displays, be it while you’re pumping gas, watching a sports event at a bar, or attending a live concert at an arena. This kind […]

A week out from InfoComm 2019 in Orlando, we decided to focus this episode of Video Vices on thoughts, trends and predictions around the biggest Pro AV show of the year. We sat down with Christy Ricketts, vice president of operations and marketing at Contemporary Research, who attended the event for her seventh year. […]

Any thriving business must rely heavily on fast internet speeds and sufficient bandwidth. Without these critical resources, your business may be bogged down, costing you time and productivity. So, how can you determine the right amount of bandwidth for your business? It's a tricky balance ensuring you have adequate supply without paying for too much. […]

Any thriving business must rely heavily on fast internet speeds and sufficient bandwidth. Without these critical resources, your business may be bogged down, costing you time and productivity. So, how can you determine the right amount of bandwidth for your business? It's a tricky balance ensuring you have adequate supply without paying for too much. […]

The Pro AV industry has reached a critical point. The core professionals running the industry are aging out. Many are retired or close to retiring. So how does the industry attract more early professionals to join the ranks? John Thomas, the Regional Manager for Visitec Marketing Associates, and Kelly Perkins, Program Director for NSCA Education Foundation, join […]

Like many industries, Pro AV revolves around some of the biggest trade shows the world has to offer. CES rocked Las Vegas in January, ISE showcased international advances in February, and in June, InfoComm returns stronger than ever. Per usual, AVIXA will host its Women's Networking Breakfast during the show, an event centered around […]

With the emergence and pervasiveness of video content being key to AV industry, it's no surprise businesses know that in order to meet this demand, they need to find the right distribution system to meet their needs. As Director of Sales at Shoreline Communications, Craig Brown is deeply familiar with these video delivery systems, as […]

The rise in opioid use in the United States has an unpleasant residual effect; an increase in pregnant women suffering from an opioid use disorder. Subsequently, there is a need to treat an increasing number of infants with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS). This condition can lead to devastating effects for the infant, including severe […]

The last three years have seen a dramatic rise in opioid-related deaths. In 2018, there were 42,000 deaths related to opioids. That number rose 57% to 73,757 in the year-long period between April 2020 and April 2022. One of the primary reasons many keep using opioids is fear of withdrawal. In the first episode of […]

A teacher's job can be a hard one, and that is especially true when the tools at their disposal are not improving the classroom. The struggle of keeping students engaged and having them actually learn something is on-going, but various solutions exist. And one non-profit—Modern Classrooms Project—has found a unique solution to improving the work […]

It's all hands on the education deck these days. The pandemic may be over, but the needs of students have never been more necessary than they are today. That's why e- learning is vital in bridging gaps from student mental health to education equity and utilizing AV technology to enhance the teaching experience. This […]

All tutoring is not created equal—that doesn't mean all tutoring is bad, different needs work for different people. Yet, even so, there is one tutoring method that seems to help kids tenfold: high dosage. So how does this tutoring method have an upperhand over other methods, and how is our current educational landscape in […]

To better understand what higher ed's best practices will look like in 2023, tracking the prominent trends in the space is essential. The leading trend in higher education is technology. Technology advancements will lead to best practices throughout the year, from mobile access to courses and course content to augmenting education through personalization. JW […]

To better understand what higher ed's best practices will look like in 2023, tracking the prominent trends in the space is essential. The leading trend in higher education is technology. Technology advancements will lead to best practices throughout the year, from mobile access to courses and course content to augmenting education through personalization. JW […]

Education equity. It seems like a no-brainer. Every child deserves the right to a high-quality education and students need advocates. Yet, at the outset, beginning with early childhood education and care (ECEC), disadvantaged children are less likely than their more advantaged peers to participate in ECEC programs. If these children start their early education […]

Voices of eLearning is back with a new season of educational insights in the digital age. This third season promises new topics, new guests, and a revisiting of a few areas still making headlines in education today. Teacher shortages haven't ceased, and education is continually adjusting to life after the pandemic. "We have to […]

Before and amid the pandemic, people's interest grew in online courses and alternative credentials. COVID played a large role in changing the way people view education and earning a degree. Life is busy for everyone and it is hard to find the time to further your education when you are working a 9-5, taking […]

Before and amid the pandemic, people's interest grew in online courses and alternative credentials. COVID played a large role in changing the way people view education and earning a degree. Life is busy for everyone and it is hard to find the time to further your education when you are working a 9-5, taking […]

Most teachers work 40 hours per week, right? Actually, it's more like 54 hours per week these days, says EdWeek. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave much room outside of the classroom for professional development and training. What is being done to help teachers better themselves and become the best possible educators they can with such […]

About 17 percent of teachers leave the field in their first five years, according to a federal study from the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics, says EdSource. In a world where job changes are commonplace, that may not come as a surprise. But where are these teachers headed and how […]

EdTech existed before COVID, but COVID really brought the rise of EdTech to the forefront of classrooms to help learners across environments. It seems the increased use of EdTech may be here to stay. According to EducationWeek, 58 percent of teachers in the U.S. reported they developed a more positive opinion of EdTech after […]

In this installment of The Volta Minute, we hear from George Galea, Vice President of Field Services for Volta Insite, as he emphasizes the crucial role of comprehensive power usage monitoring and diagnostics. George shares a customer call incident involving an EFD malfunction, underscoring the importance of effectively addressing power issues from the beginning. […]

Managing power quality analytics is crucial for any industry in today's fast-paced business landscape. Volta Insite, the cutting-edge real-time power quality analyzer, is revolutionizing the way businesses assess their energy usage and address potential issues. On this clip of "The Volta Minute" George Galea discusses the capabilities and benefits of Volta Insite. George Galea […]

Research and development, or R&D, is important for the growth of any company. It helps companies investigate their best business strategies, and where they can improve to make better products, services, and of course, more profits. Many organizations have a designated R&D team and for technology companies such as Volta Energy, this department is essential […]

On today's episode of the Volta Knowledge podcast, host Tyler Kern chats with Gursaran Singh, the VP of Energy Alliances with Volta Energy, about the upcoming UN global compact and how their decisions will impact and inform Volta's ESG stance. The global temperature is rising at an unprecedented rate. As such, discussions on the issue of climate change are held […]

On today's episode of the Volta Knowledge podcast, host Tyler Kern chats with Gursaran Singh, the VP of Energy Alliances with Volta Energy, about the upcoming UN global compact and how their decisions will impact and inform Volta's ESG stance. The global temperature is rising at an unprecedented rate. As such, discussions on the issue of climate change are held […]

Driving Technology Solutions for a more sustainable future doesn't happen in a bubble. Commercial HVAC Service providers like Service Logic rely on close relationships to improve what they do and vice versa. One partnership Service Logic values is the one they have with Volta Energy. Volta Knowledge host Tyler Kern wanted to learn more […]

Every great company has an origin story. Denis Kouroussis, Founder & CEO of Volta Insite, joined Tyler Kern to talk about the factors that led to the creation of Volta energy. But first, Kern wanted to learn a bit of Kouroussis’ personal origin story. Kouroussis describes himself as a tech geek from birth. He also […]

A mechanical crisis is never something a business wants to deal with, yet it is probably something all businesses have experienced. George Galea, Vice President of Field Services for Volta Insite, joined Host Tyler Kern to discuss how automated monitoring of motors can alleviate the frantic rush for mechanical repairs. Now more than ever, predictive […]

A mechanical crisis is never something a business wants to deal with, yet it is probably something all businesses have experienced. George Galea, Vice President of Field Services for Volta Insite, joined Host Tyler Kern to discuss how automated monitoring of motors can alleviate the frantic rush for mechanical repairs. Now more than ever, predictive […]

Darcy Tangedal, a Reliability Specialist at Volta Insite, stopped by Volta Knowledge to provide insights on electric submersible pumps. Tangedal said one of the main challenges with electric submersible pumps (ESPs) is that they don't last long. "They operate somewhere between 450-800 degrees, and it's a half a million dollars per install," Tangedal said. "The […]

In this video conversation with the Host of Pro AV Today, Ben Thomas, sits down with Anna Kozel, Vice President of Marketing at VuWall, to uncover the latest developments and trends in the Pro AV industry. From game-changing products to innovative demo centers, this conversation provides valuable insights into the direction the industry is […]

The CEO and Founder of VuWall, Paul Vander Plaetse, sits down with the Host of Pro AV Today, Ben Thomas to discuss the evolution of technology that allows for constant improvements in signal distribution and throughput, such as the move from 1G to 10G networks. The evolution in IT and signal distribution technologies has led […]

Cycles of concentration, or often stated as just cycles, is a core concept when controlling boiler or cooling tower water systems. Running cycles too high can lead scale and corrosion. Running cycles too low can lead to wasted water. But what is really meant by the phrase "cycles of concentration?" Basically, it is telling […]

HVAC systems work tirelessly to heat, cool, and clean the air we breathe. But too often, critical components fail to receive regular maintenance, and the consequences are costly. Over time, condenser, evaporator, and air handler coils accumulate dirt, grease, and bacteria from the air and environment. Without proper cleaning, this buildup compromises efficiency and […]

When it comes to air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration, energy consumption for industrial chillers is at an all time high. Typically chillers can account for over 50% of the electricity used in a single facility. It goes without saying, that an inefficient chiller can be catastrophically wasteful and economically costly to a business, which […]

Outbreaks of disease are always an intriguing and worrying topic with the public, and the widespread news of some very high profile cases regarding water treatment, both in New York City and Flint, Michigan, have left people concerned about water treatment, Legionnaires disease and the need for stricter laws and better practices concerning water […]

Outbreaks of disease are always an intriguing and worrying topic with the public, and the widespread news of some very high profile cases regarding water treatment, both in New York City and Flint, Michigan, have left people concerned about water treatment, Legionnaires disease and the need for stricter laws and better practices concerning water […]

Today's Building Management podcast explores an interesting cause and effect within the industry. In the last several years, the push for more green water conservation initiatives has created an unexpected issue in home and building water supplies. With conservative toilet flushes, low-flow shower heads, and automatic sinks, water is left sitting in piping for […]

Imagine a building undergoing renovations, needing to shut off some water pipes and therefore leading to a dead leg of piping. Now imagine, once the renovations are completed, that water is flushed right back into the system. You may have just put a pathogen in your entire building's water supply. When it comes to […]

As broadband infrastructure sees increased attention and widespread changes thanks to the $65 million infrastructure bill, which aims to increase broadband access through programs such as the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program and the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), how these programs are being implemented throughout country is important to follow. As internet service […]

Broadband infrastructure is an integral part of society as it ensures that access to networks is possible, and that necessary cables are available to provide high-quality connectivity. Broadband was given priority when the Biden administration introduced a bill in 2021 to address and solve broadband connectivity issues, particularly in rural and disadvantaged areas. The two […]

Analyzing customer support, experience, technology, and processes at Amphenol Broadband Improving operations, identifying issues and find new solutions and better experiences for customers. Pre-pandemic, the system was manual and once the pandemic hit there was a real disconnect with people working from home. Smooth and effective customer service is critical to the success of nearly […]

In Part II of this exciting chat through the trends and digital transformation taking shape to build industry 4.0, host Daniel J. Litwin continues the conversation with CEO of TribalScale, Sheetal Jaitly. As discussed in Part I, there are evolutions occurring to the foundations of technologies which help move the entire industry into digital landscape […]

In Part II of this exciting chat through the trends and digital transformation taking shape to build industry 4.0, host Daniel J. Litwin continues the conversation with CEO of TribalScale, Sheetal Jaitly. As discussed in Part I, there are evolutions occurring to the foundations of technologies which help move the entire industry into digital landscape […]

As new iterations of the digital environment come into play, it's imperative to know and understand the trends helping to shape them. Host Daniel J. Litwin invited Sheetal Jaitly, CEO of TribalScale, to the show to talk about the trends shaping industry 4.0 and the future of telecommunications. Edge computing and 5G are two […]

The availability of broadband in rural areas remains a big area of concern. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has seemingly addressed the issue by providing funding through RDOF, or the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, but the initiative isn't exactly foolproof. In this new episode of Wavelengths, an Amphenol Broadband podcast, host Daniel Litwin chatted with […]

Discussion about the current and future state of the global supply chain is a hot topic right now. Barry Holt, VP of Global Cable Operations for Amphenol Broadband sits down with host Daniel Litwin to discuss the short- and long-term effects plaguing the global supply chain and tips on how to overcome them. International events […]

Discussion about the current and future state of the global supply chain is a hot topic right now. Barry Holt, VP of Global Cable Operations for Amphenol Broadband sits down with host Daniel Litwin to discuss the short- and long-term effects plaguing the global supply chain and tips on how to overcome them. International events […]

Connectivity is key. Delays are not. Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, discussed major supply chain issues in the global economy and how they are creating broadband issues throughout the United States with Barry Holt, VP of Global Cable Operations at Amphenol Broadband Solutions. "We’re a global presence…the 25% tariff on a lot of the […]

RDOF, the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, is a critical piece of federal funding for broadband initiatives. RDOF already allocated round one of funding. Still, as round two gets underway, Wavelengths asked Tyler Cooper, Editor in Chief of BroadbandNow, to provide an eagle-eye view on RDOFs past and present to form some actionable strategies for the […]

Improving broadband access is a major initiative in the U.S. Last year's infrastructure bill included substantial dollars to make it more accessible. Bill Price, the Vice President of Government Solutions for LightBox, joined Wavelengths host Daniel Litwin to discuss access and funding. Price, a broadband mapping architect, managed the development of one of the most […]

Amber Pizano reveals her secrets for personal branding and leadership success on the ACHNET platform.

The saturation of data in various areas of life and functionality has led to an interest in exploring different types of data management. Government agencies, along with their goal to be more transparent, have further put a demand on the handling of all of this data. As a result, incorporating newer and improved technology is […]

The Provider Relief Fund (PRF) created a necessary cash infusion for healthcare providers during the pandemic. The pandemic required unprecedented government action to the tune of more than $19 billion distributed through the program. Now that the storm of Covid is behind us, the true story of PRF is around its success compared to mandated […]

For businesses, tax season can be especially stressful, given the weight of information to prepare and consider, along with various changes coming from the IRS. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 amended Code Section 174, whereby requiring companies to capitalize and amortize costs for their R&D expenses starting in the 2022 tax year. […]

"These are public funds and we have an obligation to not just be good stewards, but the best stewards we can. This is why adding a strong process to ensure you’re getting the best value is important." – Porter Wilson, Executive Director, Texas Employees Retirement System The Employee Retirement System of Texas is one of […]

"These are public funds and we have an obligation to not just be good stewards, but the best stewards we can. This is why adding a strong process to ensure you’re getting the best value is important." – Porter Wilson, Executive Director, Texas Employees Retirement System The Employee Retirement System of Texas is one of […]

An organization's intellectual property, trade secrets, and any proprietary information that requires protection are considered crown jewel data. Managing this data can be as crucial to the organization as the data itself. Trip Hillman, Director of Cybersecurity Services at Weaver, and Hunter Sundbeck, a Privacy Lead for IT Advisory Services at Weaver, checked in with […]

Jennifer Ripka, CPA, Partner at Weaver, and Jackie Gonzales, CPA, Partner at Weaver, discuss single audits and the challenges many government entities face with the influx of federal financial assistance over the last two years. Adam Jones, Stage Government Practice Leader at Weaver, points out, "There's never been a year quite like the last couple […]

In this episode of Location Cubed, host Rob Nowak, a Tax Partner with Weaver, sat down with Howard Altshuler, Weaver's Partner-in-Charge of Real Estate Services. The two discussed the impact of the supply chain on the recent spike in residential home prices. Pre-covid, everything was moving along fairly smoothly for the supply chain; however, COVID-19 […]

In this episode of Location Cubed, host Rob Nowak, a Tax Partner with Weaver, sat down with Howard Altshuler, Weaver's Partner-in-Charge of Real Estate Services. The two discussed the impact of the supply chain on the recent spike in residential home prices. Pre-covid, everything was moving along fairly smoothly for the supply chain; however, COVID-19 […]

Shehan Chandrasekera, Head of Tax Strategy at CoinTracker, is a subject matter expert in cryptocurrency taxation. Like many who first experience crypto, Chandrasekera saw the potential of cryptoassets, but realized transacting and investing in these assets presented an enormous administrative burden. With few professionals and CPAs skilled in the industry, Shehan set out to build […]

For this discussion on motor fuels taxation issues, Beyond the Numbers sits with two of Weaver's industry leaders, Emilda Santiesteban and Leanne Sobel, J.D., both Directors of Motor Fuels and Excise Tax Services. They join host, Tyler Kern, to explore motor fuel taxation dynamics and offer their insights on a constitutional challenge to the federal […]

David Kerr, Principal at Cowrie, has ten years of experience in tax strategy, financial accounting, anti-money laundering, international tax compliance, and risk consulting across the gaming, telecommunications, technology, and digital asset industries. He is an expert in decentralized autonomous organizations and advises on structuring for legal and tax purposes. DAOs are represented by rules that […]

Power over Ethernet, or PoE, is a powerful solution for running power to multiple devices through an Ethernet port instead of an electrical outlet. To familiarize end users with the basics to maximize their PoE, "What About Power Over Ethernet" brought in the big guns. Jim Toepper, Director of Products and Marketing for EtherWan, knows […]

On this episode of the What Just Happened? podcast, host Christine Russo speaks with Warren Tomlin, Managing Partner at EY, on the new alliance his company just made with Shopify. It might seem strange for a company like EY to team with Shopify, but Warren makes a case for it. "It's not about how it […]

The growth of cryptocurrency is a sign of how digitalization is the norm, even as it sees its own transformation. But the popularity of cryptocurrency is why its growth rate is slated to jump with a CAGR of 12.5 percent between now and 2030. However, market watchers can expect to see some shifts as changes […]

With the collapse of the FTX exchange and one of its founders, the concerns surrounding the regulation of cryptocurrency have overtaken talks about its security. Currently, cryptocurrency is "regulated," but the lack of uniformity in its regulation has left much to be desired about its safety, particularly for consumers. But self-regulation may be a solution […]

What does the next generation of B2B want? What does it need? Many believe it's the metaverse. In 2022, more than 75% of U.S. marketers invested in metaverse-related activities. Top retail brands like Gucci and Lego saw the benefits of investing in the metaverse and leaped. 2023 tells a potentially different story. In its 2023 […]

What does the next generation of B2B want? What does it need? Many believe it's the metaverse. In 2022, more than 75% of U.S. marketers invested in metaverse-related activities. Top retail brands like Gucci and Lego saw the benefits of investing in the metaverse and leaped. 2023 tells a potentially different story. In its 2023 […]

Tecsys provides supply chain management solutions to assist businesses in managing their operations in a way that is streamlined and effective. These solutions encompass a range of services, such as warehouse management systems, transportation management systems, order management systems, and supply chain analytics. Their cloud-based platform is both scalable and flexible, catering to businesses of […]

Starting a business from the ground up isn't easy. Luckily, across the world, retail accelerator programs have been igniting a lot of entrepreneur's ideas by providing them with access to investors, funding, and advice, and in return for all the work, a certain percentage of equity in the company. However, there's a catch – the […]

In this episode of What Just Happened, host Christine Russo invites guest Donny Ouyang, CEO of Blackcart, to chat about his company and its try before you buy SaaS solution. The try before you buy software solution is a fairly new concept for the industry. But as retailers like Londre try it on, Ouyang […]

In this episode of What Just Happened, host Christine Russo invites guest Donny Ouyang, CEO of Blackcart, to chat about his company and its try before you buy SaaS solution. The try before you buy software solution is a fairly new concept for the industry. But as retailers like Londre try it on, Ouyang […]

In 2021, overall private-label brand dollar share grew 1% and hit a record $199 billion in all U.S. retail channels. Phillip Russo, Founder of Global Retail Brands Magazine, tracks the trends in the private-label market. He spoke with Christine Russo, the host of What Just Happened, on the factors leading to the growth of […]

What is Industry 4.0? A revolution that has many names, Industry 4.0 is the name of the 21st century technology boom that is creating advanced AI, robotics, and smart, connected devices. But how can industry 4.0 help change the way businesses conduct business? On this episode of "What Just Happened?", host Christine Russo spoke […]

Over 89% of digital businesses are now investing in personalization marketing tactics. An individualized approach is said to hook the consumer, invite more interaction, and help boost sales. But investing in an individualized campaign is costly and it might not be all it's made up to be. How should companies invest in their future […]

Entrepreneurs and innovators crave the "it factor," and businesses and industries desire it more. The secret sauce allows an individual to see the potential in the overlooked, turn a risk into a reward, and innovate where stagnation exists. Determining one's "it factor" might seem as elusive and enigmatic as finding a four-leaf clover, but there […]

"Your personal brand is a promise to your clients…a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability," stated Jason Hartman, a high-profile investor. That seems to hold true not only in business but in morals, athletics, and who someone is as a person. They are the people who are leaving nothing on or off the field. […]

Athletes, especially at higher levels like college or professional, tend to view themselves through the lens of their sport. This can create issues when, after years of associating with their sport, they have to take their identity and transition it to "real life." So, how can high-level performers like athletes build their own brands that […]

At some point in everyone's life, a thought passes through the brain that maybe one day they’ll save someone else's life. For others, that thought becomes so frequent that they take charge of saving lives for a living. Meet Dr. John George, MD, a cardiologist at Methodist Health System, and Dr. Brian Lima, MD, […]

At some point in everyone's life, a thought passes through the brain that maybe one day they’ll save someone else's life. For others, that thought becomes so frequent that they take charge of saving lives for a living. Meet Dr. John George, MD, a cardiologist at Methodist Health System, and Dr. Brian Lima, MD, […]

Business professionals, healthcare providers, and college athletes have all made appearances on #WinTheDay with Wasson to showcase their determination. One guest Chase Wasson hasn't welcomed on the show before is an NFL wide receiver and Olympic Bobsledder, until now. Johnny Quinn is a name people may know. Whether from his days as an NFL […]

Student-athletes make some of the best employees—a little-known trait employers should key into. But what is so special about them? For starters, student-athletes learn life lessons and develop critical skills during their time on a collegiate sports team that give them a leg up on others, like communication and perseverance. But how else have […]

The mentality of looking inwards and never giving up despite facing challenges and hardships is often an attribute shared amongst successful people. Never giving up is one icon's motto — he overcame hardship, made a big bet (figuratively and literally) on himself and like-minded individuals, and came out victorious. Saying all that sounds easy, […]

The mentality of looking inwards and never giving up despite facing challenges and hardships is often an attribute shared amongst successful people. Never giving up is one icon's motto — he overcame hardship, made a big bet (figuratively and literally) on himself and like-minded individuals, and came out victorious. Saying all that sounds easy, […]

The sports broadcasting world is an important aspect of sports. Sportscasting not only provides sports fans with vital information, but also colorful commentary about certain games and events. Today, what initially started out on the radio has grown to become one of the biggest areas of the media industry. While a career in sportscasting can […]

Taking advantage of open opportunities and putting yourself out there might be scary – but often, it's worth it. Willingness to learn in a new environment is not only a critical aspect to being a successful professional, but it is also a valued aspect in the workplace. So, how has one man's journey transpired from […]

When Bills safety Damar Hamlin got injured during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals in January, the world of sports held its breath. Thankfully, Hamlin is on the road to recovery, but his injury served as a reminder of the importance of sports medicine and interventional pain management. One of the most Internationally recognized […]

To meet the needs of the industrial automation and manufacturing industry, Relevant Industrial supplies best-in-class parts, pieces, services, and solutions. Dave Baxter, Vice President of Business Development, Engineered Solutions at Relevant Industrial, spoke with Tyler Kern about Relevant's EPG solutions and capabilities. For Baxter, it all boils down to flexibility. Relevant wants to provide […]

In an era where screens dominate our time, finding your personal identity becomes a challenge. Our generation is shaping itself based on an increasingly virtual world, often losing touch with the inner self. In fact, a recent study suggests that we could end up spending at least ten years of our life in front of […]

Shoptalk Europe 2023 brought the technologies and channels driving the future of retail into a clear perspective. This year's annual event from May 9-11 in Barcelona allowed Retail Refined's Melissa Gonzalez to sit down with key stakeholders making a difference in the market. COS (Collection of Style) is a European fashion brand doing innovative things […]

Within the world of business aviation, accessing the cloud in the clouds, Are We There Yet? To answer this question, Host Grant Harrell looks to SmartSky Networks, an industry-leading organization that has established a next-generation air-to-ground (ATG) network that provides an unmatched connected experience inflight for both cabin and crew. SmartSky Networks’ patented beam-forming […]

Consumers have multiple choices in spending their dollars, and today's consumers invest in companies and brands that align with their values and needs. Buying into Better™ is more than a concept or a trend; it's the way of the present in how consumers channel their purchasing behavior. Brands don't get judged on their quality alone. […]

Inflation continues to be something consumers have to deal with on a very regular basis. In addition, debt is burden that people from all walks of life have to contend with. So, when it comes to both of these issues, how can debt recovery agencies manage collections, their interactions with consumers, and work within new […]

Join ISA Certified Arborist Wesley from TreeNewal as he provides a quick insight into the appearance and impact of bagworms on trees. In this informative video, Wesley showcases an eastern red cedar, which is highly attractive to these pests. Bagworms create camouflaged cocoons using materials from the tree itself, such as berries and foliage. […]

The 2023 Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo attracted over 12,000 visitors, 2,700+ fleet operators, 275+ sponsors, exhibitors and industry partners, 200+ speakers, and featured over 145+ advanced vehicles on display. And, it presented the perfect opportunity to ask leaders in commercial transportation: Advanced clean transportation within commercial transportation, are we there yet? In this episode […]

Catching up with Czinger Vehicles to ask the Are We There Yet? video podcast series question wasn't easy as their 21C model will do 0 -60 in 1.9 seconds, can hit over 250 mph, and now holds records at both Laguna Seca and Circuit of the Americas. And maybe I didn't need to ask them […]

People from all walks of life decide to run for office, but a sizable number are people who have served the country. Per Veteran Affairs, there are 82 veterans currently serving in the U.S. Congress and one more veteran wants to join them. So, who is the next former Marine aiming to represent his district […]